You wake up to this.
What's your first reaction?
You wake up to this.
What's your first reaction?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wrong answer.
i have sex
I would say "I am groot lol" and then we'd both laugh. Establishing rapport with your captors gives you more opportunities to escape.
Please dont take my sperm involuntarily
What was their problem?
I am groot
I last saw this when I was very young but when he was freed and found and back in society with people, losing his mind or whatever (remember him having PTSD flashbacks and hiding under a kitchen table), nobody knew for sure what had happened to him right? But didn't he have fucking black marks on his lower eyelid(s) where the needle went in or whatever? Like he had clear as day weird physical signs of something.
>when you're strapped to a fucking table on a fucking spaceship being tortured by horrific fucking aliens
what movie is this?
Yes. The abduction probably did happen, based on what I've read.
Problem Contact II
are you Groot?
Fire in the Sky
Creepiest abduction scene ever filmed. Nothing comes close.
Oh my God, Harvey Keitel!
Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Implacable curiosity combined with a pitiless indifference to human suffering.
I thought that thing was the tree alien from guardians of the galaxy at first.
Reply to this post or you'll be abducted by one of these tonight.
Not going to risk it.
wonder how my testicle got shaved, grew a face and gained some level of sentience then think nothing of it
Just try and come in my house and take me, faggot
Seems reasonable
*writhes in terror and agony*
i rewatched this scene recently and it seems as they only tortured this guy because he punched their friend. who knows what would have happened if he tried to be friendly
Kys faggot,shit film
>who knows what would have happened if he tried to be friendly
Wasn't there a dead body in one of the chambers? Maybe that guy tried friendly.
There was a mutilated corpse of a human in the one of the cocoons, so i'm guessing they meant business either way.
God I hope ayy lmaos are just a myth. Fucking heartless cunts.
But why did they sent him back home then? Travis I mean.
It could be worse, he didnt have his ribcage opened and operated while he is still conscious.
Inquire about female ayys
Let's see em try
Cum like the falls before it gets the chance to insert an anostimejacutron.
They got what they wanted out of him, whatever that is. They don't seem to be sadistic, just ruthless. It would suck to be dissected by aliens on a spaceship with no way to reach your loved ones again or tell the world what's happened.
my body is ready
You've abducted one human, you've abducted them all
For those curious about UFOs, one of the 20 witnesses of the Broad Haven sighting recently gave a small press conference for the 40th anniversary of the event. There is no doubt in my mind that he saw something.
ayy lmao
i dont think you can do any worse than looking straight at the needle that is going to penetrate your eyeball
Fear pressure
How would Yea Forums do a sequel to FitS? I love all the lore it has established in the abduction scene.
Good question. Maybe a movie from the POV of two people, a man and woman, taken to their home planet to be cloned for breeding stock. The two comfort each other while they undergo genetic alterations to be for breeding, and then try to commit suicide when they realize they'll never escape. Unfortunately, the aliens just revive them, so they're trapped in this hell forever. Kind of a downer but hey.
I am groot
"You are Groot"
god i had nightmares about this scene as a kid that fucking alien head was so creepy
>get to bang a hot chick forever to bring a new race
Sounds good to me
I am Groot
I would start crying, begging for my life before the realization hit that I am completely technologically and mentally outmatched. I would then sink into a blank despair of nothingness and try to phase out of reality
That's what makes them so scary. They know exactly what you're feeling because they're vastly superior to you, and they just...don'
Ur an asshole
>hot chick
>implying you're going to gdt paired up with one
>get abducted by them
>get sent to one of their colony planets for breeding stock
>get to bang a hot black chick to create the perfect alien slave race
Sounds kino to me,anyone else wants to join in? [/spoiler]if dubs they get you Tonight
Nigga fucking astronauts and fighter pilots have all said they've seen things. There's very definitely something out there that's taken an interest in us. They were probably checking us out long before and their curiosity piqued when we hit a developmental milestone (advanced air travel, nuclear power/weapons, space flight)
Thwy need the best genes for the master slabe race,right? Why do ayys abduct white women but not black women?
"It's not going to suck itself."
nahh miss me
Ken Watanabe?! Huge fan!
I don't reply to the "mom will die" posts but I'll reply to this.
oh shit, safe
Fuck you I hate these
please don't
Shit myself in total fear and then try to punch it but fail.
this actually happened to me it was not a fun experience nor was the other uncountable things that have happened in my room at night
To be honest animal sightings are probably what make up 90% of these sightings
>let me go if you want it back
I'd try to have sex with it.
Don't fuck with me like that user.
Aliens are stupid. Literally over a hundred-thousand years of humans inhabiting Earth, and the aliens wait until 1974 near the time of the movie Close Encounter Of The Third Kind, to study humans.
Aliens are very stupid, but less stupid than those that believe alien visitors actually visit Earth.
Aliens want to know all about us humans because we're so interesting...Fuck you dumbshits that think that.
maybe the tasks require some degree of intelligence
user, aliens aren't real. You were molested.
If only it were that simple
They could just come down and ask us some questions.
Ask a human to explain the truth without all of the bullshit? No, that would be a complete waste of time. They'd do better by just watching from afar, and staying away.
Humans kill each other for food, and sneakers. Humans are scum.
that's not the first post, retard
Are u implying that just because your fast food ordrr was messed up in the drive through, that black woman cant be "good" slaves? Id have to agree there
I don't want to be abducted
>UFOs are a recent phenomenon
Fourth post best post, retard
Shut up! I'll kill you!
>it's a painting, so it must be true
>because nobody paints images from dreams of things that never existed
if you haven't been before you never will be.
>but less stupid than those that believe alien visitors actually visit Earth
aliens have been visiting earth for a very long time retard
Ayy lmao
these were painted hundreds of years before surrealism became a thing
time to beat my meat
>aliens have been visiting earth
No. Lies, to entertain you demented shits
Anyone have the webm of the realistic alien cosplay porno?
that's my first reaction
Guess knights must have genocided all the giant snails then
look at this fucking brainlet
>reply or else
nah, I'll see you alien fuckers tonight
Pure abduction kino.
Although not saying much because despite being such a creepy premise most abduction movies suck ass.
quite scary, isn't it? possibility that more intelligent and advanced species than us might be lurking from the close shadows?
or there is no chance in hell there could be anything greater than your faggot ass and humanity is best that this universe has to offer?
Nooooooooo. Putting duct tape on my butthole right now. Also rest in pieces to those anons who see this after thread is archived.
Would you try asking a question from an Animal?
unironically deep
cum and start farting
Nobody is comming, We are all gonna dying in this floating rock in Space
fuck you
The movie was bullshit. They took Travis Walton's story and added their own shit to make it more interesting. The entire "abduction" scene is a fabrication Travis wasn't "tortured", and he wasn't covered in any kind of weird "cloth" or whatever. Now he thinks that he was hit by a bolt of static electricity from the ship, which knocked him the fuck out / killed him, and the aliens simply treated him for his wound that they caused, and released him back to where he could be found again.
pic related: static discharge from a helicopter
This is what happened to Travis. He got too close to the object and accidentally became a ground for the static build up in the craft, which then traveled from the craft, through Travis knocking him the fuck off his feet and out, and then to the ground.
None of the crew, or Travis, knew about static electric build up in flying objects.
t. glowie nigger
Like usual, you have missed the point. Yes, there could advance aliens, but lurking on Earth? No.
Such technology to traverse the Universe or the galaxy would make the purpose of coming to Earth obsolete.
Assuming Earth, or that humans offer something of interest is more of a delusional affliction of humans, to see themselves as worthy of interest.
But since your imagination is rathered limited, I'll have to elaborate, while you remain in complete denial. Let's say humans have been visited, and then aliens would only need a few humans to make clones of, and study, then why continue to visit Earth?
Why? Because "alien visitors" sells books, and ad time, that's why.
That scene horrified me as a kid so bad I couldn't sleep for months afraid that greys would be standing outside my window.
Ayy lmao
>The movie was bullshit.
>They changed parts in an already bullshit story
Maybe just like humans like to collect pokemons they also like to collect DNA samples of creatures inhabiting this place.
Actual Grey Alien abduction accounts tend to all be rather boring. Mainly, they involves some sort of device that extracts semen from you or stealing babies from the womb. In fact the oddest thing about them is their complete lack of interest in things that essential for a biological understanding of a living thing, such as their cardiovascular system.
This is why the common idea among those alien obsessed circles is that the aliens are abducting for the sake of experimenting with hybridization than studying what makes humans tick.
We'll be seeing you.
>just like humans
And that is where you're continuously delusional
>Such technology to traverse the Universe or the galaxy
Requires intelligence, and curiosity is among the most common traits of the intelligent. They come here because they're curious, just like we are, just like every intelligent creature is curious.
It's why we have humans that devote their entire life to the study of molds and fungus.
Pls no
Then they just keep coming, because we humans are so interesting?
Kind of like talking to a stone, this become repetitive. You only accept that which serves you.
Believing in alien visitors is a mind trap to hope that magical aliens will save us. That we humans are worth saving.
>Then they just keep coming, because we humans are so interesting?
Right....because humans have always lived in the electronic age and flown around the planet with our air and space tech.
You are the one here who is only focused on humans among all the other creatures and other living things on this planet. You are putting us on pedestal like some centre of universe, like we are be all end all. For all we know they could be more interested in life in oceans than land.
Was it just me, or were these little guys deceptively strong, like maybe they came from a higher-g world?
ssave me
I remember reading about people who studied a bunch of supposed abductees like Budd Hopkins and Karla Turner, it did seem like a lot of abduction stories were similar like that, made me feel like even the more serious ufologists are skeptical of the wilder stories that stray too much from this "norm".
I was abducted too.
You're not alone, bro.
You know some people today spend their entire lives studying specific species of animal?
Humans are far more complicated than animals, so many cultures, so much history.
Good stuff. Thanks for sharing.
Guys,I saw some weird light Tonight and they start to glow brighter....I'm scared....what should I do? Sleep? Watch tv and not look at the window?
>these skinny fags could lift a 200lbs man
don't even joke with that idiot
pls dont
oh hell no!
Nigga look like groot
fuck that
I woke up to one staring at me through a window when I was 9. Literally couldn’t sleep without curtains closed and windows locked for about 15 years afterwards.
what if I want to you piece of ayy shit
Then you lost
Can you describe your experience? Ever since I can remember Ive been overly scared of aliens, like Ive started having a panic attack from just seeing a pic before. I think I might have some form of ptsd but can clearly remember being abducted
Is this an actual abduction account?
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Genuinely one of the most terrifying scenes in cinema history right there.
Why? They just want to torture and possibly kill you. Don't be a bigot.
don't even fuck with this kind of stuff
Call me a faggot or whatever but I’m not risking it
Why do aliens want to get HUMAN'D so bad? Are we intergalactic niggers in their fantasies?
Please don't take me
Fuck alien nazis
Hey it me
Well we do seem bigger and stronger than them. Maybe theyre thinking of inducting us as their warrior caste?
I am Groot
Best not take any chances
Movie scared the absolute bejesus out of me, not risking it
In his real account, he talked about how the aliens taught him how to fly their ship and let him take it around in space for a while or some shit too. Dude was either totally full of it or implanted with false memories.
fuck off
>greys are the real abductors in Walton's real story
>Paramount doesn't like it and makes up shit
>makes ayys orange for some reason instead of grey
How would these ayys even laugh? It would be quite terryfing
Greys are biological AI. The word out is that they're part of a secret government program.
The reason they're stealing DNA samples is because they're using it to do illegal scientific experiments.
It's not to say that real aliens don't exist, because they certainly do.
Are Greys incels?
I didn’t say I was abducted, it was just watching me. I lay there catatonic in fear staring back at it for anywhere between 1 and 10 minutes, time kind of lost its meaning through fear. Eventually I managed to get out of bed and go to my mum’s room and sleep in there. That was it.
They wouldn't. They have no personality, humor, or possibly even individual thought. They are either bioengineered slaves of something else themselves and akin to robots or a hive mind consciousness.
Are you sure that wasn't sleep paralysis?
fuck you
In fact, greys are used extensively in South America, particularly Brazil for cheap and efficient labor.
>boooooy, if you don't get your "ET phone home" lookin ass up out my face!!
then whosthe real boss?e
I know what you said, I just wanted to hear your description to see if it jostled any stored away memories from my childhood that would make me so afraid of them
>Greys are just suits twist
Most likely Rian Johnson's film school project
Why would humans build them?
Anyone have that pasta about the grey alien body being the superior male body?
I don't want to be abducted and I have faith G-d would protect me, but still. Better safe than sorry.
>ctrl f groot
>9 results
make that 10
"We are Groot."
There are people out there who claim to be involved with these programs that have come forward. Whether any of it is true is hard to say.
The CIA and others have tried to cover most of the area with disinfo or completely deny the existence of extraterrestrial and UFO phenomena.
Having said that, there was an alien race that engineered the greys.
The US government made an agreement with a group of ETs back in the 50s and subsequently were given the grey tech to be used at their discretion.
They equated the Greys as the standard operating system in the galaxy, like Windows or Mac.
Vehicle tech was given too.
smoke more weed, gayboy
What did those other aliens look like then? And are they still here?
No thanks
It's what happened to Mulder, isn't it? That one infamous fanfic where he and Scully are experimented on and get a rape-baby was worse.
Supposedly tall-white reptilians control the US government.
There are many different species of ETs visiting, and have visited the earth since the beginning.
I wish space was like Star Wars or Star Trek instead of horror movie creatures out there trying to rape and experiment on us
I wouldn't reply if they were females and cute.
the "real" abduction story is nothing like the movies. its cringey AF
>tfw our world is instead starship troopers and alien
I'll heem that lil nigga in 5 seconds
humans have done all that and a lot worse to each other, idk why you think ayys are the scary ones
no thanks already got abducted when i was a wee lad and dont wanna do that again
O come on.
For you
Greentext it
the new Tom delonge doc is SHIT.
There, I said it.
>I wish space was like Star Wars instead of horror movie creatures out there trying to rape and experiment on us
>implying that there isn't horror movie creatures raping and experimenting on people in the Star Wars universe
Story time
I know how you feel, bro. I keep getting sleep paralysis too, and get "visited" by ghosts. These days I realise what's going on, get really fucking pissed off at the realisation and scream at them to fuck off, making me wake up or at least switch to deeper dreaming that doesn't have the paralysis effect. You should try it.
What does Jesus' feet have to do with aliums?
As long as you're out in the woods I wouldn't worry about it.
Holy shit, I had the exact same experience except I saw Casper.
>You wake up to this.
>What's your first reaction?
I don't want to live on this planet anymore!
You have Travis Walton confused with somebody else. Walton never said that in any of his interviews.
Not tonight
That definitely sounds like sleep paralysis
Please no
what is that
this is probably the most worrying depiction of abductions there is, not only because it's very accurate to the most common details recorded in abduction stories and explores the barrier between abductees and the general population, but also it becomes a part of this phenomenon where reality and perception are indistinguishable and perhaps purposefully so. a fascinating and well-made monster movie or a documentary? a piece of propaganda?
Pls dont
I’m perfectly happy to accept that explanation except that I had never experienced that before or since.
That's just what THEY want you to think, maaan.
It might happen again when you least expect it
oh shit you got me user, fuck you
>They have no personality, humor, or possibly even individual thought. They are either bioengineered slaves of something else themselves and akin to robots or a hive mind consciousness.
Yea, well, that's just like your opinion, man.
Ive always red the reptillians are the evil ones, while theres another race of aliens who have always defended humanity from these other aliens(forgot what theyre called) Basically, the reptillians have lost their "souls" from genetic engineering?(I dont know if this is literal or just a metaphor) and are planning to use humans to extract "souls"
>Documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden conclusively prove that the United States has been ruled by a race of tall, white space aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
This is how the Jew demonizes us now. The Germans were right all along.
Ask them to not kill me before they go back to their homeworld.
>Pajeet manlets seething so hard that they claim tall, white American men are evil space aliens
Hearty fucking kek
Sometimes the stars just align to make you experience sleep paralysis once. Sometimes you start taking a medication that's supposed to help you sleep but which instead makes you experience it every other night and opens up the gate to years of sleep paralysis-type nightmares even after you stop taking it.
>and are planning to use humans to extract "souls"
Fuck off Tom, we're not buying into your cult.
Under rated movie.
this is what I mean when I say the intel agencies put out disinfo.
Earth is basically a prison planet for 3D hybrid beings. See Scientology origin story for the gist of it.
The reptilians own earth, everything within, and I imagine the souls of humans as well but I don't know for certain.
I do know that the reptilians have not owned Earth since the beginning, but took it over centuries ago.
There are other "benevolent" species out there, but they're pretty much indifferent.
It's like you taking a trip to the zoo; you're not going to go crazy and open up all the cages to let the animals out.
The most "alien" thing that humans discovered during and after WWII was that ETs exist outside of 3-dimensional reality. This is what tinfoilers mean when they say reptilians are "shapeshifters".
Aryans are descendants of "fallen angels", and the Jews know this.
poor bait
I have risked my mother dying in her sleep countless times, but fuck this
>being so nuts that the scientology nutters form part of your conspiracy theory
ron howard got part of it right, and many people before.
Scientology just formed a popular cult out of it.
Eastern Philosophy got part of it right too, but it's geared towards people from that region.
>this douche
kys already.
lol L ron hubbard.
you first, faggot.
There was a Star Wars EU book about that once called Truce at Bakura. A race of sentient velociraptor aliens were capturing humans and other species and harvesting their souls to power their ships and technology. They became obsessed with doing it to Jedi believing their souls would be an even stronger power source. In other words, that's fucking silly m8.
>this insane faggot is now going to spam the thread to death their cancer
Dumb baldlet.
might as well before the thread dies. This particular incident happened some time around 2014, I don't remember what month or day because I didn't really keep track of stuff that well (even though I really should have).
Also a little bit of backstory is needed to really understand everything so I'll do that now. I've been having experiences my entire life starting from early childhood, this is just one of many things that have happened to me. My earliest experiences with strange happenings were around preschool elementary school. Pictured is my room layout at the time. I've changed my room many times over the years so this is important (and it also allows me to date events somewhat)
Early in my childhood I had many episodes of sleep paralyses. they always start the same way. I would wake up, and I would have this foreboding feeling that I can't really describe. Like a threatening presence that was coming for me. I always felt that I knew exactly what was going to happen every time it happened, like I knew instinctively what was happening without consciously knowing what was going on. I would immediately notice that I was paralyzed and unable to move an inch. It's a completely different feeling than normal sleep paralysis, like a heavy malevolent force was weighing me down. Naturally I did what any child would do, call for my parents. But every time I tried my voice never came out quite right. It was always raspy as if something was keeping me from yelling out. Every time it happened, and it happened a lot in the early years, I would be intensely frightened during and after the experience, but I never once thought about it being any kind of aliens or whatever because I had no concept of that at the time. I never saw any beings during these experiences either, so there was no reason to think anything like that.
Actual retard spotted. Yikes to this mentally ill nonsense.
Not an argument, gayboy.
I’d rather be abducted by one of those loli races that never ages.
Yeah, so apparently there is "souls", Angels and the devil but also 4 demensional reptillians who can shapeshift amd "own" the world. I dont see how there can be both
Get a look at this Neo-Stockholm XVII Syndrome motherfucker.
go back to sleep you zoomer goy.
have xes
i rewatched this shit last night still comfy as ever
hey no!
there's more than 4 dimensions, pleb.
Fack you
Wow I never knew or maybe I was just parroting this schizo comment about how the reptillians live beyond the 3deminsional plane. Thank you for your contribution nigger
go play your videogames
There were incidents that were a little different than the others. I was much more aware of my surroundings, specifically my windows which were beside my bed at the time (see pic). During these experiences I would see a brilliant blue-white light coming from the windows. It filled up the whole room. It was so bright It was if it was daytime even though it was in the middle of the night. I would wake up the next day, just like always, as if it never happened. Again no entities or beings at all.. yet.
Fast forward a little bit. I'm still very young, around elementary school age so about 6-7. I woke up in the middle of the night because i needed to go pee. the bathroom is just across from my room in the hallway (pic). I'm coming out of my room and I catch something moving out of the corner of my eye at the end of the hallway walking into my sister's room. It was dark aside from the light in my room, but I could make out a small greyish humanoid form that was seemingly bald. It was completely silent as it moved. At the time I thought that it must have been my sister. Nothing else made any sense. wondering why my sister was up I walked down the hall and into her room only to find her fast alseep. i figured I was just seeing things in the dark so i took a piss and went back to bed.
Its 320pm nigger im at work, maybe if you wernt a nigger you would have to work too instead of relying on my tax dollars for gibs
just do it
>It's a completely different feeling than normal sleep paralysis, like a heavy malevolent force was weighing me down.
The "heavy malevolent force" is a fucking key part of sleep paralysis, though.
be sure to vote trump 2020, you dumb goy.
I watched this movie as a kid and I was so scared during this scene that i puked
Thankfully the Ayy Lmao meme cured my fear of Grey aliens
"Goy" lmao the jews are trying to dissolve the white race with niggers like you and mixed race propaganda. Go dialate nigger
Both russians and americans surgically altered mongoloids and midgets to look like aliens in secret and placed them in drones. It's just a ploy to convince the other side or the public that there are aliens when they just gave a crazed downy a ride and had them play around with scalpels on citizens.
>Fucking heartless cunts.
Humans are worse, we do EXTREMELY fucked up shit to each other and every other animal on the planet
I'm not even trying to be edgy it's just true
That brief moment in X-Files when this might have been the backstory was the best part. As soon as you knew for certain that the aliens were 100% legit aliens it just wasn't the same.
pls no
Uhh I guess not
now you know how test aninals and animals raised for slaughter feel like, faggots. that's right. the aliens are literally PETA supporters trying to teach you a lesson and you still don't get it.
trump is a jew.
Why would you escape and not cooperate and make friends and go on space adventures
Not gonna risk it
ok retard
>wastes company time getting trolled on Yea Forums
Wow you have shown me the light. I will be voting for whoever supports Persons of Color now.
I'm comparing it to paralysis you get when you lay still for like 15 minutes and you start to feel your body go "numb". if you ever done that before, that is "normal" sleep paralysis
Now at the end of the hallway is a bookshelf. It's been there forever and still is. using it I roughly estimated the height of the thing I saw. the bookshelf is about 4feet tall, and the head of the thing was between the top middle shelf and the top shelf which puts it at about 33-39in in height. It might have been a bit hunched over so it could be taller while standing completely upright. This height is important for later so keep that in mind.
Fast forward a lot. I'm in middle school now. older but the paralysis episodes keep happening albeit less frequently. I wake up as usual with these experiences but I'm only partially conscious this time. Somewhere in the room I hear some weird noises from 2-3 different sources. It felt familiar like I've heard it before. It seemed structured, like a language. Almost as if there were some things in my room talking to one another. I've never heard anything like it before or since, nor have I ever heard anyone ever report anything like it.
fast forward again. Around late middleschool early highschool time. Same deal as always I wake up with a foreboding feeling, can't move can't call out for help etc. This time though I hear something really really strange that is hard to describe. It's like a really intense metallic screeching with a low humming noise in the background. It was terrifying in a way I can't really describe.
Trump is a nigger lover and supports immigration you stupid goy.
Geez dont you niggers ever give up?
no u
fast forward again. 2013 now. I'm in highscool. Things still happening off and on. I wake up at night once again, unable to move etc etc. I notice that my room has a strange glow to it, as if a large flashlight was in the center of the room. Only thing is, I sleep in the dark and the only lights in my room are small LEDs from my computer and air purifier which are nowhere near this bright. I shift my eyes to the side of my bed and see what looks like a large off-white/light grey dome shape moving about next to my bed. most of my vision was obscured by my blankets, but i could clearly make out a halo-like glow around the thing.
remember the height estimate from before? well using my bed as a reference, which was about 3 feet tall. to be able to see the top of the head from my position this thing would need to be at least the same height as the previous entity, about 39 inches tall.
thread dying should I continue?
someone should make a new thread then because this one is pretty much dead