Mfw he says he hates capeshit

>mfw he says he hates capeshit

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Who is this semen Demon?


That shouldn't be possible with a frame that small.

These tits are way too big. I like a good handful as much as the next guy but this is too much.

fuck off fattychaser


Do not ever, under any circumstances, show your ugly face around here again. Do you hear me?


>you can see the veins in her tits.

This is my fetish.

polish actress

Attached: F18E0933-C558-4807-A04C-04D2CF78C405.jpg (640x990, 33K)

if she's a little 5'2" qt womanlet, those tits are just looking big to scale with her little hands. They's still just be a handful to any man of decent height.

>mfw he says he makes offtopic threads on Yea Forums

Attached: emily.feld_51771495_1047353765453156_7726569060633802164_n.jpg (1080x1184, 78K)

Will she get witchered in netflix's show?


>still posting this old hag
time to let go

Are you fucking blind? Thats not her. She is called Christina (Kristin)

What a fucking sexy slut. I'd fuck her until my dick falls off

>why do you say mean things about me, user?

Attached: emily.feld_47693979_1813890512055700_2391962021765969322_n.jpg (1080x1349, 184K)

she once was a cunny actress
check out W pustyni i w puszczy (In Desert and Wilderness) 2001

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but that's illegal

This girl's tits don't look even half that big.

have you seen her ig?

is that polish for planet of the apes
dum dum

It's full of perfectly legal pictures of a 13 year old, what is your point?

Attached: emily.feld_52416027_402993417132437_7461143725604568725_n.jpg (1080x1350, 115K)

She's actually 16


>my face
are you a fag?



I don't want to be a pedo bros ;_;

Attached: sweating bear.jpg (480x542, 42K)

>mfw hes still consuming (((our))) media

Attached: Girls.png (449x401, 499K)


pedos like prepubescent girls
but don't worry she's not 13

Attached: emily.feld_56848273_2148302885217976_3111342948574832377_n.jpg (1080x1080, 112K)

with what?

They're just right, any bigger and they'd look comical.

Thanks i'll cap this post to use as proof that I'm not a pedo

>any bigger and they'd look better

>13 year old
so thats what a died based on onions does

We have some serious asshurt here apparently lmao

Nothing looks good when it's not proportionate to the body natural. Just fuck off, you're like one of those blacks who like super disproportionate asses. A male example would be someone with snythol tier biceps, how does that look better than Arnie tier biceps, which is just about right?

emily is so average. just goes to show how fame + good make up + good well lit photos can give the illusion of a hot girl. I've seen hotter girls irl in my shitty small town.

>Nothing looks good when it's not proportionate to the body natural
And who the fuck says what is proportional and what isn't? You? Bugger off, mate, I like me tits big as watermelons and there's nothing you can do about it

fuck off
real cunnysseurs know that any amount of makeup is too much and no girl looks better with makeup

Attached: emily.feld_30591417_245860432642269_5607974764443336704_n.jpg (1080x1350, 118K)

coping pedo. your jew slut is average, get over it.

emily is one of the few cases where a girl actually got better when she got older shes still shit

Attached: 14733453_717971548379683_3682040806769688576_.jpg (1080x1337, 83K)

They're too big nigger, what next, you think asses that are four times as big as waists are sexy too?

Uncanny valley shit sets in when there's surgery or steriods involved. Giant fake ass, fake tits or (on a man) roided up muscles? Not sexy. But giant tits, skinny waist and a big ass on a woman? Very sexy.

I recommend you eat red meat and celery then lift weights till your testosterone levels are high enough to appreciate the magnificence of giant lady parts.

>I'm so manly! I like disproportionate bodies!
tasteless trog

>and a big ass
Go home everyone you're trying to argue with literal niggers

Just admit that you like men.

You're the one who likes giant asses, which means either niggerfied women or dudes who squat

Giant asses doesn't mean fake asses you genetic throwback. We are literally biologically programmed to feel attracted by asses and tits, and their prominence in a healthy woman does something to our dicks.

Or at least it's meant to. Your mum probably drank petrol to churn out a little degenerate like you.

>Giant asses doesn't mean fake asses
Neither did I say it means that. Won't read the rest of your stupid nigger post
Back to twitter you go

>he has a cuny folder

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It's about proportion. A natural cyclist woman could have centaur legs and a super big ass, doesn't mean that would be perfect. There's such a thing as too much.

>There's such a thing as too much.

Here's where we differ.

>he doesn't have separate folders for each grill

Attached: annasutormina - BwzLCl5lfik_BwzLCijFB8H.jpg (1028x1284, 85K)

So really who is this?

I thought that was Emilia Clarke

Sounds like niggerspeak to me

>It's about proportion
Again, who decides what is porportional and what isn't? There's no such thing as a specific correct proportion for women.

WHO is this boob rube?

Look at the veins

>he prefers spanish cunny to generic blue-eyed blonde slavic cunny

Attached: ZwwZ_9nCaz.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

Sounds like you can't get black men out your fucking head. Coupled with your taste for zero female characteristics, I can only deduce you want dick.

Either that or their """culture""" is disgustingly pervasive in zoomer society
You know, either or

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Mf I had this image saved several years ago but deleted it because I was becoming weirdly obsessed. I think I drew her.

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for me it's aloha

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what kind of ass is this on a pre-puberty girl?

Breh dat ass

Attached: emily.feld_21980237_1864197566930672_6726885080163155968_n.jpg (1080x1080, 119K)

Flat ass ew

>liking beaner tier cunny

Attached: anfisariazhkina - Bsay8vdhl6w_Bsay8rOhhYx.jpg (1080x1080, 75K)

Emilia isn't a random thot, Emilia is pure

weird tummy

how's her power outlet looking these days?