Who's the audience for this?

Who's the audience for this?

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Joe Rogan fans

People who want to see Gilbert Gottfried as Hitler


I enjoy Joe. I think this show shouldn't exist.

Retard shills like op

Did anyone ever watch those screenjunkies hero roasts? Were they as bad as they looked?


Most roasts are shit. Fictional roasts are even worse.



It's kinda cringy

>find a comic funny
>search youtube for the comic
>realize comics just regurgitate the same material over and over on every talk show, every skit, ever interview, and every stage

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thanks for the detective work, sherlock... einstein

its true for most cases. in fact, the only comedian that seemed to do less recicling of material was Robin Williams, but I never found him that funny.

At least a real roast has the chance of making a person actually angry.

I never found him that funny either but I thought he was a good actor. I'd watch one of his movies and be like "oh yeah this is going to suck" and then it would be some kino like One Hour Photo or Worlds Greatest Dad would come up. Or even The Birdcage (no bully).

Your mom's dick.

Bob Faggot was on this show as Lincoln. He also put out some redo of AFV that bombed hard this year. Dated hack.

oh, the man was a great actor, theres no denying that. and the birdcage was funny.

I just watched the trailer, desu I'd rather watch Drunk History. And even DH isn't that great

Oh GOD! I pierced the toast!

It's pretty bad. Ross has really lost his fastball.