Why yes, I'm on my second week of nofap. How did you figure?

>Why yes, I'm on my second week of nofap. How did you figure?

Attached: 1559053891968.jpg (1080x1080, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>broooo you gotta see my hot sauce collection!

Attached: 1559441788713.png (594x582, 41K)

Based 900-1000 ng/dL test naturally bro

Haha! Such a funny posting format!

>Haha! Such a funny posting format!

Attached: 1551809649561.png (1334x750, 1.4M)

>this originally Yea Forums meme has become popular
>it's Reddit and onions now!
Fuck off

My post stated the opposite retard

Who is the faggot who makes these?

>Who is the faggot who makes these?

Attached: 1558783054167.jpg (785x788, 67K)

I'm at over 500 weeks and im not looking like that

>How did you know I hate niggers?
>and jews
>and faggots
>and janitors

Attached: 1543784920234.png (1000x1000, 77K)

I always assumed it was /cgl/ hambeasts

Your test results came in. You have a testicular cancer.

The left and women can't meme nor be funny. Ever.

>Why yes I proselytise my cult on an anonymous online imageboard, how did you figure?

Attached: TWGsHBO_.jpg (1023x1023, 148K)

I just wanna know how much he jacks off while making this pictures, asking for a friend haha

same bro, except since nofap is a meme coping method, i feel worse than ever

It's some woman "photographer" "artist" who takes pictures of normal looking built guys and photoshops them into mostrosities.

leftists and nazis btfo

imagine how wet her greasy cooch gets while she toys around in photoshop


>i-its photoshop