Is there anyone here who still has Netflix that isn't a woman, faggot, or cuck?

Is there anyone here who still has Netflix that isn't a woman, faggot, or cuck?

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my grandma has netflix and lets me use her account for FREE while im not visiting

I only watch docs on netflix now.

I use a siblings for some anime and other things that pique my interest

I just avoid the netflix originals stuff

Almost everyone has parents or siblings, stop being retarded and thinking not having it makes you enlighted, it's a shit service, but is a complimentary service to Plex and kodi, watching media on a computer is retarded, only physical media collectors have the right to shit on netflix, not yififaggots like you op

So because it's convenient and everyone else has it, it's OK to support the service and its associated social engineering?

I use my brothers netflix for Star Trek
Although now I’m using my dad’s Amazon Prime to watch Expanse

I subbed to Netflix solely to watch Ultraman 2019 and I'm none of those.

>it's OK to support the service and its associated social engineering?
user, every commercial driven piece of media you watch is the same shit.

Never gave them a single shekel.

Those faggots can all get hit by a bus for all I care.

me. best way to let my kids watch old cartoon shows in europe.

>I use a siblings for some anime
You're too retarded to use torrents, is that correct?

I use my father-in-law's family account

Either buy a physical copy or pirate.
Streaming """""services"""""" like Netflix' "4k UHD" is not 4k UHD, it has a fraction of the bit rate of a blu-ray, let alone a 4k UHD blu-ray, some don't even have the quality of what a DVD can provide.
8k is already being talked about but 4k TVs aren't being used anywhere near their potential because dumb fucks buy the 4k TVs just to (((stream))).
By paying for digital distribution you are negatively affecting me and deserve to suffer. You are rewarding low quality, helping keep piracy illegal, and are why paying for a fucking download is seen as acceptable. Paying for digital distribution is a mental illness and should have never been normalized.
Either buy a physical copy or pirate. Don't care about physical copies? Fine then you should be exclusively pirating.

i've got a free month trial which is about to expire, i have yet to find anything worth watching

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The cringe store called. They're running out of OP.

>has Netflix
Based poo


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Have sex.

I'm too lazy to torrent. I just wanna sit down and watch something and be able to continue where I left off. Also everything already has subtitles so I don't need to find and sync that

I fuck trannies. Am I a faggot?

yeah, right here

Depends on who's topping who.

Netflix is pretty good in Europe. They even fund some local stuff.

Attached: prijs-netflix-nederland.jpg (550x280, 43K)

everything on there is about murderers, rape, true crime etc.
aka what roasties watch

I use my friend's family's accout, using his profile.
He recently killed himself so it feels odd