Magic: The Gathering

Russo Bros. kino is back on the menue, boys

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Other urls found in this thread:

Does Chandra have fire pubes?

What plane?

I'm pretty stoked to see more fantasy get made desu. Seems we're in a good aesthetic moment as well, it'll probably look cool.

>nu-walker shit

the only good stories are the Urza vs Phyrexia stuff, the Ice Age, and the Riptide Project.

everything else is trash.

except MtG hasn't been fantasy since 2007. It's been capeshit ever since the Mending. And that's why they're making a series about it. Because planeswalkers have been superheroes for 12 years

this, all the planeswalker shit has really turned into some kind of super-hero knockoff instead of fantasy

TFW still waiting on a New Phyrexia block, since Mirrodin got corrupted now.

>animated shit
They couldn't even get a shitty film for this, thank god

Who will play they in the inevitable biopic?

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this could be kino if it was a plane per season with a subtle but overarching story (perhaps related to bolas) but we all know it's just going to be the Jacetice League

The Urza/Phyrexia saga was full of Marvel-tier Planeswalkers in the lore, they just didn't have Planeswalker cards back then. They were literally called the "Titans", and they were able to rek most of Phyrexia single-handedly.

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the older MTG novels were pretty good for genre fiction.

the New Phyrexia stuff was interesting as a piece of worldbuilding more than as a story, hopefully we can now get a decent story featuring only phyrexians now that the pesky mirrans are out of the pictures

Is it nice 2D animation, Heavy Metal style fantasy or shitty 3D?

Well fortunately (((they))) can't ruin it because Magic has already been turned into woke bullshit.

Except it involved a shitload of regular heroic fantasy stuff featuring regular people, and lots of military action.

>another adaptation of a property I enjoy
can’t wait til you ruin it like everything else you’ve ever adapted.

The plane for this will be innistrad

make my words

we're in current year

They were way beyond Marvel tier, unless if by "Marvel-tier" you meant Thanos. Oldwalkers like Urza, Serra etc. were basically gods. Current planeswalkers like Jace and his Village People are weak as shit compared to them.


You already know that it isn't going to feature anything that's actually interesting about the series. It'll be The Jacetice League visiting the least interesting planes like NotEgypt and NotGreece to beat the FOTM villain through the power of friendship.

Netflix is all about that 80's nostalgia bait though

I can believe it.
Sorin and Avacyn have that typical DDLG "choke me daddy ive been a bad girl uwu" twitter mallgoth thing going on. Like the Joker and Harley in Suicide Squad

actually yeah this is a good point. it’s already been ruined for several years.

you said it: BAIT
as in: it tricks you into expecting something good but it's not the real deal.

So it will not be traditional animation.


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kek you beat me to it by 30 seconds.
the new set actually looks really good, but I took a break for a year or so since they’ve been pushing the woke shit so hard.


brb selling my cards before WOTC goes bankrupt

For me it's Fallen Empires

More like "westime", similar to the Castlevania series.

the new set doesn't have a story, it just features stuff from past storylines

based contrarian

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Based retardo. Magic has been "pushing woke shit" for 25 years.

I know, I only play EDH. they’ve long since ruined any interest I had in the story line. and I really don’t care at all about any other formats. I just want good cards to piss my friends off with. and Modern Horizons has a ton of new good stuff.


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>WOTC can't make the New Phyrexia block that all the old fans want
>gotta make a WE WUZ KANGZ Egyptian-esque block and a LOL DINOSAURS AND PIRATES bloc
>new bloc is literally just a hodge-podge of old stuff because writing a coherent narrative is apparently hard


Magic has terrible lore

not as overtly or annoyingly.
pushing women into the game is what really killed it for me. if I wanted to play games with women... I don’t even know how to finish that sentence. I don’t want to play games with women.

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wish i could get a version of this with no reminder text. that's actually a stupid powerful card in many formats if nobody has graveyard hate

>except MtG hasn't been fantasy since 2007. It's been capeshit ever since the Mending. And that's why they're making a series about it. Because planeswalkers have been superheroes for 12 years

*looks up planeswalkers*

Wow you're right. They're totally going for some watered-down capeshit thing.

I'm of the view actually that Magic the Gathering marked a great decline in fantasy illustration and aesthetics, and geek culture aesthetics in general.

That kind of tacky Corel Painter look. It basically signaled the beginning of the type of look you see on Deviantart.

It's a card game first and a story arc second. That said, some of the post-2000 blocs like Shards of Alara were still interesting and detailed.

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I still love Alara (I actually enjoyed the book a lot too). it was the block that got me back into playing, after the same break that everyone took.
Lorwyn into Alara into Zendikar was the GOAT nu-magic run, peaking with RotE.

that would be beautiful. cascade is one of the most fun (and busted) mechanics they’ve come up with. Bloodbraid into Blightning (or even Sprouting Thrinax) is disgustingly fun

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dub dubs of truth. fucking got even worse since they brought in brainlet writers to create their own avenger comics

We need more Quinton Hoover art

>That kind of tacky Corel Painter look
the what now?

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>this Hearthstone & Gwent knockoff

I'd take a Lorwyn series. Best aesthetic post mending

the big guys

thank god I stopped wearing graphic t shirts and plaid

wotc did a good enough job of killing their own story long ago

>There are a lot of challenges heroes face in the multiverse, but homophobia isn't one of them.
>Genocide within the multiverse is okay btw.

>no plaid
The hell do you wear then

Karn heavily implied they're going back there to finish the job blowing it up, he even got the Golgothian Sylex back at the return to Dominaria (the thing that urza used to cause the Ice Age).

Phyrexia is in the near future.

lol see my leg

I got into at Innistrad. God I love that block but in retrospect shit was simmering already. Especially at a game design level with a focusing on creatures

Arena is actually pretty based and not nearly as money grabby as it could be, so im playing Standard for the first time since Khans of Tarkir.

Kinda hype desu, even if it's thinly veiled capeshit.

Pirates were cool though

Magic has been gay for a long time so this doesn't surprise me.

Why are they all balding? Is it that common in america?

But they are making New New Phyrexia. Karn even said they're going back there in Dominaria.

Will he be in it?

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Innistrad and Scars were both great blocks. I think the last block I was actually interested in was Khans, and even then my interest was waning.

could actually be kino. Kithkin, Merfolk, Gobbos, Elementals, Giants. Lorwyn had everything.

it’s induced by too much freedom

Lorwyn isn't edgy enough.

You're talking about Nu-Magic. Nu-Magic has been ruined with overly aggressive art direction that prevents artists from expressing any creativity of their own. Original Magic was filled with fantastic art from radically different styles because it barely had any art direction at all.

I dropped around Modern Masters 1
Mostly due to cash but given the politics I'm glad I got too poor
Lorwyn is my absolutely favourite block aesthetics wise. I still have my gobbo deck

Arena is shitty because it doesn't actually give a F2P player any way of getting a competitive deck together other than being assraped thousands of times on ladder with his worthless starter decks.

I dont know how its possible to simultaneously like and hate someone, but this faggot makes it possible.

Yes it is, once you get into the inverted world
Shadowmoor I think it was called

plain colored work shirts. short sleeve for casual events, long sleeve for formal or business. you would be surprised how nice a simple black work shirt looks

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>More time has passed now than between the original Mirrodin block and SoM block

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nigga, you can build a very simple mono red deck with just commons and uncommons and just play, FOR FREE, do your dailies, and get enough for a draft.

There are plenty of people doing the same thing in the Play section, just get cards and wildcards drafting.

Corel Painter is painting software that people on Deviantart - and the kids over at Yea Forums's own drawing/painting board - tend to often use.

All those kinds of newer 'epic' scifi / fantasy illustrations you might see online by and for geek culture tends to be made with it. I suppose the software can be used to good ends, but it seems to be the refuge of pure kitsch artists... for some reason its usage seems to always coincide with bad aesthetic decisions, and I think its the chintsy, almost grandma-art quality of the way brushwork looks with it. Like the styles used - bad color choices, large eyes, grandiose subject matter - really kind of inherited the legacy of bad tacky grandma art and household kitsch paintings. Pic related.

But that is to say, for whatever reason, the art style mostly used was very much first made prevalent in Magic the Gathering illustrations in the mid 90s.

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yea, it'll be shit. they assfucked the lore after Urza Saga
enjoy your black Garruk and Paki Gideon

>tfw he fucked MTGNerdgirl on stream while I just watched and fapped


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Easy. He makes the best product reviews in the business but all his non-review content is cringe incarnate.

the new Magic art sucks, old stuff was great.
At least they still contract Seb McKinnon

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And I actually say that as someone who's often fascinated by kitsch and regularly steeps myself in it, but I can't deny I think Deviantart stuff is generally really bad. Although that of course makes it interesting too and I'm regularly working through that kind of material.

You just said exactly what I was thinking, thanks user.

Gonna need a source on that to taunt all the incels on r9k with

A challenger approaches

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Thats hardly magic in the 90s. Magic pst Alara maybe

Holy fuck, imagine being this retarded.
>wahh there’s black people in my fictional universe!
>wahh there’s dinosaurs and pirates in my fictional universe!
>wahh I don’t understand how to inject new competitive strategies/refresh old card types in a wide format

They still have Rebecca Guay too. Got a ton of her 2017 Standard Showdown islands in my Teferi EDH deck, they're fucking gorgeous.

But yeah, apart from McKinnon, Noah Bradley, and Guay, the rest are shitters.

>no anime adaptation from Umezawa's perspective directed by Watanabe

un travajo

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You sound kinda pretentious, what constitute "good art" for the amateur then?

Expect it to be low-budget, poorly animated, and stylised generically.

I just proxy the cards these days, these sjw fuckers aren’t getting my hard earned neetbux.

they've literally dumbed down the entire game to attract casual Hearthshitters

>>wahh there’s dinosaurs and pirates in my fictional universe!

that block was fucking lame apart from the vampire faction though, and they rigged the user polls to stop the vampires from winning

I think the old stuff had tendencies that indicated all the really bad shit we have now, but it was slightly more intriguing then. But I had been a kid fascinated by D&D illustrations before then so I already felt there was a marked decline in style. And obviously fantasy art is always pretty kitschy and cheesy but I felt the prog and heavy metal eras lent themselves much better to fantasy aesthetics whereas the tepid sensibilities of dweebs since the late 90s really started over cute-ifying everything and getting really chintsy.

See, I started off with that mindset, but I put aside all the store credit I got from modern events, and prereleases over 3 years, and now I have a nearly completely foil cEDH deck, which i really should fucking sell.

At least magic is that kind of hobby where you can recoup money pretty easily from selling prize packs and cards.

>trying to compete with the King of Games

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that looks nothing like magic in the 90's, even at its most bland and shitty
they didn't even use digital back then

ive always been a fan of the more abstract stuff
now its all just deviantart tier clean portraits of minority women and shit

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Is this abstract enough for you?

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not to shit on you if you’re into it, I understand the appeal, but I hate cEDH. it’s supposed to be a casual format for kitchen table fun.
it’s cool to foil out the whole deck and be invested in making a good deck, but the whole competitive aspect ruins it for me. I’m the kind of faggot who doesn’t care whether I win or lose, I just enjoy smoking a bowl and shit talking my friends and making up dumb nicknames for every card and cracking racist jokes.

Actually most people use Photoshop, and few people use painter only for its blending, but that doesnt matter because the programs are capable of rendering in pseudo traditional ways it is entirely up to the artist and art direction, which WOTC has reigned in since the early days. Artists in the early days were just given the card name, its color and a brief description and they were given much more freedom compared to art direction now. Maybe it depends on the artist, but they have shown their direction specification and the composition and color scheme is dictated by the art director which gives limited creative freedom for artists. This combined with the shift from art towards illustration is what caused the change in the purpose of the card art and the styles associated, as they have moved towards a more homogenous art style. tldr it is mostly because of art direction that art is the way it is now, not some computer program.

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see, thats where the playgroup comes in. If you told me id have a $4k cEDH deck a year ago i would have laughed in your face. But a new store opened up recently, and it was EDH themed from the start. So, I started just proxying things up and going down every few Tuesdays, but I really liked it, because the group was really good with enforcing rules and it basically feels like singleton vintage.

Fastforward 3 years later and im still at that store, same 15-20 people, its actually great. I can understand how people dislike it though, I didnt like it for 3-4 years, and now its my favourite format.

Why are the old mtg card so aesthetically pleasing?

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The borders evoked the color's theme better

Someone didnt play against a turn 1 Hippie off a Dark Ritual if they think its pleasing. Fuck that sucked.

edh was so much better before they started making cards for the format, and changed the rules on legend rule and tucking.

>m10 black knight
>whatever the fuck those nightmare/sengir vamp
I agree with what you're saying, but I don't like the way you presented it.

post more kino art
pic related is GOAT swamp

you’re right, but none of my friends want to play in the store anymore so we just end up at one of their houses.
I’d probably be more interested in it if I had a more competitive spirit, but I’m severely lacking in that department.

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oh dont get me wrong, they've fucked up a ton with the nu-manders, and I can't talk because I play one of the relatively new ones, but it just comes down to your playgroup really.

cEDH is in the best position it's ever been. But that just means some little queef is gonna come down to your friendly LGS and play his cEDH deck to try and flex on people. I have 4 decks, one thats basically a precon with $50 in upgrades, a relatively tame Brudiclad Tokencloen deck, a decently competitive Yisan Stax deck and a fucking brutal Teferi Chain Veil deck, and I know when to use each deck because I hate it when people don't get to play. The new commanders are great if you just have established rules and you dont get some nigger with a Napoleon complex trying to curbstomp you in your casual game.

Keep them coming


Yeah I have a chain veil teferi deck too but I never play it because imo the format is way more fun when everyone plays jank and arent just tutoring into combos and shit like that. Whenever it is a group of people that dont know each other at my lgs we usually establish how hard we want to go and choose our decks accordingly, and I feel most people just want to play their jank decks and have fun.

That's fine, im a filthy spike, but i also know not to bring out the big guns if they're not needed. The problem is all the people who want to prove a point by playing commander and winning, and just play to win ALWAYS. I have 4 different decks, and I just treat it like difficulties on an arcade cabinet and ask what people want to play. Ive had the most fun with my second weakest deck, seriously, some of the wacky shit you can do with Brudiclad if you're allowed the time is fucking dumb.

Just have different decks and different budgets, I had some nigger playing a competitive T&T Flash Hulk deck complaining that I was using Tamiyo's Journal to tutor multiple times in a turn - when that card is 5CMC, pennies to buy, and requires a ton of synergy to actually use.

Tutors are fine when they are expensive and have hoops to jump through, but, by the same token, tutors are also fine when it causes a stack that looks like it could power the god damned Apollo 13.

There's nothing wrong with commander, there's only problems with the people who play it.

Or Dominaria. That's basically Kenya and then they get to make Teferi the protag, which would make netflix jizz themselves

I do recall some of that early illustration being pretty weird. I liked that stuff you guys posted.

>not Legion or Mirrodin

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Why thank you, all me btw.

>there's been a MTG art thread >100 posts with no-one posting this blessed image

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Are those ghost Klanners?


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I prefer linking the official page because the card ID is beautiful

that’s really the best way to be, where you can be competitive if you need to, but can also turn it off and just have fun. I actually wish I was a bit more competitive because I really don’t give a fuck like basically ever.
most of my decks get made fun of by my friends, but I still love playing them because I made them instead of netdecking. my Progenitus 5c good stuff ETB abuse deck is so much fun even if the only times I ever win with it is when they ignore me for long enough to play a Tooth and Nail.

see gladly. I’m a big fan of the Chippy Esper lands too

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I only just noticed that the artifact lands are in the backgrounds of these lands.

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the artists website is filled with pictures of hitler as jesus and similar things

and for some reason, which CANNOT be a coincidence, the official magic card database gives it the ID number 1488

kek I never noticed that. that had to be intentional.

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nigger i ran a 5c Progenitus cycles deck where i played all the charms, commands, and every cycle that existed across the colours, including the dual colour cycles.

I miss that deck....

Not saying there is anything wrong with tutors, just that when you play competitive (multiplayer) it devolves fairly quickly almost to set play, whereas jank edh usually goes off the deep end with interesting interactions which leads to more varied gameplay that never gets stale.

neckbeards have the wrong testosterone that causes facial hair to be prominent and causes balding

Kamigawa was the downfall of this stupid tg imo

>magic the gathering cartoon
Have sex

>this ability triggers when the spell is cast

ughhhh I want to blow you right now.
I’ve always wanted to do that just to see how it would work out.
pic related is the secret all-star of my progenitus deck; she is the ultimate ramp queen and a sexy bitch to boot.

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>niggers: the gathering gets a netflix show
This can only bring us quality entertainment!

>Octopie Network and Bardel Studio
Have these people done any good animation stuff before?

It's like I'm reading one of J K Rowling's tweets.

I saw a stat recently where it says that some 37% of Mtg players are female (or identify as such). meaning 36% of the community are trannys. Wotc and Netflix is a match made in heaven

Nah Kamigawa was still OK but planes walker made me drop the game.
Kamigawa had my favorite ratbabe.

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I fucking loved the monks they had in it. Build a whole new deck around them, but stopped playing when Time Spiral released. The new planeswalker stuff seems just alien to me.

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I first saw him in one of those game knight EDH shows, that are basically 50 minutes advertisement interrupted by sporadic cardgames. Thought he was one of the most sperg people I'd ever seen.

spread your cheeks and lift your sack, I’m going in dry

Shit diet, not active enough. Hair loss is mostly genetics, but with the aforementioned you can seed it up considerably.

Will he be guest starring?

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>aforementioned you can seed
formerly you can suck

fuckin LEGEND

Imagine the smell


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Imagine if he does this to females attendees...

>tfw collected the cards but was too dumb to play the game

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Excessive masturbation


>could play the game but not aggressive enough to win

>that video where he shows his wife



This is what comes to my mind when people talk about all magic art.
There's a ton of good pieces but there are also pretty basic shit.
When players think about this time are they will probably think about Seb McKinnon and the like and will forget about the worst shit, and in retrospective it won't look specially bad.
The current criticism to Magic art is basically boomer tier.
I think when it comes to art it was Time Spiral to Innistrad the one with the best overall quality.

thefuck is the riptide project

>This is what comes to my mind when people talk about all magic art.
I meant old magic art.

what said. The old boarders acted like a frame and made your eyes focus on the art and a bit on the text box. They argued that you remembered everything by the art (which is true).
But because people are stupid, they changed the boarders, resulting in a cleaner look, but with less focus on the art, making it melt into the rest of the cards much more. The change also made the colors less distinct from eachother.

The art itself hasn't gone worse. It's the direction of forcing too much detail into the small window that has gone carzy. And the artists seems to play along trying jam as much as possible. That and the cgi lightning feels less natural than real-life paint if done by an amateur without much time.

That is why we should gather our efforts and make sure than the next masters set has old-boardered cards, or at least cards with some old school feel to it.

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How the fuck do you make a movie about an incel card game, lmao.

I happen to like that Sabretooth Tiger. At least the composition and the stark contrast in colors of that art makes it easy to remember, and that is of a high importance to me. Memorable art. I bet you can't even remember how the 7th edition of the Tiger looks like. That one looks more like a bear to me.

Neither Scaled Wurm or Craw Wurm have technically great art. But they sure do look way cooler than Impervious Greatwurm, Ravager Wurm or Primordial Wurm.

KEK. I know two trannies that play and 0 women.


>inb4 Teferi (Idris Elba) is the hero but switches colors from W/U to B and opens a portal to Wakanda.

>things I didn’t know I needed until right now
OMG that would be so frickin EPIC

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Hair loss is a sign of high test. Slamming turn 3 JTMS causes a huge rush of test through the body. Do that for 15 years and you will be Chad, the Hairline Sculptor.

have they always been this "ethnic"
i remember mtg from my school time (never played just some nerdy kids were into it) and from all the card art i saw there werent any black people.

Wish WOTC art design would go back to minimalist designs like that

he has exactly the kind of face physiology i expect such a guy to have.

>Just an FYI, about the artist, Harold McNeill:
I met him in '95 at WotC's Artist's Caravan along with other Magic artists.
I expressed to him my enjoyment of his (I thought absurd) art for Invoke Prejudice. He lit up, and said I might be interested in some of his other art, then. He pulled out a couple artbooks filled with racist and Nazi-inspired art. Creeped out beyond belief, I sheepishly thanked him and got the hell away from that table as quick as I could.
There's a reason why he has done almost zero professional work for a long time.
His MySpace confirms he's a complete racist nutjob. I'd say "not that there's anything wrong with that", but this is the 21st century, and YEAH - THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT.

hell yea.
what a fkn chad of a tiger.

Netflix HR here. We are currently looking for a progressive minded creative type such as yourself to join our team. How can I send you a DM on 4channel??

i think sometime in the future it is time we make a based magic again. the gameplay is extremelly degenerate online bcs the balancing simply doesnt work anymore. it is even more binary then fkn heartstone. and you have archaic ressoure managment problems (oh shit all lands/ oh shit no lands)

Who cares? They should instead do animated series based on Warcraft, DnD or Warhammer.

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Its never happening, boomer. Do you really want them to try and cram all that content into a 3 hour movie? And then dumb it down for normies?

God I miss old art

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>not including Innistrad
Colonial gothic horror is a super fucking kino setting

there always were black people, yes.
All those dudes from Jamuraa, blue posterboy Tefeiri, and a bunch more.

slivers coming back and fucking everyone up

also cool monsters and gooey wizards

obviously not, retard

go to /pol/ if you want to have conversations with fictitious people who do not hold the opinions you're arguing against (aka strawmen)

Reminder that The Winter Soldier is the only good movie the Russo Bros. made.

>black people in old MTG didn't exi-

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lmao this nigga finna take a selfie and that big af monster run up on em smdh nigga RUN

Why is Rachel standing among these burger nerds? Jimmy Carr looks like a chad compared to them.

it better not be
>adventures of jace in jaceland where jace does cuhrazy stuff because he is jace

and the worst offense is that pirate tribal is still kind of fucking meh

Post your favourite card

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Rachel Riley...noice

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Im team Nicol Bolas now

Simple as.

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Shit it's a toss up between Akroma and this one.

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Chadcaster Mage

Always loved this guy

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what are the basics of MTG? how do I get into it? just start buying packs? is there a phone game i can play this like hearthstone?

underrated kek

You start by playing MTG Arena and hating it because the shuffler is busted

>his MySpace
I don’t care how based he is, fuck this freak

Where is the porncompany logo?

>ywn make cherubs with avacyn

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Don't know about phone games specifically, but for vidya there's MTG Arena or Duels of the Planeswalkers.

In your mind, porn addict

>ooga booga

already did good pick though

MTG Arena is babbies first entry level to the game. If anything, Its better to visit your local gamestore and inquire there. As much as people want to atereotype MtG players as smelly nerds they're often welcoming to people who want to learn. There are multiple formats, each having certain restrictions to cards and different rules but its better to start with the basic Standard and Limited formats, something that Arena can teach you easily.

Either Dominaria if they're starting at the beginning, or more likely Ravnica.
It's always fucking Ravnica, and starting at the beginning would prevent them from using all the newer, more popular characters that we seem to be stuck with.

Did you even open OP's image?

For me, it's Thalia.

Attached: a25-36-thalia-guardian-of-thraben.jpg (672x936, 212K)

The difference is between old and new magic is that old magic the black people came from black cultures. In nu-magic every single civilization is multicultural even if it makes no sense that it would be,

I mean, Lightning Bolt is the easy answer, but aside from that, this right here is the card that I think has done the most work for me over all.

Attached: scourge-of-the-nobilis.jpg (672x936, 253K)

Am I allowed to play my Mirrodin / Kamigawa deck in stores?

Quick question, why are they calling it anime?

Are the Russo brothers actually Japanese? Have they hired a Japanese studio to animate this?

Excuse me? Hello?

Attached: tumblr_psj6bkRDTK1s7rwbr_1280.jpg (1080x1391, 252K)

Then hope that MH1 does well enough that it becomes a somewhat regular thing, though with more reprints and cheaper packs.

Innistrad dum fuk

Riptide Project barely counts as a story.

Because the artists were told to just draw whatever they want. With no direction, some of it turned out amazing, and some of it was absolute garbage, Now they've streamlined it out so there's no valley's, but that also means no peaks either.

I always wanted to get into magic since it looks cool asf but never wanted to dish out tons of cash on it. thinking about checking out the online version.. is it fun bros?

Almost all of the art post first Kamigawa block has been garbage deviant art shit.

Hearthstone chad here. LOL

Dropped that trash when they made my Dr. Boom unusable, lol.

I remember this copypasta.

Don't you fucking forget Terese Nielsen!

Attached: hanna.jpg (1000x739, 193K)

Ironically Lorwyn was when I had my first major Magic break. Lorwyn is when Magic started being "new" to my brain.

Love the foil version of this one

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I'm kinda excited for this. Do the Russo Bros make good animation? Never heard of them before.

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Yes, but she shaves them since they keep burning her clothes.

Either this or Mirari, solely because I owned both and I started playing as an 8yo. Haven't touched MtG in 16 or so years.

Attached: Child%2Bof%2BGaea%2B%255BUZ%255D[1].jpg (223x310, 30K)

I still like Magic, and the fact that they trigger /pol/tards because they don't mind having minorities (like they've always done for 25 years) is just a nice bonus.
Arena is the greatest thing that happened to it in forever. Free Magic feels so good.

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How entitled.

You bet your virgin asses they will.

Tomik showing up makes no sense unless they put the show in Ravnica, which would be pretty gay

In all seriousness, I'd prefer another setting. Like Innistrad.

Kaladesh is my favorite setting, so I'd love if it was there, but playing the odds I'd say it's going to be Ravnica.

I really like Jesper Ejsing too

Attached: Reliquary Tower.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

>Kaladesh is my favorite setting
What the fuck
>Have a crazy Indian mythology with tons of insane fantasy stories that have never been explored in western media
>Just sorta use its aesthetics
>Setting is just boring steampunk trite
Not to mention the sets themselves sucked dick too. Fuck energy.

Attached: our-sun-my-disgust-9752849.png (500x507, 105K)

At least the artwork was more consistent, making it feel like a whole world. The art colors were amazing too, especially in the art book. But yeah, the spooky energy got boring very fast.

Yeah, ure retarded.

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I never even played with Kaladesh
and I kept forgetting that that's the name of the plane, because I keep forgetting the Indian part of the inspiration
I just like the aesthetic, and the tech aspect
Honestly, even though I've been playing on and off since the 90's, I never got much into the lore, and until the past couple years I probably couldn't have identified a single plane other than Phyrexia

Attached: Druid of the Cowl.jpg (920x728, 262K)

>the indian plane is where everyone is an engineer cobbling shit together
WOTC is racist as fuck

>didn't read the story or looked at more than 10 cards


Wait, I take that back. I did play a single game. Can't remember if it was a draft someone dragged me to, or a pack war with my housemate, but I did find energy mechanic to be a kinda neat novelty, charging up a laser to zap my opponent every couple turns.

waifu claimed, shitters. pay your fucking taxes.

Attached: purest waifu.jpg (1728x972, 387K)

>making excuses for racism
very yikes post. if I can infer something negative, then it's negative, shitlord.

Attached: triumph-of-ferocity-art-by-james-ryman.jpg (600x438, 211K)


>didn't read the story
>doesn't know the posted image was five seconds before Liliana btfo'd big white male


>he doesn't know

Kino Bolas will be the main villain(yet again)
mark my word

Attached: Nicol-Bolas-Dragon-God-War-of-the-Spark-Art.jpg (960x1200, 179K)

lmao when he can talk in a pace that doesnt resemble a brain damaged neanderthal then maybe

They animated the Purple Man in Marvel Wars.

No shit. They should have killed the motherfucker for good this time around, but they sealed him so he can come back in a decade. Fucking bullshit.

He does it for the audience.


Attached: 1528077682028.jpg (500x293, 25K)

Magic peaked during Odissey - Onslaught. It was all downhill since, especially now with the ultra anti-men design team.

el goblino de lo magic..

Attached: Akroma.jpg (600x818, 351K)

I love this meme

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Your image actually proves my point.
Next time choose some better crafted bait, aidsfaggot.

Unironically this.

Imagine being this big a contrarian boomer
>I miss when Sisay was a full nigger, fuck, why are the Jews of the Coast so SJWed up now?
At least this gives me a better image of the average shitposter on Yea Forums. It's not that they're actually racist or sexist. It's just that they want to complain and miss their childhood.

Attached: pvan-106-sisay.jpg (956x1359, 440K)

t. Bearded manchild living with his mom

what female attendees

Attached: mrd-68-moriok-scavenger.jpg (672x936, 214K)

What's this from?

Not gonna lie, she's got a very nice rack.

Based illiterate investorfag rudy

Based fallen bro

I get this. The old sets had so much variety in art styles. The newer shit while artistically competent arrr rook saame with the digital corel/photoshop overload

It’s going to look like Clone Wars.

This artwork almost looks cool until you notice his dorky little bird legs trying to stay upright on the staircase

Imagine being so angry that your waifu died that you rip your own arm off and turn it into an Amazonian super angel version of her that's composed of pure rage and hyper-focused on killing the bitch that killed her

Lol, you think shitposters have played for more than a couple months before screaming "muh niggers" "muh wymin"? They never saw that card you posted in their lives before.

I think it's a lit of column A, a lit of column B

Plaid is great even if it is overused.

>thread is still up

Do you believe that positive racial minority representation in Magic the Gathering card art as a percentage of total card art has not increased over time? Other than white women, minorities were highly underrepresented until around Theros.

The company that owns the rights to Magic the Gathering, Wizards of the Coast (a Hasbro subsidiary), themselves have claimed this to be true. You could also search card art on their website or other third party sites to verify for yourself if you don't believe them. Just pick any old set and scroll through to see the blatant non-inclusive art for yourself.

The small percent of minority representation that was present pre-Theros I would argue bordered on tokenism (or racism depending on how the art depicted minorities).

I have noticed that a lot of times people would rather argue that the progress that is being made doesn't exist, rather than that it is good. Why is this the case?

Attached: Disruptive Student.xlhq.jpg (745x1040, 549K)

[Boycott] Wizards of the Coasts self.



There's too many to list. The Trump Derangement Syndrome are high with this company and fandom.

Attached: yiuiguihhuihui.png (930x680, 949K)

what a fucking waste of trips
pirates were HORRIBLE people that raped murdered and raped. If ANY woman was near them, that was a guaranteed rape (the violent kind). I grew up on the coast with pirate stories and it still unsettles me how they're ignorantly glorified.
And when MTG made pirates and they were ALL WOMEN.... it lost me, i was done. I understand fantasy but that was to much

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And no fucks are given

>Other than white women, minorities were highly underrepresented until around Theros

so it'll sell as well as the action figures?

Attached: iuyuyuiyui.png (618x723, 550K)

>Other than white women, minorities were highly underrepresented until around Theros
The first new set they did was about Arabian Nights
One of the early three blocks they did was set in the Africa equivalent of Dominaria
You're out of your mind, my dude

Attached: Image.ashx.jpg (223x310, 28K)

being a victim is validating. Nobody empowered by perceived victimhood will ever willingly give up that power by admitting they aren't a victim any more.

>the one thing that keeps certain people from [insert media] is too much sexiness
Why do producers keep thinking this shit...


what about the subset of players that's uncomfortable with spiders, or nightmares, kraken, fish, murder, slaughter - you get the point. I'm pretty offended by pic related and I simply chose to ignore the card even though it's pretty strong in edh, the format I mainly play

Attached: bbd-23-arena-rector.jpg (672x936, 241K)

not to mention that they returned to Jamuraa in Prophecy and then Kamigawa. Why is having different planes/regions with different balances of races so evil? Why does every plane need to be a 1:1:1:1 ratio of white, black, asian, other brown?

>Linkin Park cover in your MTG trailer

jesus christ

>Why does every plane need to be a 1:1:1:1 ratio of white, black, asian, other brown?
It isn't. While it's true that we now have black people in every set, they're far less prevalent in settings that don't make as much sense having them. Innistrad, for example, has less black people than Ravnica. Tarkir also has barely any black people in it.

stopped playing magic because of all the complex deck builds and op discontinued cards, it was just too unballanced so i switched to pokemon tcg instead

>Liliana is the brave hero who defied fate to stop Nicol Bolas
>Gideon looks like a doof getting gangraped by blue skeletons
>it's actually Gideon who makes the sacrifice to save the day
>liliana gets all the credit

look what they did to my boy

>tfw traded a mox for a Polar Kraken because HOLY SHIT 11 POWER AND TOUGHNESS

Ajani is still the best white planeswalker fucking stupid gay ass wotc.

Instead the fag ass pussies in wotc replaced him with
>Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you

>Like I never ever loved no one before you

>Pretty pretty boy of mine

>Just tell me you love me too

>Oh my pretty pretty boy

>I need you

>Oh my pretty pretty boy I do

>Let me inside

>Make me stay right beside you


He's dead now, my dude.

Imagine thinking nuMagic has good writing

Attached: flavortext.jpg (770x1700, 1.17M)


Teferi was T'challa more than 15 years ago. He went full isolationist when they wanted him and his country to fight in their war because they were super advanced and he phased out his enitre country so they didn't have to deal with their shit.

oh thank goodness. I'm going to petition now to bring back Ajani as the white represent, or atleast Serra reborn atleast. AND SHE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THE BLACKBLADE FUCKING WOTC

I keep giggling at this post.

>Karn found the Golgothian Sylex
Urabrask RUN

Attached: 1543480953198.png (358x358, 194K)

>implying the Gatewatch is allowed to have any straight, male members who aren't male whores


how many cards from the Antiquities expansion are on New Phyrexia?

Not sure why you would only reply to one statement I made rather than my entire post, or even answer my question which was not rhetorical.

Of the nearly 100 sets of Magic the Gathering pre-Theros, you can give 2 examples of sets in which a majority of the art depicts minorities with racist stereotypes. Again, just like putting art of a single card in your post, this is tokenism at best.

There are over 10000 creature cards. If you gave 100 examples of positive inclusiveness that would still be less than 1%. Stop pretending that Magic the Gathering has always been inclusive and diverse. Even the company itself does not shy away from this fact.

FUck you guy. GIdeon is the coolest guy in the story
>goes around the Gatewatch league topless so much that the firecrotch lesbian gets wet and Jace literally gets such an inferiority complex that he projects an illusion of a cooler version of himself over him.
>made everyone in Greek prison his bitch at age 12
>all his cards are him coming over to slap your shit
>punched a demon lord
>punched Zeus
>punched an eldritch horror
>shanked a dragon god
>tapped an angel
>has his own memorial and people telling the stories of his adventures to their children while no one gives a fuck about what the others are doing

Magic has a story?

Jeebus kraist I need to read this Gatewatch now.

There shouldn't be any niggers, because it's very clear that the geography and evolution is completely fucking different than ours. You'd either get all niggers, or none at all, based on the plane.

You don't. It's been capeshit since 08

>that lore where gideon tries to get jace to be his gym buddy and then pick up girls together


>Racist stereotypes
My ass. Magic might have a few racist stereotypes in the cards you can go cherry-pick, but the vast majority of them weren't like that at all, never. Not at the start, not at the middle, not now.
While there might be more minorities now, original Magic already had much more minorities than the average fantasy game. It's always been diverse by its era's standards. Always.
You're romanticizing something that doesn't exist.

unfortunately this
i have no hopes

Gideon, Teferi, and Ajani are the only good characters.
Jace is a fuccboi and is basically Martian "let me just read this guy's minAAAAARGH" Manhunter. The best thing he ever did was become /fit/ on a desert island and fucked a gorgon.
Liliana is a selfish bitch who learns nothing and gets away with everything because she has a vagina.
Chandra is a 13 year old in the body of a 20 year old.
Nissa killed her planet because she thought that releasing Eldritch horrors would make them leave her planet alone. She then becomes the stereotypical talking to trees and the earth kind of hippie. She used to be Elf Hitler but they retconned that because they wanted her to be a main character. At least she's a titty monester soshe has that going for her.
Kaya is a designed by commitee black girl. She destroyed the economy on Ravnica when she killed the leader of their financial system because AYO FUCK GHOSTS. She gets away with it and just leaves, but not before being inaugurated into the Gatewatch