She was more brave than any of you are being contrarian incels posting about capeshit, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone 24/7

She was more brave than any of you are being contrarian incels posting about capeshit, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone 24/7

Attached: Amilyn_Holdo_TLJ.png (1147x1589, 2.01M)

Cool story bro


Trigger discipline bitch !

>kamikazes their last ship to destory the FO flagship and 5 other Star Destroyers
>turns out that the FO still has stable leadership and a strong military
>now the Resistance only has 5 soldiers, 2 pilots, 2 generals, and the main characters
Guess it was for nothing.

She's around "white" men. No trigger discipline necessary she shoots to kill.

Still boring as fuck and with no real narrative purpose.

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More purpose and less boring than the "many bothans died" chick

she's a fictional character

Still more balls than non-fiction Yea Forums users

She was perfect white woman - stuck up affirmative action bitch that got everyone killed.

Well, it doesn't matter because the population of Disney Wars galaxy is about a thousand people at best.

Nice headcanon

She should play Sagat in the Street Fighter reboot.

who's this?

I may not be a fan of the writing or directing but the casting directors for the new films are on point.

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Women belong in the kitchen

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What is she shooting at?

Yeah the only question is what point are they making?

The patriarchy

The Patriarchy

Every movie needs as many cute girls as we can find?


You just posted shit casting, though. Are you a retard

Does she dye her pussy pink

Ivan Ortega is minimizing her role in his edited version of TLJ. Good.

TLJ has great editing, RJ is an editor.
You fail so hard.

She wasn't brave she was stupid and incompetent.
1. Her speech was bad, no motivation at all.
2. She didn't had any plan to speak of but letting a ton of people die while just flying forward.
3. This incompetence made her appear as an agent of the enemy.
4. Low morale let to a mutiny and a rightful one, because her inability to do something useful led to a ton of death
5. As it turned out, you could spot every single of the evacuated ships with your own fucking eyes, that plan was destined to fail.
6. Especially because you could easily bombard the planet.
7. She was also too stupid to ram the ship on auto-pilot

She was a stupid cunt, who didn't even knew how to dress as a military officer.

True, she was brave to even star in this pathetic piece of shit movie.

>She didn't had any plan
You're the stupid one.

Speaking of Grievous, when will be the next time we get a main alien character that isn't just a comic relief?

The entire #TRUSTWOMEN bullshit in the dire times of war that the Resistance was facing could have easily been answered with a simple outlining of details to Poe, who had every right to think that she was just leading them all to their deaths based on her attitude and actions.

>Look, there's a planet with an old base that we can use escape pods to pretty much undetected. We just need to lead the First Order on a bit on this ship and then we can sneak out.Then, I can have this ship set to take out the Supremacy and whatever else is in its path by warping at just the right moment. It's a suicide mission I am willing to accept for the sake of all your safety in this fight.

*clap emoji* *clap emoji* *clap emoji*

>Ackbar died for this
Disney Wars deserves to be burned to the ground.

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We are real. She's not.

She's a strong empowered womyn and can hold the gun any way she wants. But no harm in suggesting she move the pointy end a little closer to her skull...little closer...closer....

Your existence is virtual online, you aren't real here.

Literally all she had to do was get a droid to pilot the ship. Any model could have done it if given the right permissions.

Shut the fuck up. They wouldn't have done what she did at the precise moment that was necessary. Film is a visual medium.

>woman ruins another good franchise

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It's literally what happened in the movie though.

Poe literally spilled the beans to rose finn and the other guy who is the one who got anyone killed
Not the admiral sweetie

Did you even watch the movie?