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Clean it up, wagie!

clean it up, wagie, also watch as i leave with that girl you've been crushing on as you're forced to scrape up my shit, thems the breaks wagie wagie

Itt manchildren

Why are Americans such niggers?

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>He doesn’t leave a hot and steamy shit in the cup holder which wagie will inevitably grab bare-handed as he fumbles around cleaning a dark theater
Baka desu senpai

Do american really leave their trash on the floor?

I leave mine on the seat so when it folds up, it spills out everywhere.

>be american
>act like a pig
>get shot
>wonder why

Why should I clean up after myself? I paid $12 for a ticket so some teenage zoomer faggot can do it for me.

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you wouldn't dare pull that shit in a restaurant

I literally take garbage from home and sneak it in using my backpack just so i could dump it all there for wagies to clean up

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You paid $12 to see a movie not to act like some nigger child

Clean it up :)

Enjoy the hidden aids needle

Why does Yea Forums complain about niggers while you behave like a nigger, seems slightly hypocritical. :)

>He doesn't piss on the seats to show everyone that he was here and everyone should know about it

ITT: Niggers.

Niggers litter, white people don't
It's why whites skin are so smooth and clean while niggers are black from all garbage exposition

This is 4channel user, no idea what that Yea Forums is. Sounds like a fag.

Based feral nigger

What? Leave my dishes and leftovers for a waiter to clean up?

Because I paid for the movie ticket with my hard earned money, I'm entitled to get the services that come with it (which is making wagecucks clean up my mess)

What's next, I have to clean all of my plates and leftovers at a restaurant?

Yea Forums hates niggers, yet uses ebonics, supports committing crimes and living off the government dole, and has no problem acting rude and inconsiderate in public.
Really makes me think


It's been embedded in our DNA thanks to our former slave population.

dump it on the floor if you're so cool

>all the wagecucks in this thread seething
clean it up wagie

I leave the peanut shells on the floor, pinko.

do you call your mom wagie when she's changing your diaper?

I don't commit more than 50% of the crime in America

>thanks to our former slave population
You mean African natives or Europeans?

yes I do, problem?


Lol really?






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Been dumping drain oil in the gutter for ages.

My theater has waiters who take my garbage away.

based job creator

Keep pumping my gas wagie, and you better smile while doing it

>you're a bunch of white niggers
hi Sargon

>muh environment

He's a hacker with a personal army, you newfriend.


Bevause you're too scared of confrontations, you can only make a mess and leave hastily giggling like a pussy nigger you are.

Nigger spotted.
Please remain calm.
I just want to talk.

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>girls don't pay his tickets
what a loser.

das rite, if you dont beat women you a bitch ass pussy

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> limp wrist can’t pump his own gas
Lmao what’s the matter champ? Pump too heavy to lift for you?

If i don't trash the theater the wagies have nothing to do and then the theaters don't have a use for them so they fire them, I'm literally creating jobs and stimulating the economy, you're welcome.

I'm legit interested in what the context is here. What she did for him to be going at her like that, and why there's a child on the couch just there.


I want some fucking context here. Did she cheat, steal from him, is he a house robber?

She scratched his mixtape.

>Did she cheat, steal from him
wow nice victim blaming

It’s literally and 100% unironically because he’s a nigger. Stop trying to look for logic with blacks


except we don't commit crime

It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. He could just be an all the way piece of shit that beats women for little to no reason. Maybe she did nothing to cause this.

Fair enough, I'd have to lay a bitch out too if she scratched my copy of Street Memoirs vol. 3

You only do this because you can leave before wagies come to see what you did. It has nothing to do with actual crime, you just know you can get away with it so you're being a nigger. You wouldn't dare doing half the shit you do if you know there was even a chance of them seeing you can confronting you about it. Gloat over your own autism all yuu want, you're still a pussy.

It's a random home invasion

>all these assblasted wagie cucks calling you a nigger for making them do their wageslave jobs
hahaha clean it up wagie


burn the coal pay the toll

absolutely no sympathy for the roastie, in fact I hope that next time the nigger beats her to death

Cringe and ForeverAlonePilled

Anyone else just pee on the floor so they don't miss the movie? Only works in near empty theaters obviously


>not living in Oregon where by law you're forced to make some Cuck fill your tank

>rent free

i said DILATE tranny


Imma throw food on the floor the next time a nigger serves me just to prove you wrong

Do you have any good YouTube tutorials? Is it possible to turn my belly button into a vagina without any surgery or doctors?

Literally what
Hes robbing her you moron, look at her child, its white

Goodapeed. Chad-up, faggot.

Wagies deserve to be punished.

>all this edge in one post
I'm beggin ya

but user... Yea Forums IS black...

I always make sure to spill my drinks on purpose to make the floor all sticky.

I once smuggled three burgers in the cinema
Half of them ended up on the floor. Also the popcorn bucket fell over and I didn't bother to collect it

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Illegaly downloading movies is a crine

What is up with the amount of pozzed good goy zog cogs in this board lately? YEAH LET ME WORK AND PAY TAXES FOR ISRAEL!

As if you can pass the no singles policy and the penis inspection you moviegoer larping NEETcuck! Also, anyone who pulls off shit like this gets their face posted in every social media website and gets banned from every theatre in the country while anti-NEET robots clean the mess up. I literally get paid just to play bideogames and sit around while doing clean minor tasks.

It's not all. Just the niggers and the left.

This is why I still support abortion.


everything you do is for israel, user.

At this point Im convinced the Yea Forums autists that think this joke is funny are just as retarded as the monkeys that go and ruin the movie experience by being loud obnoxious chimps.
Fuck all of you.

There is no functional difference between retards and people pretending to be retarded.

Obviously not.
This is also why I only do morning showings of movies. Cheaper and I don't have to be subjected to a zoo or a special needs group who giggle and fart to themselves thinking it's the funniest thing they've ever conceived.
I'm old, you young people disappoint me. Kino is dead

Lol I leave my trash literally every single time. Not my job

in my theater they tell you to leave trash for them to recycle it properly

Ok pedo

thats not even that bad
sweep up some popcorn and put some shit in a binbag
if it was used diapers smeared over chairs and vomit in every cup holder then you can complain

Because the lazy white southerners didn’t wanna pick their own cotton so they imported millions of blacks into our country to do it for them and then they were idiotic enough to start a war that they could never win so they ended up having to free their destructive and chaotic blacks into our society.

Better not catch you wiping your ass either, that shit is the only friend you'll ever have

>Americans going to the cinema for the food
A nation of plebs.

>illegally download movies
>tamper with elections
>participate in propaganda
>spread and downloads mass amounts of child pornography
yeah you never commit any crimes lol

>didn't like the movie
>turn over my tub of popcorn and intentionally spill my drink to show my displeasure
It's like a real life downvote!

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I pull my red marker out of my prank bag and write my review on the screen.

This thread assumes Zoomers even work. They don't, they're watching twitch at home or something but they certainly don't work. Employers just hire immigrants now on work visas because Zoomers refuse to work.

My dad has tried to hire Zoomers for labour positions but they either quit after a couple of days or get fired for being completely retarded and incompetent

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I once hated a movie so bad, I intentionally held my diarrhea dump and shat in the cracks of the seat in the highest part of the theater and then covered it with popcorn/soda so it be sticky.

Well did she do it?

get to work wagie, I left my dirty diapie for you lololololol

we have slaves who pick it up for us. I make sure to leave extra, so they don’t have time to slack off.

you appear to be quite angry



>Yea Forums is one person
what a fucking retard you are.
how do you live with yourself?





>not berating your mom and calling her names when she fucks up wiping
it’s like you dont want her to improve...

Should have brought his rag on a stick

welcome to jersey ya fuckin mook

>Sargon living R E N T F R E E in your head
hi Jim

it was from a home invasion. niggers favorite past time when they can’t afford drugs to sell to white children


>do you leave your trash on the floor at home as well?
No, but at home i can watch movies for free whenever i want.
If i'm going to pay for free entertainment i expect there to be certain privileges involved.

why are you so obsessed with being a tough guy faggot?

because you're too much of a pussy


*violent crime
aka the bad kind of crime

Your privlege at the theatre is seeing a beautiful face, huge

It's called being a decent human being, retard.


it's almost like it's more than one person here and like it's not a hivemind of things but rather different opinions on lot's of things and tons of different views you can spout out freely but noooo here comes the redditors thinking everyone is the same on here (who's the nazi now, you generalizationist)

go be a nigger somewhere else

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either way, it won’t make you a woman

less yapping more cleaning wagie

Keep pumpin 4 the man, wagie

>Starts a sentence with "it's almost like"
>Calls other people redditors

Shut up bitch ass nigga

How will the workers know I didn't like Endgame as much as IW if I don't tip over my tub of popcorn?

Checkmate liberals.

I create jobs by leaving messes, And some how I'm the monster?

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what movie was that

the absolute state of this trannie

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They already have the job whether or not you leave the mess

oh sweaty no...
imagine not knowing about using faggy redditor speak on purpose for effect
let that sink in

okay boomer

no they won’t. why would the theater continue to pay someone if they had nothing to do? they aren’t running a charity and they aren’t forced to employ people they don’t need to

Pretty tame
>no liquid spills
>food is mostly popcorn and and wrappers/boxes, no sticky shit
whoever did this must've really liked his service that day.

>American passenger demanded Taiwanese flight attendants wipe his butt
absolutely based. wipe our asses, you gook shits.

>Get the large popcorn
>Eat what I want
>Get the free refill near end of the movie
>Dump it

They wouldn't offer free refills if you weren't supposed to do this. Nobody can eat two large buckets of popcorn.

If all the theatres are clean, there's other stuff they're supposed to do
It's not a difficult job at all

Lmao no you retarded incels are all the same

>never left his front porch, or in this case the micky d's he works at

serve my fries and shit your gay mouth, wagie

why don't theaters just put a removable bin between every seat?

this guy has it right. you are nothing more than frustated cats shitting right beside the box in order to feel some kind of power before you can go home and stare at 2d girls again.
you're living the life big guys. god how sad can you be

cat's have a special low frequency purr they use to control their masters also they do nothing all day and get everything in return, your analogy is worthless

Hidden Figures

Found the Virgin^

You see, user, despite being only 13% of the population...

The lights turn on retard

>that "I'm literally shaking and crying rn, how could this happen to me?" pose for the picture
Aw, poor guy has to do the job he's paid to do, how could we have been so cruel? :(

Enjoy killing all the animals in your neighborhood and being infested with bugs and germs nigger

That doesn't sound very american, imagine not being in control of your own gas, I'm going to be a pump wagie and charge you for 10 gallons but only give you 2


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Shut up chink

30 and my monster is in my hand you young incel
Cling to your shitty Memes, there's no difference between you faggots and the sweaty neckbeards over on Yea Forums
Hopefully the world ends before your generation of shit stains ever is old enough to be relevant.
Hee Hee poo poo pee pee, that better for you?

To be fair I manage the only movie theater around town, and I've been thinking of firing my wages and making the movie goes clean up for free, maybe even have incentives for being good boys and giving me money to stare at the cape man beat up th bad guy on the big wall light.

>paying for food and not using it
I hope you know they recycle the unused popcorn.


>sell overpriced food
>expect people to take it to the trash
thats like going to an expensive restaurant and having to clean the dishes

>I think you'll find I can, son. See, I am the white patriarch and thus hold all power in this universe. The (((MCU))) as you call it is a fantasy world, a weapon of words used by the Jews to subvert the cultures of Europe. Wakanda will never be real, apes could not even begin to hope to create civilization as we have. And, under any circumstances, there are no shitskins in Asgard, the land of our ancestral gods.

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So tv is full of tendie autists now?
Somebody give me the rundown

the white house is literally a den of thieves

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>spill drink and soda
>Jews still get your money
>you just ruined the theater a little bit more so it's worse next time you come back for capeshit 23 return of mad villain

You do remember what country you live in right?

Land of the poor, fat, and retarded.

clean it up wagie!

It's probably in the high 80% of this board and Yea Forums in general being wagies.
Most of you will say this and giggle but then go back to your sad fucking wagecuck job and this is your sad escape to pretend you aren't a poor faggot.

I pity you

I mean you can, if you're a jerk

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>be American
>get 20 dollars a month from the government
>spend it on microwave food and moview tickets as that's all he can afford due to poor fag NEET status
>ride scooter to big ugly box building
>watch Star wars episode 13 in a hot sticky nasty dark box on low quality grainy film with 60 other lard tubs packed in tiny plastic chairs
>don't like movie because jews ruin it
>knock over butter drenched popcorn bucket
>too shy to ask for money back so the jews still get it.
>tries to ask out ticket girl after embarrassing self as a gross slob
>Get shot by her ms13 member boyfriend

Am I really the only one who is not a total fucking slob and actually takes my shit with me when I leave?

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Shut up retard, you get 20 cents every first of the month for being highly autistic and alone, meanwhile I have Job but only need to pay for gas and insurance, I live in my house for free and get to spend my 800 dollar paycheck for doing a menial task for 6 to 8 hour and go or do whatever I want every week, I could buy your PC rig you begged your mom's boyfriend for every single week and still not go broke.

I own every good game on steam, and ps4, every movie and movie streaming service, a shit ton of guns and a decent sporty jap car like what you dream about in your anime fantasies and I get to eat all the tender I want whenever I want. Face it living off other people while holding a job is better than being a trapped wagie or a broke NEET.

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>modern problems deserve modern solutions

There's more to running a theater than just cleaning your mess I know mommy has only given you cleaning your room as your only job in life but it's more complex than that.

please die

Not my job. They made their bad decisions and have decided to work there.

>tfw take a massive thundering boulder of a shit directly onto the theater floor right before the credits roll


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Yeah right, they just want to make me pay 5 bucks to recycle that shit when it just gets shipped to china and they dump it in the ocean. All a scam! Same with tires. A dollar a peice to recycle them? I can burn them in the woods for free!

how hard is it to just pick up your trash and drop it into the bin as you're walking out of the cinema? Do american cinemas not have bins or something?

you had it right the first time tard. Nigger wanted to rob but found no valuables.

Am not. You can't get anything done without a confrontation from time to time. If you're too scared to ask for what you're worth, you become a useless neet that gets their endorphins boost from shitting in a cinema.
You're not a tough guy if you confront people, you're normal. Unlike pussy ass niggers itt.

this, if all the customers clean after themselves they would definitely cut the cleaning crew to save themselves from paying a check towards them. be grateful theater employeefags

Americans are unironically savages

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Nigger tier behavior. Don't be a pig.

Savage times breed savage men


No this is just an edgy fad from a bunch of the dregs of this website. Guaranteed these fags also go over to b to wank to WWYD and cuck porn threads like a bunch of cum guzzlers.

They probably think got is a good show too. This board has fallen low

Now that girl will hate niggers and Olivia.

Except I'm a functioning adult who isn't a faggot millennial and I actually did something with my life to be independent without being a fag.

800 dollar paycheck lmao. You keep telling yourself that's really good, have mom make you some more tendie before you go jerk off to some cuck porn you BBC closet homo.

No joke, it was Captain Fungus

None of you have actually done anything more than throw some popcorn on a floor because you are a bunch of cowards. I hope nobody has actually fallen for this autism

>he doesn’t spill his soda on the floor, then the popcorn so it gets stuck to the ground
I like to challenge the theater cleaners. Hard work pays off.

Oh man we got a live one. So what did you have to clean today to make you this mad?

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What a lazy piece of shit. He should be thankful for us creating his job by leaving trash.

>being so poor you can’t afford to waste anything
Europeans are pathetic.

What’s the point of hiring ushers to clean it up then? We take pride in keeping people employed. Not everyone is a lazy sack of shit that doesn’t work. If someone’s voluntarily joined a job to get paid to clean up messes, they damn well better clean up that mess.

It's hard to not make a mess while enjoying your mid-film pizza and wings.

>don't make me do my simple job

>Neetcuck with a Gf
Lol ok bud

Women respect power.

>southerners started the war of northern aggression to free negroes
revisionism, not even once

I'm not american but i always leave my trash for the working class worms to pick up after me