Saw my first legitimate case of wage rage

>be 22 yo neet on benefits, genuinely, unironically enjoying the lifestyle
>I didn't choose the lifestyle but after sampling it in hospital knew it was for me, I could go wagecuck with absolute ease and probably will of my benefits are cut
>see "frenemy" in Tesco's, try to ignore him but he approaches
>asks what I've been doing, honestly reply about being neet, ask what he's been doing
>Awkwardly long speech about studying at Oxford and internships
>No offence mate Im in a rush do you know where they've moved cheap brown bread?
>STILL going on about Oxford/internships
>mate I don't care I need to find the bread
>Starts going on about muh achievement muh society and how I should be doing something
>Say I'm happy with my life
>Keeps going on muh achievement
>Compare our a levels (I got 3A*, he got 2A*A)
>literally wage rage, starts calling me a loser, retard, never going to have kids
>walk off
>shouting at me to sort my life out, everyone staring

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>not shitting on the wagecuck by getting the manager involved, after all Customer is King

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Based. NEET's life.

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>22 yo neet

So I was walking in the park with a fellow NEET. We had an utmost interesting discussion (if you were NEET you would understand, us NEETs like to read a lot because we have the time for it).

He said: “We NEETs are truly the Nietzschean overman, oui?”

I nodded in agreement: “Of course! We strive for excellence and create our own morals.”

He continued: “So what is a wagecuck then? A wagecuck is but a mere drone. Its purpose is simply to sustain us NEETs. We shouldn’t feel sorry for them. Imagine our body it contains of millions of cells, which are to be replaced time and time again. The wagecuck is but a cell to serve the higher body that is the NEET.”

Really makes you think huh?

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>>Compare our a levels (I got 3A*, he got 2A*A)
What does this mean?

More please

This, you have plenty of time before the existential malaise sets in, OP.

holy flipping basted

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Uk 18 yo exams. He was calling me a loser so I compared our grades then got really butthurt

This has been my only experience unfortunately

>wagecucks are so mentally unstable and brainwashed by media that they have a breakdown if they aren't flipping burgers

user thinks he's more intelligent because the last formal grades he got were better than the other guy. He doesn't have context for what this means beyond the age of 18.

Fippy bippy, let that filthy wager know his place

Doesnt matter what you do in life, you will die with regrets.

what is "tesco's"

A better Walmart

huge supermarket chain

Based neetbro sending the wagecuck into an existential crisis of fulfillment

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Not me, I follow the samurai code and expect to die at any moment desu. As a result of this all of my affairs are in order and I am content.

>studying at Oxford
Does that even mean anything these days?

Jesus fuck I've almost done this exact thing. I'd got my GCSEs and went full gradecuck for them, straight a* and my bro didn't care when he did his a year later. Said he was a loser and he replied he genuinely just doesn't care he'd rather get drunk and have sex and I had a spazout

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>Being a real neet
>Instead of a neet in disguise where you shitpost all day at work
Missing out dude. It's way, way more money.

holy shit the delusion on this one

Nope, it's a huge cope for the fact he works in Tesco's, it means he lacks to nepotism to get any other job other than bottom of the barrel
>Calls you at 8:40PM
>Tells you to be in for 9:30 on a friday night or don't show up Monday
That shit tier

>be NEET
>just margintrade bitcoin all day with my neetbucks
>make more money in a month than wagecucks in a year

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My brother. Arguably I wouldn't call what we're doing NEETing anymore though

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>have to work nights at a minutes notice
do wagies actually do that?

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It's a crappy store known for selling contaminated horse meat.


Unironically pretty based

Are neets niggers? I thought niggers only government assistance

That's not really what went down, now is it..?

The difference is I trade with passion, for me its a hobby and not wagecucking.

While I do it I watch movies, tv shows, porn, play videogames.
I wake up whenever I want and I do whatever I want.
If I don‘t feel like it I don‘t trade at all and just enjoy.
There is zero pressure in this as my risk management is top tier and my TA some of the best.

I can earn as much as I want.

Compare this to the wagecuck, they put in 40 hours of work every week and always earn the same breadcrumbs.
They hate their wagecuckery, they hate their job, they hate themselves.

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Fucking based. Makes me ashamed that I've taken the wagepill

reminds me of my wagie days.
and how I ended up in the psych ward.
the customer is King of the Retards (especially if it’s a toastie roastie) and they deserve nothing but hostility and as much pain as you can cause them without it being obvious.

Who's that woman?

If your brain isn‘t completely rotten away from wagecage bullcrap you can do it too.
Everything you need to know about trading crypto is available on the internet for free.

But wagecucks usually lack the time and interest to learn, all they can do when they arrive back home is trying to relax before its off to the next shift.

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niggers sometimes have some kind of industriousness, such as slinging dope. neets are less than niggers

Wagie wagie get in cagie
All day long you sweat and ragie
NEET is comfy
NEET is cool
NEET is free from work and school
Wagie trapped and wagie dies
NEET eats tendies, sauce and fries

Neet's mom obviously.

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Lvl 28 here soon brehs

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You make a compelling argument for what freedom should look like. I'm very risk adverse, So I just do scalp trades to pay myself a small 'allowance' to fund my dirty NEET lifestyle. I'll have to step up my game!

To living with purpose, my brother!

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absolutely based. wageslaves seething

ummm yeah I’m thinking he’s based

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>picking up the phone in your free time
how obedient are those fucks?

>he doesn‘t understand that you can make money no matter if price goes up or down

Never gonna make it, bro.

And thats ok fren, we all gotta start learning somewhere.
Hang in there, keep trading, keep learning and you will make it.

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Wagie here, and that guy sounds insane, why does he care what you do with your life? I don't hate NEETs, nor envy them. I'm happy they have figured a way out of wagie bullshit. I'd do it if i could

Consider for a moment, the wagie. They absorb themselves in a world of infantile and childish banality to act as a shield against the lack of meaning they’ve found in adult life.

The neet was ever the cynic, they grew up early. However, in adult life this questioning cynicism has led to socratic reasoning; it has allowed them to find the inherent meaning that drenches existence. They need not bow to and defend a corporate entity, they rather see it as a means to harvest value for themselves. Distanced from the social lies of hierarchy, they feel no need to defend a service with the tribalistic intensity the wagie would. This psychological and spiritual independence has allowed the neet to see that all beliefs rest on faith, and thus they have a dream to pursue- a free life. The neet is ultimately on the side of life- they revel in existence, and as a consequence, freedom, the ultimate expression of life.

Contrast this, with the wageslave. They treat a company like a mother figure, a comforting provider that can do no wrong. Yes, they treat a giant, profit seeking cooperation like their friend, like a mutual partner. This is the mindset of the wagie. Why?

They never thought introspectively, they always got exactly what they wanted, that repeated cycle of childish demands and concessions, and so never became questioning or critical. In adult life, this has led to the wageslave embracing nihilism in full force. They never learned to see beyond the physical, peer into the abstract, forge a path of their own, and so are a reflection of the sad world around them. In adult life, they have no parent figure to give them meaning, provide to them orders and a cause, and so replace that comforting lie with wageslavery. This pathetic existentialism drives them to take orders from their boss and waste their prime in an office.

get back to work wagie
that second megayacht ain’t gonna buy itself
t. your boss

All good except for the part where you’ll never get laid, every woman will look at you like the disgusting fat mess you are, and you’ll have zero respect from anyone you come across.

Next thing you know you’ll be fifty, the DWP will cut your benefits or just take them entirely. You’ll have no job experience, no life experience, you won’t be able to even get a job at McDonald’s.

Then you’re out on your arse. You’re on the streets begging for petty cash to get a sausage roll from Greggs, and then people like me will walk past, and we’ll look at you in a completely different way than others have all your life: with a loathsome pity. You will die cold, hungry and alone on the streets when winter gets into your bones. You will not be mourned.

Why? Because outside of that environment, outside of being told what to do, outside of being given structure and a “purpose” of “contributing” to “society”, the wageslave would be hopelessly lost.

How do they cope with this? Simply put, by not thinking about it. They are fundamentally cowardly. It terrifies the is wagie to face difficult questions, even if the eventual answer may be positive. They believe what they are told, whatever the “experts” tell them, they can not comprehend of authority simply being human, and capable of being wrong. They crave, fundamentally, to be subservient, and their corporate overlord is an outlet for this pathetic desire.

The wagie has nothing to fight for, nothing to hope for, they get the same perfectly acceptable sum of cash month in and month out. There is nothing for them beyond their next “fix” like a pig being given its slop, living from one meal to the next- and nothing in between. Without this veil of childish distraction they may, God forbid, think for themselves, which would lead their lowly and materialist minds down the path of existential panic.

The wageslave represents the physical man, the man chained to earth, bereft of the abstract self, the artist, the author, the thinker. The wagie, like an animal, lives his life in denial or panic before he perishes having created nothing, having learned nothing, having been nothing- his weak and pallid soul dissipates into the earth. Pity the wagie, but know, wether consciously or not- this was his choice.

any more I could read on the NEET philosophy?

nietzche is for pseuds, and is a wagie philopsher
making your own meaning is wagie shit

Actually I'm saving up for a lake house for me and my wife. Won't be too long before that's a reality. And I get to spend the same amount of time here as you.

What are my fellow NEETs doing this fine day? I'm reading "History of the Peloponnesian War" and writing a book of my own. Soon I'll break for a nice hot lunch, home cooked before hitting the weights for a bit.
