00s kids think this is funny

00s kids think this is funny

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It was though.

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It is because I’m laughing just looking at the middle one




>the playa hatas have arrived

game blouses

computer blue

>wide nose havin', breathin' all the white man's air - I hate 'em!

I'm Indian and I never got why people loved Chapelle, I honestly think some people only pretend to like him to fit in or because they want to support black comedians or some shit. My friend showed me Black Bush and the jokes were really obvious "haha oil, bitch u cookin?". He's just not funny. I've laughed more at unexpected sneedposts

It was the first of it's kind - black comedians can't break out of the shadow of the genre chapelle defined

>I'm Indian

i'm so sorry

fuck off azis

I have nrver found this guy funny.

Some of these cats ain’t even got shoes one man, I can’t go out like that

OP, what can I say about your post that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan...

Indian as in you live in India? Chapelle is specifically attuned to the American zeitgeist so im sure it's difficult to appreciate him as an external observer.

>Doesn't understand why people like the GOAT
well your entire race is retarded, that doesn't surprise me

I guarantee I live a better life as an upper class Indian than you in your shithole, hateful fuck
Oh that probably explains it

>I'm Indian
do you poop in the street?

>I guarantee I live a better life as an upper class Indian than you in your shithole, hateful fuck
Not him but if you walk like a mile from your house people are shitting on the street m8.

Despite what you may think shitting in a toilet is superior to shitting in an alley.

>call others a hateful fuck
>brag about being upper caste


why don't you purify yourself in the waters of lake Minnetonka

And how does that concern me? Poorfags are everywhere on Earth. You can find people who piss and shit in public in America too



it was mildly funny. rick james and prince were the real gems.

>black comedians can't break out of the shadow of the genre [every hack black comedian since Pryor] defined

>You can find people who piss and shit in public in America too
Right. A tiny fraction of the population with mental problems--not entire chunks of our population.

>how does that concern me?
Because it forces you to live in a bubble within your own fucking homeland? Stop pretending like the median figure is irrelevant just because you're "rich". India has a long way to go.

>I guarantee I live a better life as an upper class Indian than you in your shithole
What's the fucking point? Your beaches are covered in human shit, your rivers are filled with human shit, corpses and toxic waste, and you're so fucking retarded you've overpopulated your land with more than a BILLION street shitters.

Who cares if you have the "nicest" house in the dump? Nobody.

Shoot the j. Shoot it!

>I beat my dick like it owes me money

You have to be a turbo contrarian to hate on Chappelle's show.

Parks and Recreation is fucking awful too, hate that hype

I appologize Sir Ranjeed. I didn't realize you live in the fancy part of India where they rinse the street with water before you eat from it.

It's a middle of the road sitcom, and gets praises as such. While I have seen some retards pretend like it's the greatest show ever, they are a minority.
Fuck off though faggot, Chappelle's Show is great.

Most black comedians broke out of the shadow of the genre Pryor defined by getting into Hollywood and doing movies. Cosby is a complex case in that he used to be a good comedian with a clean adult jokes, but went to television and propelled to fame by the Cosby Show.


>superpower by 2030.

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Man you CORNY!

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ITT: Contrarian zoomers
Chapelle Show was fucking great and they could never even come close to approaching what those skits did today. Everyone's too fucking sensitive.

Buc Nasty!
What can i say about your suit that hasn't been said about Afghanistan
Bombed down and depleted!

It's not contrarian zoomers it's one pathetic poo

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Why did Patrice had to die? FUCK
I miss that red pilled fat asshole

Who the fuck is Renee Zellweger?

>I bet she wears underwear with dickholes in em.
That was fucking funny.

>I'm Indian
Didn't read past here

It was and so were the Boondocks.

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It was quite literally a different time. A lot of those sketches seem cliched now because everybody has ripped them off and made it cliche.

i'm an 80s kid and i think this is funny

Always found the Clayton skit to be the unfunniest of his characters. Don't know why people liked it so much. It was just the same goddamn joke every time.

Lol crack.

Rick James was only funny not because of how Dave played him but bevause of Charlie Murphy story telling.

I bet you think Seinfield isn't funny either

>Charlie Murphy story telling

There's many unaired stories and they're all fucking great.


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Fuck. Not Clayton. That skit was funny. Whatever was the name of the crack addict.

Tyrone Biggums.

Came here to post this.

Humor changes very subtly over time.

Fuck you Red Balls was great

>smashes window and steals radio

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Loves his mom, loves PCP.


Listen close, as life turns its pages

Want some pancakes, bitches?



say the word, son


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Correction, I had sex with Katie.


I disagree, you meet more people by going outside and shitting in random alleys. It's how I met both of my ex wives and my current meth dealer.

and they say romance is dead
