Actors who refuse to do certain genres
Actors who refuse to do certain genres
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Mrs Hershlag please do not say such things publicly
She hates fantasy/fictional genre, apparently.
>says no to holocaust movies
>says yes to Malick foot fetish movies
Is she /ourshlag/?
She knows how to dance, why not make an improved version of Showgirls with a lot of nudity?
Time has passed and she will not look prettier over time.
Kristen Stewart refuses to do black movies
>based jews don't exi-
imagine eating her ass while she tells you to not vote for zion don
>nat isn't /ourga-
I think Neta-Lee is perfect :3
My first ever girlfriend looked like Natalie Portman and now I can’t watch movies she’s in
I had one of those
Sure thing Satan!
Me too.
>Hollywood has created more movies and tv shows about the Holocaust than Holodomor, the Rwandan genocide, the Armenian genocide, the Cambodian genocide combined
what did they mean by this
what did she mean by this
did she really say that?
Paul Dano refuses to star in movies which have negroes as equal to the white man
she's urging the jews to focus on real-life matters instead of fiction
A jew trying to trick gentiles into thinking she is one of the goyim? No way!
You have to be the ultimate scummy white guy to deny the holocuast
Cuz its da worst thing to happen ever goy! Neva forget!
I wish all Holocaust deniers have their balls shot off by loli Portman
What are you talking about? Natalie has done plenty of fiction
Why do the gas chambers have wooden doors and where was the millions of pounds of ash from all the bodies? Why were all the "death camps" in areas taken by the Soviets? What motivation would Soviet Jews have to lie or exaggerate?
Its undeniable fact that the holocaust happen fucking naziboo. Shit like this is why we need hate speech laws.
Please answer his questions
t. Shlomo Shekelstein
>deflecting this hard
Mine was Palestinian though
Shit the fuck up Avi.
>t. moses tannenbaum
Answer the question herschel.
Why did someone build a 20 meter chimney in Auschwitz in 1947? It confuses me
What about all the stuff that was obvious lies like the ejaculation torture, human lampshades, and the holocoaster? Jews are histrionic lying weirdos.
>ywn do a nazi/jewess roleplay in the bedroom with based mommy Hershlag
literally why live?
>believes an entire country and most of the world was psy-opped into believing the holocaust was real
>believes he knows better
>is a neet on Yea Forums
ywn hang out with a drunk mad hershlag naming the Jew and flirting
I don't care even if it did happen. They deserved it. Even if I believed it happened I would still deny it and try to convince other people it's fake.
>after the war, the authorities [jews] tried to reconstruct the original look of the crematorium but botched the job in several ways
Now why would those wacky authorities go and do something like that?
Thank you. Good answer on the door. Not a good answer on how they dealt with the ashes.
The only people I see who are openly against the state of Israel, and the treatment of Palestinians, are Jews themselves (myself included).
>it wasn't real in my mind
They made pancakes with them
No, the actual quote is, "I kidnap young blonde gentile boys and make them lick my sweaty pits."
Amy Schumer refuses to do comedy.
What happened to all the supposed mass graves at Treblinka?
Let’s compromise then. Pick one and I’ll make that my personal accepted position on the matter going forward.
>the holocaust was real, but i simply do not give a shit
>the holocaust was real, and it was awesome
>the holocaust was real and it was truly terrible but only because the nazis didn’t manage to finish the job
>the holocaust was real and it was truly terrible but only because the nazis didn’t manage to finish the job
this pls
the holocaust was real
Because being a Jew gets you a pass to talk about that stuff. Anyone else who's openly against Israel immediately gets shouted down with cries of anti-semitism.
so it is my gf
>this is what a succesful bait looks like in 2019 Yea Forums
yet she was in star wars kek
Considering that Portman had multiple family members who died in the Holocaust, it's probably a case of her simply finding it too personal of a subject to act on.
Because the Germans blew up the original.
Next question.
Just accept the holocaust didn't happen
I’m 21 and a blonde gentile boy, do I still have a chance?
Just did, now what? Do I stop being a virgin?
Out of all the autopsies done on bodies from the camps none have cyanide poisoning as a cause of death. If they were killed and burned where was the millions of pounds of ash that that burning 6 bajillion bodies would leave behind?
>had multiple family members that died in the holocaust
I have yet to meet a single jew anywhere that didnt claim this. I stopped taking them seriously when i was 10
how does it being ‘real’ have any relevance to how i live my life? Should it? Why the fuck does it matter at all?
can you fags stop talking about jews for 5 seconds?
>she got impregnated by a goy
ok thats it, you cunts get double the migrants
>can jews stop injecting themselves into every topic and whining when people dont wanna kiss their ass
On a film and tv board? Whats your favorite Spielb- oh wait. Is Adam Sandler coming out with somethin n- oh woops.
jews should do the same
>how does it being ‘real’ have any relevance to how i live my life? Should it? Why the fuck does it matter at all?
That's the point. They use the holocaust to guilt all whites (not just germans) into giving up on having a nice white country.
germoids need to be holocausted though
Exactly. If they didn’t use it to extort gibs from everyone and to cover up their own shitty behavior I wouldn’t have nearly as much of a problem with it.
>Because the Germans blew up the original.
hmm and why would you want that incel
Sorry about that, Lucifer. Hey, do you think you and the big man will ever kiss and make up?
what if she braps
every molecule out of her is a blessing from ba'al
I don't believe it didn't happen, but I deny it out of principal
why were you in principal?
What doors were actually used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz? The same as for the delousing chambers, i.e. the gas-tight ones.(
The usual denier claim that wooden doors somehow cannot be made gas-tight is debunked by the brute fact of the delousing gas chambers having used such wooden doors (for gassings of likely higher HCN concentrations and longer durations). And no, the other argument, that such a door cannot withstand the crowd pressure, doesn't hold water:
Among the mentions of the gas-tight doors for the homicidal gas chambers in the Auschwitz (
"At this occasion we remind you of another order of March 6, 1943 for delivery of a gasdoor [Gastür] 100/192 for morgue 1 of crematorium 3, Bw 30 a, which must be equipped exactly in the form and size of the basement door of crematorium 2, located opposite, to be made with a spy-hole of double 8 mm glass with a rubber seal and metal fitting. This order must be considered as very urgent."
>where was the millions of pounds of ash from all the bodies?
After a person is cremated, quite a small amount of ash remains - it fits in a small urn, or a box. This means that ashes of thousands of people fit into one truck. The ash was either scattered around in fields, buried, or - in Auschwitz, for instance - dumped into a river. Also, piles of ash were discovered at some camps (Maidanek, Sobibor).
herschlag is not based, she only hates israel because she is one of those trendy californian jews who worships mud people and thus she is turbo mad about the palestinians. it is weird that you tradlarp faggots hate actual israelis when they are more conservative than most western countries, but you worship a fucking NIMBY slut like turd-slag
>Why were all the "death camps" in areas taken by the Soviets
The Western Allies liberated several camps with homicidal gas chambers. That only the Soviets liberated dedicated extermination camps is not a coherent argument. The evidence for their exterminatory function was found by all Allies.
Here is a not necessarily complete list of camps liberated by the Western Allies which contained dedicated homicidal gas chambers or where some homicidal gassings took place in makeshift gas chambers:
Mauthausen and its subcamp Gusen (B. Perz, F. Freund, "Tötungen durch Giftgas im Konzentrationslager Mauthausen" in G. Morsch, B. Perz (Hrsg.), Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas. Historische Bedeutung, technische Entwicklung, revisionistische Leugnung, 2012 (2. Aufl.), S. 244ff.; F. Freund, "Tötungen durch Giftgas in Mauthausen und Gusen" in B. Bailer, W. Benz, W. Neugebauer (Hrsg.), Wahrheit und "Auschwitzlüge". Zur Bekämpfung "revisionistischer" Propaganda, 1995, S. 119ff.):
Neuengamme (R. Möller, "Die beiden "Zyklon B"-Mordaktionen im Konzentrationslager Neuengamme 1942" in Morsch, Perz, op. cit., S. 288ff.);
Natzweiler (F. Schmaltz, "Die Gaskammern im Konzentrationslager Natzweiler" in Morsch, Perz, op. cit., S. 304ff.; J.-C. Pressac, The Struthof Album. Study of the Gassing at Natzweiler-Struthof of 86 Jews Whose Bodies Were to Constitute a Collection of Skeletons, 1985);
most probably also Dachau, although whether anyone was gassed in the built gas chamber is not clear (B. Distel, "Die Gaskammer in der "Baracke X" des Konzentrationslager Dachau und die "Dachau-Lüge" in Morsch, Perz, op. cit., S. 337ff.).
It is true that camps like Auschwitz or Treblinka were liberated by the Soviets. The explanation is very simple: the Nazis concentrated these mass-killing factories away from the so-called "Old Reich", in the East (relatively speaking), one of the main concerns being secrecy vis-à-vis the average Germans. This obviously did not prevent the information from leaking out eventually (you can't keep operations on such huge masses of people really secret - which is how we know with certainty that the alleged deportation of the Jews "to the Russian East" never happened and they were murdered in the extermination camps instead), but the location of the camps made sense. Which is why such camps - or the places where they used to be (for camps like Treblinka and Belzec had been fully destroyed some time before the Soviet army overran the territories) were found en masse by the Soviets and not the Western Allies. There is nothing surprising about this if you take just a few seconds to think things through.
don't rude @ ourshlag
>Take me off this mailing list you fucking kikes.
I will always love her ever since the Sony leaks.
Answer his questions, sweetiepie :)
i wish i could punch ryan
the holocaust happened and that's a good thing
What a passive aggressive asshole.
shes right for being mad but she couldve picked a less obvious username
I'm not reading all that. It didn't happen and I'll deny it until the kikes stop hanging over the head of every white person. Which will never happen.