Since they are starting to work on Supergirl, why don't we campaign for an actress we want instead of letting them decide fully ? I am sure if we tweet and shit about someone like Kiki or Anya they would consider it. Make it happen ?
Since they are starting to work on Supergirl...
Mindy Kaling for supergirl
It's 2019, Supergirl NEEDS to be trans.
Fuck you, your capeshit trash, and your SJW cancer faggot.
sad that despite all the passion Yea Forums has towards hating this shit, they still can't motivate and actually try to meme someone into the role
but i wanna fight the sjw, are you retarded ?
*SuperWOMAN. Don't be diminutive, you sexist pig.
It's supposed to be Supergirl because she is like 15 or 16. Not like they would ever do that but still.
too sexy neck
fuck now I want to masturbate
thanks obama
i bet she's secretly proud of wearing that suit.
>already had a worldwide reich to herself
>try an invade another Earth
For what reason?
Super dick worshipping cumrag whore Girl
I will settle for nothing else than Brie Larson or Amy Schumer
>no blue eyes
so close
>actually hoping for anything good
why would you do that
to kill kikes and niggers of course
what more reason do you need?
>Supergirl... she's meant to be cute, right
>lolno, we're going to subvert that
give it up anons, everything we love is lost
it's not netflix for once
Neither was Titans
Elle fanning
she does have blue eyes