Here's your Lara Croft bro

Here's your Lara Croft bro

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Other urls found in this thread:

fucken dropped

Too mannish.

fucken dropped

No here's your Lara Croft bro.

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Nah, her body is perfect, shame for the face.

Pretty sure she couldn't even lift her own body weight.

I do wonder how the producers thought Vikander was right for the role. From Jolie to to her was such a jarring drop.

>no ass
fucken dropped

Looks more like (((Sarah Croft)))

Pleb and bluepilled

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>no ass

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That is literally disgusting buddy

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This entire thread just got mogged.
/fit/ btfo

Her thighs are as big as her ass cheeks, not proportional at all

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Absolutely nailed it.

>*gets hard*
What did my penis mean by this?

>stick limbs
>fridge torso
what the fuck?

Incels have no excuse when even women can look like this muscular

Here's your Catwoman bro

Attached: IMG_2598.jpg (300x300, 97K)

Name? I want to post on her IG

I would be fine if they had a really fit woman playing lara, the retarded female heroes we have now are all sticks that are weak as fuck.

The steroids probably made her infertile, she's more man than woman now

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Fuck this cunt of a kid. Here's to hoping he gets killed in front of his cunt parents.

Shit bait

if not the roids, the low bodyfat percentage surely will

Lara Croft is a toxic product of the patriarchy. Time for a rethink.

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No, here she is.

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Thanks bro, I'll watch it this thursday.

Alison Carroll will always be the best live action model.

Attached: alison_carroll_lara_croft_new_gun_outfit_8_big.jpg (1277x1950, 135K)

No muscles? No thank you.

>buff Angelina Jolie with bigger tits
Wtf why is this so hot I don't even like muscle girls

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>body is perfect
Why dont you just admit you're attracted to men? Theres no stigma these days.


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How big it is...?

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>she fucks niggers

we're living in a time where insecurity in young people has reached levels that not only young males define their self-worth through unhealthy body images only achievable by drug consumption and self destructing lifestyles
society has robbed regular females of their identities as women so they turn to false strong male identities

Why not Gina Carono

I want her to fucking smash my balls like to little grapes between her thighs.

You'd think all these cosplaying whores would have enough attention to detail to actually purchase the correct fucking airsoft pistols.

I mean it's that or blob monsters

Her acting experience consists of a single film where she said 1 word of dialogue.

we live in a timeline with magic muscle growth pills for girls

Attached: 8 weeks on 10mg var transformation.webm (508x640, 894K)

You're thinking of Samantha Wright. That's Shay Massey.

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>does your manager even lift, bro?

Excuse for what? I don't fucking want to look like that, neither I want to inject roids in my ballsack

jesus fucking christ

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>tfw they used that plank for the reboot

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>obviously shopped
>literally can see blurred everything around delts and quads
>people eat it up
Fuck me zoomers are retarded
How the fuck do you not know what photoshop is, its not even a good shop, you can fucking see the warped wall


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give me a decent "lara croft style adventure" plot now, and I swear I will make it in the next 2-3 years. it will not be "lara" but it will be a big tiddy actress doing shit. hit me

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I could tell by the pixels.
I’ve seen some shops in my time..

I'd raid her womb

>being this insecure

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I like women who lift.


at least she looks like she can do a chin up.

>has to bend over to make it look like she has even a little bit of ass

I haven't been to /fit/ in a long while, has it been taken over by roasties and thirsty orbiters?

/fit/ was always orbiter central, what are you talking about.

/fit/ hasn't been good since zyzz died.

enji night

last time I was there there was a thing where people were justifying fucking fat ugly girls as a good thing, I'm not interested in a bunch of guys lying to themselves so I stopped browsing.

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its incredible to think how much blood has been spilled in that area, and how many skeletons are buried beneath it, still undiscovered
mexico is cursed

>mexico is cursed
The Spanish showing up and wrecking those savages' shit is proof that you are incorrect. Not only did Cortez and his men wreck their shit, but the surrounding indian tribes the Aztecs harvested their sacrifices from joined in on the btfoing as well.

Mexico is a miracle country compared to what it could've been had it not been colonized.


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the man dicking enji is a lucky motherfucker good god


the fact that he hasn't chained her to the stove barefoot and pregnant makes me question his sanity

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>disliking small women


>that engagement ring on her finger
Do you think when she wants snu snu, she just picks up her fiance, throws him onto the bed, mounts him by force and then rides him until he cums inside of her?

you wish

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No, I think they have passionate sex in the missionary position

>go to gas station to buy some candy
>is also part grill joint
>one of the women cooking burgers wore tights that were basically see-through and had the same ass as pic related
>think god damn
>while walking back i realize that i might actually have said it out loud and that the woman by the cash register might've heard me
God, what an ass she had though.


ass just does things to people user, I feel ya

It's a fucking dude. Tans Angel's is a transexual porn site.

Nice roid face, lol


I've flat out complimented strangers on their asses IRL, it's not as if they wear translucent tights because they don't want men to see their booty

and what was their reaction?

Can't expect a /fit/ thread to know the difference.

Name is Renee Enos for Musclefag anons

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Ironically, that "plank" is gonna work better as a realistic Lara Croft than female beefcakes. Beefy bodies need a lot of energy to sustain, they're not exactly the kind that would fit survivalism.

I want snu snu RIGHT NOW!

only the recent shit games have been about survivalism

here's your wonderwoman bros

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Disgusting whore

The original Lara was planned to be Hispanic, surname Cruz. That's why her initial design had dark lips with shitty contouring and pencilled on eye brows.

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i'd smell her protein braps as a pre-workout, mid workout to ensure maximum pump and gains and pot workout for recovery

Lara has a pretty face though
this xir looks post-transition

gays don't have a right to express opinions on beautiful women, sorry faganon

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I don't think penciled brows were fashionable during her conception, it's just early 3D.

clearly you're an mk ultra success story

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Not a fan of tattoos but if a woman has a 12/10 body then should could have full-body tattoos for all I care

Fuck was gonna post this one.

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I'm unironically a 9

>closest a muscle girl gets to looking good and actually feminine
>ruins it with tattoos
>extra garish tattoos at that
Dumb fucking cunt. Next you'll tell me she got implants.

I would have been down with that Sofia Vergara lara croft from the one commercial
Would have also settled for lucy pinder or Gemma arterton

So we post thic thights now?

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>no tits

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That's a dude you homosexual.

Which tripfag is cheekie on /fit/? Is that autistic Mongolian girl who use to post nudes

stfu tranny

Here's your Wonder Woman bro

Attached: Wonder Woman_3636.jpg (1440x1800, 388K)

How's the weather in the closet?

Linda Durbesson is great but a little too muscled on the shoulders and arms but the ass and legs are 10/10.

Imagine her feet

No, here's your Lara Croft.

Attached: lk.jpg (684x917, 93K)

Forgot my image.

Attached: y2CxIR9bcmGYStrFVyjoIBgBipug_pcn3zUWJEZf3sY.jpg (1080x1080, 183K)

You secretly want to fuck men you closet fags
>but she has a vagina
>she just looks manly every where else

What's wrong with her face? It so long plus the pig nose, no check bones, and slack jaw.

4/10 face, 9/10 tits.

>if she has a vagina but looks like a man, it's gay
>if she has a penis but looks like a woman, it's gay
>if she has a vagina, looks like a woman, but was once a man, it's gay
You guys are really afraid of the gay.

Based and Redpilled.
I just like women with huge thighs, big ass, and massive tits.

If you don't like a buxom woman what are you doing with your life.

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Rightfully so.

Attached: gays-not-welcome-57ca2a1d11ee7.jpg (329x399, 44K)

Women with bigger tits have, on average, much worse personality traits than women with small tits and are more likely to cuckold you

>Imagine her thighs crushing your head like a watermelon

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Seething chestlet.

Did this movie release yet

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Where do I meet varbies and how do I get them to love me

I like the version of this where his eyes and mouth shoot out

Natasha Aughey. Second from the right in pic-related

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you're a faggot. just accept it


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shame about her face tho

natasha aughey

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Rating those asses assuming from left to right the numbers are 1-5.

There can be only one. All others are Lara’s doppelganger.

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Petra Verkaik right? Fuck that takes me back.

>Here's your Lara Croft

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>that ass
>that hip movement
good lord I'll bet she fucks like a tiger

Ok, why practically there are no films with physically trained women?

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I remember this

A zombie movie about how muscular women beat off zombie attacks at the gym with barbells and dumbbells could be a very fun fan-service.

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verkaik! love those mini vids!

i've actually got an ex with ass and thighs almost as tasty as enji's, it lives up to the hype
small tiddies tho

because most people find this more attractive

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what are you on? her face is more than fine, solid 7/10

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Let me believe!

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>here's your supergirl bro

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>The original Lara was planned to be Hispanic, surname Cruz. That's why her initial design had dark lips with shitty contouring and pencilled on eye brows.
Just beause someone came up with something during the brainstorming phase, doesn't mean that that thing was ever.. a thing.
Lara Croft was never turned into an english woman, she was one by default. Laura Cruz never existed.
In the same vein, Ripley was never a man

no ass

What an abomination.
They do not find it attractive, they are inspired that it is attractive.

Fucking perfect. Can you imagine that we have the shitty nuLara instead of someone like this?

>Enji Night
>no ass
You're so fucking wrong it's astounding.
follow half of chained replies

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>No curvature on the ass of the forward leg.
A pro could see that a mile a way. Only flyover state retards like this shit.

jealous is a bitch

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I've actually fucked her at a con. She just lays there. Worst $15,000 I ever spent.

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I hope you're fucking kidding here and you didn't actually paid 15 grand to get your dick wet.

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Alicia worked hard to stay in shape and stayed, but she gained muscle and did not stay with this body of work>I mean, legs works, hips works and ass work
The same thing happened with Larson and Gadot

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alicia is a fridge-plank thus nobody cares about her

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When your example of a “proportional” body has to be photoshopped lol

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if only it was padded when will they learn
>Worst $15,000
Was she really that bad? Ever fuck any other cosplayer?

Attached: Enji Night tight rope.webm (950x540, 2.95M)

describe the pussy and tits
and what's her personality like

Attached: Enji Night as Lara Croft.jpg (640x790, 88K)

The world is bigger than the United Sharts of Americucks you know.

god i wish that was me

no it isn't
don't lie
lying on the internet is a sin

>116062381 (you)

Attached: doubt.jpg (474x269, 12K)

Is she straight
What kind of a man do these women go for

Name of the last semen demon?

yes, shes straight
mostly buff manlets

even better


Attached: Enji illusion.gif (250x313, 1.91M)

Sarah Silverman

>335lbs squat
>440lbs diddly

i kind of feel bad for her
this probably isnt what she expected out of her life
but it could be worse i suppose

post the wonderwoman

>no tits
no thanks

she was born in Hungary, she was given a shit card at birth so one more shit act isnt so bad

A-B-C is perfect, the nipples are more sensitve then, thus more fun from breast plays

i meant wonder woman has tits you weirdo

>caring about their feelings
lmfao how fucking gay are you faggot?

Just put her in cute dresses like in that spy movie, UNCLE or something. Dick = diamonds.

Lara Croftberg?

/pectiddies/ are patrician

Attached: adj.webm (640x800, 1.79M)

>no tits

Once women get ripped they lose their tits, if a musclechick still has any their fake

epic post there summerchild youre a real 4channer now

>niggers and a tranny

Checks out

lol u gayzorz

t. beta so desperate for anything he has to orbit chestlets

Rose Byrne

Attached: ROSE.jpg (2560x1600, 339K)

Ripped women like ripped guys, you stand no chance lard

sadfu because she is always sad

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Friendly reminder that all these cunts got raped and that's why they work out so hard so they
>a) feel like they have a fighting chance if they get attacked again
>b) make themselves less femine and less attractive therefor less of a target

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Do you have any idea how many hookers you could have fucked for that?


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It looks like someone spit their coffee out on her chest.

Because Lara Croft isn't fat

the only Lara Croft with the adequate skills

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Girls with freckles are the best

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>that ear
can't unsee

Attached: 18.gif (100x58, 22K)

being ugly isn't a skill lara croft has

We will never see any actress with this body of work in the MCU
Or playing Lara Croft

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>buff manlets
Nice, I'm in

I see no difference

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Not allowed at MCU

need to see her tits before I make a judgment
tits > face

I'm scrawny as hell by gym standards and still got myself a snusnu


your brain is damaged then

fucking destroy my anus baby

>those hips
>no ass
You have no idea how women work, do you?

Would not sell, most women would not be able to relate. envy, etc.

I'm sure you fucked enji night, but I won't lie that a lot of people who ooze sexual energy/appeal are some of the most laziest people when it comes to sex. Like they don't even like the activity.

but she has a big ass though

are you sure user?

Attached: tumblr_p4by51jJSK1wihlh0o1_1280.jpg (956x1200, 362K)

Depends. I've seen several skinny guys with these, but also fat, or average looking dudes.
YMMV. I've been in a relationship with one of them amazontypes, great time but a bomb of mental issues due to her mom.

that's what i'm saying
big hips typically implies a big ass

Attached: Enji beach.jpg (2048x1367, 384K)

I'd be okay with the race change if she was fucking buff
but shes a sjw cunt IRL so to hell with her

I would end every poster in this thread w my bear hands just to have her smile at her friend behind me on the train

Tessa Thompson is also an ugly fucking mutt. Like compared to any 20-30 year old on the street in decent shape, she’s bottom tier for sure, but compared to gorgeous actresses and models she might as well be deformed.

Yet they hire her to play a 10/10 ubermensch Valkyrie, and literal queen of Asgard

cute girl smiles are nice i agree

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Don't mind me just posting a 10 out of fucking 10 snack to btfo muscle girl fags.

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You guys think these muscle chicks like foot play
Imagine worshipping their feet after they come home from a long day at the gym

>horse face

weak bait

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>this thread

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hard pass

Those are probably marks from sun damage and not freckles

Here's your Lara Croft bro

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Damn Super Nanny is looking goodt

>tfw you will never have a girl like this
feels bad man

I'd raid her tomb if you know what I mean.

scooped up and retrieved

Fat girls = best bjs
Go out and find yourself a cow

>never heard or seen this roastie before
>have now seen her cute pink nipples and big yummy belly
the internet is so fucking based


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I see youre a man of culture

even women don't like this shit


>$15k for busting a nut in a wet hole

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fridge raider

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>tfw no trad fit waifu to make gains with
I want to pose down with my queen.

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This, eww