How does he manage to get hard for a body like this? Does love make your dick hard? And why is she so tan for a swede?

How does he manage to get hard for a body like this? Does love make your dick hard? And why is she so tan for a swede?

Attached: Michael-Fassbender-Alicia-Vikander-Spain-July-2017.jpg (2048x2048, 313K)

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>unironically the body of a 12 year old boy
Is Fassy a pedo?

How does she have visible abs but her arms and legs are twigs?

he’s gay, michael ASSbender lmao

>And why is she so tan for a swede?
it's called the sun

Her lower boy looks rather athletic actually.
Though I'm more concerned with how well her insides can handle fassbender's massive dick.

Every swede I know is very tanned

Low body fat and going to the gym once a week.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-06-17h20m14s582.png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

Guarantee youre gay

a lot of nordic people get very tan

can you imagine how fun it would be slamming that skinny little bitch, effortlessly tossing her around like a rag doll, skullfucking her into oblivion as she's helpless to resist, not that she would even try because she loves every second of it.

You attracted to stick insects?

Yeah, that thing would split her in two.

I think it's just a common lie but Nordic people always get tan in the sun and don't really burn, they turn more golden than anything.

everyone has abdominal muscles, user. visible abs are a matter of very low bodyfat and nothing else.

Cutie in the background

Nice reading comprehension

Pretty obvious that Fas is a closeted faggot. And like all faggots he like brown/black guys.

Attached: YEEESH.jpg (750x800, 315K)

He seems to be melaninpilled with his WOMEN

American here, I'll never forget being at a rest station in France and seeing a Danish bus full of extremely tan blonds that were, as a whole, the best looking group of people I've ever seen

>And why is she so tan for a swede?
This is also a Swede

Attached: _68505297_rissaseidou2.jpg (624x351, 33K)