You have to make a movie about a period of Hitler's life

you have to make a movie about a period of Hitler's life.

which period do you choose?

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Other urls found in this thread:öhm

messenger boi running through the trenches with a bag over his head

1938 and make it an SOL anime

His time in art school

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His post WW2 exile in Argentina.

Starting with WW1 and ending when he becomes Fürher

When he tried to build an alliance with aliens to win the war

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pic related did that well but it takes a fuckton of historical liberties

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I find Hitler very boring. The more you learn about him, the more mundane he becomes.
Downfall was a good film though.

His retirement years in South America.

This would unironically be kino
This too
With an "iron lady" type of plot, showing his slow descent into dementia, in contrast to his life full of achievements, the film basically being 50% flashbacks.

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ww2 in whole is still pretty fascinating

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1 year of his life is infinitely more interesting than the summation of your gene pool.

A movie about Goebbles could be kino

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>it's another flick that depicts him as a raving lunatic
No thanks

They don't, Hitler was scottish

Early life and WW1

fuck those incels when is this 500 IQ alien-looking freak going to get his own movie?

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>my feelings are hurt because they take historical liberties with mein fuhrer!

its kino, cry more

His poverty stricken incel art student years. Fascinating how he went from left wing to right

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>Fascinating how he went from left wing to right
Happens often, weak incels need someone to tell them what to do and that's why there is no difference between commies and nazis

>depressed manlet incel NEET
Wtf, he's just like me

fucking lol, literal onions face

he went from left wing to left wing

Hard choice. On the one hand there's his early life as a weird kid with an assholish father who became an extremely angry young man picking up other people's prejudices in Vienna but there's also his stint as a pretty courageous Gefreiter in the Bavarian army who was regarded as hopelessly eccentric by practically everyone he encountered. That's why he never got to be a sergeant.

buenos noches mein führer

Eva Brauns first one.

>le left and right dichotomy
based brainlets

hello retard

>Tito's face when

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Based reading comprehension, retard

The Vienna period of course, when he was unemployed and surrounded by Jews and Czech and watched the dysfunctional, fractured multicultural empire get town apart from inside, shaping his world view forever.

In Mein Kampft Hitler says he went to the right every time he tried to debate a unioner when he was homeless.

His gay orgies

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Unless the "Rise of Evil" is referring to Israel, that documentary was cucked from its conception.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it bit you in the ass

I never saw the movie and don't know the title but didn't Noah Taylor (pictured) play Hitler as a struggling art student once? I never saw the movie and don't know the title

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Ramsay Bolton did not portray him in this period?


>he was unemployed and surrounded by Jews and Czech

so were the Jews and Czechs unemployed as well? you'd think he'd have more fellow feeling for them

>hitler was gay
>hitler had no scrotum
>hitler had no penis
>hitler was a junkie
>hitler was a cuck
and so on

released by the oss/cia. really makes you think

>regarded as hopelessly eccentric
explain? never heard this

You wouldn't know bait if it sucked your dick and beat the shit out of you

max? never seen it but sounds interesting


you tried kid

You misunderstand, "surrounded by" means that he lived in a society with plenty of Czech and Jews and others too while the German Austrians were becoming repressed. "Surrounded by" does not mean he was in the same class as them.
This is your mind on class warfare.

Hitler took his duty seriously but he was constantly out of step with his fellow enlisted men because he shared none of their interests in sport, women and getting loaded and was unusually fond of lengthy monologues even at that stage of his life ("hey Adi have a schnapps?"/"JEWS CZECHS PROSTITUTION DEGENERACY WAGNER etc"/"k"). His superiors were constantly passing him over for promotion to Feldwebel because everyone thought he was just too odd for it at a time when a German sergeant's main responsibility was to terrify anyone under him.

>German Austrians were becoming repressed
lol retard

current year so he can cameo in some BLACKED kinos

Nice cope shit shoveler.

absolutely based

His years as a failed painter.

I wonder what sort of relationship he had with Major Hugo Guttmann (one of the 150 000 German Jews in the Kaiser's army).

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His senile years on the bunda farm among his slightly racially mixed harem of Argentinian wives would be kino

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The timeline where he became a writer of pulp scifi

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Musollini was on a commie party too.
Fascism was more or less made up from people who wanted a revolution but not in quite the way the commies handled it.

He probably thought he was a gut man

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>muh gay rights
>hitler was a faggot lmao
western propaganda making perfect sense as usual

I think it's the opposite

Hitler was gay

Seething fag lover


From his days being homeless in Vienna up to becoming Führer.
More motivational than The Pursuit of Happyness for sure.

already has

childhood story culminating in the death of his mother; we don't find out it's Hitler until the end of the film


It would be easy too, just take his diary as the main source material, with Speer's descriptions to fill the gaps and voila
Now you'd need a writter dedicated enough to actually stomach all of his diary, which would be extremely painful
I swear to god if I read the word "Magda" one more fucking time

Well,he was also a human after all

>we will never get an unbiased, 4-hour documentary epic about Hitlers entire life, in the same vein as the unrealized Kubrick Napoleon film

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>in the same vein as the unrealized Kubrick Napoleon film
Fuck I forgot about this, goddamn it

Hitler was no worse than Napoleon or Cromwell but Napoleon and Cromwell were nice to the Jews so we're allowed to be unbiased about them.


Hitler learns that Castizos are the real master race

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Unironically this

When he was a little boy tormented by bigbody onee-sans.

did napoleon kick a million people out of their homes into a camp?

was hitler an autist?

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gods I miss him bro's

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Make a movie about his early life and make it very subtle and people wonder if it really is about Hitler. The film end when he comes into power

the book is called "the young hitler I knew" by August Kubizek.

it's really good.

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His present reincarnation

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Source on whatever biography this is?

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too gay. would have been NC-17

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I already did:
just ignore the intro by Ian Kershaw and you'll be good as gold, frenöhm

but I thought that it was okay to be gay.

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>Ian Kershaw
what a fucking cryptojew

the eternal anglo strikes again

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>german Austrians repressed
>in Austria
You're a retard

>wrote a play during his pass time
I remember writing one during my college classes lol

Gay is the go-to boogeyman when you want to discredit someone, go figure

He was an artist and a thinker, and would've been called a Reddit faggot if he posted here in modern times

A movie about his childhood, time at art school, service in the war and then finally his being appointed Verbindungsmann with the goal of infiltrating the DAP. The movie should end with him attending his first DAP meeting or his joining the DAP.

umm no sweetie, Hitler was an incel

Interestingly enough Hugo Gutmann emigrated to the US in 1940. He changed his name to Henry Grant.

One scene I want to make is when he was paving roads and bunch of communists started harassing him because he was working for capitalist’s , stuff like that. Though I would make a build up to the DAP and the communist party by having a huge kino fight between the two parties because they hated each other very much, they had to separate them in hospitals after said fights because some on would try to kill the other while they were recovering.

if he was involuntarily celibate then how come he and eva braun regularly had sex?

>which would be extremely painful
for you

very possibly, but because he was in the same class as a much more obviously autistic boy by the name of wittgenstein it would have gone unnoticed

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You can be an incel and a gay. You need heterosexual sex to not be an incel

A real human bean

>shared no interest in women
I believe it

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> period of hitler's life
> film is 1 minute and 29 seconds long
> only scene has hitler reading a book in his vacation home
> a female voice is heard
> "Adolf dear, can you bring me mein tampons?"
> hitler responds "Get them yourself, woman! I am reading mein book!"
> hitler shakes his head, goes back to his book
> has himself a sensible chuckle and turns the page
> rest of the film is taken up by intro/credits

Truly our greatest ally

I mean /pol/ loves saddam and he blew up the USS Stark at a time where he was a US ally. Seems a bit inconsistent.

US invaded Iraq and hanged Saddam. Somehow I have a feeling the same won't happen to Israel

It wasnt cuz of the USS Stark, which was years before. US was giving aid to him at the time of the bombing and did so afterwards.

US only turned on Saddam was when he threatened the saudi's.

One of us lole

No, retard. It's cliché and fucking overdone already

Power is a potent aphrodisiac

Coming of age film, similar to boyhood.

God I wish Trump were a real fascist lole