What killed the action film genre?
What killed the action film genre?
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toxic masculinity allegations
video games slowly made them obsolete.
Evolved into capeshit
The same thing that killed the horror genre. Plebs. Specifically genre plebs that don't realize they don't even know what they want.
A horror or action genre film comes out. It does something unique and innovative. It's deemed "boring" by plebs because it didn't follow the formula. They demand the same recycled garbage like Die Hard, not realizing Die Hard was good because at the time it was a unique and a well executed film.
So you get a bunch of shitty Die hard sequels outside of Vengeance. You get 18 Saw movies. But when something like VVitch comes out, the plebs cry like little fucking retarded babies. They demand the same formulaic monster garbage. Then when they're fed that, they cry because the movie sucks. Because of course it's going to suck you pleb shithead.
You killed the action genre you faggot.
Excuse me?
Quipshit at one end, and taking itself too seriously at the other
Mostly this, video games rose the bar on what an acceptable action scene look like to the 18-30 male demographic.
Worst movie soundtrack
I'll never forgive him for those shitty tattoos
all the protagonists are 500 year old boomers
And I'd still rather watch them then the faggots parading around as "stars" today
Witch is formulaic "art-house" horror garbage.
you and the 6 boomers that watched the last stallone movie lmao
>reddit spacing
>is a massive faggot
Every time
deep and woke
Do your parents know toure gay? If so, do they realize the extent of it?
useless american action movie directors who cut corners with shakycam and made the whole genre obsolete. Well choreographed action scenes are the bread and butter of action films and the reason why people still watch cheesy chinese Jackie Chan movies from the 90's and 80's.
John Wick has done more to revive the dying genre than the rest of hollywood combined. John Wick has laughably lackluster premise but the action scenes are so good that no one cares about that.
>"Witch is formulaic"
>attention whoring on an anonymous image board
Total lack of directors who can imagine or direct quality action sequences. Even B grade action titles from the 80s like most of Lungren's work and Woos lesser films still have better action choreography and cinematography than anything that has come out in the last 20 years.
Fury Road set the bar too high
Based and true
Huh. I honestly thought people didn't like \/\/itch because it was boring and lacked any sort of sense of horror. The more you know.
I did
I'm going after musicals next, wish me luck bros
>action genre 'dead'
>John Wick 3 came out 3 weeks ago
Yeah, no
>the hero that we need
The faggy parodies like expendables and john wick
Go after capeshit first, pls
>Action movies aren't allowed to be fun.
Spoken like a true zoomer.
Being fun and being a parody is 2 different things brainlet
redditor basado
>Being fun and being a parody is 2 different things brainlet
So simply having parody elements is whats wrong with them is it? So are True lies and Last action hero also bad then?
They don't have parody elements
They are parodies
Have you even seen the expendables or john wick?
It's just moved to direct-to-video.
Rising global IQs. Seriously. Before the internet most people were pretty fucking stupid.
DAMN, Walter Hill directs like THAT!?
Sorry to tell you user but IQ is dropping in the West
Like a rock
there's enough shootings in real life.
I said global IQs. Globally, IQ increases every year because of the Flynn effect
Well you said globally and you implied internet raises IQ
Didn't work in the west, also the west is the biggest market so your theory that action movies don't sell because people are getting smarter doesn't make sense in any way
Also, you have to be 18 to post here
>the west is the biggest market
Wrong. China.
Oversaturation of bland PG13 movies.
Pretty much
If all of Stallone's movies were made today they'd be DTV or on demand slock, and maybe a limited theatrical release, while if Scott Adkins was an 80s action hero, he'd be a must see in theaters.
Found the chink
Scott Adkins often has great fight scenes.
John McTiernan got blacklisted
go back to Yea Forumseddit scum
>So you get a bunch of shitty Die hard sequels outside of Vengeance. You get 18 Saw movies. But when something like VVitch comes out, the plebs cry like little fucking retarded babies.
shitty flicks like the VVitch have always existed, it's just that you and those like you are brainlet emryos who have watched 20 films tops and therefore think that vv*tch is something new and exciting
Disney and Warner
and not just action movies, anyone remember which was the last movie with a naked class A actress on the big screen?
They literally killed American cinema.
These bitches don't do the action scenes themselves
>Globally, IQ increases every year
Action barely existed before the 70s, so don't act like it's some good old fashioned thing that should necessarily always be around in its 80s form.
The action you like is basically a unique product of several 80s factors that made it thrive in the way that it did.