>we need an evil old guy
We need an evil old guy
>we need a good actor who will accept our shitty movie without even reading the script first
>he's already in costume sir
>We need an old guy
>We need a older evil guy
>We need a more nuanced older guy
>More nuanced
Nahh not really. I'm not saying he is shit but his roles weren't any more nuanced than Lees.
>dammit we only have enough money left for a 20 dollar applebees gift card
>sir Eric Roberts is already on set and doing his scenes
Shit opinion.
>He doesn't even want the gift card. He said he'll happily clean the toilets as payment.
>need someone to be in a death sce-
>we need this guy but black
>We need... uh, you know the guy I mean, what's his name again
>We need to have sex
Goddamnit he was fucking sexy in this. No homo. I literally fantasize about being him.
>Sir, Eric Roberts just hired a whole new animation team to pump up the production he said he pays for it all as long as we just accept his friend request on myspace and put him in our top 8
>we need someone to ride a motorcycle
>we need successful show
>we need a tough soldier with questionable morals yet a strong sense of honour
Would've worked well if it were Charles Dance vs. Watanabe. Two old people, one who saw the worst of humankind in endless wars, the other seeing how humans band together during disasters.
Would've gave much more investment in the much smaller but leaner human cast and made "Goodbye, old friend" much more impactful.
>we need someone who radiates despair
>But we already got him
we need an average Yea Forums poste-
Literally who.
>Hey look at that, Christopher Walken's house is literally right up the street
This guy. He's everywhere for some reason.
>we need someone to speak fast arguing with school children
>ugly and funny?
Doesn't ring a bell.
Ben Shapiro isn't a hollywood actor
>We need a goofy old guy
>we need a foreigner that's not too foreign for our American blockbuster
>hes on the BBC right now lets listen in- oh no he...left? Early?
we need a fat loser
>nobody posted Anthony Hopkins
wow Yea Forums was right, you are a bunch of retards
>We need the oscar
>we need someone who looks like he's dying
>can he voice a giant monster lizard?
I'm 33 and look like this but with Metallica hair
>we need a old guy who looks like a villain but is actually the good guy for the classic "the good guys are actually the bad guys" trope
>we need someone to play a rich asshole
I always forget that Sean Bean was Alec Trevlyn. What a fucking monster boss.
>we need a badass middle aged guy for our generic action movie
We need a morally questionable guy who works for the us government in a high up role
>we need to break into the German s o y market
So you're balding?
>we need the most physically attractive male you can find
>we need someone to play a charismatic villain but also be a little bit creepy
>we need that overacting buffoon
>middle aged
i have bad news for you
They literally cast him just so he could say "long live the king" and put it in the trailer for a GoT association.
>we need the kino
>owning a windows phone
>We need an Oscar award winner actor to star in braindead shlock
>we need a cute
To be fair he probably checks the price more than the role
>We need an asshole dad or government official
>We need a weak-looking but sinister bad guy
We need a guy with a beard
Why does he look like a german woman?
>we need someone to play in zahler trash
>we just need a guy, just a regular white guy
>we need a lead voice ac-
>we need a cuck
sorry i forgot my image, can someone upload him for me
We need an old dude to bang young chicks, and we need him NOW!
Wrong one
>we need someone to yell at europeans in our action mov-
>say no more
I drink your milkshake.
Fuck you, dad!
>we need David Cross but can't afford him
Imagine not being able to fix your fucked up teeth because you'll be out of a job.
Based and blessed
>we need someone to play a big time gang leader
>but he also needs to look like the dad of your friend from highschool
>we need a dork
>hmm, bigger name?
Can he also yell at blacks?
He’s hired!
more like we need a shitty actor that ruins whatever he's in
I really wish I was friends with you irl seriously
>we need someone to make a bunch of shitty movies
>ok i get snyder
>no no we need someone who makes all the movies have gay undertones
>i know just the guy
>we need a guy that dominates a actionmovie with only 5 lines of text
>Nolan rejected our script. we need a another kinomaker
>sorry we're done casting any more people for this movie, we'll get in touch if a role opens up
But user we are friends don't you remember?
>we need an old guy with an ambiguous ethnicity
Who can't afford David Cross?
it still hurts, user
after so many years.
We need someone with dramatic range, who can handle a complex role.
My nigga
>we need an evil executive
>we need an obese guy
my eyes are the same colour
we need a greasy old guy with a deep voice to play supporting roles
You called?
>we need a stalker ex boyfriend
>we need a big wrestler to supplement the cast
>i got the rock on speeddial boss
>no you imbecile we are making kino not litty piss your pants trash
>i got nothing sir
>what is it intern?
>i think i know the the right guy
>we need someone English for our shitty comedy
>hey boss someone just paid for the repair of our telephone line
>we need a german guy, but he must be recognisable to americans
>Ich habe genau den richtigen
severely underrated
And he needs to be racist.
literally watched early edition exactly for this reason
We need a stuffy Englishman.
>we need a redneck, a junkie, or a redneck junkie
If you're shooting this picture in the 1960s, I got just the guy
>we need a funny woman
Alexander Mahone
>we need someone to be the face of cinema for from 1950 to about 1970s
>i know someone
>Can he get buttfucked by the Tron guy?
Oh you
>we need a heady character who will get totally outplayed
I swear to God, I hate the fact that he's playing the same role in every movie but fuck me if he doesn't play it better than anyone else
I dislike him, he seems very fedora-core.
>We need a Fulbright scholar with a degree in chemical engineering, who is also a third dan black belt that trained recon as a royal marine, and likes to fuck black chicks.
> I know just the man for the job, sir.
we need an obnoxious woman who think's she's funny
>We need someone with a posh Keira Knightley vibe but if Keira Knightley wasn't 40 now
This one works on a few levels, well done.
Literally every movie hes in, good work user
Is she a “size six,” sir?
slayer looks
>we need a big guy
why do they keep casting her for action movie roles though
>we need a midge
Way too thin and well-groomed to be a Yea Forums poster.
Inaccurate. Also he was weirdly in Black Hawk Down and looked exactly the same as he does in Modern Family like 20 years after the fact.
>we need a lead for our new Vietnam war movie
>Say no more, we've got the best method actor out there
Top 10 Anime Betrayals
*blocks your path*
action movies don't require much acting skill
>We need to make a movie for the redbox
>Hold my beer
America doesn't have many dot indians so we don't tend to know what half indian mutts look like.
>Wait, he applied first?
Greatest shit eating grin of all time.
>We need it to be kino
Hey what's going on here?
>we need someone to take down those horrible Yea Forums trolls
>We need 90s kino
Sorry sir, he’s busy making his one good film every 10 years.
>we can't afford big guy
>get me the next best thing!
>we need the next James Bond
they were never funny, they've just been in a few funny things and don't rely on obnoxious "muh vagina" humor
he needs money to pay off all the dinosaur bones
>we need a guy who is either insane or has the world's most intense sugar rush
we need to win over Yea Forums!
yeah but she's like a slightly chubby petite qt doll with a posh accent, which is the opposite of what action chicks should be. she was ridiculous in solo too, playing this gritty lowlife chick from the ghetto but every time she talked it was like the queen of england giving a speech.
>we need a guy who can do a piratey accent
>Eric Roberts already has 47 movie credits for 2019
> We need a Russian guy
Man gotta eat and support his mediocre thespian relatives
>we need scarers like... james p. sullivan
>sir he's already died
>posts Swedish guy
>we need sneed
Is he on a break?
he plays russians all the fuckin time
>we need a swarthy ethnic guy
>we need a guy who will actually deny false rape claims
>we need a Russian guy
>get me Nyqvist
>he's dead
>we need pure unadulterated kino
>we need the female audience
>we need a guy with very loose skin
seeing jon hamm in things makes me happy and i don't have a vagina
pick one
>What have you done user?
I, uhhh, dropped out of uni because of depression, bad luck and circumstance, moved back to my grandparents and have accomplished nothing in the past 3 months.
eric is an example of doing something seriously
>we need a guy who can take over production of the show because it's his bread and butter
>Hes not available? Get the guy who looks like him
>we need a guy who's actually funny at the roast
>wait where were you when I asked for an evil white guy?
>We need someone who can actually beat Khabib
>we need a hack
pic is of _____?
>I can't believe this isn't Khabib
holy shit
>we need a grumpy old man to half arse the job
>we need someone who can sit down
>We need a black guy
>think cheaper
>he thinks it's only the female audience
How they didnt use Dance as Tarkins son in the new star wars movies following in his footsteps instead of that faggot ginger that ruins any threat the enemy has is beyond me
>we need a german officer
>call Denzel later when he heals those bee stings
>we need a guy who's a good writer and a terrible actor, to act.
>two German officers
>we need someone who looks like he wins medals for bravery
>we need a guy who has peaked but still puts asses in seats
>we need a frenchm-
>got it
>we need someone who's scary and funny at the same time
We need someone for a comedy... featuring two weed jokes
>we need one joke in a 2 hour movie
>That other guy got too old.
Brain short circulated because facial recognition said Ron Livingston but filename said Kyle Chandler
>We need a crazy motherfucker
Dont ever post this disgusting racist lunatic ever again you fucking nazi piece of turd. Take this shit to your containment board ( yes pol). I can not fucking beliece you would post him, like honestly go die in fire.
>we need a girl that gets brutally murdered in horror movie
She needs to get brutaly raped irl by a pack of niggers with 9 inch dicks ( average for black boys)
>someone ready to die from a headshot
isnt 9inch average for everyone?
nope, average for black boys is like 14cm ,less than the average for white guys. Sorry tyrone
God he has such a unique look damn not quite Asian, not quite Caucasian
The average is 9? I thought it was 4. This is very unsettling.
thats a pretty small sample size. that being said I can't blame them for not wanting to measure another 10 thousand nigger dicks
For asians it is according their own statistics.
He has a very diverse gene pool. I think it's Russian/Swiss/German and a little bit Mongolian
Its not small sample. Scientists make statistics out of 10 numbers to confirm their bias.
He's Altaic from deep in the steppe.
>I can avoid being #metooed if I wish but to clear myself from rape accusation in court entirely, that is a rare gift
Why did they only measure flaccid?
still makes you doubt how accurate is the accurate is the average of congo
>self reported congo average : 17.93cm
>actually measured average of tanzania (neighbor country of congo) : 13.12cm
... they don't? you have reading difficulties?
>and average erect penis lenght of 13.12cm
That's the world average
not in most of the europe
>the classic "the good guys are actually the bad guys" trope
Haven't seen that one since the 1940s
>We need a protagonist for our generic horror movie.
We need adult Draco.
This is self meassured unlike nigger study. Be atleast genuine when arguing your points. Men usualy add up to 2 cm all the time.
>intern call up Tim Curry we making an IT remake
>but boss haven't you heard?
>heard what?
>well how can i say this Tim Curry he kinda checked out
>he kinda checked out
I can just picture these guys. The producer chomping his cigar and pounding the desk, the intern in his newsboy hat.
we need a tree
fucking kek
>we need a voice acto-
>we need a little girl
but its manuel
damn, he would be a better geralt then cavil.
based french, that's why all women in the world want to be fucked by french
At least it's not Hector
>"we wrote this role for Octavia Spencer but turns out we can't afford her"
>66 years old
>middle aged
I too hope for neeson to live to 132, user, but I seriously doubt it
>we need an autist
>implying training day and american gangster aren't his two best movies
nigga what
god, how can someone have that many laugh lines and still look so fucking sinister
>we need a guy
>we need a good voice actor
>we need incel audience
>we need high grossing by school girls
> we need a narrator because without narration nobody will understand this pretentious bullshit
why is he so wet
> also, we need the fastest editor in the cutting room
You can use literally any old white guy for this because all old white guys are evil by virtue of being white males.
Boondock Saints was kino because of him and the sequel was shit because he didn't accept the role that time
I can't look at this dude without remembering almost choking to death on a hotdog because I laughed so hard at the scene from that ayy lmao miniseries where he's pounding a prime Heather Donahue and randomly tells her he's wanted to fuck her since she was 13.
> we need a blowjob
> we need every eastern european ever
he has really good skin user, no jowls.
Don’t you disrespect my boy. He was a consul of Rome
> We need a large woman
More like
>we need an old faggot that Barely dodged the HIV crisis unfortunately
>I know one guy, he is the best in the business
>we need someone who can turn shit into pure 10/10 kino
>we need the rock
>but better
That‘s the third time Stormare shows up in this thread, no wonder he‘s so
> busybusybusy
my man
If this isn't a reason for us to get our pre-Trianon borders back I really don't know what is
>We need an evil old guy who is also based as fuck.
that's christopher eccelston you fucking idiot, cant you read filenames?
This dude was fucking amazing in Moulin Rouge.
They‘re looking for someone with the unique ability to turn shit into kino.
Haven‘t you seen Constantine, sou dumb fuck?
the fact that he'll never play marcus fenix frustrates me, yet I know hollywood would utterly fuck a gears of war movie into the ground so I know it's for the best they not make it.
>Germans are nearly 1488 cm
I think someone manipulated that study
>turn shit into kino.
>Haven‘t you seen Constantine, sou dumb fuck
Not him, but you're a fucking retard. Devil doesn't appear until after 10 min to the end, and it has already been kino.
I’ll never get over this. What an underrated actor this guy is.
Paired with Paul Bettany, that's why.
>We need someone to be in charge here.
>This is my role! It was made for me!
Fucking kek.
I love Wilson. He’s top comfy.
Go watch Ronin
The irish lady killed him offscreen as he was leaving. Can't leave any loose ends, that's rule number 3.
>we need a reta-
Black bastids beware
Seriously, the family nonsense was boring. This plot line would've been great.
based classic poster
based nigger basher
>Not making your blockbuster action spectacle movie about another random family of scientists/army people where the mom and dad are separated like always while the actually interesting characters are pushed to the side
What the fuck are you doing, trying to write an actually decent script? That doesn't fly in Hollywood kiddo
>he finished the press junket weeks ago sir!
that’s light reflecting off his skin. go outside sometime user
>good time
>high life
he’s transitioned to women-will-never-understand kino now
>Sir he's already signed on for the sequel
>We don't have a sequel pl-
>He just gave me the script and it's incredible sir
who hurt you sweatie
He was quite the chad when he was younger.
>Boondock Saints was kino because of him and the sequel was shit because he didn't accept the role that time
>we don't need anyone
Battlefield Earth
cool. i always have insecuritys about my 18.5cm german cock because it looks small on my 193cm body. your pic makes me feel better.