YouTube Star Who Gave homeless Man Toothpaste-Filled Oreos Sentenced To Prison

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another alt-right incel bites the dust

A juvenile prank? So you think poisoning someone as a joke is just a juvenile prank? Do you think the same about running around hitting people with crowbars, maybe some light stabbing? Fluoride toothpaste is poisonous.You're supposed to spit it out, never swallow it. Among all of the other nasty symptoms, too much of it can cause a heart attack. That kind of recklessness really does call for punishment.

He was a lefty :(

>Toothpaste-Filled Oreos
I've ate worse

Kanghua doesn't sound white so the sentence is right

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On the one hand its satisfying to see some zoomer youtube faggot getting BTFO for a lame "prank". On the other hand it seems a bit excessive since the cookie was absolutely harmless and filled with something edible instead of shit or something.

>Giving toothpaste Oreos to homeless=life sentence in prison
>Running Muslim pedo rape gangs=slap on the wrist
Europe is a hell of a drug.

hes not gonna serve a single day in jail.

>1.2 million followers
>only $2,000 for a video

Oh Google, you

This is what happens when your forget to tell them it was just a prank

you don't go to prison for sentences less than 2 years in spain

I firmly believe that this was in really bad taste but I dont think he poisoned anyone.

Good job. Hope Tyrone rapes him in a cell.

>Chinese-born influencer in Spain
Yeah, I'm thinking he's a chink. They eat anything. He probably didn't even think the homeless man would mind.

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After taking one bite you’d realize it’s toothpaste, so you wouldn’t even swallow one mouthful. Do you think someone would eat them without realizing that the filling was swapped for toothpaste?

You sound like a complete faggot.

I bet you have, faggot.

American millennials are minority white.

Based. Fuck youtube celebrities.

>no human decency
Nah, he was alt-right.


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Yeah, your mothers cunt, son.

Oh come on man you took that bait hook line and sinker. First day here ?

Is the video still available anywhere? I'd be curious to watch it.

>Prison for pranking a guy on camera

Was a bad joke for sure and he's a bit of a dick, but to take away a year of his life over it is way over the line. Really stupid.

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wow, what a faggot; literally what's wrong with the chinese, they seen incapable of morality end empathy

kek rent free, I see

If he was a nigger you'd be celebrating.

Pic of my mom

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I would beat this shithead's face in if I saw him doing that.

>15 months is a life sentence

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Way over the line, indeed. Should have been at least five years. Send a lesson to those looking to exploit the homeless. Did I say five years? I meant fifteen years.

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Kill the homeless

It's Europe, so yes. He's going to be beheaded by the sand nigs in prison.

the ones with too little power will always be punished much worse than the ones with too much power. this is how it has always been.

don't post that it scares me

The homeless are a scourge and must be dealt with. I hope others follow his example and poison the homeless.

Pretty big overreaction. It's not like he's the guy who filmed bumfights. The dude took a bite of a cookie with toothpaste and then probably spat it out and was a little cross.

That was cool until the last one. Eating grubs? Fucking gross.

subs don't create money, but views do.

nah, that only happens if you're arrested for taking bacon to the mosque

Yeah because american prisons are bastions of civility and safety

He's from Spain, if you get less than 24 months you don't go to jail, you just have to pay a specific amount of money and do community services.
Also, it's common knowledge that there's low and high security prisons.
You actually think they send tax evaders to the same place they send serial killers?

I think I got more

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I must be missing something here
dude pranks another dude and now's he's going to get raped for 15 months?
Has society finally accepted being retarded?

GOOD. FPBP once again

I meant this one

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>15 months
>YouTube channel shutdown
Guess he's going to be homeless soon. Based.

He won't actually do jail time. Short sentences usually get suspended.

>eat two boxes of tooth paste oreos

foeti a la chink

Go back to your home board eurocucks

What the FUCK is going on in this webm?

i love how retarded the concepts of liberals are ''moral integrity'' is a new level


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dude wtf what is that

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Chinese baby harvesting

Actually, a lefty

The guy who got a slap on the wrist in OP story is Asian, dumb eurocuck


Sad to see slashdot turn into yet another sjw shithole.


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Prisons in western Europe are fucking holiday resorts compared to American prisons.

t. lawyer in Germany

Jokes on you I'm Lebanese Australian, stupid eurocuck

>I can't follow a Yea Forums thread

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>not knowing about rotherham (and others)
>not knowing about that british guy that was killed in prison after leaving bacon at a mosque
it's absurd, but it's literally true; the absolute state of europe

>Feeding the homeless
I doubt it

Only if your name is Muhammad though right?

>t. lawyer in Germany
You are not.

Wow, downvoted. Nice filename faggot.

The toothpaste made sure it wasn't in bad taste

? So what is it then. Arabs don't go to Euro prisons or there are Arabs in Euro prison beheading white boys. How did the Arabs get into the prison? Do I have to spoonfeed you to the plot holes of your own logic retard?

people are upset over this but anyone with even a slight amount of marijuana in america go to prison when it's literally a victimless crime. blows my fucking mind.

This post made the Europeans SEETHING

seems ok to me. 5 months for the prank, 10 for being a youtuber.

Did you learn about the filename meme on reddit?

It's pretty embarrassing the mental gymnastics the average Euro commie will go through just to defend abdul from raping children in his country

>Barcelona, Spain
lol retard

Toothpaste is poisonous?

good, I can't stand YouTube attention whores

>Giving people schizophrenia is victimless

>Admitting to phoneposting leftist memes
Oof yikes, that's a cringe from me, aint a good look. This aint it chief. Yikes.

I never claimed it to be a good thing. I was merely responding to another poster who speculated that the guy will be killed in prison.

To a faggot like you it must seem like pure fantasy that people can actually have a decent job but there's really nothing all that special about being a lawyer.

He will be killed in prison. By arab muslims. It's Europe after all.

The homeless should be in forced labor camps. Not even memeing. Such a system weeds out the actually mentally ill into the state hospital system and the chronically addicted are forced to get clean and work.

id eat a toothpaste oreo for 20 grand

What's the deal with mainlanders and rudeness? They can't line up and wait their turn or respect personal space. Hong-Kongers and the Taiwanese aren't like that. What gives?

This is absolutely false and fake news. Either go to law school or sit in on a judge's criminal docket. Minor possession ALWAYS gets a diversion agreement. It's the retards who are repeat offenders, a prior rap sheet, or had their charges lessened who serve time.

Good decision.

His video would violate the German constitution as well.

Article 1, Human dignity – Human rights – paragraph (1) Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.
Article 5, Freedom of expression, arts and sciences, paragraph (2) These rights shall find their limits in the provisions of general laws, in provisions for the protection of young persons, and in the right to personal honour.

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non-whites commit a huge, huge amount of crime, and they often get free passes (or statistics about crime and imprisonment would be even more extreme than they are, and leftist POS like you would cry even louder about marginalized minorities), but it's not enough to stop them from getting in prison in huge numbers

>the UK is all of Europe
Every single time, fuck off mutts AND bongs.

Yeah toothpaste in large quantities with the high flouride content and shit in it won't do you good

They are literal peasants that earned a lot of money really fast. Imagine if the white trash or ghetto niggers filled up so much space in your country and all of a sudden got a major payday after some company bought their property for time times what they got for it.

that kind of thing goes on over all of western europe though; and to a lesser extent, over the rest of the western world

That's probably the closest that homeless guys come to brushing his teeth in years

It's Spain and Yes. Fuck Euroistanis.

>Spoiled brat punches down on already ruined man.
I hope the 22k fine makes him homeless.

it says Euros which is worth much more

What a faggot

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> shut down his money making youtube channel
>instead of making him pay the homeless guy's rent for two years

this is why Southern Europeans are fucking subhumans who can't pay their debts to Germany

He also tried to give (literal) cat shit sandwiches to children and the elderly on his YouTube channel.

lol that's some fascist shit, in america you wouldnt get $22,000 for that

it's called teaching a lesson. let's see more youtubers try that bullshit.

if he crossed the line and it's a crime then punish him for that crime, don't destroy his super profitable export business ffs

>if he crossed the line and it's a crime
It is.
>then punish him for that crime
He was punished for that crime.

Yeah but everyone in the Rotheram ring did get 7 years to life. None of the fucking police who ignored it or took part did though.

>not knowing about that british guy that was killed in prison after leaving bacon at a mosque
He didn't leave a sandwich, he wqent into the mosque, tried assault people and then threw bacon at them and claimed on social media he was going to behead muslims.

Americans should not be allowed to use the internet, they're literally too mentally immature for it. They see one alarmist headline and base their entire worldview on it.

that's not punishment, that's taking away his career and creating one more homeless man

A career with negative societal value. Good riddance.

>Yeah but everyone in the Rotheram ring did get 7 years to life
They should've gotten the death penalty (which doesn't exist in the UK ofc) and the rest of their communities repatriated.

>None of the fucking police who ignored it or took part did though
yep, neither them nor the many traitors and subverted institutions that allowed muslims to settle there, or those who created the ideologies of opposition to "racism" and "white supremacism" that were vital for the rapes to happen

>he wqent into the mosque, tried assault people and then threw bacon at them and claimed on social media he was going to behead muslims
lol what a lad; should've been given a medal

I'm not an americlap

What a punchable face

slayer, sister!

So basically you're just a racist and you don't really care either way.

Listen retards. This gook is not going to prison, in Spain if your sentence is less than two years long and it's the first time you only get a slap on the wrist. So forget about your gay prison fantasies, this monkey will be free.


Not that politics are relevant to this at all, but fyi he was a lefty.

have sex virgin freak


I hate chinks so much. So fucking much.

>eating octopus
That is seriously fucked up lol. Octopuses are self-aware creatures, very smart.

The homeless have no "moral integrity." They contribute literally no positives to society. They negatively impact everyone that has to see or smell them, drain resources from the state or people retarded enough to give them money, and every crime they commit is a crime they will never be able to repay. All people who are homeless for more than six months should be liquidated.


You have to go back

So are pigs but I bet you enjoy bacon

are chinks the niggers of the oriental world?

Taiwanese and hong kongers are ancient chinese. Most of the mainlanders are peasants from the african tier inland western provinces.

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>accepting food from strangers

why would you EVER do this

Chinks are evil and deserve to be on the plate instead of those fish

>Implying mudslime lives matter
The life of a single dog is worth more than the lives of ten million mudslimes. The life of a white male is objectively worth more than the lives of every single mudslime scumbag on the planet.

Chinks really are dumb, I bet that they payed a fortune to eat raw food.

are these all alive or is it just muscle reflexes?

>eat toothpaste-filled oreo
>wow this tastes like shit
>throw it away

This is considered a hate crime in Europe.

He's obviously being used as an example

nice save

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He was a leftist dumbfuck

>leftoid hates and pranks the people he claims to support but it's ok because he gave the homeless guy a bit of cash
What's new?

It's unlikely he'll serve it, according to Spanish law

>15 months in prison for a crude prank

get your shit together europe, jesus fucking christ

Fuck off even the SJW judge didn't see it as poisoning.

Stop reading fake news

t. Mahmut

They won't take anything away. In Spain a sentence of less than two years without prior convictions means you won't go to prison.

Ahmed must leave

>crime against moral integrity
Europeans are so bizarre

>and the rest of their communities repatriated.
Not even the fucking God of the ancient Israelites would have approved of that, according to Genesis

>giving a prank cookie to a hobo = crime against moral integrity
>beheading infidels on the streets and raping white children with your muslim buddies = not a crime against moral integrity

more like toothBASED!

>Prisons in western Europe are fucking holiday resorts compared to American prisons.
I would hope so considering that Europeans get sentenced to prison for bad words and mean tweets.

*tips tinfoil hat*

They should nuke poopoodie and logan faggots channel next

Can't tell if disingenuous or naive.

*tips crescent moon*

This is what happens in such shining examples of civilization as Brazil, communist Romania, and North Korea.

>Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.
Sounds very vague. Almost like it could be enforced with bias.

I'm not Muslim, retard. I've just been around enough of the US to know that media coverage of crime in the US is usually very sensationalist.

>crime against moral integrity

sounds like some trumped up nonsense charge third world dictatorships dream up to lock away dissidents/enemies 2bh

Of course Ahmed, unlike media coverage in your third world country lol

Well I was reading real news until the government quite literally made it illegal to report real news.

>try to improve homeless dental hygiene
>go to prison
Land of the free.

Three point solution for the homeless question.

>Foreign? Deport.
>Mentally ill? Institutionalise.
>Salvageable? Rehabilitate

Preying of desperate people for laughs and YouTube upvotes should get you the bullet.

Are you talking about the US or somewhere else? Most countries in the West don't interfere with reporting of simple crime statistics.

disgusting hapa

More like "in your head rent free"

Yeah and it's not wiggling around in my mouth crying in pain either

he turned a useless leech on society into a source of entertainment for millions
he should be given a medal

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yeah it's only doing that out of your view, making it okay right?

>be homeless
>government literally doesn't give a fuck about you and lets you rot
>YouTube faggot comes along, gives you free cookies and a $20 spot
>Twitter kids spazz out for a day
>arrest the YouTube faggot to appease the whiners on the internet
>make him homeless
>go back to not caring about homeless
based uncaring, atheist government organizations

do /pol/tards ever get sick of being edgy?

E-celeb faggot got what he deserved.
>another alt-right incel
>A juvenile prank? So you think poisoning someone as a joke is just a juvenile prank?
This. Aside from small doses one might accidentally ingest while washing teeth, it can fuck up your digestive system badly.
Idiot literally intentionally poisoned someone. It is irrelevant did know how dangerous that was. Shieeet, I just shot someone, but I didn't know shooting can kill people isn't very strong defense in court.
15 months. First timer will be probably paroled after doing half of the time in most European countries.
It is quite literally typical sentence for assault.

It is. We're all guilty of something in the new safe-space world order. It's Christianity all over again.

I'm sure as hell not sick of being right lol

>Shieeet, I just shot someone, but I didn't know shooting can kill people isn't very strong defense in court.
This isn't a good defense in this argument either

I'm talking about Europe, where they have LITERALLY made it illegal to report on crime committed by certain ethnicities. America doesn't have this problem, yet, but liberal cities model themselves after Sweden so its only a matter of time.

Salt causes muscles to react, yes.

There's a webm of a fresh slice of steak moving after getting salted.

>I'm talking about Europe, where they have LITERALLY made it illegal to report on crime committed by certain ethnicities
>liberal cities model themselves after Sweden
lol not even close

>Imagining the difference between eating live food and eating dead food is neglegent
Fuck off retard

Why do Zoomers lack empathy?

>This isn't a good defense in this argument either
It is literally assault to feed someone with poisonous substances if not attempted murder. Ignorance is just an excuse. If you hit someone and he dies, it manslaughter even if you did mean only to hurt him, not to kill him.

>Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

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They believe empathy is the product of christianity so they avoid it at all costs

But that was ages ago. Reset was just a stupid kid.

Why was a case made for him two years later?

Tooth paste isn't poisonous no matter how many times you repeat this shit. Regular Oreo filling is probably as bad for your health as tooth paste.

Man, you must be the soul of the party

>lol not even close
great argument

>t. seething buzzfeed (((journalist)))

Would you eat a cum-filled oreo?

Also, a lot of that money goes to the system as well, not all of it goes to the hobo.

Why would they? They're newfags, to them poo in loo and chink are hot new memes. /pol/ is the new entry board like Yea Forums used to be.

Good. It should be a lesson for the "actions should have no consequences" zoomer generation. But it won't be. They'll still be as cotton wrapped and spoiled as ever.

The more I learn about the Chinese the more I'm glad Japan hasn't apologized for Nanking or Unit 731 yet.

Stop saying Europe when you mean Sweden you moron. You don't hear me complaining about too many cowboys in fucking New York.

>/pol/ is the new entry
no that's Yea Forums, Yea Forums or Yea Forums given those boards are directed at capeshit-loving zoomers. it's been that way for at least 5 years now

Yea Forums is literally the most entry level board on the site. whereas other boards have some level of standards and look down on mainstream garbage Yea Forums is literally 99% capeshit, soi wars and harry potter now. It never used to be like that

You must not have read my post. It's obvious that shooting someone can kill them. It's not obvious that tricking someone into biting into a toothpaste cookie is potentially fatal, probably because it's unlikely that anyone would swallow that much toothpaste. Think for a second instead of repeating what the "tough-on-crime" Duterte wannabes tell you.

People like you should be purged

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>Six African migrants gang-raped a 12-year-old girl in a small town near Madrid, but Spanish authorities kept information about the crime hidden from the public for more than a year, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.

>On March 15, 2018, the 12-year-old girl was playing in a park in Azuqueca de Henares with several other girls when, at around one o'clock in the afternoon, six migrants — five Moroccans and one Nigerian — approached the playground. They carried two of the girls off to a nearby abandoned building, but then let one of them go after discovering that she was a Muslim. The migrants, aged between 15 and 20, grabbed the 12-year-old by her arms and legs and took turns raping her, first anally and then vaginally, for nearly an hour.

>The public was not informed about the crime until March 20, 2019, when the newspaper El Mundo published the results of an investigation. According to the report, Spanish prosecutors and judges secretly decided that three of the minors will be held in a young offender institution for three years and then be "reinserted" into Spanish society rather than be deported. One of the adults is being held in preventive detention; the other adults were released.

>The gang rape has cast a spotlight on spiraling migrant criminality in Spain, where "progressive" immigration policies — promoted by all the mainstream political parties and opposed only by the populist party Vox — are fueling an influx of illegal migration from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The gang rape has also cast a spotlight on a lenient justice system that routinely releases migrant criminals back onto the streets.

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JUST a prank bro!??

so is alcohol but im not going to stop drinking that either

If it doesn't have international pictograms for poisonous substance it's safe to eat


>Zero Hedge

kek based youtuber
the homeless are all crackhead bums

Directly consuming fluoride is absolutely poisonous you fucking retard. That's why most dental cleaning agents say very clearly to "SPIT, DON'T SWALLOW" on their directions.

>fluoride isnt poisonous
I see you glowing in the dark nigger

Read your own links, then read my post, then read the article again.

You cannot argue with authoritarians. You do what Italy and Romania did with them.

it's summarising what is reported elsewhere, you left wing cunt

That doesn't mean it's a reliable source. That's not how journalism works.

Tooth paste or mouthwashes aren't poisonous in small quantities you might accidentally swallow while washing your teeth. Since you are so convinced that it isn't poisonous, go buy few tubes and eat 'em. You might be serious stomach pain in couple hours and spend a night in hospital. In worst case may permanently fuck up bacteria in your digestive system and cause you to shit liquid for rest your life. That kind of shit may shorten lifetime of people by years in the worst case.

Because I didn't know it was dangerous isn't really a good excuse. Shooting someone is bit hyperbolic, but there are people too stupid to understand that firearms are lethal. Intentionally feeding it hobo makes it intentional, regardless did know how dangerous it actually was. Intention is what matters, firearms accidents where a ricochet hits unintended target are other side of the coin. Was there willful ignorance in firearm handling while hunting or on shooting range?

>The report found that 35% of murders were committed by foreigners. This figure reached 47% in the case of murders related to criminal activity such as gang violence (59%) and organized crime (95%). But criminologist Jorge Santos explains that this is because “a larger percentage of foreigners are young people, who commit the most murders. It’s nothing to do with foreigners being more violent.”
Nothing to worry about, racist incels. It's only 10% of the country committing 35% of the murders. Boys will be boys, after all.

>there are people too stupid to understand that firearms are lethal
And most countries have specific procedures for dealing with clinically retarded people.

>the lethal dose for most adult humans is estimated at 5 to 10 g
>tooth paste has about 750 ppm
You would need to eat 7 kilograms of tooth paste to get fluoride poisoning.

>Read your own links
>then read my post
>then read the article again
okay, I did all of these things and my point still stands. Maybe you could provide a counter point?

>10% of the country committing 35% of the murders
A fraction of 10% committing them, you mean. Don't be statistically dishonest.

And more than 50% of the "sexist murders" which apparently is the #1 national concern.

If you don't see why the article doesn't refute what I said you might want to get your head checked.

Homeless people have rights?

Yes it's true. In my younger days me and my friends used to rape and murder all the time. Then we grew out of it. It's just youthful hijinks.

>my point: it has become illegal to report on immigrant crime and crime by ethnicity
>your point: nuh-huh, you don't read
fuck off, retard

at what point does killing the left wing and liberal scumbags who brought these people to europe become not only justified but an imperative of the utmost urgency? are we past that point yet?

any more links like this for other countries? i always see them but never save them :(

ppl baiting, trolling, changing ip and replying to themselves
if only any it were good, or funny, or banterous
try harder, lads.

There are huge related factors in this as well. Foreigners don't usually have as much of support network from extended family and family friends. Also, religion is massive factor here, because it is often the way out of being ganger or junkie. Members of certain religions might go bother people with jesus flyers and sing shitty gospel music on streets. Members of certain other religion might go full jihad and drive truck of peace into crowd or pick up suicide bomb vest on their way out of crime.

Intention is irrelevant factor?

I'm in court every day. I'll let you guess what my profession is.

That's not what I said, and you're deliberately misrepresenting me probably because you know that.
You claimed that it's illegal to report crime statistics in Sweden. The article says that it's simply a matter of government policy to not record the ethnicity of suspects. There's no law against finding out the ethnic background of an individual or group of them, and I'm sure that the Swedish government isn't the only group reporting on crime. If you looked at methodology of journalism once in a while you'd know this.

If you're going after anyone, go after those who destabilized foreign countries knowing full well what that would cause.

>The article says that it's simply a matter of government policy to not record the ethnicity of suspects.
So, in other words, it's illegal to report on crime. Thanks for exposing your argument as purely semantical.

what went so so wrong with spain

Someone who can't be bothered to look for potential issues with the system they're working in?

That's also not what I said, and you know it. You're deliberately misrepresenting me again. Try reading how journalism works.

The amount refugees unironically replying to bait. Have a (you)

>Intention is irrelevant factor?
Don't ask me. Ask those who made it illegal to execute a retarded person.

Journalists don't have any privilege that allows them to analyze government databases.

Women and millennials. The bane of Western civilisation.

Just type in
>by race
You will get nothing but leftwing articles making weak, apologist arguments against those ebil nazis (like the article I linked), but they will also put up the statistics, and the people who bother to examine those numbers will draw a completely different conclusion than the authors of the articles came to.

The fact that one doesn't know something is dangerous isn't usually good excuse in court if action was deliberate. Even if one isn't mentally retarded and plays with full deck of cards. Ignorance isn't excuse. Being clinically retarded might be.

If governments don't record such records, it'd be useless to look for them there. As it turns out, governments aren't the only ones that record or provide estimates for certain statistics. For example, the USSR didn't release statistics on crime, but Western sources made estimates that are pretty widely accepted. Similarly, France doesn't record ethnicity or religion in the census, but there are estimates for those figures, and it's 100% legal to repeat them in France.

Moron. He'd have to eat like 1-2 tubes worth of toothpaste for it to be dangerous.

yeah, you'd have to eat gallons of my cum to die
doesn't mean I can just sneak my cum into your food

>doesn't mean I can just sneak my cum into your food

>he has never pranked his classmates

Never heard of this guy but his picture is what I imagined. At least he’s feeding homeless people toothpaste cookies instead of shooting up churches or blinding cats.

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I'm pretty sure bodily fluid is covered differently.

>So you think poisoning someone as a joke is just a juvenile prank?
It's less about the act alone than it is the context of that act being filmed and profited from.

this fucking zoomer got what he deserved for being an edgy faggot

hope he ends up homeless after

At least he got banned from social media by court order and given the 1.2 million subscribers, he lost his job. If life is just he becomes homeless when he has done his time.

He won't do any time.

Reading comprehension isn't your thing, is it? My statement never defended nor supported the judicial system. The claim was, "[A]nyone with even a slight amount of marijuana in america go to prison when it's literally a victimless crime."

This is false. It's so absolutely false that it blows my mind that people can still believe such ignorance. The state does not have the time nor resources to incarcerate individuals merely for minor possession. They ALWAYS offer a diversion agreement. Look it up because I can already tell you don't know what it is. However, if the culprit has a prior criminal history or if their charge was already lessened because of a plea agreement, then they may serve time. Again, go to law school or sit in on criminal cases. All courts allow viewership and transparency of these minor offenses.

That's quite literally how it works, they get other sources to report on


Jesus, the entire continent of Europe is a fucking dumpster-fire

I fucking hope all the people who enabled this shit gets shot.

>people are upset over this but anyone with even a slight amount of marijuana in america go to prison when it's literally a victimless crime. blows my fucking mind.
You haven't been following the news.


Typical. The government doesnt give a fuck about a man living on the streets. But when a 20 year old retard makes a prank, he goes to jail.

What the fuck is this?

These "prank" YouTubers are worthless pieces of shit and I'm glad one of them went to jail for being a fucking retard.

>Fresh Slice
Steak has to be aged. It's a complex protein and the enzymes need to break down.

what about the ugly guys that ask women sexual questions tho. *cringe*

w u t

Intentionally poisoning someone isn't a violent crime? I'm not Spanish as far as I know not enforcing sentences under two years only applies non violent crimes and it is conditional, so it depends on judges decision in the end. He will get suspended sentence and community service. Suspended sentence at least might be enforced if does any other fuck up like drunk driving.

At least he lost his income for next few years.

Why pick on the homeless?

fpbp. when will they ever learn?

Thats bullshit, the homeless deserve to be ridiculed. Its what they deserve for shitting in our streets constantly

the cold hard truth and a reality check?
they were both civilized and cultured by whites.
you can deny it all you want, but a lot of whiteness has rubbed off onto the Honk Kongers and Taiwanese (and that's a good thing). before whites colonised both, those places were dirty, nasty, drug ridden, crime ridden dumps.

>kKhangua Ren

Germany does not have a constitution. Period.
GG =/= constitution

Hong-Kongers and the Taiwanese were never really subject to communism. Nothing fucks a society up more by breaking community bonds and eroding trust in your fellow man like communism.

>Article 5 you have the freedom express everything and anything in arts and sciences EXCEPT when you are not allowed to


>This thread

Attached: 7B950FE4-261A-4C3E-9D24-AA2A93E89D9A.png (698x787, 273K)

is that sophie turner on the right?

But those people are actually dangerous...

Attached: TBVTX4UYN4HT6P7IVT2TD5J2XA.jpg (800x694, 65K)

it should be legal to hunt and kill the homeless

damn, I didn't know slashdot was still around

Good, well deserved.

How doesn't it cause revulsion on them?

>15 months
Lmao I got less for breaking someone's skull and making them drink a bottle of my piss that had been fermenting for two weeks

>we have to let Muslims rape our women because Dick Cheney was mean to Iraq

toothpaste is made up of a bunch of small particles designed to be abrasive. They're like grains of sand but smaller and harder for your body to get rid of.

Attached: 1539445046517.png (394x360, 144K)

Spaniards are literally all moors

Free markets


have fun dying, fluoride is poisonous

>In worst case may permanently fuck up bacteria in your digestive system
A fecal enema would probably fix that.

Even if their countries are unstable, it would be extremely easy for any western country to completely stop all this mass non-white immigration, legal or not, "refugee" or not; the whole reason behind it is the lack of political will, not anything that happens in their countries. I still don't know if leftists are being stupid or disingenuous when they parrot that line.

And very delicious.

Attached: 1559537628018.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

Zoomers have TOO much empathy; but affective empathy like a woman or an autist

Hope he gets raped in prison by shitskins

A real answer would require like 5 full replies, but one of the most important factors is the famines they've gone through, which didn't create, but enhanced a "every man for himself" culture.

That culture has always existed in China, but the famines made it a thousand times worse. I've done a lot of business in China, and there is a common "joke" that really captures the business environment there; if you're not scamming, you're getting scammed.

Attached: 1394397605069.png (429x449, 412K)

t. Muslim in Sweden

Why do they always do this lmao

Attached: 1559535952222.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Do advertisers think YouTube ads work?
Most zoomers have the ability to forget anything immediately after being exposed to it. Not to mention everyone using adblocks.

Looks comfy desu

That's a long fucking time dude.

guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl I need me some skrimps

Are they even human? I mean this seriously. They seem to have no compassion whatsoever. Which is one of the things that separates homo sapiens from all other animals.

Yes user they're human. Stop being a racist jeez.

Attached: 1559536515101.webm (400x400, 1.26M)


>I'm talking about Europe, where they have LITERALLY made it illegal to report on crime committed by certain ethnicities.
>Europe is a country

what a fucking queer
yeah i have gay rape fantasies, btw I'm totally straight haha

what, exactly, am i masturbating to?

youtube "Stars" all need to die

What the fuck is that?
An amputated penis that pisses itself when slapped?

Geoducks. Perfectly edible.

Attached: 1559534930906.webm (404x720, 1013K)

A hotdog, I guess?

Holy based

most euro countries don't collect data on ethnicity and they do so intentionally

>going to prison for giving a man toothpaste


It's a clam.

Attached: 04-geoduck_from_canada.jpg (1024x683, 76K)

perfect evolutionary defense mechanism... make yourself look like a dick so only women and homos will put you in their mouth

Attached: 1558708693103.jpg (562x750, 52K)

It's also what Rasputin's dick is

But most people in the world suck dick. Because women outnumber the men and then you add all the gays and you have the majority of the planet out to eat you.

Vorefags, not even once. Reminds me of the girl who recently got btfo by the octopus she was trying to eat

Man I have to make a webm out of that lmao

Attached: 1559538181378.jpg (921x1080, 428K)

>still trying to smile
That pic alone is hilarious lmao
It went full facehugger on her

Attached: 1545392622278.jpg (768x431, 27K)

God these guys are faggots. Every single one "it ain't no game man!" You could tell they get off on feeling like a big, bad, prison tough guy.

No that's Thom Yorke

electrolytes in action

Will probably post a sound version on /wsg/ mukbang thread or whatever. The noises she makes are hilarious.

Attached: Prometheus.webm (404x720, 2.89M)

the people who post these videos online should unironically be banned from posting this shit
The internet was a mistake

Assuming there is donor, but that is how it is usually treated.

Attached: 1540593547302.jpg (640x720, 152K)


imagine if it was stuck on her pussy

Japs were obsessed with this back in the day.

Attached: Tako_to_ama_retouched.jpg (1600x1116, 860K)


You drink your toothpaste?
