Don’t hate gays but why make the guy marrying mr Ratburn look like Arthur...

Don’t hate gays but why make the guy marrying mr Ratburn look like Arthur? Did they do this on purpose with sinister motives?

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Arthur is a very deep Freudian-Lacanian cartoon.

>Don’t hate gays
That's the fucking problem right there.


I think animals on Arthur are races and aardvark happens to be one of them.

>Don’t hate gays
Why not faggot?

jew garbage to brainwash kids

They should've made the janitor gay instead.

Because hating people for how they're born is pointless and stupid. I mean, I don't hate you guys for being low IQ white trash.

>Don’t hate gays
Don't worry. You will.

The gay teacher is a rate, Arther is like an aardvark

Ratburn subconsciously craves a man with Arthur's qualities and this manifests physically. Very deep. Bravo Arthur writers.

This. There's no reason to hate gays, the correct feeling is disgust.

Almost every character on Arthur that isn't the main cast looks like that

I assumed aardvarks were supposed to be Jews and rats were supposed to be east asians.

If they did that, Yea Forums would be unusable for a year.

>Don't hate gays
Only because you haven't read enough.

Attached: fagfacts3.png (1096x2893, 188K)

thinly veiled condescending lefty go back to your hugbox clique

It said, Arthur used to b ed a good show but now its faggoty flash animation

Since Francine is Jewish then monkeys are the Jews.

>how they're born
You aren't born gay. You choose to become gay.

FUCK YOU BITCH! I SWALLOWED the RED PILL. I am far more educated and smart and my eyes are far more open than yours will EVER be. Keep getting tricked by the "science" funded by (((((them)))))). I've done my research, followed my religion (Christianity, you fucking scum) and listened to Fox News. I am informed and there is NOTHING that supports gays are born that way.

SUCK my DICK! TRUMP will be your reckoning.

This but completely unironically and also with people calling me based for it


That’s quite worrying desu

t. discord tranny

Cope harder cuck. Enjoy your divorce.

Anyone else find it funny how leftists and homos talk tough only when they have the government backing them up?
At least based rightists are honest and true.

why would anyone choose to be a fag lol

Trauma-induced mental illness

>no source after the year 2000

Gee if a conclusion is right you'd think there would be studies supporting it these days as well. But I guess you just wanna live in the 90's

that's not a choice tho

fucking based

>how they're born
can't wait to find the gay gene
fag babies are gonna be aborted left and fucking right

t. Ahmed al-Saladin Emir Takbirallah Allahu Snackbar Muhammad al-Somali

t. Rush Limbaugh

fucking lol how is just the statement 'homosexuals prey on children' with no further elaboration an objective statistic

>people choose to be oppressed

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Jussie go home