Can we please get a Kung Fu Hustle appreciation thread going?

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protag was a mary sue

It's live action anime

terrible fucking movie

fucking kikes

>it's another "user doesn't actually know what constitutes a Mary Sue" episode

>when you go want your dick cut off but the doctor removes your sense of humour instead

Please go back to plebbit.

They definitely stole the knife scene in Talladega Night

If the landlord couple had killed the Axe Gang in the first round they wouldn't have to deal with the Beast

I've enjoyed all of the Stephen Chow films I've seen thus far. Shaolin Soccer will always make me chuckle.

Attached: shaolin soccer1.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Hey a man of true /kino/ culture.


I love Chow, too bad he produces nothing but shit nowadays

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Slainte mi tomodachi!

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his last kino was journey to the west 1, the sequel was shit and mermaid was bafflingly bad

Attached: 947083-journey-to-the-west-conquering-the-demons-film.jpg (650x366, 73K)

>suck and fails at everything until the last fight scene
>mary sue

Chuckle is the right word. His movies make me feel good.

Exactly. He’s the perpetual fuck up who finally succeeds after doing the right thing.

Haven’t seen these movies, and didn’t even realize he was still active. Why do you think he fell off so hard?

What’s really surprising is that these are the two highest grossing Chinese films of all time.

What is Wolf Warrior 2?

That's not what Mary Sue means.

He represents the evolution of the Hong Kong action cinema, first went from basic practical action, then some over the top wire-fu, then at the end basically matrix style CGI shlock

>mermaid was bad
Gay opinion

it was utter shit. the only good thing was the octopus guy

Reminder God of Cookery hasn't been surpassed yet.

Forbidden City Cop is his best, but almost all of his movies are really good
I binge watch like 8 of his movies every year

Hey is anyone streaming Kung pow?

Stephen Chow's absolute best movie was the Journey to the West adaptation made years before the one he directed a few years back.


He stopped acting and started pandering to mainland china

Rewatched both of them, too bad we will never ever get something like this

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Soccer was much much better

Kung-Fu Hustle is a masterpiece and one of the finest things I've had the privilege of seeing!!!FACT!!!

>terrible fucking movie

You have the soul of a Jew and the mind of a nigger!!!FACT!!!

CJ7 killed him economically in Hong Kong so he had to resort in China nowdays, maybe he directing that marvel asian hero film as people is saying can save him and go back making good movies again
>He's genderswapping King of the Comedy this year
oh no he's retarded