Movies that people don't know are kino? I'll start

Movies that people don't know are kino? I'll start.

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this is now a bad westerns thread.

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If you go through one of the scenes frame-by-frame you can see Will Smith's uncircumcised BBC

Will turned down the role of Neo to do this movie

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It’s one of the only steampunk-y movies I actually like the aesthetic of but as a movie itself it’s complete dogshit



I hate to admit it because I like silly movies, but it's complete shit
watch MIB instead

Even Will Smith says making this movie was a mistake he made for passing up on The Matrix.

This movie was so different from what the cover makes it look like.

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>see movie in cinema with my family
>get raging boner over pic related

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I loved this movie as a kid and was legitimately surprised when i found at as an adult that it was critically panned and considered a failure. Am i the only person who likes this movie?

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Based and unkiked!

Which was an unironically good decision, since Keanu is more suited to playing Neo.

>blackwashing movie
Try again.

God, this was a trip. Nothing like seeing Sean Connery running around being macho while wearing only a speedo and a bandoleer.

fucking based

Don't know, heard it was shit and never bothered watching it.