Tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc

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Based, Cameronfags quaking in their boots

back in your submarine james, maybe if you work hard you can meet your masters new deadline for disney's avatar 2

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delusional capeshitters, don't you understand how box office works?
no one is watching anymore, it's not making money anymore
you lose

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the dollar is worth very little today, needs to pass 3.2 billion

mfw marvel shits out an extra 30 million with the labor day expansion featuring a credits scene to clinch the record

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did thanos snap the k's?

>moving goalposts
s m h

Imagine if after 20+ movies and 10 years it still can't beat Avatar unadjusted for inflation.

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Titanic with inflation is around 4 billion $.

Do you think Endgame beat Gone with the Wind too? Christ you people are retarded. At least Infinity War sort of deserved to make good money but Endgame was shit. It's riding on nothing but marveldrone autism.

>no one is watching anymore, it's not making money anymore

You've been saying this for at least the past three weeks. Pathetic.

mfw Cameron shits out an extra 100 million with the Avatar re-release and puts it over again

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is that a sweat drop or just your ear

well it's not, but you guys don't understand
it's going to fall below 1m tomorrow, this weekend was disastrous compared to Infinity War

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we can play the re-release game forever avacuck, endgame will get the first run record and take the overall record labor day

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it overperformed overseas and domestic numbers will come in ahead of estimates as always you dumb faggot

Still in theaters, bitch!

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>the first time necessary to include inflation is when muh movie is gonna get dethroned

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seething and delusional

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It's funny bcause that meme format was originally intended for shit like Shazam that has no chance at reaching those tiers, so it's actually a shitstorm when it happens.
But the Endgame "meme" isn't much of a meme because it handily reached all the stages, it still won't beat Avatar but it was a nice match.


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>it still won't beat Avatar but it was a nice match.
we shall see renly, come the dawn we shall see

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No, the meme started with Aquaman. It was funny at first but DCfags got too cocky and jinxed the whole thing.

It LITERALLY made $8 mil this weekend in the US, might make $20mil worldwide, and keeps dropping
How do you see it getting that money?

btw I just realized the $20 mil number isnt happening lol, last weekend it was $17 mil so it's closer to 10 now

Not gonna happen. Cope harder, capefags.

>less than $70 to go
that's like 7 people lol avatar is fucked get rekt cameroncucks

run back to your little submarine and hide you bestiality fetishist fuck

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based. cameron hasn't made a good movie since T2

Avatar is shit too so I don't really see the issue. The only difference is that Avatar was the vision of one man while Endgame is the abomination created by corporations, so I guess I prefer Avatar to win also.

It's funny that whenever you ask if the numbers for Avatar have been adjusted for inflation they always flip their shit.

It doesn't matter dumb goyim. Endgame made a shitload and Avatar 2 will probably make a shit ton, but in the end IT ALL GOES TO THE FUCKING MOUSE

>he's still ASSBLASTED about "le evil mouse"
grow up
have sex

Kek nope

>2009: people who watched avatar forgot everything one hour later
>2019: people who watched endgame will quote stark’s post-death message word for word fifty years later
Avaturds are scared, not because of the box office, but because they have been forgotten

Who gives a fuck? Are you getting some of that money?

back in your submarine, james

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>No, the meme started with Aquaman
I don't know where it started but it was way before Aquaman because I remember this for Black Panther and Solo

>not adjusted
Oh no no no *breathes in*

Both are shit.

>people who watched endgame will quote stark’s post-death message word for word fifty years later

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It was made for Black Panther to troll /pol/

It'd make way more than that from China alone

I know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you’re right, yet to fail nonetheless. As lightning turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end? Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same. And now, it’s here. Or should I say, I am.

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cameroncucks on suicide watch

I'm sorry but labor day is all the way in september.
why would they keep it out that long when blu ray sells would exceed the previous 2 months of screen time before then?

I always hated those gay superhero costumes

muh gone with the wind

>Akhsually, if you take inflation into account-

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re-expansion, avacuck

labor day expansion gave the original avengers only 3 million, and it was doing a lot more in the previous week than Endgame will be doing by then

not to mention it might not even get a expansion

Reminder that next year Avatar will be again at the cinemas

It was only expanded into 1700 theaters with fewer PLF screens and no added scenes or credits scene - and it wasnt an international expansion you avacuck. Marvel adds a credits scene, and it will, and its over


Post the real numbers. They aren't anywhere near that close

Sorry avacuck

actuals today will increase endgame by 2 million too

>he thinks Disney will want to make Avengers eat into Lion King's box office
>he thinks leaving Avatar at #1 isn't in Disney's best interest

>he thinks disney will try to protect lion kings 7th week gross

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Where's your source?

disney always goes under on estimates, it'll make up 600-800k dom and 1m+ os

It's delayed to 2022