>have sex
Have sex
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She's loving it.
Guy's name?
Anyone else just spend an hour each fap session just trying to find a video/image actually worth busting to?
give birth
yeah, i'll spend a few episodes of futurama jerking looking.
wtf why is he not black?
Kill yourself faggot scum
It's too late for me. I'm 25 and a virgin. Sometimes I feel like my life is over. There's no recovering from that. I was eating at a bar earlier and I heard this kid my age say that his gf was pregnant. I was almost jealous.
Why do men in movies shows those dumb expressions when puting it in? I mean I know women do this but why men?
Do they came like instantly or smth?
t. I had
zoomer cucks should be executed
>jannies keep this up but not the porn thread
Fuck this board
I mean that's just edging. I'll usually edge for 2-3 hours before finally nutting to something, assuming I've got the time of course. But generally I'll wait until night and then have a really long enjoyable fap.
You don’t want kids user; just pussy remember that
>I'm 25
>my life is over.
Sheesh it like you are 75 already
>tfw you finish to the search results without ever actually opening a video
>you basically just jerked off to the idea of watching porn
>being jealous of someone having to waste 18 years and hundreds of thousands of $ raising a parasite
You can't really recover from being a 25 year old virgin.
That’s literally what porn addiction is. You start off just busting to the first thing you see because it’s all so stimulating, then you get so obsessed with the feeling you don’t want to waste your ejaculation on something you find subpar so you end up spending hours of your day looking for just the right video that hits the spot, and before you know it several hours of your day are wasted browsing porn catalogs.
I did at 26.
Yeah I think if you graduate college without ever having had sex it's pretty much over for you socially, you're never going to be normal.
t. 23 year old virgin
Yeah haha at least I’m only 23 haha and I’ll be 24 in 8 weeks haha so there’s still time ha
>jannies keep this up but not the FMA thread
then don't be it
>being a tranny
I hope you neck yourself, zoomer shit
Lindybeige visits France
Well, when you put sex on a pedestal, you typically end up missing out on it because you keep approaching the steps to getting sex the wrong way.
Or your just very fucking ugly.
I usually just open two tabs, one to search and one with a backup video I like. If I can't make it in time, I cum to that.
A-ha... So, uh, what about not being able to get it up at things that used to make you hard? These days I absolutely cannot get it up to gingers. Blondes so-so. Brunettes still do it. I just don't know what to do. I'm having a sort of erecticle dysfunction.
>he still believes there's a game
You have the genetics or you don't. That's all.
It actually doesn’t matter at all. Literal incels care about when they have sex. Why do you think they never shut up about it?
Albert Einstein
no man can really be an incel because all men can overpower a woman if they really wanted to. and no woman can really be raped because they secretly enjoy it.
He's teaching her the lindyhop
To be fair isn't every woman's first time horrible? You're ripping her apart.
Is that Michael Sheen?
I did it at 25 m8. i was sick of being a loser went to the gym, got a job, my confidence grew and soon i was picking up 18 year old fresh pussy for a one nighter. Now i am married with a kid on the way and i regret waiting until 23 to hit the gym and be confident. Missed out on a lot of pussy. But my wife makes up for it :)
Depends on if she's a horse girl or not.
If you can’t get it up for porn women I’ve got bad news for you
Stop with the self defeatist incel shit. If you’re not having any sex at all you’re probably friendless and don’t leave your room, yes good looking guys get tons of sex but if you get none you’re likely mentally ill. See a shrink not fucking incel forums dipshit.
I don't know. I do think I would like kids someday.
Unless your super fucking ugly. There is always a slight chance. The game does exist, it’s just more average looking men are realizing it costs too much time and money.
>get horny
>start searching for decent porn
>get turned off
I guess I'm an innofap
reddit nigger
I lost my virginity at 29 and I didn't even pay for it! So don't lose hope.
Full disclosure:
I'm asocial but I'm not ugly so YMMV
not a virgin but just in general if you graduate college at 21-22 and lack a solid bedrock of friends/social network, it's fucking over. makes it tough to make any friends, let alone find intimacy. we've missed out life user, or we're just defeatist faggots
I did at 28 by being myself.
trust me, you don't. I got my first gf when I was 19, she was 27 and had a 6 year old aspie son. 0/10 would not recommend
I'd like to have kids. But I'd also like to end my life one day. I don't enjoy life and don't want to outlive my parents. It would be shitty to traumatized your kids like that.
Don't think that's it. Most porn actresses look busted and ugly tho after you managed your thirst. Sometimes I have to jack off to memories of girls I've seen in the bus days ago if there is nothing I can find on porn sites.
>If you can’t get it up for porn women I’ve got bad news for you
I can only get it up for... some of them? I haven't been able to get it up to redheads for a year; dyed or natural. I can look at one getting fucked for hours and never budge. Blondes, it flactuates. Some days I can, somedays I can't. Brunettes still do it.
What do I do? I feel like I've got a problem.
>Kid on the way
Careful m8
when you think about it you could literally hit every "milestone" in one drunken encounter at a bar. what the fuck does it even matter then.
>tfw had sex with over 50 women
>now have a gf and a son
cant really relate to anyone on this board
No shit nobody wants to deal with someone else's retarded child. No pussy is worth that.
It’s not mandatory to have sex and it certainly isn’t mandatory to obsess over it. Anyone can get laid but nobody understands that you shouldn’t be having sex to talk about it socially because “you” getting laid doesn’t effect anyone else besides yourself. (which isn’t much)
You either have sex or you don’t. No reason to bitch.
Yeah man and I thought I was the only one
>That’s literally what porn addiction is. You start off just busting to the first thing you see because it’s all so stimulating, then you get so obsessed with the feeling you don’t want to waste your ejaculation on something you find subpar so you end up spending hours of your day looking for just the right video that hits the spot, and before you know it several hours of your day are wasted browsing porn catalogs.
Fuck man
Yeah, that kid might grow up to be like you. What a disappointment that would be.
>tfw I'm an 8/10 as I've been told by multiple women and dudes but I'm just as anti-social as the rest of the faggots here
I pretty much grew up on the internet desu, this place especially. I've been posting here since I was 12 ffs
I've had sex with 50-60 women. Got a gf but no kids.
Are we based?
>Had sex with over 100 women
>now have a wife a gf a son and daughter
having trouble relating to your post user
your life seems a little sad
You would be a horrible father because your just some thirsty loser who bitches about the pussy he can’t get thus showing you have no masculinity needed to be a good father figure.
>petite Dutch-Hawaiian qt with tasteful tattoos running up the side of her body
was worth learning how to fuck proper, I tell you what.
So you are saying it takes 2 years of getting fit enough for getting the real results aka sex?
2bh famalam i wish i wouldnt have slept around as much as I did. All it got me was an empty feeling inside me and 2 cases of chlamydia
>want to have kids in the future
>also don't want a lot of time taken away and my schedule changed up
It'd be nice but I tend to ignore any approaches. It's a weird feeling.
Source on him?
I havent been to the gym once in my life and I have never had any problems getting laid
I've recently come to the conclusion that I have a porn addiction. I spend all day saving porn on my phone, particularly from /gif/ and the occasional porn spam on the SFW boards, and then I get home to my PC and spend the rest of the night saving porn there too.
Typically I can find something to nut to pretty quickly in my video archives. Usually takes me a few minutes at most. But if I'm hunting for porn on exhentai or rule34hentai, then I know it'll be a few hours before I settle on something to bust on.
Blog over. Please remember to like and subscribe.
I've had 8 cases of chlamydia
Come back when you've seen the real world kid