What's some movies only chads can understand?
What's some movies only chads can understand?
Captain Marvel
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Your're are least favorite movie lol
Das Boot directors cut
Revenge of the Nerds is a tragedy. Stan Gable is the tragic fallen hero of a once great civilization that has been subverted by Jews.
Fast and the Furious series.
You need extremely high or low IQ to get it, middle ground pseuds are all baffled by it.
Not a movie, but the sneed feed and seed scene. Before, it was subtle enough to not be noticed by people without the sexual experience to understand the joke. A Chad joke is one that doesn't have to be an inclusive joke for pussies, yes you mogoloids sometimes a joke can be SUBTLE!!!!
Even now, in the jokes second phase, people are defenseless against the sneed poster. It lacks its original luster, but it will never NOT be funny. It is the essence of alpha male.
Wages of Fear/Sorcerer. If you haven’t trafficked highly unstable nitroglycerin through the South American jungle while fending off the advances of random women, you’re not a real chad.
I don't know anyone of note that has a high IQ who claims to love that franchise.
>I don't know anyone of note that has a high IQ
Birds of a feather.
Found the midlet
Detective Pikachu
the good the bad and the ugly
Animal House
The movies that supposedly only dumb and smart people enjoy are copes created by dumb people to justify their shit taste.
>Can't name anyone
Found the coping brainlet
I actually hate the Fast and Furious movies but you are a midlet.
>I actually hate the Fast and Furious
Nobody asked if you liked them, dipshit. Point was the whole "only dumb and smart people enjoy this." Is dumb. Like you. Cope harder.
>i'm smart but work in minimum wage
>you're are
is this the power of trannyposting?
Blita: Attle Bngle.
Taxi Driver
I'm glad people are noticing that hyper masculine features aren't actually very attractive and tend to overwhelm woman. Vast majority of girls just want those otter mode highschool pretty boys.
t. middle ground pseud
I'm a NEET actually.
The real high IQ profession.
At first I thought this was a dude on the right like some twink, then I was like wait shit where's the penis? Then I was like ....oh..
it's legal right?
pretty sure this is child porn...
The Rover
The high IQ go to watch FNF not for the film, but to laugh at how the niggers in the audience react to it.
Only the chaddest Chad can comprehend his pain
holy fuck is this the mega quadruple gigachad?
this is the worst movie franchise ever
KinoMan vs ChadMan: Dawn of Chad
>only chads can understand
Aguirre, Wrath of God
Avengers: Infinity War
why do you faggots save pictures of naked men on your computer?
I want the real raven is also a Chad line
Pain & Gain. You have to have a decent amount of testosterone to enjoy it
What was it???
That's a Stacy to you? Get some taste faggot.
Mostly uncomfortable and not all that sexy.
>Implying YOU can't be a "Chad".
Quit it.
>All Quiet On The Western Front
>All of Martin Scorsese's films
>Raging Bull (worth mentioning twice)
>Silence (worth mentioning twice)
>All Francis Ford Copolla films
>Apocalypse Now (worth mentioning twice)
>Apocalypse Now (worth mentioning thrice)
paid in full
b-but.... what was it.... I wanna know.
I don't know but somebody better post a pleb link for it.
>I'm a NEET actually.
>The real high IQ profession.
Heh, way to prove the other user right.
Alpha 2018
Everyone knows there is only one series that will truly be loved by low IQ morons and high IQ geniuses warhammer 40k
this, it's like capeshit for chads. the only difference is fast and furious actually travel all around the world and do real stunts instead of cgi and greenscreen
>why yes I do know who osterman was, how could you tell?