Is there anything she can't do?
Is there anything she can't do?
Accept Trump as her president.
suck dick
literally who
>Yea Forums's favorite actress a couple of years ago
>constant threads all the time
>now anyone barely remembers her
what happened lads? i still find her attractive
I thought it was two skinny gay dudes before I read the post.
no self-respecting person can do that tbqh
No one cares about your irrelevant opinion you dusty ass boomer.
i miss ellen threads
I miss when ellen was a cutie3.141592653589793238...
Make my pee pee hard
Also this
t. basedbean
Keanu did it first
why does this photo remind me of Cube 2: Hypercube
what went wrong?
also, why is her filmography so shit nowadays?
>what went wrong?
Did she become a dyke because she was ugly or did being a dyke make her ugly?
god she was so perfect
>Did she become a dyke because she was ugly
she wasn't ugly so it's the alternative hypothesis
Obviously I’m referring to when the change started happening to her.
>no self-respecting person can accept reality
If you live in the United States and you can't admit that Donald J Trump is your current president, you're literally delusional.
that is the worst version of that meme I have ever seen in my entire life
wow she really didn't age well. must be malnutrition for her vegan and meth diet.
>tfw Ellen Page has a stronger jaw than yours
>malnutrition for her vegan
actually veganism is healthier
first answer, best answer?
>that posture
>actually veganism is healthier
>I like girls silly boys
>*picks girls who look like boys*
Big think activated
her wife looks nothing like a man though
came here for this, you did not let me down user