Is this worth watching? I hear good things about it but I only trust you guys.btw can you also recommend anything that good on Netflix I just started a free trial and plan on watching and run kek.
Is this worth watching? I hear good things about it but I only trust you guys...
Some excellent performances and solid writing, if a bit heavy handed. It is a little sensationalized though.
How about don't watch that and watch Mindhunter. I only saw 3 episodes of the crown, if you're into queen shit you will like it. Main chick is cute
I like the first 5 episodes or so since it felt like a historical drama, but then it starts to drag and focus more on life of the royalty shit which bored me but a lot of people like
This, just don't get attached to the cast as they're changing all actors each 2 seasons until 6 are done. So these two are gone now.
It's all pretty good except the JFK episode. God that casting and characterization.
>The Crown
yeaaahhhh it's well made for sure, but unless you're gonna watch it with your mom to be nice to her i don't really see the point. Pirate Wolf Hall instead for true period drama kino.
House of Cards S1
Bloodline S1
(both go to shit after so drop them)
for good but not amazing stuff;
Sense8 is quite good if you're not triggered by fag and trannyshit
Ozark & Mindhunter are mediocre but somewhat enjoyable
Love and Easy are good heavy hipster rom-coms if you like those. the early easy eps are pretty weak but they get better.
Devilman Crybaby & Bojack are both very good animated shows.
Last Chance U & Wild Wild Country are the best docuseries. (last chance U especially, i don't even like football and thought it was amazing).
great show if you have any interest in royalty or British modern history, easily the best made thing on netflix
>Wolf Hall
is great for Tudor period
great concept ruined by faggotry
>great concept ruined by faggotry
ehhh i think it's let down just by poor execution than anything and the faggotry is tolerable but yeah the concept is great and it's worth watching imo. Just not a masterpiece or anything.
the shows about characters that can body swap within their group letting them share skills and what they do with is a tranny spends most of his time in hospital with his mother and running away from 'bad guy' other group. the concept lets gives them the ability to make any number of interesting stories or scenarios yet all it focuses on is tranny = victimized
Tommy Lascelles is basically Tywin Lannister
No, watch Isabel instead, way more redpill.
based though the Spanish fuckers talk so fast
Reminder that Peter first met Margaret when she was 8 years old.
Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Thanks for all the recs well time to watch some shit.
>series about the life of Queen Elizabeth
>no episodes as a loli Princess.
Disappointed tbqh.
It's annoyingly permeated with empty-headed, liberal materialism. The writers have no respect for what the Queen actually believes and stands for. At the same time, they think they need to pay some sort of lip service to the crown for the sake of... "tradition," or something. Therefore, Elizabeth's principles are reduced to the same meaningless fluff that undergirds the writers' own beliefs. Elizabeth likes Billy Graham? Make her spiritual, not religious. Elizabeth opposes remarriage after divorce? Oh, she'd love to do away with that outdated doctrine, but her hands are tied! It's Anglicanism by way of flower power.
Those house of cards/blodlines season 1 at least finish in a way I can pretend it's the end?
Not him but S2 of house of cards is a step down but definitely watchable and has an ending.
To be honest I disllike when historical characters get inyected with modern sensibility, it's too much to ignore?
Cool then.
Most of the show doesn't have to do with that sort of stuff, but it is there. You can get entertained by it. Season 2 is more fillery and repetitive than 1, though.
It's a show about cuckoldry. I think every man gets cucked in this show.
Prince Phillip doesn't
Is it at least historical cuck shit?
I forgot to mention they do the same thing with Churchill, where he becomes some sort of loveable curmudgeon. If the writers so clearly dislike him, I wish they'd have the courage to attack the real Churchill, rather than dumb him down to the point they can portray him in a sympathetic light.
I don't see why a show based on history has to be historically accurate.
Are you really so sensitive about British history that you find it offensive ?
Macmillan is the only one who ever gets cucked, literally not a single other male character does.
Stop projecting your fantasies.
It's not about historical accuracy, it's that the writers weren't fit for the job. Their job, it seems, was to make some puff piece for a few popular British leaders. These writers can't endorse the beliefs of their characters in good conscience, so they shouldn't be writing them. Either that, or don't attempt to endorse them at all.
I think they were just trying to make an entertaining drama desu and it shouldn't even be considered in context because of course it's inaccurate it's a fucking tv drama why shouldn't it be.
If you don't think the characters are internally consistent or interesting that's another issue, and i didn't watch enough to form an opinion because i'm not a middle aged woman.
I hate when they do that
>puff piece
I don't think it paint's anyone an an overly good light
>The Queen is shown to be a dim witted women only interested in Horses. Out of her depth ruling and slowly coming to term with her role
>Philip shown to be a borderline abusive father, who grew up around Nazi's and who may or may not have had an affair
>Attlee isn't the founder of the welfare state he's a man still covered in Churchill's shadow
>Churchill is a man well past his prime obsessed with his glory years who abandons important cabinet meetings to go for a piss
>Eden is a drug addled wreck who hammers the final nail into the empires coffin with Suez
>Macmillan is out of his depth, beset by scandals, and his wife's openly cheating on him with a long term lover
Good analysis, it’s really a chance to show off sets and cars and costumes but pretty enjoyable.
did you even watch the show?