Who was in the right

who was in the right

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Thank god this half-jew nigger got BTFO

Sneed was in the right (formally wrong)

Surveiller in chief

Watch the Dow plummet tomorrow. Trump will start another recession

Obama, unironically. Wrong, but in the right.

The orange nigger we have right now will definitely go down as the worst. No way in hell he gets a 2nd term.

the executive branch is just a distraction. they hardly have any power but they get blamed for everything or take credit for everything. trumptards would better spend their time following company ceos and "philanthropists" and the ever furtive jew

w and obama are unironically two of the worst fucking presidents ever

*subverts the constitution when he’s unable to negotiate with congress*

how does that guy manage to go about his day normally with Jewish cock in his mouth?

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Remember when ABC had Kimmel host the Oscars two years in a row only to see ratings decline. Then this year's Oscars had no host and ratings rose.

I'm sure ABC will remember when Kimmel negociates his next late night show contract.

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Say what you want about Obama, at least he could take a joke.
Imagine the Twitter that would occur if Trump had to read mean tweets on TV. Fuck, I'd pay to see that.
He might literally shit his pants or have a heart attack.

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Trump is actually being called hitler and such tho. The people who are supposed to make jokes are outright insulting him, and have been for like 3 years. And they're not funny either.

Only a literal zoomer would write this.

Obama was basically a giant narssist who had complete control over the media who were giant libtards who refused to be critical of him at all. Comedy and art stagnated so hard under obama that trump coming out of nowhere and slapping bitches was a breath of fresh air

women are fucking cringey

And to the think, the person we have to thank for Trump deciding to run is Obama after he blew him the fuck out that one time. You could tell Trump was absolutely seething. He probably beat the shit out of Melania or a butler that night.

Everyone has been called Hitler by some douche on the internet at some point

>some scripting """comedy"""
>taking a joke
if anything went off script he's a bumbling fucking moron

Can he take this joke? news.grabien.com/story-exclusive-complete-guide-scandals-obama-administration

>has entire legacy ruined by a wwe hall of famer who ran for fun

>trump is now slowly and quietly stacking the supreme and federal courts, making it virtually impossible for liberals to accomplish anything for at least the next 60 years


Trump wishes he had control over the media like that. And your art comment is laughable, the golden age of television for one happened under Obama.

Daily reminder that in Obama's last few months he gave millions to shit publications like Buzzfeed and Snopes which only just ran out a few months ago when they all laid off half their staff at the same time

>the golden age of television for one happened under Obama.

Nigger what?

I'm still appalled that people are calling George W Bush a better president.

trump is giving subsidizing farmers with $16billion because of his own tariffs

obama and trump both seem retarded

Because he is.

>we went from one of the best president of all time to the absolute worst

Wtf happened?

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Absolutely based

Dude the Democratic party is filled with incompetent people who haven't learned anything from 4 years ago.

Yep, as soon as that money dried up at the start of this year, those media outlets are dropping like crazy.

>reddit spacing

it's all so tiresome

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When Donny starts a war, I'll agree.

>Seth Meyers roasting Trump instead of Obama at White House Correspondents Dinner.

Despite what Seth Meyers says Trump has been "running" for president on the same issues since the 1980s when he was on Larry King Live once a week.

Pundits and pundits pretending to be comedians like Meyers would outright tell Obama to avoid th press and stay out of the spotlight. Trump had no problem taking the spotlight and keeping it.

Trump won because Hillary, like Obama before her, would continue most of Bush and Bush Jr's policies only with more identity politics emphasis

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Did everyone forget about Bush or something?

The left cant meme. And by the looks of it can’t Photoshop either lol

Until Trump gets us in a war with NK or Iran, lol no.

The 2008 Presidential election.

>subsidizing farmers that grow food is the same thing as giving money to to buzzfeed so they can write articles about anal

Trump is hilarious, he can take a joke

Really really the worst president was Calvin Coolidge even tho he was kino

>not Warren G. Harding

pretty sure there were a lot less high-profile white nationalists during the bush years

You say that being called Hitler is a bad thing


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Pretty sure there was an actual fucking war during the bush years

>take a joke
>scripted comedy with a comedian that loves him

Have they considered learning to code?

How could this happen!

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why is war the only thing that matters? also the us is currently engaged in 7 countries, its not like we're war-free its just not covered

>still looks better than his actual hair

the golden age of tv happend in the 2000s with sopranos, oz, the wire.
even sitcoms were better like malcom in the middle, that 70s show, the office.

2010s just has big bang theory and game of thrones

hitler's the reason whites can't be racist like everybody else can anymore

in his failed-effort he only empowered the jew

Being the most important isn't being the only thing. Or do you think that "white nationalists" are the only thing that matters? Because it's all you've said, you stupid fairy.

Wilson for creating the Fed

Imagine your last act as president is stating there's no way the next one will go into office.

>get 95% positive coverage and treated as a hero from the very start of your campaign
>hurr he takes a joke well
The media was literally calling Trump "Hitler" within the first few months of his campaign.

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breaking bad started in 2008
Check mate

official song of the obama years: youtube.com/watch?v=OJGUbwVMBeA

First off that has nothing to do with Trump, and secondly that has no detrimental impact on society or the economy. Extreme people of all factions have more of a voice today than they did during the Bush era cause social media didn't exist back then, but a few white nationalists sperging out on Youtube or Twitter has no effect on anything outside their bubble. It's just the latest meme issue for journalists to hand-wring over like violent video games used to be.

>Almost 3 years
>Still no new wars

OMG what a horrible president! Impeach! He is going to start WW3!

does't trump wanna pull out of those too? reduce investment in NATO etc.? basically stop carrying the entire world on the US' backs?

as a yuropoor, I fully support him. we've failed to live up to our side of the deal for generations now


>get elected president
>next fucking day, get awarded nobel fucking peace prize for not being bush
obama sure had it hard in the press

>a few white nationalists sperging out on Youtube or Twitter has no effect on anything outside their bubble

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Obama caused the Syrian war against Assad, maybe the biggest strategic fuckup of the US ever which cost millions of lives and fucked up Europe for good.

mad men, got the good seasons, breaking bad, dexter, the wire last season, etc.

Well, not him, since he was wrong.

>mad men, got the good seasons, breaking bad, dexter, the wire last season, etc.
>golden age of television

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Was the wire really still on when the African American was in the Whitehouse?

They even regret giving it to him now.

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I'll rephrase: why is war the most important thing? children dying in school shootings and white nationalist terror attacks are objectively worse than adult soldiers dying thousands of miles away. And at least during the early bush years the war was seen as justified.

No one even tries to justify the violence of the the trump era, they just distance themselves and deny responsibility.

>biggest strategic fuckup of the US ever
>ignoring Iraq war which literally lead to Syrian war


wow one big fat bitch died

impeachment when


After 3000 years at the top your turn is over. Our time is now.

i can't believe white people still think of the democratic party as a political bloc that represents them

But the Syrian war was an artificial uprising created by the state department

You don't get the difference between correlation and causation. Your political landscape is shifting towards both extremes. It started before Trump with an authoritarian leftist media and university complex.He is only a symptom of that.

>Bannon said: “This is where it isn't a witch hunt–even for the hard core, this is where he turns into just a crooked business guy, and one worth $50m instead of $10bn. Not the billionaire he said he was, just another scumbag.”

Surely Trump is going to sue him for defamation, right?

I for the most part agree with Trump's policies but he is a bad President for the sole reason he backs down on what he campaigned on and takes the advice of neocons who are in direct opposition to what he was elected on and are serving their own self interest, he needs to just act instead of being talked into things such as leaving troops in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq

As a German who was 100% sure that Trump would get voted because Americans are retards who will rather fight against one another instead of working together, I guarantee you he'll get another term because you guys are far too blinded by your shitty media outlets

Is Obama the most narcissistic leader in history?
He seemed to spend most of his time partying with celebs and blaming his problems on white people.

why do democrat love sucking on globalist dicks so damn much? remember when they used to bitch about corporations being people and now defend them cause they share the same politics?

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>stupid americans, they should vote for the pedophile that advocates open borders and door to door gun confiscation

The Dems are so pathetic that they cant even beat Trump. They lost because of identity politics and they have only double down on that behaviour. They don't stand a chance of winning.

Whataboutism, really. The Syrian war had much more dire immediate consequences...the emergence of a highly successful islamic state and Europe being flooded with islamistic refugees.


He was treated as a god by the media and his supporters, so you can't really blame him

I blame that fuckhead Bolton for getting in his ear too much, makes me glad that Rand Paul has been influencing Trump on foreign policy more (which strictly ideological guys like Justin Amash don't fucking understand the game at all).

>an authoritarian leftist media and university complex
god i wish. sadly liberals are not leftists

>crying over an election
>not realising that it makes barely a difference which party is in the right
Why are clapistanis so goddamn stupid?

>I'll rephrase: why is war the most important thing?
Rephrasing doesn't change my response, dumbass.
>children dying in school shootings and white nationalist terror attacks are objectively worse than adult soldiers dying thousands of miles away
You saying so does not make it so. More people die in wars than soldiers, anyone who was older than 3 during Afghanistan knows this.
>No one even tries to justify the violence of the the trump era
And why is only one side of the argument against that violence saying it has anything to do with Trump? What did Obama do to stop it? Did you know there were school shootings during Bush's terms? Of course not, you don't do research into the topics you try to discuss and you don't put any thought into your opinions. I don't mind if you choose to be a retard, but don't poison our language if you choose not to know what words like "objectively" mean while using them.

Trump is pretty narcissistic, but so our most of the U.S. leaders, but Obama used it to his gain and to look "cool". That's just how Trump is because he's from New York.


ever heard of causation, retard? but for Iraq invasion, none of the shennanigans happening right now in Syria would've happened.

What do you expect, he was literally given the Nobel Peace Prize for being black

Yeah it's weird how much they love corporations now, that use to be republicas, but it's like flipped for no reason now the dems love corporations.

I wonder if being black is a blessing or a curse

I have a feeling he sitting there thinking;
>this is all about ME
>Obama is talking about ME
>I bet this is getting great ratings
>because ME
>they should be paying ME
etc. etc.

the idea that he was quote unquote seething is projection at its finest. YOU would be seething because you're a butthurt little bitch and you'll never accomplish anything even sniffing greatness in your entire worthless life. thats YOUR point of view, not trumps. so its best not to impose your own presuppositions on other people. try to get into their line of thinking, like I did

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>sending a hitler meme to someone months prior is enough to prove intent for premeditated murder

The American "Justice" system is a joke

Which part of the Constitution is he subverting, specifically?

a mystery for the ages

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>golden age of television for one happened under Obama.

Breaking Bad is not a "Golden Age of TV" you fucking R*dditor faggot.
The golden age was late 90s to late 00s. Sopranos, Deadwood, The Wire, OZ etc etc.

leftists don't have principles. That's why in one sentence they will say we need to burn down corporations but in the next defend some ceo because he has a rainbow flag on his twitter. they just want attention and in the last 10 years you can get attention through politics. women and blacks don't deserve rights.

Yeah and without meddling of the Obama administration none of it would have happened either.

>leftists are american democrats
how do you remember to breathe to stay alive

>one retard driving through a crowd
>this is somehow the fault of Trump and emblematic of a major societal issue
Stop pretending to care about irrelevant things just cause the media acts like they're a big deal

Supposedly he's had a falling out with Bolton but lacks the political capital to replace him, at least prior to the elections. Pompeo allegedly doesn't like Bolton either, despite also being a neocon faggot. I'd assume that's because they both compete on who sucks Israel's dick harder and Bolton is really good at it which irks Pompeo.

Obama is the charismatic spiritual leader of the largest most powerful cult the world has ever seen. Trump is just a based af alpha chad sent to put that nigger in his place.

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Sopranos and Rome ended before he was elected m8

>Trump is pretty narcissistic, but so our most of the U.S. leaders,

I agree about Trump. However Obama thought he was a god. The way he would pose in photos with his head held back was pure cringe.
I liked him when he came into office too. But very quickly saw the fame was going to his head.

Why is it that restructuring the treatment of foreign investment and income to align with every other nation on Earth, including the beloved socialist bastions of Europe, is "giving tax breaks to Walmart"?

>European Yea Forums hours

yes, in america leftists are democrats. protip: political terms mean different things in different countries. keep being obsessed.


>Obama is the charismatic spiritual leader of the largest most powerful cult the world has ever seen

>mad men, got the good seasons, breaking bad, dexter, the wire last season, etc.

R*ddit the post. Only good show there is The Wire.

Because orange man bad, shitlord!

School shooting and domestic terror attacks happen under every presidency, it's inevitable in a country with over 300 million people. Obviously a war is far worse because it destabilizes entire countries and causes lots of needless death and refugee crises.

>I liked him when he came into office too
If you couldn't see what a piece of shit he was in '08 you were pretty blind m8.

Can /pol/ leave already?

I’d rather the limited I spend on this board each day not be reading posts from delusional kike shills that are probably exhausted from moving goal posts all day.

it's like 09:00 here bro, not exactly prime shitposting time

SJW virtue signalling. Also he is a Muslim, not a Catholic.

>Can /pol/ leave already?

no Im just asking why starting wars is the most important value for you. Seems like you picked the one bad thing trump hasn't done and ran with it.

Sure there were shootings before, even before 9/11, but the ones in the trump era and late obama years are way more violent/higher bodycount and politically charged. Its not crazy to say innocent civilians dying in america has more of an effect on americans than innocent iraqi civilians dying in the ME. And also innocent civilians killed internationally by white nationalists who are encouraged by trump that's the wide perception of it even if american trump supporters deny it. not a good look.

>they just distance themselves and deny responsibility
How dare people deny responsibility for crimes they didn't commit

Why do you continue to believe that you're part of some stupid "noble resistance"? Why does Trump Derangement Syndrome control every facet of your existence? Do you not understand that we can all work hard for a greater America - the kind of America that will provide its own products with its own materials again, the kind of America that doesn't have to rely on the TRULY evil ant-people, the Chinese, and their inferior materials made in literal slave-shops?

Do you not understand, after 20+ years of the Internet being available to just about everyone on Earth, that the mass-media is playing you for a fool and attempting so very much to discredit the greatest President in 50 years? A President who TRULY gives a fuck about you, BECAUSE he isn't a politician? Do you not KNOW how to step outside the proverbial "box" that is your life, and understand things from a greater perspective?

We who know these things, we don't hate you. We just wish that you'd understand. We wish you'd break the terrible programming you've received since Day One. We hope you can pull that proverbial "plug" out of the back of your head and see, as we do, why Donald Trump is the last and GREATEST bastion of hope for humanity.

ALL humanity.

>tl;dr: can't read three paragraphs? This place isn't for you. Maybe kindergarten is, faggot.
>inb4 "Russian shillbot"

I understand and even empathize with you. It's difficult to break that programming that the television has instilled upon you and millions of others. But I have faith. So much faith in you. Let's work together to support PRESIDENT. DONALD. TRUMP.

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The part where congress has the power to direct federal spending

Turn off his teleprompter and see what happens. Find the youtube vids where his prompter malfunctions. Stuttering sweaty mess.

>reality is /pol/ now

>still falling for the school shootings meme

Yeah, I agree with that. I feel like Obama made his Presidency more about himself than the American people and that certainly shows with his public appearances. Trump may be arrogant but he certainly doesn't go that far.

Oh die Ironie

During the campaign I actually liked what he was saying "Im going to go after the banks and wallstreet"
But that didn't happen. Quickly realised he was just a megalomaniac with a huge ego being stroked by the media.

it's hell, isn't it?


t.complete retard.

my god what level of education do you need to be this fucking stupid.

Ceded to the Executive over 75 years ago under budgetary discretion. You can complain that Congress doesn't actually want to do anything, but don't complain Trump is making use of their decades of poor decisions.

Trudeau is way worse, Obama was at least able to feign substance.

What did Obama mean by this?
No seriously even my 75 year old dad thought this was the lamest expression he ever heard.

He grew up in Indonesia with a Muslim step father you fucking retard.

Is this the mentally ill general?

>a clusterfuck of sperging lefties prodded by a fake media frenzy
it’s a miracle more didn’t die

>restructuring the treatment of foreign investment and income
if you trust trump to do this in a way that is fair to taxpayers you are beyond gullible into the realm of literal mental impairment/disability

every media figure being so chummy with Obama made me sick. The government should be separated from the culture not tied to it.


His brain started spasming when Trump came along.

>that's the wide perception of it
By retards like you who don't do research on topics they try to discuss. When was the last time someone off of the internet took your opinion on social matters seriously? You don't have to tell me, you'll know the answer and hopefully you'll take that to heart.

most peaceful presidency in decades

I don't have to trust Trump. The law was passed 2 years ago. It's fully available for you, me, and everyone else to read. Unlike how I could keep my Doctor with Crazy Barry's one simple step.

welcome, pull up a chair
clowns are to the left
jokers are on the right

reminder this was the PM of Indonesia
look familiar?

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its incredible that you guys latch onto the one instance where obama fucked up a public speaking event, when the current president literally goes on stage and gibbers like a mental patient every day

US is economically suicide bombing China.
China is bleeding much more than the US and US still has almost twice as big economy and despite everything, it is much healthier.

Why is everybody outside the US laughing at us for voting Trump?

Thought that was Doug Walker without his goatee for a second.

here I am

>1 white nationalist kills a land whale

>Muslim kills 50 faggots in a night club and says Islam was what made him do it
>Nothing to see her folks. Don't be racist

This is why no one takes your side seriously anymore. Its only ever bad when white people do something wrong isn't it.

Germans are literally one of the most brainwashed state-controlled populaces on the planet.

>the one instance

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They're laughing with us, they've been letting retards and dipshits ruin their nations for centuries.

Trump doesn’t need to, everyone knows Bannon is a liar.

Being a namefag and also even considering Warren for President shows that you are the complete retard. Fuck off. Literally anybody else is a better candidate than her you fucking retard.

dude could pass as Obamas cousin
he probably is

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Oh you mean the roast where trump literally told them beforehand what they could and could not make jokes about?

here he is smelling his farts

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It would be based just to piss off conservacucks

Are you literally retarded by any chance?

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Every time Obama didn't have a teleprompter he was a blubbering mess worse then Bush jnr tho.
Trump barely ever uses teleprompters from what iv seen.

They don't understand American exceptionalism, they think every world leader should be a globalist empty suit because that's all they've known their whole lives


>leftist bootlickers
oh no no no

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i have no idea what you're talking about. please leave the thread

Coping mechanism now that we don't have a leader their shitty countries can step all over.

Trump is utilizing America's status as by far the largest economy on Earth while it still exists to stomp everyone else into submission. The United States is feeling a mosquito bite from China's retaliatory economic efforts. However, they have maxed out their ability to affect us as they barely import anything from us, about 190 billion dollars worth. Meanwhile, we import over 700 billion worth. Their economy is collapsing and it wasn't doing well before this happened.

It will be HUGE.
>We controll the entire mainstream media but literally nothing is our fault
>half the 300million people in the US are /pol/tards

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Why did the pres of Indonesia look like Obama so much

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i mean im assuming its the only instance because it gets constantly posted still.

i would much rather have a president that relies on the tools in his public speaking arsenal to do a good job at events than someone who just wings it and spits out mental patient word salad at every event

That fat girl died of a cardiac arrest, not being trampled by the car.
>over 3 digit weight

That image is so true, I don't understand it. Any picture of a bunch of pedestrians at an event has at least a couple, I have a few on my street.

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Warren is pretty populist to the point where she actually overlaps with the right on certain issues, I don't think she would be a terrible president but she wouldn't get any of her campaign promises accomplished.

CIA labs where they birth future world leaders.

Watch this part and tell me it's scripted.

what's worse, being a 300lb amerifat or a 100lb eurosticc

They eat up all the establishment propaganda.

I know you don't know, because you're typing gibberish and don't even understand the concept of the conversation. You have no idea why the USA's tax structure was changed in treating foreign income, you don't know what it was changed to, and you don't know what foreign income amounts to based on a corp's HQ location. You're just bleating bullshit and will fuck off to continue voting Democrat or your country's equivalent

I'd rather have a guy who passed policies I like over some liberal who could take a joke.

t. German that gets brainwashed starting from elementary school to never ever be proud of his nation or stand up for his own interests

>it's better to have a puppet than a genuine person as a leader
What did Ingsoc user mean by this?


what policies did he pass that you liked?

trump is what an rural retard with a high-school education imagines a smart, successful person to be like. Just because you latched on to a fantasy of golden hotels and big baggy 80's suits does not mean the cartoon president is good at his job in real life. Im sorry you got tricked but thats what it is

he is an orange nigger but he will probably get another term.

I wish the dems would put forward a good candidate to oppose him instead of everyone who opposes him.

Can anyone recommend me some kino where the main character changes his signature look?

>American are retards who would rather fight against each other than work together
Isn't your country's political coalition falling apart currently?

why does using a teleprompter make someone a puppet, user? you do understand that you can still put words that you and your team wrote up on a teleprompter for yourself, right?

maybe you could be more specific than and name the actual law you're talking about.

Biden is the best shot they have.

true — he was a faggoty figurehead who was told what to say and do, just like Trudeau and Macron. I’m not exactly sure who these weasels are working for, but it’s not for their respective nations that’s for sure

your retarded CNN parroting would make sense if he wasn't successful
clearly he is, hes the President of the United States

Spider Man 3

And that's pathetic. They're fighting fire with fire instead of bringing a fire extinguisher.

Go snort cocaine you degenerate.

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Tulsi Gabbard would be their best candidate but they will shill Pedo Joe instead

It means he is not genuine and needs to have everything written down before talking to others. And the thing is they weren't even Obamas own words, but a group of people who wrote speeches for him.
Id much rather someone who speaks from the heart.

>Americans unironicly thought the world would explode after trump got elected
>its been 3 years and nothing in particular has happened other than Twitter slapfights
why does Americans do this?

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>orange man bad

>you and your team
Obama never wrote a speech. Trump has stuff written for him but he's in his element when he's winging it

Yeah that fuckin' billionaire president is such a loser unlike me, the dude posting on an anonymous japanese imageboard at 2 in the morning.

>Tulsi Gabbard would be their best candidate but they will shill Pedo Joe instead

Good. All Joe does is push identity politics and his hatred of White Americans goes even above Obama.

unironically go to /r/politics sometime
I go every once in awhile just to see what the left is up to
if you read that place it sounds like America is literally disintegrating before our very eyes, and WW3 already started

>Oh you mean the roast where trump literally told them beforehand what they could and could not make jokes about?
You mean the roast where trump told them he was gonna run for president ?


The best part is Joe's campaign is collapsing right now since he's still creeping on people in just the past week.

Yep. You are absolutely correct. So, what's your networth, buddy? Anywhere close to Trump? Are you one of the most well known and famous people of all-time? I didn't think so, faggot. Even before he was President everyone knew who he was.

Grade A NPC rethoric

and you’re on the same shithole white knighting him

>baggy 80's suits aren't kino
What are you smoking?

I like her the most out of any Democratic candidates, but I would never vote for her because she is anti-gun

t. larping cletus

I mean, writing out a script when you give a speech is kind of what normal public official type people do. Just because you take the time to think about what you want to say and organize your thoughts ahead of time doesn't make it less genuine.