>"By the way, the women are ALWAYS saving the men around here! You might want to think about changing the name to X-Women"
"By the way...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is mystique changing into human form again? Also in private?
Where the hell did that come from? Normal scene and then WHAMEN.
Why does Mystique even bother to change her appearance when she’s around her own kind?
Wow. I can't believe this movie has been delayed multiple times and had several major reshoots. You can't tell at all.
Jennifer Lawrence doesn't like having to do the blue makeup
This? Also why does she choose to be so fucking ugly when she can be anyone?
You know why
Blunder of the century
ok chill
because lawrence is a piece of shit dumbfuck whore cunt and her contract demands her ugly pig face to be visible in every single scene
Every X-Man story is the same.
>sign onto a contract knowing full well you'll have to be in makeup chair for hours
>bitch about how you don't like thing you signed on for
fucking women, i swear
I guess this is the blockbuster where everything went wrong
>It revealed that among men who engaged more in sexual activity, the more positive their attitude towards sex, the larger their bias towards women. A greater interest in and liking of sex may promote automatic preference for the out-group of women among men, although both women and men with sexual experience expressed greater liking for the opposite gender.[5]
I guess I know why theres so much misogyny around here now. Have sex
What the fuck would she prefer Xavier do? Quicksilver and Jean are OP as fuck, helping humans for goodwill is the right thing to do
to be fair she became a bitch diva after First Class
>be wary of parasites
>get in contact of parasite
>woah suddenly parasite doesn't seem so bad anymore
Fuck off Whoreance
But that's a valid reason to not have sex
mystique taking the side of mutants shouldnt bother to save humans, and then spouts wymyn garbage,
makes sense, she IS a villain, right?
Parasites require a suitable host. Try again incel
Jennifer Lawrence didn't become a self righteous bitch until a bit after First Class, so she signed on for that before her ego exploded
>mystique is literally the reason every single mutant on the planet is hunted, killed, or enslaved.
>a man had to alter time and reality to get her to not trigger the events that caused this.
>does basically nothing to help stop the following extinction level event.
"that's SHEro, Charles! Don't you forget it."
cognitive disonance
having invested time and effort in whatever, you're heavily biased towards find it good / useful, no matter how shit it really is
Anyone else find it weird how they're re-releasing Last Stand with a different title?
>get a clean slate after DOFP
>this is what they do with it
>Parasites require a suitable host.
You're right user. There's not a single person in Africa that has a parasite.
good fucking god you're retarded
>People who engage in drinking urine have a more positive attitude towards piss ingestion
no shit, sherlock
is that an actual quote from the movie?
I know what her butthole looks like
kek i know right? thigns were mostly chill before she tried to murder the president and the whole cabinet yet she's talking mad shit. If it weren't for her and Magneto things would be perfect already.
ye, it's literaly in the clip there on OP' twitter link.
best part is she was almost top billing so she could demand it lol
I want to go back
waaaaahhhhh i get payed millions to sit in a makeup chair for a few hours a day
20 years of a hamfisted metaphor for bullying gay people.
Fuck you Fox.
It's sort of true though. The most powerful members of the team are women, excluding Xavier himself. Especially earlier on.
How do you fuck up the screenplay of The Last Stand so badly and then get chosen to write and direct the same story 13 years later?
I fucking hate progressives.
this tbqh senpai
>t. incel
ONE BAD DAY hehehehehahahahHAAHAHAHA
>Adapting the Phoenix storyline has now put a bullet in the head of 2 XMen franchises
It's time they stop
Seriously though can the Dark Phoenix saga fuck off forever after this one? There's fucking DECADES of comics to pull stories from and they keep retreading this shit. It was only good in the comics because they had a lot of issues to play the story out. A single movie's never going to cut it.
X3 wasn't that bad.
Get woke go broke
I hope her Male co stars get paid more than her
after Apocalypse was lackluster for obvious reason they though they could bank on phoenix
just kill off the x-men and be done with it. the preachy messages are so hamfisted and there's only been like 3/10 x-men/mutant movies that were good
they killed them off in the comics and were better for it. inhumans more interesting in every way
it’s also written by the same guy. except he is directing it too
All women are whores
yeah it’s not really a story suitable for film anyway. it’s built up with a lot of comics. it doesn’t happen all at once and there isn’t a happy ending or anything
>inhumans more interesting in every way
The Imax show flopped though
>Charles finds her as a child, stealing from his family.
>let's her chill with him in their mansion for the next couple decades.
>"Charles, why won't you fuck me? I can be anyone you want!"
>"lol, no way fag. You're like my sister."
>Charles meets a girl.
>mystique ditches her lifelong friend the minute another guy looks at her, because she might get some fuck.
>that guy had moments before attempted to trigger WW3.
>leaves Charles paralyzed on a beach.
Mystique: queen incel.
what is the point of inhumans again?
this movie will probably he horrendous but i’ll watch it for fassbender alone. he looks kino in the trailer
they're much more interesting in the comics. most of the marvel shows suck, so blame it on whoever runs their TV series
>daredevil? good
>jessica jones? trash
>luke cage? trash
>iron fist? trash
>defenders? trash
>punisher? okay
>inhumans? trash
>agents of shield? trash
>agent carter? good
>cloak and dagger? trash
>runaways? trash
>NPC tows the line just as its been taught
good boy user
You meant goy.
essentially just the x-men except without the obvious or annoying gay and immigrant "hidden" message behind them.
oh. except they have a royal family and a secret dimension all to themselves and basically want everybody to fuck off since they're better.
You're posting on Yea Forums, telling others to have sex...the irony's gone right over your head hasn't it champ lol
whelp, won't be seeing this in the theaters. Absent that one feminazi line, I would have. But fuck (((them))) and their feminist handmaidends.
(((they))) try to tell Americans up is down, down is up all the time. Men are, in 99.99% of all situations, the people risking themselves to save others.
>your animorphing gf will never smack you unconscious with her feet
Because its written that way, by men, in an attempt to sell these rags to girls
The first season of Jessica Jones still is the best TV Marvel has done. It was mostly because of the great villain though, as was evident with the steep plummet of the second season.
Eat more dick and the world would be happier. Be the change you claim to want in the world, roastie.
god bless Rebecca Romijn
For the love of Christ, why ? It's really sad to see X Men go out on a whimper like this
Whores ar not, all women are whiny bitches who demand extra credit fpr shit men are happy to do. You never hear male cops, firemen or EMTs demanding a pat on the back.
IF anyone's one of (((them))), it's the feminazi posters. We lal know (((they))) are the ones funding this gender-bait BS.
The Doom Patrol is more interesting than the X Men. They're actual freaks instead of Uber Chad's and Stacey's
She's right you know. That's why we changed the name of the planet to X-America.
>Can't remember the last time you were the one risking something
Bitch, X is literally crippled. He has a difficult time climbing up stairs. You expect him to fight? The last time he tried to help someone when could walk, he was shot in the spine and is now forced to use a wheelchair. He has done his time.
Also, WTF? Mutants are gifted with extraordinary powers that allow them to execute feats literally no one outside their group can do. And she's complaining about the fact that X is risking mutant lives for human lives? Most threats to humanity is also a threats to mutants because mutants and humans inhabit the same space and live in the same communities.
>Luke 12:48: From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
I suggest mutants take that to heart.
Xavier is right though. with great power comes great responsibility.
The problem is all the writers and directors are more going off the cartoon than the comics and the Phoenix storyline in the cartoon was fucking kino, they can't accept not being able to capture the same magic. What's ridiculous is between all the characters and properties that fall under the X-men umbrella they could have done their own universe that may not have rivalled Avengers but would have still made some serious bank, yet they just keep making the same core team film over and over.
I was thinking about going to see this. Not anymore.
lmao what fucking garbage. Fuck women and fuck jlaw
holy shit incels really believe this.
this is why you're a failure.
At what age were you molested, user?
>waaaw society doesn't like me even though i can change myself to look like the hottest chick on the planet and waaaaw all of my other friends are at least a 7/10 woe is us
>don't spread this this is outrage marketing. don't fall for it. let the thread die
>haha x-women
>jean kills her
is Jean /our girl/
>mfw this line was only put in the movie to bait a negative response and sell extra tickets to normies who think giving fox their money is a virtuous action.
Based and cute
so what time line is this now
was the days of future past ending going to incorporate this part of the story into it
>A woman is the bad guy though.
>I heard incels were mad about this stronk wammanz movie. I will buy 10 tickets and make sure I annoy all of my female friends until they do too.
>agents of shield? trash
Except in Yea Forums where, instead of demanding women act less whiny, they demand that men are also treated like 5 year olds.
Millennials are scum.
It's shit though
She can't be choosy with the roles anymore after daddy Weinstein stopped vouching
Joke's on you, slag, I've fucked a whole bunch of girls and never liked any of them enough to settle.
They were just a fun place to stick my dick for a while - objects if you will.
All of them got fat and ugly now, yet I still look the same.
All women exist to do is make babies, and since none of them wanna do that anymore (unless it is to shit a few out for benefits) what good are they? No pussy, and they'd be stacked ten high at the dump!
it is garbage though (and i've seen every episode)
Well said. Her attitude is morally abhorrent, bankrupt. She's unequivocally in the wrong, and has been most of her life. That's not even mentioning the X-Women line, which is a cheap shot at a person who has sacrificed as much as any of them to make a better future. She got to walk out of that room smug, Xavier will have to wheel himself out.
Kinda insulting to women how heavy handed this shit is.
Like do they think women are so dumb that they can't like shit if they aren't pandered to?
Same with blacks and the sassy afro black lady that's always included for diversity and inclusivity sake.
May as well just have a minstrelsy blackface bit, since it's such a dumb stereotype.
>tfw with great power comes great responsibility is in the Bible
They know it's heavy handed and pandering. But it's about sending a message to Trump, the incels, and the alt right and all the other boogeymen they heard about.
mystieque was never supposed to be a major character in these movies until lawrence made it big and they decided to plug her as a main character. aparently asking for a well written character is too much
Women and minorities have to be pandered to though or else they won't take an interest in it.
That's why women and minorities never really liked nerdy, comic book, or sci fi shit until they started being pandered to.
I hope this movie flops so fucking hard
>if women suck your dick all the time you're fooled into thinking they're good people
At least her star has faded significantly in the shadow of Weinstein's fall from grace and the fact no one remembers the Hunger Games.
if they were to ever use the phoenix force after last stand they should’ve just waited until the xmen are in the MCU and use it as a plot device for the inevitable avengers vs xmen just like in the comic. instead we have the same failed story again
It's heading for a 60mil opening. It's going to flop since it had so many reshoots
it was a civil rights metaphor, Prof was MLK and Mag was X. Then the powers were compared to puberty. The gay shit is modern shit.
the social issue part of xmen was only really a proper thing when claremont came around. xmen hate was only briefly a thing in like a couple issues or stan’s run and poorly done in between him and claremont. i really doubt that he had thought up the MLK and malcon x shit back then. magneto is just a moustache twirling cartoon villain unti claremont.
>doing old avgn joke
Which is hilarious because the comic character was a loner spi and a tranzgender bisexual. She pretty much fathered a son with a woman. Hough it was never fully published, that was Nightcrawler's real origin and parentage. Mystique original love interest was female.
This implies feminists need to get laid too though.
I've seen this lady's asshole
Fuck off, phoneposter.
that's some dumb ignorant shit. man/men in that context includes women, man = mankind = man AND wo-MAN
so shit, we have to split the xmen into the xmen and the xwomen because of ignorant feminists now?
nightcrawlers dad is azazel you dumb fag
mystique is his mom
No, you actually haven't lol not her in that pic
There has never been a good X men movie and this will continue in that tradition
Muties should be gassed
Should have went back to leather suits like X1. They are not even trying to make it appropriate for the period any more. Wasn't this meant to be set in the 90's?
Nah it is.
I miss Hugh Jackman
what's the in-universe explanation for Wolverine not being around
>what's the in-universe explanation for Wolverine not being around
This film is meant to be set in 1993 so a version of X-Men 1 hasn't happened yet. He's living up in Canada at that point.
what the fuck is up with her face
>Like do they think women are so dumb that they can't like shit if they aren't pandered to?
Seeing how people were clapping during that women scene in Endgame, no.
i said the same thing about aria stark
X-Men was always pozzed lefty horseshit even by comics standards.
> Simon Kinberg, who wrote, produced, and directed
> "Certain rules and laws were created a long time ago by men with very little mind," Jessica Chastain's character says in another strong Dark Phoenix moment.
Just so tiresome.
She should be fired.
>uh Gandalf, remember how you told me to never wear the ring
>guys who girls line up to suck the dicks of are willing to turn a blind eye to the fact that they're all dumb, vain and annoying
Imagine my shock!
I don’t know what was wrong with the suits they wore at the very end of apocalypse. Looked a lot better then this shit.
>filename isn't Dick_Phoenix
One job user.
>Looked a lot better then this shit.
This. Infinitely better. Would have like to see more of those suits. Then by the end of this film have them wear the X1 leather suits with a cameo of Wolverine in Canada as a mid credits scene. Finally closing the loop that I thought Fox were working towards.
>How do you fuck up the screenplay of The Last Stand so badly and then get chosen to write and direct the same story 13 years later?
Because of his (((connections)))!!!FACT!!!
Because J-Law doesn't feel like putting on the makeup and CGI'ing her is expensive
Only reason
The cringe is real.
>>Luke 12:48: From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
>John 3:23 Wouldst thou like the taste of monkey semen from the rectum of a canine you African American non heterosexual?!?PHAKT!!!
You're a fucking moron.
pretty sure its quicksilver and magneto who keeps saving everyone's asses
Did you watch Apocalypse? Jean literally did save them all, it's not like the line comes out of nowhere. You people are too sensitive.
And you're a roastie.
Tell me, in real life, who does all the saving, and which gender mostly just runs and hides?
That's why the line is so cringey. Women pretend to be our equals in the media, but when push comes to shove, they demand that we do anything messy, hard or dangerous. They want the glamor, but don't want to put their asses on the line.
They freed him from Stryker's facility in Apocalypse and he basically just mindlessly murders a few guards and runs off so he's probably just cutting some wood in Canada rn
they were gonna kill her off anyway, who the fuck cares.
For everyone who replied to me I have a few words:
How does it feel to vent your sexual frustration on an obvious bait post. There are no girls on Yea Forums retards
based and copied for future use
What must it be like to filter everything through your political agenda?
I am genuinely surprised how hard Fox-men's quality dropped. From DoFP which might as well be the best X-Men movie to Apocalypse and then Dark Phoenix. Was it studio interference?
god, imagine the smell.
Oof, you're not shitposting...
>helping humans for goodwill is the right thing to do
NO! It has to be EQUAL
>imagine unironically, voluntarily paying for capeshit
I'm not wrong, either.
It's called the "Weinstein Surprise"
No, you are. It's pretty much just talking points from the MGTOW subreddit.
oof, yikes, not a good look, what is he a literal hitler??
Nice strawman you pissbaby. Let me guess, women are roasties and you hate them?
Why are you mutts so obsessed about onions products?
Isn't the "men" in X-men kind of like humans?
"Woman do so much more work than men."
"What? Have to put make up on, fuck that."
>Close the loop
That would make even less fucking sense because the X-Men weren't publicly known about in X1 like they are here.
It would close the loop the same way the Penrose Stairs does.
>”When was the last time you risked anything?”
>she asks the guy in the wheelchair who got shot in the fucking spine
You know, characters can be wrong about statements they make and things they believe. What is with this autistic criticism lately?
With all the reshoots and rumors I was hesitant about this movie but now that I see they're going the Captain MArvel way, I'm surely skipping the turd. Professor X getting chastisized by the annoying blue cunt is just ridiculous to begin with, and then MUH X-WEMEN!!! You know they are desperate and will rely on THAT marketing just like they did with CM.
>You know, characters can be wrong about statements they make and things they believe. What is with this autistic criticism lately?
Because most movies, especially capeshit, never try and point that out nor address it later on.
it's called "hitting the wall at 26"
usually when a character makes a wrong statement another character will chime in to correct them
this is just bad writing/propaganda
It's clear that Mystique is wrong and it will be the predictable "come together to save the day" bullshit that even a toddler can pick up on, it's called a thematic arc. Brainlet.
the scene cuts off you absolute sperg. How can you not predict where this is going? You people are an IQ point away from clinically retarded, I swear. Screencap this; she'll need Charles at the end.
>she'll need Charles
another problematic term, just like HIS-tory. It should be HER-STORY, I MEAN COME ON IT IS 2019 WOMEN CAN DO ANYTHING MEN CAN DO YOU BIGOTS!
Get out of this /pol/tard clown universe you live in, they are going to set up her needing Charles at the end of the day.
Honestly the way this scene was shot it looks like X is wrong for letting power and fame get to his head. Later he will probably apologize to her and remind her about the X-WOMEN thing. he'll say he has to retire and let a woman in chjarge, it's time, #timesup #herturn #metoo
>that awful Mystique transformation
Why the fuck was this movie even made?
It feels like nobody wanted any part of it nor is there any hype at all.
DON'T have sex
My bad. I meant we would eventually see this version of the X-Men back in the same time period as X1. 2000. Not in the same timeline of course.
you people are always wrong about these things, just like Endgame.
>Have sex
I’m dating a girl currently but I don’t know how to have sex with her tbqh
As much of bitch Lawrence is, she doesnt come close to the yasss queen cunt Larson.
Women are just mad they pee out their butts
jesus christ the line was real. big yikes!
Azazel was only created in the early 00's. Have sex you casual scum.
In fairness neither does Nicolas holt. Whole reboot has been lazy as fuck
He literally took a bullet for the group
Ive become so desensitized it means nothing to me
>I’ve become so nuuuumb
press bengis in vegana
just get her drunk and take her home
wow that was really shoehorned in there. jesus
Shit how do I get her drunk she seems to only drink coffee
This is partially true but most of the time X-Men were just doing wacky adventure shit like fighting gladiators in space or going to the jungle to fight dinosaurs. I mean Xavier's brother is a guy who got beefed out by a magic jewel.
It really doesn’t say what he thinks it does though. Ultimately it’s saying men who have a positive opinion of women only do so because they care about sex. Men who don’t care about sex (which is what it says, not “men who don’t have sex”) think women are cunts.
That means your gf is lying to you, user
>Haha well, you just don't know how to have sex! It's not you honey. You'll get there :)
Bet money you've been told this. Or you just haven't had sex "at the right time" because she smells the heavy incel vibes off of you. Did you two just start dating?
This franchise should have ended on a high note with Logan, there was absolutely no reason this movie had to be made.
It was originally just Stan Lee ripping off Doom Patrol tbqhwyf
I didn't stutter.
You'd think with being in post for 2 years, they'd have had the sense to cut JLaw's screentime down, not include a retarded line about x-women...
The reason is that a talentless jew wanted to make a name for himself by using a successful franchise.
>have a cast including mcavoy and fastbender
>still churn out shit consistently
>How corrupt do you have to be to get fired from the watergate commission
I don’t really think she’s my gf we’re just dating. But yeah I think I messed up big time, she tried to kiss me on the lips and I kissed her on the cheek , I don’t know if I can salvage the situation
Oh boo-hoo, I do all the work! I want to be recognized! Get real.
I never thought that a superhero team that was based on equality and inclusion, could get a worst version of the same ideology in this decade. I genuinely thought that it would be impossible for a concept like X-Men. I'm surprised.
The first season of Jessica Jones was amazing.
Though as another user said, it was carried by the Brit. I never bothered with season 2
What a shock, you're a redditor. That really does explain it all.
Why isn't Mystique in jail for attempting to murder Trask? Is this explained in Apocalypse or something?
You guys know JLaw is going to play Susan Storm-Richards in the MCU right?
No sane person talks like that, don't worry about
this psycho.
Send her a text asking if she like likes anyone at the moment.
Sure fire way to get in her pants
>Like do they think women are so dumb that they can't like shit if they aren't pandered to?
But women are that dumb.
And even as someone whose black, most blacks are also that dumb.
Women and blacks literally won't watch something if there isn't at least one female or black character in it.
Unless you're literally 14 years old and/or you're both autistic, then yeah you've fucked up.
>James McAvoy & Michael Fassbender wasted, again
How the fuck do they do the same exact fucking thing twice with two characters and their four actors?
Is this trilogy worth getting?
Daisy Ridley's next movie with Tom Holland is gonna have the same fate as Dark phoenix.
Did you really not register how I was mocking you?
I mean not really.
It's hard to go back after Logan, and even that had some pretty retarded shit in it, but at least it was a movie.
X2 is probably still worth a watch.
>Jean always saving everyone else.
Should call it X-Jean desu.
If they put X-Men, X-2, and Logan, I probably would have bought it.
I just wanna remind the obvious trannies ITT that misogyny does not apply to you since you're not a woman.
So while you're popping anti depressants, estrogen and lithium, do us all a favor and take a chill pill while you're at it.
How does writing that cringey make it onto film?
Yeah I thought so. A guy who knows her said she likes me a lot but that’s probably old info. It’s crazy how fast women lose interest
He's not wrong, when it comes to conflict men are significantly stronger than women.
Girl power
Send her a picture of your dick. Tell her to kiss that instead.
Kind of a hail mary. Either you'll get a giggly 'You're so bad!' or you'll never speak to her again. But it's your only hope now.
>sex lobotomozies you to women's shittiness
>do it
>Kinberg was born in London, England,[4] the son of Monica Menell-Kinberg and Jud Kinberg, a New York City-born writer and producer. From age six, he was raised in Los Angeles, California.[5] He is Jewish.
Oh, it registered, I just didn't give a shit. I mean, come on, you're just bait'n. We all know it. You know I'm right about women being unwilling to do anything icky, dangerous or hard. If you don't, you've never lived with a woman.
When will these paraplegic white men who got shot defending children ever man the fuck up? They need to check their handicapped privilege.
That's such a useless platitude
Why stop there? Have all the male members transition to women and call them Ex-Men. I mean it's 2019.
Maybe you just have poor opinions of women?
Well, yeah, it's no reason to dislike the line but it's not an incorrect statement either.
Remind me again who saved 99%(rip havoc lol) of the people when the house exploded?
It really isn't necessarily correct though, your feefees aren't facts
This nonsense is eye-rolling. Also, it's fucking hilarious that Jennifer Lawrence is the exact anti-Mystique.
>"I shouldn't have to hide myself," says the character
>"I appear as me," says the actor
Remind me which mutant literally saved the planet? That happened in the last film, no use being mad about it
Are you suggesting that men aren't stronger or more aggresive, and therefore, aren't better at combat?
What do you mean by "necessarily"?
Saved the planet from what? Apocalypse was only bad for humans and we don't care about them.
We weren't talking about combat though.
So True! Larson is a Gargantuan Kaiju of a toxic bitch!
>Saving the planet from a global genocide doesn't count
I have an accurate view of women, supported by a lifetime of experience and every police force, fire department, waste management company or pest control on the planet.
You don't want to admit reality here.
The X-men participate in combat to save people. What did you think we were talking about?
So basically just your anecdotes about women? Have you ever unironically used the term "roastie"?
if i were not a NEET i would be a serial killer
>Jean stops Apocalypse one time
>that means the X-Men should become X-Women
I didn't say that, all I said was that Jean literally saved the day, by herself. That happened
The obvious disparities between men and women in workplaces aren't anecdotes. Men make up >95% in trades, mining, combat military, police, firefighting, etc.
Exactly. Glad we agree.
But what personally is YOUR point in caring?
We don't you stupid faggot.
it's a franchise about mutants with superpowers
Yes we do, you can't take it back now.
>One time
She fucking atomized the bastard, he's destroyed.
I can't take it anymore. It's so jarring.
I don't know, you sound like a complete retard with MGTOW tendencies.
>She got to walk out of that room smug, Xavier will have to wheel himself out.
Well said.
Ngl I'm impressed by the amount of fragile virgins you managed to trigger with that post
fucken saved
Caring about what? Why women don't like those jobs?
That can be used to deflect any criticism on any super hero movie. Nice one.
So you don't know what we were talking about? Why are you talking then?
You think understanding the biological differences between men and women is somehow a MGTOW thing?
If you wanted to give up just say so.
We weren't really talking about biological differences, it was about stereotypes in attitude towards certain jobs
Is that Jennifer Lawrence? I'm not good with faces.
very difficult to top, Rebecca Romijn was a literal 15/10 back then.
JJ s01 is kino though.
now that you faggots are seething about women doing things on the big screen, question: what was that comic about the superman-like dude that was actually a bad guy fucking things up for people?
Mystique gets killed by Jean, Charles decides she was right and retires to spend the rest of his life with Magneto.
>And patriarchal views come from people who don't have sex
>Society is patriarchal
Then society in general don't have sex?
>Mystique's only power is to put on a mask.
>To a literal fucking demigod who fire's super solar beams out of his eyes.
Remember that time Cyclops got so pissed off he nuked an entire island out of existence, and then later on explains how that is pretty much nothing thanks to how well he can control it?
Whats her power again? Look like somebody else? Meanwhile wolverine cant fucking die and they have a guy who can turn playing cards into nukes as well?
She's an emotional focus of the film do to her relationship with Charles in this universe, user.
>cognitive disonance
More like the sunk cost fallacy
It's crazy how ugly they manage to make her face when the actual actress is very pretty
a gay man directed this
>muh wimmin
>sucks Harvey Weinsteins jew cock
Pathetic fucking autistic incels ITT. You really need to have sex if you're triggered by this. Oh wait, you're almost 30 and never will. Enjoy being a virgin for life.
cause it's Hollywood and talent doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is how well you can kiss ass and suck up to people
>the more positive their attitude towards
yeah more positive attitudes towards sex, not women. You know who hates the women the lost? The guys who have been dating for 10 years, live with their partner, maybe even married. And also the chads just pumping and dumping sluts all day long.
Well, not getting my money.
You’re mom is a parasite.
>what are expectations and reality
Fuck off autist. Get a job and you'll see you can start hating even your favorite thing.
"Feminist writers and jews are always making the women save everyone! It's about time we get recognition!"
wew it's like writers of 24 going "and then torture worked, which proves neocons are right"
>Go home gamer girl
>When's the last time your crippled ass did anything
empowered men should talk to women like this
yeah women are the victims lmao
...Where the fuck did that line suddenly come from? Did J. Law adlib this?
It's better publicity for the actor/actress. They did it in Avengers End Game too. Everyone was maskless in the battle at the end.
Something interesting when you see these movies and think of Lord of the Rings is how it'd be impossible to make one with women
The idea that a woman doesn't deserve to be empowered and wear the ring would be taboo
yea but gamora and nebula were still in full green/blue makeup. We can still tell its Jlaw under the blue makeup
the outfits were fine, kitty's pink one is qt as fuck
>women like this
>posts Colin Farrell
i dont get it
learn to read
When did Nightcrawler get so buff?
based and redpilled user dropping uncomfortable truth bombs
incels btfo'd
these studs samefagging on Yea Forums
>another incel seething
Yet another tally for such an incredibly based post!
He fucked your mom, when he was 12.
> Same with blacks and the sassy afro black lady that's always included for diversity and inclusivity sake.
I don't think the sassy afro black lady is included for diversity, this character is usually pretty fun.
Literally blue niggers
There's more to life than combat.
There's more to war than brute strength.
Tell us all about it, General Gaming Chair sir
Yes you are not a little bitch, it's those big dumb brutes who'd lose