At what age did you "grow out" of Star Wars? I was 14

At what age did you "grow out" of Star Wars? I was 14

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At what age did you "grow out" of making threads about things which you claim to have "grown out" of? I was 14

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Star Trek > Star Wars

After TLJ but I've never been that into it to begin with
I'm 23

Yet here you are posting about it. Oh the irony.

Here is the unedited version of that pic

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I never cared about Star Wars

lmao disney moms seething

i have never watched any of it

I was around that age when I first started watching Star Wars.
I guess I "grew out" of Star Wars after The Force Awakens.

It's funny how 3 average movies in which the concepts were stolen from other sources (Dune for example) has spawned some retarded fandom that still exists to this day despite not ONE movie being good

When Disney killed Luke so 32

Episode 1, I was 9. while watching the movie i slowly realized i didn't like this movie. But I kept that to my self, I felt I was wrong some how and maybe missed something

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Probably when I saw the first one by Disney, I wasn't like a big fan of the prequels though so maybe then, but after seeing the disney one I knew I just couldn't get into that garbage.

22 when Disney bought it

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Sneed wars

phantom menace came out when i was 14 i think and i was not hyped at all because i'd seen the Matrix earlier that year which absolutely infantilised star wars. made sw seem like some Teletubbies shit

I never watched a single Star Wars film

I'm 28 btw.

40- still love it

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I never thought it was good and or cool. Even as a kid in the 80s. Videogames were more fun than oretending I was a jedi space samurai.

since 1999

can I get the original links to this?


I never got into it. I remember watching bits and pieces on television when I was between the ages of 7 and 10(1997-2000)ans it just never interested me.

I remember the hype for episode 1 and I just wasn't a part of it becauae I didn't like the first ones.

I've only watched Spaceballs and the Family Guy Star Wars parody, what does that make me?

To love a franchise that was part of your childhood is negative? Luke, Han, Lando,Oni Wan and Vader classic heroes and villans and could never be replaced. No mater how much and their toxic bullshit tries

i still love the older films and own them on blu ray and despecialized versions but i dont really care for the prequels or disney star wars


episode 1, so 12-13 I think

I've still seen 2 and 3, but that was the end of it

haven't seen the new ones and have no interest

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*Obi wan


I was 7 to 8 max.

I saw Revenge of the Sith because there was a dinosaur in the commercial. The dinosaur died. I haven't watched Star Wars since then. I was 10.

i know

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this meme peaked 2 years ago, now its just cringe

also i've literally never seen a single star wars movie and don't plan to

>claim to be too mature for star wars
>still browses Yea Forums

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>Eric Butts reaction video was two years ago

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When Disney took over.


>hit or miss meme was 1 year ago

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