What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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He ment we don’t take about the random green screen fade outs in LotRs.

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he wishes he knew more of them better and he likes them less than he should

Silly wizard trying to confuse me.

Does Gandalf amuse himself with this shit or does he like to make people think?


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He amuses himself. People are nothing but playthings to wizards.

how do you even become a wizard in Tolkien?

You're born a maiar spirit and given a task along with a physical body.

You have to be a demigod which is fucking stupid. I'm more into the idea of mortals attaining power.

>be a maiar
>get sent to middle-earth to assist free people against sauron
>4/5 cases ignore that mission to become a magic mushroom user, wannabe sauron or fuck off to rhun and be never heard from again

he doesnt know or like more than 75% of the people there

Theres some he wants to know more

Theres some he treats more politely than they deserve

i like to think that he's sussing out people close enough to his level so he can have frens. wizards are lonely

Grouchy old man who hates everyone pretty much

he meant what he said

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He wishes he had gotten to know certain ones better before his untimely "passing", but also a small percentage of them are cunts


Speaking of Maiar 2 blue wizard kino when?

Rhadagast is dope, Saruman was corrupted but played an integral part. And the two blue wizards are nowhere to be seen.

he had Scott Steiner write his speech

He wants to know half of them better, and less than half of them he says he should like better.

not exactly, he's saying that less than half of them deserved to be liked more than he likes them.

>I'm more into the idea of mortals attaining power.

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Why didn't Gimli just cut the ring in half with his axe?

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blue wizards were sent by orome, who knows more about the lands east of middle-earth so they traveled there. Tolkien wrote in a letter that he didn't think much on their story, but they likely failed and started cults

plenty of sorcerors and wizards in Middle Earth aren't demigods, the mouth of Sauron was going to be Saruman's replacement and was a sorceror, plus the nazgul before they got the rings. Malbeth the seer was another.

LotR isn't an RPG with classes. The work is a meta English translation of a work originally written in a fictional language, and wizard is a close english equivalent

>Wizard is a translation of Quenya istar (Sindarin ithron): one of the members of an "order" (as they call it), claiming to possess, and exhibiting, eminent knowledge of the history and nature of the World. The translation (though suitable in its relation to "wise" and other ancient words of knowing, similar to that of istar in Quenya) is not perhaps happy, since Heren Istarion or "Order of Wizards" was quite distinct from "wizards" and "magicians" of later legend; they belonged solely to the Third Age and then departed, and none save maybe Elrond, Círdan and Galadriel discovered of what kind they were or whence they came.

You know what I mean in context. The first thing that comes to mind when you hear wizard is that he studied and trained for years to get his powers, not a person who come to earth in an old mans body able to shoot out lightning bolts at will.

Lord of the rings is sooo outdated

Well that's pretty much what I said except he's talking about himself, as in he doesn't like them enough and he should like them more, he's not talking about someone else liking them more, just himself.

Am wizard, can confirm this entire post. You feel like an asshole gatekeeping sometimes but god damn it.

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It's actually a timeless classic

so's your mum heyo

> but they likely failed and started cults
I would watch it and it would be kino

he doesnt really know them all but he likes them all even though he shouldnt like them as nearly as much as he does

thats exactly the sentiment and any other answer is just pure autism

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>not a person who come to earth in an old mans body able to shoot out lightning bolts at will.
No one does this in LotR, and even the immortal Istari have done extensive research but don't know everything.

Its outdated dribble

It's ahead of it's future

And he wrote in an even later letter that they were integral to stopping the forces of Sauron in the East, and that without them none of the events of the story would have actually worked.
He flipflopped all over with them.

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They'll be in the Amazon lotr doing backflips and shooting magic missiles

There’s a lot of mystery and it could go either way. They could be cultists or actually far from failing and seeing some deep shit in the meantime. lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Blue_Wizards

t. Harry Potter fan

Which is why I would love an adaption with them, they’re essentially one brain and two mouths as they finish each other’s sentences. I suspect they played an integral part of fucking shit up in the east for Sauron/Saruman

He likes half and half as much as much as whole milk but half as much as skim

It pretty much is. Billbo s character invented the thief class (later known as rouge).
He is specificity picked to go on a party mission to round it out, and is small and there is several paragraphs about how he is good an finding traps and pickpocketing

They weren't too involved in the region he focused on, so he mulled over them and gave a quick guess about them failing like Saruman. Later he contemplated more on it and changed their names, when they arrived, and detailed their role a little more. I think Tolkien purposefully made a lot of the Legendarium inconsistent though, like actual myths.

He was specifically picked by Gandalf because Smaug doesn't know what a hobbit smells like.
>several paragraphs about how he is good an finding traps and pickpocketing
No there isn't. There's just a bit about hobbits being good at hiding from big folk.
DnD cribbed some things from LotR but it isn't structured anything like an RPG.

Golden Axe

A clearer way of saying this (removing some of the Englishisms) would be
>Half of you I know less than half as well as I'd like
>Less than half of you deserve to be liked twice as much as you currently are (by me)

the plan barely worked since Smaug still smelt the stink of dwarves on Bilbo

Sounds like prime fodder for a video game

God you're autistic. You know what I'm saying. Sorry I don't know the reference material back to front, but whatever the Maiar do.

He has said he likes somethings to be enigmas