Literally uncastable
Literally uncastable
Just cast the same guy from the Freddy Mercury movie and give him a frizzy wig and some dark makeup
He doesn't have a hot enough ass
How tall is Jaden Smith?
I want to FUCK Prince.
Bruno Mars
literally unwatchable
Rhianna with a mustache
these music star biopics are all fucking trash
fuck this gay shit
you're a stupid niggerfaggot. prince was based
What race is Prince even?
Let's be honest, Prince has like 4 good songs tops
plebotron 5000
black jew like drake, lisa bonet and lenny kravitz
Hollywood would definitely cast Donald Glover to play him.
>he's a musician!
>and an actor!
>and with a sense of humor!
>people think he's a sexy ladies man!
>and he's black!
>and they've both got poofy hair!
It would suck and not work at all, Prince was weirdly non-racial in the 80s and 90s.
Quadroon. Maybe a halfey
Kill yourself faggot scum
>this post
Its like looking at sentient garbage
you're right, he only has 2 good songs
literally who?
the real question is who would play charlie murphy?
Make me you nigger
>prince was based!
hold my söy latte
>what's a computer?
>Black Jew
>Mattie Della (née Shaw)
>Shaw is of English and Scottish origin. In some cases, the surname is an Americanization of a similar-sounding Ashkenazic Jewish surname. As a surname, Shaw is the 73rd most common name in Great Britain
Is this a known fact or are we basing this off the fact his mom's last name was once Shaw?
not bad, they'd have to niggafie him and make his face less square and fat
>Literally uncastable
say huat now?
Disney already made Mena Massoud get a haircut to look like Prince close to the premiere of Aladdin and made him be in a movie changed from the original to try to appeal a lot to French people of black ancestry (Disney likely expects an increase in intermingling and children production of people with black ancestry and people of North African ancestry without substantial black ancestry in the future in France which is possibly part of why there were so people with black ancestry in the Aladdin live action movie) and African Americans partly to try to make the character of Moon Knight more appealing to them when he plays the character given that the character will likely use weapons from Ancient Egypt and some of them have strong opinions about Ancient Egypt and some amount of the people living there at some time having black ancestry and also he is probably similar in height as Prince.
Hol' on
we get chappelle on a diet
Moon Knight is egyptian?