How much longer boys? I’m in Japan and have work in 3 hours. No idea when it airs UCT
How much longer boys? I’m in Japan and have work in 3 hours. No idea when it airs UCT
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blessed pic
what are you talking about?
pleb taste
Why do British people have such terrible fashion sense, her body type is the inverse of who that outfit was designed for. She’d look good in a one piece suit imo
Chernobyl my nibba
GOT hasn't aired the final episode in Japan yet
>Being desperate for bottom of the barrel pussy
Nah homie that’s what girls look like outside of photo shoots
>I’m in Japan and have work in 3 hours
Are you a prostitute?
That body is built for fucking. Virgin plebs fuck off.
Waist high pants and panties look so fucking stupid holy shit, only white dudes could possibly find this attractive like they do with feet and other degenerate shit
>all girls are lanky ugly britslags addicted to molly
The fun ones are
She's animorphing into her spirit animal!
For Uncle Sam, yea
who's dis dude?
idk I always got the impression Sophie is the type of girl that only looks bulky on pictures and she's a qt irl.
Link to the blog where the guy photoshops out all of her tattoos?
Why tf would someone do that. She literally has like a handful of tiny pieces
Oh god fucking kys
they look trashy and retarded
I dont know the blog but I took the liberty for you.
this but unironically
damn dude those tats are trash
Get some occult shit and make people think you're a witch
>WTF kinda animal is that?
yeah you guys slam superior puss all the time
She's so tall muscular and beautiful. Don't know why you guys say that she isn't. Sophie would give you some strong sons.
what, really?
whos this slag?
why are celebrities always in pools and at beaches and shit lol pools and beaches suck donkey balls
yup not obvious with that shoop
Camera magic
How can you look thicc from the front but flat from the back?
you have to be literally gay to think this is ugly.
also, this picture should be used to compare against the MtF trannies in hollywood.
Notice the hips are above the belly button. Many trannies will have their hip below the belly button.
>you have to be literally gay to think this is ugly.
you have to be literally gay to think she doesn't kind of look like a man
she would make every straight man crave for reproduction
yeah I would rather fuck my gf
Is that a fucking xenomorph?
the wall is gonna hit her hard
not even black "people" would stoop this low
I thought we'd already discovered a cure for leprosy
leeb Chloe alone >:(