Your friendly reminder that he did absolutely nothing wrong

Your friendly reminder that he did absolutely nothing wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He punched a crazy bitch in the face and got shot in the chest.

He was in no position to go into the unknown not knowing

Crippling a man over such a minor slight seemed pretty wrong to me.

He was dealing blow in associated garbage routes.

Would you not put it in drive if you were him?

Hooking up with Janice is the epitome of wrong, even if you're a chubby chaser.

>he couldn't fucking sell it
you really are a worthless cock sucking faggot op.

>janice soprano is tougher than him
anyone notice how many manlet insecurities he had? like that scene with matthew drinkwater and sean where they talk about lou

based thread OP, fuck tony, and fuck janice

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The only reason he lived so long was tony's love of his brother.

He fucked beansie up pretty bad for no reason. His fucking intro was kino for a villain if he was one

>prefers to get a blowjob with his eyes closed instead of fucking a stripper
>got pegged by Janice
Was it implied he went gay in prison or what

>angry manlet
>makes tony wear an ugly jacket
>brought unwanted attention to a totally legit business
>thought he could just marry into power
>physically abused a woman because he couldn't emotionally abuse her

Tony's sister killing him was the best thing that could've happened to him.

I love the way Tony shut down Feech. He recognized he had another Richie on his hands and took care of it much earlier.

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>totally legit business
Come on now

He hit a woman, you NEVER, and I mean NEVER, NEVER hit a woman.

You are mixing him up with Ralphie.

There was a scene right after Richie got home from prison where he got a beej from a stripper at the Bing but he had his eyes closed the whole time

He didn't want to tell her twice.
I like the bait and switch with the poker table scene. The whole time Tony's all worried that his friends are just kissing his ass. You can clearly see Feech in the background during that first pan around and he's just standing there. Instead of Tony finding respect in Feech's non-fakery, he goes into self preservation mode and cuts him loose then stops giving a fuck that his friends are fake as fuck because it means he doesn't have to worry about them. Such a great show.

He was a good earner.

Doesn't really mean anything, it's a worse shot if the recipient is staring intently at scalp. Leads to unintentional humour.

There's also Janice's comment about his experience in prison making him sensitive to the plight of women. I think it was implied.

More like he got anally raped in prison and he became sensitive because of it.

He didn't build Beansie his ramp

Richie might have raped other inmates, but considering what a giant murderous psycho he was, and his connections, it's hard to imagine him being a prison bitch.

Given that he's one of maybe two true psychopaths in the show, he probably doesn't care who he fucks, it's all about dominance.

femanons, weigh in on this. Would you rather be with a man who lets you walk all over him and emasculate him or one who gives you a little slap when you're being a cunt?

Yeah but he didn't get pegged by Janice, he fucked her with a gun to her head which is pretty based.

Good points. Richie is a psychopath.

Kill yourself faggot

>one who gives you a little slap when you're being a cunt?
High probability of him being a controlling meathead.

and also a prison bitch.

Dumb question. Most straight woman would say they wanted a compliant, nice man, but most straight woman would get moist if they were slapped just like daddy used to do. Only the batshit ones actually admit to that shit.

Ritchie should have killed Janice. I hated Ritchie, but Janice was worse.

you first

these threads don't have enough meming queers? now you want the trannies as well. I hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer.

Janice was an appropriate death for Ritchie. The lesson was that when someone is constantly, fearlessly agressive, the thing that fucks them up often comes out of nowhere.

Yeah? Well I hope you win the lottery and get a blowjob every day for the rest of your life from the woman of your dreams.

best character coming though

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>yfw all of the lines Ralphie quoted from Gladiator weren't actually in Gladiator
What movie was he quoting?

Ralphie was a lying, degenerate, closet homosexual.


You gonna cry?

this guy needs to be sent to slip and fall school

Kill yourself faggot scum

>What movie was he quoting?
Speebalrinas, the Roman God of Coke n' Hoooors

Did daddy dick you or something?

who's the other true psychopath? Tony?


Kill yourself faggot scum

Out of the "main" characters, I think Richie and Ralphie are the classic psychopaths, with absolutely no empathy or remorse. Tony's more of a sociopath, he's got an emotional range but he was emotionally stunted by his parents, it's implied he could have been relatively normal in a different environment.

why are zoomers incapable of understanding this show

I forgot about Livia, what a fucking monster.

Was Mikey a Psychopath?

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ok so your daddy did dick you then


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Why was beige their gang color?

Did Ralphie torch the horse? I'm never sure when I watch that episode.


Kill yourself faggot scum

why are you such a nigger?

Take a mydol user

>after season 1 it becomes clear to Tony that Junior tried to kill him
>continues to have a good relationship with him until he's shot in season 6


He had the strippers shut out the lights, hinting that he was letting dudes blow him in prison

He was just a good soldier that followed commands,thats all.


only on the behalf of his mother, not necessarily personal, although Jr. made a big deal about the retirement community, Tony instead put the Boss title on him to give himself some breathing room.

narcissistic but not a psychopath

nah ralphie was the one that got pegged by janice.

ehhhh I prefer having sex in dark environments, just feels better

shut the fuck up third worlder

You sure? He killed People very nonchalantly
and seemed to enjoy it a lot

Veal Parmesan sangwich



fucking homo

Ey who got the eggz'n'peepas?

He'll build it up to your ass... drive a Lionel up in there.

i'm thinking vito was actually a fag and not just the medication fucking with his head...

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Kill yourself worthless reddit nigger, you can't do anything right.

Probably my favourite line in the whole season

He wouldn't miss a chance to foxtrot and tango in front of everybody. Carries my name.

Fuckin’ Disgraziad.

janice was hot desu, kinky af

go back reddit nigger

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lmao, barbara's such a self-absorbed bitch. rotten human being. connery might've come off as a boomer, but atleast he made her look like the retard she is.

>connery might've come off as a boomer,
the absolute fucking state of "modern men"

he was a hothead manlet, he couldn't accept tony being the boss because taking orders from tony reminded him everytime of his manlet status

im loling

I don't think i could put my head between those legs for all the money in the world

what did he mean by this?

how do you even sell coke from a garbage truck

hey zoomer poof have you ever considered fucking a woman?


When I still lived with my parents a garbage man asked my mother for preparation H or something like that because his coworker had hemorrhoids or butt-itch or something along those lines. Anything is possible.

You knew he's a jew, didn't you?

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The funny thing about this is that I worked with a Chilean guy who looked and behaved like Richie very much and he said a few anti-Semitic things. A few of them were to his half-Jewish manager. I'd like to assume that he didn't know that his manager was Hebraic when he said those things to her.

Did he get fired?

I interpreted it as him only being able to get off in violent, kinky manners as he's a sociopath (hence why he enjoys fucking Janice with a gun to her head).

Kill yourself kike lover

shut up reddit

>tfw Ralphie probably rented some other movie but was too coked out and thought he was watching Gladiator at 2 in the morning
I love this show so much

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Sociopathy and psychopathy is clinically the same you brainlet

>Gets out of jail
>Immediately starts dating Janice

Junior is the only real family Tony has left in the world as the series goes on, even Junior regrets his decision to try and cap Tony later on.

most of them were though fucking faggot

I'm moderate on that issue.

Should I give Mean Streets another shot?
I watched it a while back and wasn't a big fan, might have been that I just didn't understand what the plot was back then.

Seething psychopath

make your own decisions worthless cock sucking faggot

hole or feminised male?


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Why are you asking me which of those two you are?

Are you retarded?
>Had no respect for the hierarchy of the crew
>Constantly put the crew in danger with his retarded schemes or leaving himself open to get pinched
>Ignored orders
>Fucked Janice
>Let Janice make him think that Tony was in the wrong
>When he didn't get rewarded for his constant incompetence he tried to whack the boss
All of these are reason enough to deserve his fate.

He had shit taste in jackets

this that guy was a complete faggola

>watching the season 2 finale right now
>the way Tony came in and handled everything
Made me like Tony even more. What a neat dude.

I think Paulie did it. He hated Ralphie and there's a scene of him watching meat sizzle on his television set when he was in possession of the painting.

Nope. I've researched them both. They both have tendicies in both realms, but Sociopathy is brought on upon Nurture and Psychopathy is brought on upon Nature(some argue it's a combo, but if you ain't got the genes, than you're likely to become a sociopath).

But in recent times they've started diagnosing both as anti-social personality disorder which has a bunch of sub sets monikers.

shut the fuck up reddit

>made man
>goes away for over a decade
>keeps quiet
>gets rewarded with some garbage ass side hustle
He should've had his own crew desu, this is why he was pissed the fuck off, he could've ratted them all out, got witness protection and probably lived a better life than what Tony gave him.


>garbage ass side hustle
why do you post like a nigger?

Why do you keep samefagging in an effort to keep your thread alive?

He wasn't gay, it's implied he explored his sexuality by using violence as a means to become aroused. He found gays demeaning and beneath him, so he forced them to ride/suck him off or else. That's why Tony says "I fucking hate the way you make me ride you [...] don't look at me with those manson lamps!" The line can be taken out of context sexually, and it triggered Richie because it remindes him of the can, hence why he goes into his "manson lamps" trance. Also the reason he fails to ejaculate when he has the gun to Janice's head is because she starts willingly abiding and even praising him, telling him he should be the boss. It ruined his power fantasy, he doesn't want willing participants to fuck. Again, I don't think he was gay at all, I think he just enjoys the notion of fucking anyone against their will. He was really sick

this is my thread wigger

>He crippled Beansie for no reason at all.
>He was selling coke on the garbage routes and causing unwanted attention/drama.
>He tried to go against Tony and get him clipped over a leather jacket.

why did Paulie kill the horse?

One of the best scenes in the whole show is going from goon to goon and watching them laugh, Paulie laughing hardest as always, then getting to Feech’s sour puss.

Yes Richie torched the horse and Tony was a complete faggot for killing him over it. The key line was Richie making Tony feel like a hypocrite when he says “so what, are you a fucking vegetarian?”

are you telling me that I'm Richie

that wasn't richie you demented old fuck

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Why is some butthurt /pol/tard in this thread samefagging it to shit abd ruining any flow of discussion. I fucking hate the way Yea Forums is now. Bitch.

kill yourself dumb fuck

90s born queers were a mistake

its heavily implied richie faked his death and killed the horse to get ralphie out of the picture

is this OP dumb-baiting to keep his post alive?

not to mention everyone is "buttering up" tony, except feech who is buttering his bread

i remember reading that every member who went to jail is implied as being gay (the ones that went for long time)


shut the fuck up reddit

He didn't respect the new boss. He was a literal Boomer and thought he knew better just because he was older. If he'd just kept his head down and done a good job after getting out of prison, Tony would have rewarded him eventually.

little carmine detected

Your issues are showing sissy boy

general disrespect for the boss

nah he was a miserable cunt

Good post

1)how did they get the dialogue and delivery s right?


B)will we ever see a show with lines this good again? From a dialogue point of view Sopranos is perfect

That was Ralphie.

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OP went to slip and falls school


>When was he the nicest guy?

When he had the dildo up his ass

Ralphie was not a psychopath he just had to much cocaine

>over such a minor slight seemed pretty wrong to me.

10 years in the can, no visits, and he offers him a veal parm and a soda....fuck that.

calm down incel

He couldn't sell it. He's not respected.

He gave Tony that ugly jacket

He was an angry manlet.

Fucking Janice is always wrong

Ralphie did nothing wrong, Richie was too abrasive

Twenty years in a shinebox!

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Jerkin off in the raddyator

See where I'm going?

For 20 years I wanted manicot', I compromised.

So wtf was his problem?

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Couldn't feel the earth shaking and the pavement cracking behind him

Thought everyone should respect him just because his dad was Jackie snr.

He didn't just kill over the horse. He killed for the stripper that Ralphie beat to death for no reason. She was just a kid really.

I compromised in a tissue

>Janice was an appropriate death for Ritchie
What was funny was that Tony was worrying himself about how to bump Richie off without causing a shitload of trouble with Janice and everyone else, then Richie went and got himself killed all by himself and Tony could suddenly pretend to be understanding and helpful instead of asking Janice if he could please kill her husband.

Tony had more empathy for animals than humans. Its literally highlighted in the scene where milfy is reading the report

Literally different words for the same thing. The terminology changed somewhere along the line.

Tony isn't a psychopath really, he regrets a lot of things and feels empathy and affection and lots of other positive emotions. He's just a selfish and amoral thug.

>Why was beige their gang color?
Same reason see-through socks were.