Your thoughts?

Your thoughts?

Attached: The_Dark_Crystal-Age_of_Resistance_(2019).png (397x252, 115K)

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I watched this as a kid and all the puppets are so ugly I wanted to do literally anything else. I think I ate grilled cheese. Pretty shit movie.

>Your thoughts?


Well I guess I’d see it... it’s weird because if they are hoping kids will see it; they won’t. Maybe they are hoping grown adults who say it in their childhood will go, but some of them won’t, so I don’t know what they think they are gonna get out of this movie release.

Fuck Netflix and fuck shills
Kill urself my dude

>stop talking about TV shows and movies that I hate! This is MY board and you will do what I want!
How about you fuck off and die, crybaby?

Assuming quite a lot there, also seems like you're projecting yourself onto others.

The gelflings scared the shit out of me when I was a young kid. I intuited something in their design that weirded me the fuck out... basically the artists who designed them are these pagan new age hippies that literally worship fairies / nature spirits, and they imbued the characters with a quality of them being in a weird crossover zone between human and animal, and human and alien or spirit, and it comes across in their strange facial structures and also in all the ornamental designs in the movies that are somewhere between human craft and really alien natural formations.

In a way I think I was recognizing something in myself that I related to but that scared me, a kind of merging into the strange or natural. I remember when the lunchboxes for the movie were being sold at a lot of stores, and I'd ask my mom not to take me by those aisles where I'd have to look at them.

The funny thing is I really grew up to be a total gelfling of a person and have always dated gelfling-ish people. It was some kind of trauma in recognizing some deep weird truth of yourself I think.

But anyways I think this looks pretty cool. I don't expect very many fantasy projects to be perfect... it's a very hard genre to pull off brilliantly, so my standards are criteria for judgment are based mainly more in aesthetic matters which appear to approached in the right way.

I worked on the show, Deet is Kira’s mother, Brea dies, Rian is Jens uncle.

I also ate out Lisa Marie Henson.

Expecting to be one of the highlights of the year, hype.

Also sad because there will be a disgusting amount of porn that will came out of this

Inspired casting, desu.

Attached: 59720531_818268721862601_2922242182717140974_n.jpg (750x884, 96K)

>also ate out Lisa Marie Henson.
Source: believe me my nigga

>sad because we'll finally get some Skeksis lewds
Pish-posh, a golden age is upon us.

This doesn't need to exist at all and it will be loaded with SJWisms and even have a puppet BMWF couple and a bad guy who is an obvious caricature of Trump.

Cap this.

I'm seriously going to laugh so hard if it repeats the first movie, and everybody ends up not giving a shit about the protagonists because the Skeksis end up way more entertaining.

That part may be a lie. Brea gets choked to death by the Hunter Skeksis in episode 7.

We’re hoping for a greenlight for S2.

You say that about every upcoming film and show.

Deet gets pregnant from dreamfasting with Brea. There thats the SJW shit, Kira was the chosen one not Jen.

That means the original movie was SJW shit since she's the one who pretty much did everything except actually get the shard and stick it into the Crystal.

Exactly my point, theres no. SJW shit Everyones gonna freak out at Kira’s lesbian conception but Dreamfasting is an alien concept.

Just giving you fair warning.

you are lucky i am on my laptop otherwise i'd post that story of the guy who gave his best friend a handjob for a grilled cheese

>a bad guy who is an obvious caricature of Trump.

>Skeksis God Emperor Orange Bird Monster Bad
I wouldn't even be mad. This is one occasion where it would fit thematically, plus we know all the Gelfling faggots lose anyway.
>"Watch your tongue, harridan! We are Lords of the Crystal!"

I am literally just watching this for Skeksis and Garthim, like anyone who liked the original.

Maybe it will be a prediction of Trump having all the liberals and coloreds rounded up and executed like the Gelfling were.

Oh and last proof of my leaks, Rian briefly looks at an ancient cave painting of Raunip in episode 3.