Yeah. I'm thinking he's back!
Yeah. I'm thinking he's back!
I look identical to him but I'm 19
poor guy
hate seeing that shit. it's like seeing someone from highschool that went to complete shit
excuse me were you talking about moi? dipshit?
Why is his shirt inside out?
terminator twink
Who the fuck is that? Corey Feldman?
me in the center
>this is the ideal male body
>peas on my head, but don't call me a pea head
based sriracha shirt, confirmed food lover
It’s probably for a role. Bale does this stuff all the time.
Using this tired, unfunny image macro is far more cringe than comparing one's self to Edward Furlong
>it's like seeing someone from highschool that went to complete shit
imagine if that was you haha
>be Edward Furlong
>hear Cameron is doing a 3rd Terminator movie
>Arnie is back
>Linda Hamilton is back
>realise there's no way they won't be bringing John Connor back
>"This is it."
>"This is my moment."
>"This is what I've been waiting for."
>get out of bed
>dust off the old boombox and hit play
>"yewwwww could be miiiine!"
>feeling motivated as fuck
>open curtains
>pour 47 bottles of cheap vodka down the sink
>about to dump cocaine down the toilet, but remember you snorted it all last night
>shit while vomiting between your legs onto the shit
>actually use mouthwash instead of drinking it
>go to the bank
>take out every remaining penny you own
>pay for a year long gym membership
>can't afford rent
>lose your apartment
>sleep in your car
>work out for 4 hours a day
>use gym to shower and shit
>survive on the remnants of kale shakes other gym members leave behind
>7 months later
>lean and muscular
>boyish good looks have returned
>haven't cried in 19 days
>call in a few favours and get an audition for James fucking Cameron's new Terminator flick
>walk into audition room
>James is astounded
>his nose is trembling
>"My God. Eddie, is that you? You look fantastic! But how? We thought you were at death's door!"
>look him dead in the eye and give a sly smile
>"The whole thing goes: The future's not set. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves."
>whole room erupts
>everyone's on their feet
>James is chanting, "BRAVO! BRAVO!"
>"We got Skynet by the balls now, don't we?"
>someone passes out
>James is crying
>I can't believe what's happening
>I've never been so happy
>"So, Jimmy. Do I got the job, or do I got the job?"
>"I'm sorry, We've already hired Idris Elba."
Andy Milonokis is looking good.
Chill Out Dickwad
holy shit this is literally me dude
Back from macdonalds?
It's not tired. I just made it.
Ant hasn't been looking to good since his O&A days...
James is a piece of shit for not helping this dude out. If I were him, I would kidnap Furlong, put him in a prison cell, forcibly inject him with steroids and feed him nothing but chicken breast, fish, broccoli and brown rice and then free him only once he's prepared to be in the new Terminator movie.
Couldn't possibly be worse than the garbage trailer for the new movie. Really, Hollywood? The trailer starts with a hispanic male driving a truck through a wall in the American south west. Then we have some random PoC main character being protected by the LGBT-1000, and a 90 year old Sarah Connor who within 10 seconds punks the new villain terminator effortlessly.
At this point, I'd rather watch an hour and a half of fat Eddie Furlong and old Arnold reminiscing about T2.
>"I'm sorry, we already hired Justice Smith."
there is no helping anyone that gets this fat.
I still think he's kinda cool. And if he tried, maybe he could make a comeback. The Incredible Culk did it!
oh christ goyer is writing this? its gonna be trash.
Is it wrong that this is unironically the look I want to have when I'm in my late thirties?
I think it's probably wrong.
>Low-Tier God vs. Angry Joe
why? he looks like a bloated old 15 year old who never learned his ass from his ass. it looks stupid even past 25. and only forgivable before that.
culkin never went through half the shit furlong did. drugs never really took him despite his appearance
I thought Kevin McCallister did heroin for a while.
I met him at a convention years ago. I got my VHS of Pecker signed and I wanted to talk to him about working with John Waters.
There was a really long line to get to him that snaked around a corner and out of the room. After waiting for like 30 minutes I found out I was actually in line for Linda Hamilton. Furlong was sitting alone with literally no one around him except his handler.
I got to the table and started to ask about Waters but he cut me off after signing the tape, said "Rock n' Roll" and shot me the finger guns. His handler said "That will be $45" so I gave her the money and he swiveled around in his chair to face the wall. All in all it was a 10 out of 10 experience.
I actually believe it
I don't think he was playing around.
drugs, money, and fame at a very young age. there arent many that make it through that.
dear lord
His shit really dried up after coasting on that Dark Knight money for so long.
>did you call moi fat?
Eddie's dodged the reaper countless times.
How does this worthless fuck earn money?
Linda doesn't do cons
>he still has the same voice at 40
Yeah she does. I asked her at a con about broken bones line from T2 and she said it was weird because usually Cameron never misses a beat in his scriptwriting or fact checking reference. She's super nice to boot.
the catalog thumbnail made it look like he was wearing an element shirt
was about to complement his taste in boardshit
She absolutely does. My source is I stood in her line for 30 minutes.
What went wrong
Watching Bam slowly turn into his father has been fucking painful. Are we all just destined to turn into our parents, Yea Forums?
Crazy only one of them really had a career after the child stardom
No. Exercise and eat healthy foods. You can end up like Stephen Lang.
time sucks bros
and drugs, don't do drugs kids
Jonathan Brandis hanged himself. Shit's sad.
It's Jew semen that causes it... always Jew semen.
>Watching Bam slowly turn into his father has been fucking painful.
Why? who cares?
Hadn't heard that. Will always remember his work in SeaQuest fondly.
Brandis didn't kill himself. He faked his death and became anti-war activist Adam Kokesh.
River Phoenix = Mark Dice
Brandon Lee = Christopher Greene
Bill Hicks = Alex Jones
You can see the undeniable proof here
Bill Hicks =
I don't think that's him dude.
Obviously a different person.
brandon lee looks nothing like that other guy.
I mean, it's fun to pretend sometimes
well i know i'm not a mole, so that means you're the mole
that rag is cursed
She actually says we don't need any men in the movie too.
>26 years old
>don't drink
>never done drugs
>eat somewhat healthy
>still look 10 times worse than Furlong
He’s still hilarious
Reeks of alcohol abuse.
I'm an alcoholic who looks nowhere near as terrible as he does. I can't even begin to imagine how bad his lifestyle is.
Bam's almost 40 though
I'm 30 and my appearance, apart from the broad phenotype, is diametrically opposed to his. He must drink and smoke and eat shit a lot.
You stole this from me.
This scene unironically looks cool to me.
drinking will bloat you and fuck up your liver which is the detox center of your body
I'm not denying that he drinks a lot. I'm just saying that he must drink a LOT.
If our guy Culkin can make it why can't he?
He looks a bit better these days since he quite drinking or is drinking less.
have sex
God tier posts
Did you really just type out all the text from the original lol? That's pretty sad.
You ought to be ashamed
Im sorry meant for Pardon my misplaced interjection user, please continue
>what is copying and pasting
So he copied and pasted the text to a word document, saved it, then posted it 2 years later so that everyone would think he wrote it? That's worse.
Are you new to copypasta or something?
yeeeeew can't be serious
What's that?
Do you guys think fasting is a good way to lose weight? How about running?
This, seriously.
Nice to see another person who’s awake to this fake world.
Eat one can of tuna every single day, with nothing else but coffee and water. Try not to exert yourself. I did this for a month and lost 47lbs.
Damn, Lorde really let herself go...
He probably diddled him this is why he turned to heroin
Yes, you can intermittent fast by eating between 7am-3Pm. After 3 you don’t eat the rest of the day. You can kick start ketosis by fasting for 2 days as well. Losing weight is piss easy especially when combined with ACTUAL exercise
>Ya know, I, uhh, I kinda went the smaller, independent film route
Literally me when telling people I dropped out of college
>REEE charity cases
Giving him money will only result in him using it on pizza and blow.
newfag kill yourself and dont post
How would I post if I killed myself?
I'll know.
unironically based
Jesus Christ. That bait couldn't have been more obvious, dummy.
t. dummy
My parents were turbonormies compared to me, so I'd actually welcome that kind of destiny!
You're a normie, you just don't have any friends.
Guarantee you're a boring cunt.
You don't have a life outside of this board, do you?
Eddie should go on AVGN.
I do have friends, tho. Our very own NEET posse.
However, at my age, my parents already had two kids in school and stable careers.
obviously an on set photo and he has another John Conner hidden inside
I'd pay to see him play through old T2 video games on AVGN. That desperation and sadness in his soul crushed eyes as he glugs what's clearly vodka out of a water bottle. Do you think if he accidentally shit his pants they'd edit it out?
You really are a boring cunt.
I like that
And so are you! Wow! This conversation is really going places...
I too love cgi in my melee fights
That rubbery leg looks so fucking goofy.
>From the director of Deadpool
No shit.
look at her body motions and the hammer strike, it's awful
The ears don't match, neither does the septum.
What would it take to make a good Terminator film again? Asking for a friend.
You could be miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
He looks a lot healthier now though. He really shaped up after his meltdown during christmas.
Kill yourself faggot scum
>shaped up
the shape of a potato