Can we talk about this

can we talk about this

Attached: dalekparadigm.jpg (760x705, 351K)

robots with sucky thing



Doctor Who is dead to me.

Make the eyestalks less bulky, get rid of the hunchback, make the colours more metallic and hey presto they’d look fine

can we talk about this

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Also the latest ones somehow look even worse

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please tell me his isn't real. please tell me this is from the sara jane smith sideshow or something.

In-universe it’s made out of scrap metal which is why it looks a bit janky but I’m sure they could’ve come up with a better design

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>right what if we make a steampunk Dalek? really that much? just do what you can

The bronze 2005 Daleks were cool

9th>>>>all others

Are British people retarded?

>Are British people

I miss their design in the second half of the Classic series when they had cartoon eyes. It was dumb but charming.

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I grew up in the 70's and 80's seeing their eyestalks as noses and the flashing lights on their heads as their eyes. I literally can't see them any other way.

it's dead to everyone, it seems. over fifty years of adventures, about thirteen resurrections, and the one enemy that managed to kill the doctor was the gay welsh contingent of the Beeb.

why do Americans hate fun?

Attached: Dalek vs Ace.webm (672x480, 769K)

so what happened with this show after the female dr was introduced?

Its modeled after a women in a dress

everyone stopped watching it, including the tiny splinter feminist contingent it was adjusted to aim at.

Idk, I dropped after Capaldi.

I stopped after Capaldi's premiere. I have nothing against him and I think he's a great actor but the writing had become insufferable for me.


Which iteration is this?
Are the dales pushing the gay rainbow now? Arent they the bad guys?

That was series 5 (2010). The skittles look was dumb and they switched back


dr who trying to take itself seriously with intergalatic squids in armor having a plunger for a hand is just too much

There was literally nothing wrong with this, in the classic series the Daleks changed colour every story but people got pissy when the new series Daleks that stayed the same design for 10 years finally got a new design. Now the producers have gone full retard and put mk1 and 2 Daleks all over the place because they're creatively bankrupt and just want to jerk off classic series fans.

I suffered through it just for Capaldi, he's a great actor but good lord did they misuse him.
He did have great episodes but they were few and far between, just lots and lots of meh to pure shit

I gave up on the show when they rammed the Weeping Angel concept into the ground and how every time they appeared they broke a rule that was established in the previous appearance

I feel off after Clara left. I just stopped caring. I heard it got a lot worse though

>classic series the Daleks changed colour every story
They didn't change into obnoxiously bright colours clearly designed to be made into toys

What happened to the who generals?

after 10 years of boring bronze, some colour was all they needed, besides the movie daleks pulled off colour

Attached: Movie Daleks.png (1280x720, 1.08M)

Doctor Who is literally redit personified
hell that might be giving it too much credit, it's more like Tumblr personified.

It's really sad what happened to doctor who.

They look like they're wearing maternity dresses.

Make them giant trucks, submarines, drones, make them different sizes and different shapes depending on their role, but give them all a distinct dalek look. Imagine a 50 ton behemoth bearing down on you. Absolutely no reason they wouldn't radically evolve their shape to be better war machines.

Ribbed for HER pleasure incel

Can we talk about this?

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you never saw the episode where they were laughing at the suction cup until a Dalek stuck it over some guy's face and sucked the life out of him.

Who is not the best show for continuity freaks.

i wonder if the red Daleks ever racially abused the black Daleks?

I used to love this show

It's dead now

Nobody went into /who/ threads for long
The writing of all episodes went wrong

Here have THE REAL (FEMALE) Thirteenth Doctor (

Attached: SakiMitsurugi.jpg (450x600, 166K)

That thing from Mr Bean's Christmas episode?


>how do we make our salt shakers even more retarded looking
>give them power rangers colors

>Make them unnecesacarlliy big

>Remove all sharp angles

>Give a fascist colourblind species colour ranking

>Give them an out of place organic eyeball

This is why you leave designs to the professionals

the only problem was that btheir material looked plastic, if they were metal they would've been a lot better. That is something thay actually did fix in asylum of the daleks.

in short they should've kept them around.

Attached: 30-1-c.jpg (300x300, 24K)

if this image is your idea of fix, it looks like fucking candy apple paint on plastic.

Literally nobody knows, because nobody watched it all the way through. It could have ended with a chorus line of gay cybermen for all we know. In fact, it probably did.

it's weird already feeling nostalgia for Matt Smith's doctor even though he wasn't amazing

I've never been a big nuwho fan but I used to check out the episodes that got good feedback. S11 was the first series where I was unable to bring myself to watch a whole episode.

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They should have a better and competent staffs, as well as the plot direction
However, Beeb was obsessed more on diversity or, in overall, SJW rhetoric than anything else