Who are some spunky actresses?
Who are some spunky actresses?
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>You know you hit the wall when cum doesn't even look attractive on your face
Has filmmaking gone too far?
How come my cum is very watery? It doesn't look white like that at all.
You're not a man yet. Don't worry, you'll get there some day, son.
cause you fap too much
Depends on your diet
I have been on a bad streak lately.
eat more celery, it makes cum white and shiny.
Also this
Why do incels care what their cum looks like, are you trying to impress yourselves?
seei was fapping pretty much everyday but i cut back to once per week and its a lot thicker now
Nice can I see?
>t. shits black stool and thinks eh its fine
>bowl movements and ejaculation are equal measurements for detecting illness
Having black shits are bad???
He is being racist, only when your shot is white there is cause for concern
Want white cum? Eat a heaping plate of White Sushi Rice. Make it on your own so you can be sure it is good quality rice (I use Nishiki). After 4 days (1 big plate per day) your cum will be the whitest it has ever been. For real.
Jennifer Lawrence
She looks displeased. Why did she let him do it if she didn't want it? Is this some feminist thing about how men want to koom on womyn's faces only to degrade them?
means youve got crohns disease and your body is digesting blood or some shit
Isn't white rice bad for you?
I dunno, I'm not that user but I only fap every 2-3 days and it's not nearly as white as that for the most part. Although to be fair I do tend to jack off into paper towels, so it's possible that I'm underestimating it because it's against a bleached-white surface anyway which is also actively soaking it up. I'd nut in my hand for science but I don't even jack off in the fucking shower because of how annoying cum is to clean up, hence the paper towels.
No, brown rice is bad for you. Brown rice has arsenic and white rice has none. You think Japanese people live the longest because white rice is unhealthy?
If it's black like tar get checked immediately
That's good to know. I love white rice.
Shelter 2014 Netflix
Sure thing. Fit people will say it is not the best because it has low fiber. If you are scared of getting fat, eat white rice with broccoli or some other green veggie. You'll be fine as long as you don't butter the rice.
God damn I wish I could just stop fapping... I even added 3 regular hobbies that
I enjoy. The 2 hours before bedtime always get me though. Though tbqh I guess I don't wanna quit THAT badly, if I haven't yet.
>2 hours before bedtime
Always the danger zone. I think it would be better if I had a gf but who knows.
>they are not
Which movie was that?
White rice is horrible for you. Brown rice is the only healthy rice, or wild rice. White enriched rice turns straight into glucose. Whole grain brown rice isnthenonlynrice you should ever eat dumbass
What diseases can be identified through watery cumshots?
Maggie Gyllenhaal even though she has hit the Gyllenwaal
Go google it incel
was she ever cute?
Whats the context?
she was cute in TDK
>I don’t have an answer
>d-do your research on webMD
Have sex mydude
Donnie Darko
You can go suck a fuck
Nice try. You just played yourself retard.
Yeah, kinda. I still find her cute now but she's past 40, wrinkly and her tits are droopy so it's a little hard to get off to her.
I want to increase the volume of my ejaculations. Please, do tell me your secrets and broscience for this very sensitive topic. I have troubles actually shooting my cum, most of the time it just oozes without much energy
Just be yourself
The volume increases drastically if it's with someone you love so my advice is to build a deep connection with a girl.
Only masturbate once every other day max. Press a vibrator wand very slightly against the underside of your penis and edge that way 10 to 50 times. Stand up and bust over a bath towel. It's going to shoot at least a couple of feet.
I didn't say you could towel off! Blow your nose!
>this was directed by her husband
What did he mean by this scene?
I clearly said eat it with a veggie if you're worried about getting fat. The fiber slows down the conversion to sugar. God you're stupid.
eh, something about her facial structure just really turns me on
Jodie foster
based meeks
It was obviously not real cum
Stop being racist. They are called “black kids”
ur a cum
Do you think Hannibal Lecter could convince you to kill yourselves?
take zinc
>ywn lick cum off jennifer connleys face
why even live brothers
i always feel bad when i get cum on a girls eye
It did that once after I had to drink some Pepto Bismol.
Actually it was Paul Bettany's cum,he was jerking off while directing the movie
black shit normally comes from eating squid ink. it's totally harmless in that case.
Alita would totally bang her mom if she had a robot dick
Yea because everyone regularly consumes fucking squid ink you imbecile.
it is a very common culinary addition in many parts of the world you imbecile. let me guess, you're american?
If it's consistently black.
Not really no. And no.
yes really you fucking dumbass. what do you think comes up when you google image search squid ink?
What is this from?
fuck off phonefag
What's the context here, why is there coom on her face
lol. u have dead semen.
mine is like yoghurt.
someone was jerking off on her face
>tfw have big thick and strong cums
Bro are you fucking retarded?
Also kegels.
You have a low sperm count
How did Sam Raimi get away with this?
makes sense
you're the one acting as if no one ever eats squid ink.
bro that just happened to me, thought I was gonna die
hot damn. i better tell my 94 year old granny to stop eating all that white rice if she wants to live a long and healthy life like user says.
I'm none of these people and I don't expect you to personally put in the work, but I'd like to know how many people globally eat squid ink on a regular basis.
If it actually looked like real cum it might've been a lot hotter
He wouldn't talk to me, nobody would, so no.
It has carbs, so just don't eat a ton of it. Balanced diet and all that.
>on a regular basis
you only need to eat it once for your shit to turn black for a few days.
What country and how many times a week do you eat squid ink?
not really. i jacked off more when i had a gf
wow, thanks Einstein
why is that relevant?
What movie?
She's suppose to be a heroin junkie selling her body?
Do heroin junkies get to be 50? Don't they usually OD or contract some fatal disease within 5 years of starting their habit?
Okay, but is it eaten very, very regularly in certain parts of the world? Not trying to be hostile, just inquisitive.
This. Once I didn't jack off for 2 months straight, the first load after was like cobwebs and it hurt coming out
I'm way ahead of him senpai
i wouldn't know where to look to find survey results for this kind of question. but i can imagine that many people in spain and japan eat it on the regular.
i at least found this one answer on quora for you: quora.com
did someone say squid ink?
was this real semen?
Alrighty then. At least one person allegedly eats it every week. Interesting. Shit looks gross.
Have sex. Also stop fappi g.
Italy, there are pasta dishes with squid ink sauces
not regularly, it's the kind of thing you'd get at a restaurant
>tfw no pusy to thicken my cum
Fucking gay dude
That was his point retard, almost no one consumes it regularly
Because it's being implied it's a common thing. Trying to establish a frame of reference. I'm sure it's quite common in some places, but I'd wager it's not that common overall as it requires regular access to squid, which I think is a very Mediterranean thing.
Interesting. I'm not the original poster, but I'm a burger, never had squid ink, and generally avoid cephalopod. Do eat grilled salmon or haddock once a week with a bed of greens. Do you eat beets/beetroot? It'll turn your shits red, make you think you're bleeding. I eat it every week in the fall.
I don't stick it up my ass
Don't do this it makes mustard
you don't need to consume it regularly for it to turn your shit black.
The Secretary
instructions unclear dick now stuck in fan
I hate black fucking shits.
Can some one please say where this is from? We all see different movies on here, can’t see them all
Based phoneposter poster!
I can see the file name, she has been in 58 fils on IMDB, doesn’t tell me which one.
Do they block IMDb in your shithole country?
you do know diabetes is a huge problem in asia because of all the rice they consume right?
My sex tape
Shelter, netflix
She’s way too pretty to be a homeless addict
not if I do it first
God that made me hard
>that look at the end
this image blew my mind the first time I saw it
Can't tell if it looks very real or not. Sort of close, but it seems too watery.
Shes homeless in the movie and this security guard said he'd let her spend the night in the boiler room. This is what he wanted in return.
Eat more celery
So this is what Kojima was doing when he was supposed to be making Death Stranding.
increase blood flow. I found that coffee and other shit can do this. More blood going to your genitals, the harder and stronger it gets. Also, not emptying it all the time has something to do with it. I mean it would make sense that it just oozes out if it's been 7th time you ejaculated that day. Don't make it a hobby, only nut when you're horny as fuck.
too much of this shit to tag, but that's not real cum. in movies they use cetaphil, it's obviously not real jizz. I work in porn, and that's what they use when they want to fake a cumshot or the dude can't bust, or he did bust but it's not impressive enough.
I can vouch for the kegel exercises. What the pic doesn't tell you is that kegel makes you last MUCH longer. I did it for three months and I went from lasting 10 minutes TOPS to 1½ hours of constant fucking (if I took it easy at the right times).
Fap in a sedentary position.
Jesus the shit people will consume
Isn't she female doc or something in Alita universe
Zinc and magnesium.
Nowadays they use Cetaphil as stunt cum instead of Cream of mushroom soup.
>Don't make it a hobby, only nut when you're horny as fuck.
That was my problem, I got in that mode where it just became a part of my daily routine to help me sleep. I wasn't even particularly horny, and I even kind of found it boring to do. That shit was like an eye dropper.
Just adding to the pile here. My cum is acckxhually that white and thick.
Maybe it's your diet or you're underage b& but that's what normal looks like.
Why don't you use it to impregnate some bitch then?
Really black all the time, get checked. Bloody all the time, also get checked.
If it happens once because you got hemmoroids, whatever, if its chronic get checked before its too late to save your ass.
What am I supposed to do with this information? Do you think I'm an aspiring porno movie director or something?
No she was fucking not
>paul bettany is directing movies where his REAL LIFE wife gets BLACKED by FALCON
absolute degeneracy.
Don't do it it makes you fart Zyklon B
Take the Zinc pill my friend.
>This is what he wanted in return
Good choice. No matter how pretty, you best stay the fuck away from an addict begging anyone for shelter. Who knows how many degenerates have penetrated her orifices
dude wouldnt that be fun tho? Just railing into a chick with no consequences and absolutely no regard for her well being or comfort?
the problem for me would be stopping
>white rice
Just stop talking about stuff you don't understand
are we talking about health science or quality cum science? plz share you cum science