*grunts*...A river there chief...
>D'you get that for killing jews?
brad pitt looks like a fucking god in every role
gay lol
>its ok to torture and kill people as long as they're on the other team
Why are Americans so uncivilized?
Who the fuck is Bravery? was the character in a cut scene? Why even include this line then if the audience won't know who they're talking about
>tfw I still say this shit to this day
What an amazing Italian accent.
what did footman mean by this scene
Its ok to torture and kill nazis desu
i bet you think the volksstrum were nazis too
Why have none of Tarantino's movies gotten the 4K HDR treatment?
Like wtf??
All G*rmans, past present and future, are Nazis and must be executed if we are to advance as a species.
while I understand that my fellow Yea Forums kinoisseurs know and understand the point of Inglourious Basterds, I am also very aware that many of the people on this board are clueless tourists and ignorant boomers.
Tell me what the point is?
Aall of Tarantino's movies are shit
certainly had allegiance to the party.
This. More monorities will advance the species and there is nothing whites can do about it. Now which way to the welfare office?
Why would you even want them like that?
Not him but on a basic level Tarantino likes to subvert expectations (har har Rian Jonhson, the Last Jedi ecc. ecc.)
Some things in his movies just don't go like you would expect. In Jackie Brown Melanie shitalks Louis brutally, but instead of getting in the car and taking the verbal assault Luis kills her in the parking lot, in daylight. In Reservoir dogs, Orange (the cop plant) actually survives to the end, seemingly against common expectations about undercover cops in crime movies.
In Inglorious Basterds the Basterds behave like brutal savages more than the nazis themselves. Here Tarantino aims to make uncomfortable the natural tendency of the viewers to associate with the "allied forces" . This is not propaganda, he is not making a political point, but in doing so he makes the violence much harder to digest. The viewers that revel in the Basterds brutality are really the butt of the joke.
This. Subversion of expectations is a viable storytelling technique when used the right way. You just don't want subversion to make up for a lack of story or subvert expectations by making something shitty when people were expecting something good
>Adam Sandler was supposed to play Bear Jew instead of that cuck Eli Roth
it's not fair lads, we could have gotten more Sandlerkino
Imagine the shitstorm on /tvpol/ if this came out today
It portrays the jews as bloodthirsty monsters
Only if you're retarded.
They're just getting revenge for the nazis genociding the jews
The entire point if the scene with the baseball bat was to humanize the other side.
That doesn't mean the Basterds were monsters
nah its the exact opposite actually.
Its just revenge porn.
Thats too few. We need a wolfenstien movie.
>Did you get that for killing Jews?
i bet you are a poltard who thinks its about how nazis are good
i was right
I get what you're saying but the German army still helped the Nazis and SS
Mixed bag. Most were forced at gunpoint to fight. Some were fanatical, others did not know the real situation due to propaganda and there were plenty that simply lacked the physical strength , mental wellbeing or financial assets to get hell out of dodge.
Still, you can't save everyone.
What a useless knife.
Fuck Americans are dumb.
It's what they thought they had to do. Just following orders, banality of evil, etc. I know. But these people did not think they were the evil ones
literally the point of the film is the irony that audiences find atrocious violence ok as long as it's happening to the bad guys. it just went over most people's heads (despite in no way being subtle)
You're right. The Bowie was prolific among nearly all trappers and early settlers and is still carried into modern battlefields by tier one operators because it's useless
>In Inglorious Basterds the Basterds behave like brutal savages more than the nazis themselves. Here Tarantino aims to make uncomfortable the natural tendency of the viewers to associate with the "allied forces" . This is not propaganda, he is not making a political point, but in doing so he makes the violence much harder to digest. The viewers that revel in the Basterds brutality are really the butt of the joke.
This interpretation is hard to believe given how blatantly kill whitey Django was.
They're two different movies
This movie was Tarantino's ass licking bonanza to get in good with the (((academy))) and nothing more.
wolfenstein is based on a Gregory Peck movie from the 60s
How old are you? Tarantino needed to get in with the academy in the 2010s? Are you aware of Jackie brown?
Same writer/director, similar subject matter, yet completely different morals. I just find it hard to believe Tarantino would write one to be introspective and nuanced while the other to be the complete opposite.
It's a symbol. No one who knows what they are doing would ever use a knife like that unless they just like the look. What's it good for?
>heavy and unbalanced
>useless for stabbing
>awkward for skinning and gutting
>terrible for wood work
>terrible for making traps
Some contractnigger carrying a gun doesn't mean shit, mutt.
>mostly wehrmacht grunts with no affiliation to the party
I love the lobby scene in the theatre where they're spotted by the Jew Hunter and he bails up Bridgette Von Hammersmark about her leg cast and he just loses his shit cracking up laughing when she tells him that bullshit story about how it happened
He just cracks up laughing leaning on that stairway rail just like "I'm sorry? Fucking mountain climbing? That's your story you stupid bitch? Sorry I'm gonna need a minute here"
It just plays out so well. Then he composes himself, moves onto the subject of her guests with accompanying her and their body language is so priceless...
Brad Pitt is just staring away from the guy going 'fuck fuck fuck fuck don't fuck this up Bridgette'
Comedy gold
i feel like he actually wanted people to cheer for the basterds and not go like maybe we are the bad guys
Kek. This was just another Hollywood nazi bad jews good movie. Nothing about that scene was humanizing to Nazi's
>Orange (the cop plant) actually survives to the end
didnt he get found out by the guy protecting him who them shot him in the face?
Anyone reading into this movie is wrong. Tarantino just loves grindhouse movies and cocaine. That's it, he just makes movies to emulate the films he loves.
I said you were right. Clearly you're an expert. Are you also familiar with all the historical evidence that every trapper and settler who had one never used it? That stuff is everywhere
>>awkward for skinning and gutting
Yeah this is about the level of retard I expect from someone with that image saved on their computer. You have never killed or gutted an animal you limp wristed faggot
He admits it to Harvey Keitel in the last 15 minutes of the movie
>This is not propaganda, he is not making a political point, but in doing so he makes the violence much harder to digest.
I thought the theatre scene was the clearest indicator if this. but the guy being disgusated at the film hyping up his killing of 300 men then make him a racist later then throwing out l historical believability by gunning down hitler totally killed the point. the shoshana plot was totally useless and cold be cut entirely.
Then why show (literal) Hitler cackling like a mad man at a similar film within the movie
How is it hard to believe that two different movies had two different messages? The scene with the nazis watching the propaganda film was a pretty unsubtle jab at the audience
i feel he wanted it to be like see how crazy they are lets show em how WE can be
tarantino is all about killing for the sake of killing his movies arent that deep
Consider for a moment the world a janny lives in. It's a hostile world, indeed.
If a janny were to scamper through your thread, right now, would you greet it with hostility?
>I suppose I would.
Has a janny ever done anything to you to create this animosity you feel toward them?
>Jannies delete threads.They ban anons.
Jannies were the cause of the GamerGate bans, but that's some time ago. I propose to you any post a janny could delete, a Mod could equally delete.
Would you agree?
Yet, they're both staff, are they not? And except for the pay, they even rather act alike, don't they?
>It's an interesting thought, Herr user.
However interesting as the thought may be, it makes not one bit of difference to how you feel.
If a janny were to walk in here, right now, as I'm posting, would you greet it with a saucer of your delicious hotpockets?
>Probably not.
I didn't think so. You don't like them. You don't really know why you don't like them. All you know is you find them repulsive.
>Implying Tarantino bothers with subtlety this far into his career
Again, grindhouse movies and cocaine. That's it.
>something happening in a movie means the movie is telling me it's okay
>Django was "kill whitey"
Bloat is American as apple pie. I bet you defend the F35 as well.
>you don't like them. You don't really know why you don't like them. All you know is you find them repulsive.
jews undermine the national economies and directly led to your occupation of france
They used them because they were produced for the war and had some status. There are just as many reports of them being discarded because they were useless.
Their only use is being a single-carry tool for batoning and other heavy work. Other than that they are very low quality for any specific task.
Are you a nigger by any chance?
Why, yes i am, my pasty, wet dog smelling friend
no im not black, but you sound like a typical fragile white guy with a victim complex.
It’s even funner to do it with commies
>commies want equality for everyone
>nazis want to kill all non-whites
gee idk, really hard to pick a side here innit
>Jewish revenge porn mocking the bravery of men who actually fought
> Movies Where the Good Guys Lose
Strawman argument. Hitler was fine leaving the middle east for arabs and asia for asians. You might want to not spread false information and try reading a book.
>He just cracks up laughing leaning on that stairway rail just like "I'm sorry? Fucking mountain climbing? That's your story you stupid bitch? Sorry I'm gonna need a minute here"
>commies want equality for everyone
>being this much of a smooth brain to actually believe this
>nazis want to kill all non-whites
>literally only killed other whites even in no white countries
>nazis want to kill all non-whites
Oh it's retarded.
He was the best part of that movie and his character single handedly made his career
>>commies want equality for everyone
>the party leaders are equals to the grunts and farmers and didnt just replace the aristocracy
>b.b.but hitler said...
yea, you're right. why don't i just believe everything that genocidal maniac ever said/wrote. *phew* that makes everything easier. thanks for that redpill!
>kill people? what? never! when have nazis EVER done that?
:^) helo reddit
>liking Hitler ever
Holy fuck you’re such a based retard
>American (((Jew))) Commandos killing Nazis with baseball bats and scalping them alive...
When did Cuckatino become such Leftist nutjob??? Muh 6 million! We need cinematic REVENGE!!!!
Fucking retard.
>He was the best part of that movie
upon review youre correct. that movie would have been trash without him.
upon my third rewatch i realized the shoshanna plotline was totally unnecessary and only watchable because of landas involvement in that story.
>the left are sensitive snowflakes!
>>kill people? what? never! when have nazis EVER done that?
>moved goalpost
>muh whataboutism
nice try commie
Agreed. Every time he was on screen it was pure kino. He was such a little genius shit it was wonderful.
im not a communist i just pointed out that if had to choose i'd rather side with a group of people who want equality for all humans rather than genocidal nazis
Stalin had a higher body count. Thanks for playing.
Hitler shook the hand of Jesse Owens while the sitting U.S. president refused to even do so.
Nazi's didn't want to eliminate all non-whites they just wanted space for their homeland
>equality for everyone
>everyone is equally dead and starved in the gulag
Legitimately terrible movie. This was the first movie of Tarantino's that I began to suspect he wasn't as talented as thought.
So not only are you historically wrong and inaccurate you also are admitting that you fell for commie propaganda. Never gunna make it commie.
>fuck nazis, they are genocidal maniacs who call for ethnic cleansing and perpetuated the holocaust
>"b.b.b.but what about the GOMMIES!!!"
every single time
fake news
>linking to snopes
you are clinically retarded
The irony here is that communists have genocided many more people than nazis have
>bro snopes isn't reliable
>here, have this shitty jpeg from stormfront that proves the gas chambers were fake
>US has concentration camps
>if US had been losing war you would see propaganda photos of starving Japanese being liberated by the Axis
Well strawmanned my friend
The only really good part about stormfront are the A. Wyatt Mann Was Right threads.
Excuse me! I have an announcement! Excuse me!
>confirmation bias
wtf i love A. Wyatt Mann now
I think you need to look up what "confirmation bias" means.
If you are going to link snopes I'll link wikipedia
>However, in 2014, Eric Brown, British fighter pilot and test pilot, the Fleet Air Arm's most decorated living pilot, independently stated in a BBC documentary: "I actually witnessed Hitler shaking hands with Jesse Owens and congratulating him on what he had achieved."Additionally, an article in The Baltimore Sun in August 1936 reported that Hitler sent Owens a commemorative inscribed cabinet photograph of himself.
Later, on October 15, 1936, Owens repeated this allegation when he addressed an audience of African Americans at a Republican rally in Kansas City, remarking: "Hitler didn't snub me—it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram.
>millions of nazi vaginas
ive seen this one as well. how many more do you have? a wyatt mann drew literally hundreds of cartoons.
i know exactly what "confirmation bias" is, and it's literally this you retard. but if you have more please post them
>literally the point of the film
Do you not know who Tarantino is? The movie was a jewish power fantasy, and that is it. It's a big budget B-movie in which Tarantino's caricatures live out an alternate history, one which sees jews winning, and exacting revenge (revenge being a common theme in practically all of Tarantino's flicks.) You're either naively giving Tarantino way too much credit, or projecting out of some desperate need to defend your apologist sensibilities
>On the one hand I’m making a revisionist history of the war, but I’m also dealing with characters who deal with revisionist histories of the war. -Tarantino
>My take on that is my characters have changed the course of the war. That didn't actually happen, because my characters didn't exist. But if they "had" existed, everything that happens in the movie is quite possible. -Tarantino
>But to actually take an action story and put it in that kind of backdrop where slavery or the pain of World War II is the backdrop of an exciting adventure story — that can be something else. And then in my adventure story, I can have the people who are historically portrayed as the victims be the victors and the avengers. -Tarantino
2 minutes of googling could have told you all this.
Commies who were bolsheviks and 85% jewish trying to take over Germany in 1918-20 and Weimar Germany led to hitlers rise. And we wonder why he hated commies and jews.
He was already senile.
This 4 minutes is better than anything Tarantino has ever made.
And the personal word from the man himself isn't good enough for you?
Not at all.
1919 - Spartacus uprising
1920 - Kapp putsch (right win) - the population remain loyal to the left-wing (SPD) government
1923 - Hitler putsch - no one joins him, it fails miserably
1928 - German federal elections - NSDAP got 2.6% votes while KPD (commies) 10.6% and SPD (socialdemocrats) 29.8%.
it's not a "snub" if it's the leader of a different country, is it? that's like winning the super bowl and complaining that the Kremlin "snubbed" you of an invite
tarantino only wishes he could make kino as good as real life does
You didn't refute anything he said.
I think English isn't your first language. Jesse Owen's was snubbed by his own president. Hitler personally congratulated him
>Hitler personally congratulated him
you haven't been able to prove this, faggot
seeJesse Owens himself confirmed this
Except I did because the communist uprisings did not lead to NSDAP rise to power. The communists themselves were more popular among the people than the Nazis after their uprisings.
>Be black
>Find out Hitler was the good guy all along
Why can't we just get along whitebros?
The commie bootlickers are 100% american middle class retards. Every single person who lived under commie regime despises commie scum with a passion. Kill yourself.
Ask your brothers. White people try to help so much and still get attacked. I always thought we treated people based on their character instead of their skin color. Unfortunately that seems to coincide more often than not
>Why can't we just get along whitebros?
whites have a primal fear towards us because were too other. they treat eachother the same way . its not personal.
>White people try to help so much and still get attacked.
white people should really consider not helping
>this stormfag playing the victim
It's a Jewsploxtation film user.
Judacus uprising was from 1916-1919 aka "Dolchstoss". It's nice that fat jewstorican changed it to 1919, lol.
Ok you're too retarded to have this discussion.
Tarantino was inspired to be a film director when he was taken to theaters in black neighborhoods showing Blaxsplotation films like Black Gunn by various Black men who were fucking his mom.
His entire existence is that of being defiled and defiling others.
Of course he's a "leftist nutjob".
>sing songs with your brothers about the girl back home and do your duty for the fatherland via civil service while being a role model for the best generation of human beings
>give up individuality and allow the party to horde the wealth while you work as an atheistic army ant who accepts the same pay as everybody else because there are no more class systems
i know this is bait, but come on
>white people should really consider not helping
White people get attacked for moving out of neighborhoods, white flight. White people get attacked for moving into black neighborhoods, gentrification.
White men aren't the burden, you are.
No, it was in 1919. The earlier uprising from 1918 had very little to do with Jews.
>White people get attacked for moving out of neighborhoods, white flight. White people get attacked for moving into black neighborhoods, gentrification.
the common denominator here is that minorities have historically been disenfranchised by slavery, jim crow laws, blockbusting, segregation, systemic racism, etc
Then why did the Asian community who started off just as bad as blacks rise to become even better than whites?
Literally the entire theater scene proves the point that it is a criticism of the audience.
>Asian community who started off just as bad as blacks
based retard who slept in history class
Imagine being this retarded
I gotcha didn't I? Resorting to ad hominem. You are pathetic. Blacks shouldn't be excused for their behavior. They are handed everything and given every possible opportunity, and still fail.
Fuck I’ll take 10000
Asians are the only ones who had federal laws against them. The Chinese exclusion act. So Chinese people who were born in the us and citizens were not allowed to own property when niggers were.
Same thing
>this post is of extremely low quality
you literally said that asians in the US started off just as bad as niggers. there's no point in arguing with someone that doesn't have an understanding of history
Weak bait, but here's (you)
What would you guys do in this situation?
You filthy niggers don't get to say that when god knows whitey has been willing to put up with fucking everything to appease your ass and not appear racist
Looking forward to the day all of you shits hang on the streets
cringe. take your meds faggot
Just as bad I didn't say as equally bad. Blacks are given every opportunity and Asians in the U.S. today are even discriminated against for being of asian decent
Based niggerlover, take your mixtape and prolapsed asshole somewhere else
i loved this movie
sooo much
i could not believe he topped himself with "The Hateful Hate"
that scene where he forces the white guy to suck off the black stud was like fire
yea take your meds schizo thanks
Most likeable character in the movie gets been to death by Eli Roth because he's German. It's like the least self aware movie of all time.
Who do you think he made this movie for lol.
>being too stupid to realize how tongue in cheek the movie was about its violence
The was literally nothing tongue and cheek about that scene, at all. That would be a fair point about the end of change, however. Oh, and anyone who disagrees with me is a drooling retard.
>tfw watched this and The Death of Stalin last night back to back
I love historical comedies so much
End of django.
I would remove his helmet.
>be black population in japan/france/poland
>deal with literally none of this
>still end up indistinguishable from the US counterpart in terms of crime/IQ/income
Really makes you think
Very clever revisions schlomo
>minorities have historically been disenfranchised by slavery, jim crow laws, blockbusting, segregation, systemic racism, etc
Oh no, that sucks
Which has removed the ability of black people any when and where to have agency? God damn, must have skipped that day in history class.
Super forced but still funny.
>t. Italian
Watch the whole movie again, there's little things like the actress murdering the german soldier who just became a father right after he put down his weapon and was no longer a threat at all, along with the Bear Jew brutally tearing some unarmed woman up with his gun right next to him.
>human rights had to be fought for, so that makes them bad
big think
Wow, thats hilarious. He ahould have found a way to feed a German baby to a pack of dogs in slow no, that would have been really tongue and cheek.
What is freedom of association?
Rights to what faggot? Rights to force yourself into places you aren't wanted?
Quit being mad over a movie you faggot
Germans have been a plague on civilization since Roman times user, they have never contributed anything besides death and destruction to Europe and the greater world
>how dare you not like what I like.
Literal child.
Rights don't exist if you can't enforce them, therefore they are not "rights" no matter how much you stomp your feet.
You forgot your picture
Similar to how nazis have no rights because, without daddy drumpfy protecting you, all of America would skin you alive :)
You are a worm.
Thank you user
>Similar to how nazis have no rights because, without daddy drumpfy protecting you, all of America would skin you alive :)
I can just imagine the anal-devastation this movie would cause here today
>this projection
without the state, leftists would be literally shot and hanged in the streets. your entire existence is dependent on your rights' being protected and enforced by men with guns (whom you despise), since you won't do it yourself
Go tell the Saudis about your human right to buggary, I'm sure it'll workout fine. They won't just tell you to bake the fucking cake lol.
>the whole movie is jewish projecting their own nature
>Literally the entire theater scene proves the point that it is a criticism of the audience.
Or that the entire film was an attack to a mayority European audience.
>I'm not just delusional, I cannot acknowledge the existence of 150 million Americans cause they disagree with me. And I use" drumph" unironically, so the ladies to I'm woke.
Neither did the revolution in Russia either huh?
*jews* ftfy