What are some documentaries with this aesthetic?
Why is the discussion of this documentary censored in Yea Forums?
What are some documentaries with this aesthetic?
Why is the discussion of this documentary censored in Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
because mods are leftist trash who are afraid of the pendulum swinging right on yet another board.
she's a jew
This was surprisingly factual
Your only chance of getting discussion of this on Yea Forums is if you burn several cpus making deepfaked blacked porn of her.
daily reminder
I just read that she's retiring from making videos.
She's so fucking hot though. I can't even begin to imagine how amazing that ass must smell.
This one
how new are you faggot?
Kill yourself cuck
Kill yourself zoomer faggot
have sex
I was calling Yea Forums cucks actually and don't pretend it's all some tranny discord psyop.
have sex
I know a lot of us hate Lauren Southern for whatever reason but IT DOESNT MATTER. Movies like this are massive redpills for normie whites, shes doing more for our heritage, identity, and homelands than almost any of us just shitposting online. Be sure to download and reupload to incase (((Youtube))) takes it down
>inb4 Lauren's beta orbiters are here
Nah just someone who actually stands for his principles. The white genetic survival movement would be a lot more powerful if it wasnt for traitors and subversives trying to discredit our leadership and cohesion from within. If you do not stand for people like Lauren Southern you are literally no better than a race traitor
you were the one who felt the need to bring up blacked you little zoomer cuck.
>goes innawood with people dressed for comfort and concealment while moving in the elements over ground very quickly
>wears bright colours and makeup and impractical useless jewelry
Biggest pleb incel filter right here
>women do what you dont like
be angry for them being whores and race mixers
>women do what you want them to do
be angry at women for agreeing with you.
Have sex unironically
any webms of that cake jiggling
google doesnt have anything
These are kike shills who want to divide our race and our movement. They do not care about white identity because they obviously want to tear down the EVROPA IDENTITARIAN movement by tearing down our figureheads and leaders.
It's almost as if... women are fucking retarded and everything they do is for attention.
reddit nigger
White men band together and SPREAD THIS SHIT. More people need to be exposed to redpills like this documentary. Jews are spreading their antiwhite media nonstop and we need media of our own. This needs to succeed. Stand for your culture, genetics, identity, heritage and history.
The retards doing things for attention seem to be some of the incel types.
Pretty girls pretending to be right wing to get money from alt right incels is so predatory. Almost as bad as those people selling scam life insurance policies to senile elderly people.
We need to spread this documentary. The Meme War didn't end in 2016 it only just began. Our race needs to stand together and support prowhite media. Without us the Jews will just shut down our voices one by one. We CANNOT abandon race heros like LAUREN Southern. SPREAD THIS SHIT LIKE FIRE.
This is a kike shill and no actually white. Anyone who supports white identity will support Lauren and her work no matter what they think of her. Whites need these redpills so that our race can wake the fuck up.
>Chick on the left just got married
>Lauren just retired today to have babies
>won't quote me properly
I'm telling Nigel on you
No one gives a shit about her or Loomer they’re even starting to look like eachother
Back to your discord you tranny faggot.
Go back to Canada lauren
Why is this documentary upsetting the trannies and jannies so much?
>posting a 14 year old sockpuppet who gets fed lines by her parents
any true son of EVROPA who loves his white racial identity will support and spread this documentary. Ignore shills who attack Lauren for baseless moral criticisms, her work is important to white genetic salvation. SPREAD THIS SHIT
None of that is true
how much have you donated
Who is the one on the left supposed to be?
This thread is about Southern retiring to have babies its in the OP. The other one married the austrian painter nationalist guy. Have sex.
>this projection
>white knighting for a thot and worse a Canadian
The only faggot here is you. Are you Finnish by any chance?
Both of that is true, actually
So Brittany got married and Lauren is pregnant? Doubt/10. Dilate tranny.
You just have to ask yourself who would you rather have presiding over the bankruptcy of the US, Mitt Romney, or slicked back hair Donald Trump. For me the choice is simple. No other president could ever have forced the zionists, who spent all the US money on foreign wars for their ethnostate, playing such a complicated game of Twister.
Then source me.
Imagine breeding this
her sister is better
the OP and youtu.be
Jesus wacamolee
fuck OP THIS is a real woman.
>that ponch
looks shopped
>muffin top
Why is this image cropped right before the potential brap kino?
lauren southern is hotter than her sister
>The other one married the austrian painter nationalist guy.
So...She married Hitler?
>Fellows wearing camouflage
>Wears bright red pants
Why are women so stupid?
Based and retardpilled
she's never going to fuck you loser
What, you actually think civilians wearing camo clothes are trying to hide or something?
Unlike you, I bet trannies will fuck your ass hard for defending them.
wasn't this chick found out to be one of them who are playing the right just like they like to play the left?
same as ben
Brown people will unironically ruin Western Civilization. It's already happened in California and other states, and the UK is getting cucked hard. Any movies relating to this?
Big oof on that cringe my dude, yikes.
I always found that chubby belly of hers in this picture a turn on.
Everytime they start posting those pics, and by the end of the thread they are openly talking liberal ideas and how good immigration is.
Their falseflagging attempts are laughable.
Children of Men
What age do you think her dad started molesting her?
You're a virgin aren't you
>actually thinking laura southern shares your interests
>Big oof on that cringe my dude, yikes
Kill yourself faggot scum
It's irrelevant as long as she preaches them.
She’s a thot that doesn’t plan, it’s all about “oh look at me I’m pretty”.
>wasn't this chick found out to be one of them who are playing the right just like they like to play the left?
same as ben
You’ve described literally all ecelebs after 2016. They rode the trump wave because it’s easy to go “lmao feminists amiright??”. They’re nothing but intellectual sluts for money and opportunists.
imagine being this person
What a fine world where making fun of fat SJWs is the "cool thing", even for women.
The left has to be put down like the ill dogs they all are.
Because the old saying goes “preach but don’t practice”
she's a leftist coal burner, why exactly would I be watching her videos?
>migrants offers more information for 2000 dollars
>says it multiple times on camera
>Lauren goes with him
>suddenly talking about ISIS
Could this film get into Cannes?
her parents are lefties, she was on alex jones and was speaking almost exactly as her videos. she's the real deal.
We don't need them to practice, just to preach.
If you are already right-wing, then you don't need to, this is to convert the ones who aren't.
>she's a leftist coal burner
Although I doubt you can provide a source, it's irrelevant as long as she keeps making those videos.
she retired today
Why are liberal subhumans so easy to spot?
Nigger, the only thing needed to get rid of leftists is letting them rule.
Their disastrous ideologies always ruin countries, and end up killing their voting base.
Seriously, there's nothing that can help the far right more than letting people get a taste of leftism.
This. These ecelebs are only parroting talking points and then going “donate to my patreon” because they realized that being the leftists they are isn’t profitable anymore. They’re whores and nothing more.
Thought that was Elizabeth Holmes for a minute there. Tradthots are a good gateway to the movement regardless of them being whores who live off of cuck money
>posting puppets regardless of alignment unironically
Have sex
Don't even bother pretending you are a centrist, liberal scum.
Don't believe you
>hurr durr let the left win and fuck everything up
You couldn’t be more wrong or retarded
Very useful, though.
And it's a good thing that being a leftist isn't a popular thing anymore, and only popular among propagandists, and that not even that is working.
>we don’t really need them to actually believe the shit they say.
Totally hypocritical.
It worked for Italy, it pushed England to Brexit, and even in Sweden the far right is rising.
>Enter my basement
>Arcane energy crackles all around me
>Reach into my satchel of gold dust and begin drawing the sacred icon on the ground
>In the center of the icon is my imac g3
>Anoint the site with sacred oils flung from a fern leaf
>Light candles I got from Walmart all around the icon
>Begin chanting the mantra, "ITTY BITTY BABY"
>The arcane surges like lightning, the ground shakes
>I continue the chant, "ITTY BITTY BOAT"
>A low rumble as the aether is torn open, eldritch forces bring life to my computer, connecting me to the darkerest web
>It stares into me, as I stand on the razors edge of madness
>Time is short before my very mind and soul are claimed by forces beyond my comprehension
>I struggle to place my hands on the keyboard, my skin begins to burn
>My soul astral projects into the thread
>Call Lauren Southern a mudshark
>Snap back into reality, the arcane goes from a mighty storm to a low rumble
>My comment has gotten a (you)
>Begin the ritual once more
>Just another day on Yea Forums
I am a hypocrite, but I don't care, politics aren't about fairness.
I could only watch 5 minutes of this. This was news 5 years ago.
>have babies
Lauren's what, 25?
Seems a bit young for that
What did you mean by this?
Useful in the short run detrimental in the long run. Like that stupid fucking video of that TYT gay jew “totally not a liberal anymore” Dave Rubin interviewing the black “former” leftist and the tranny about who’s the better conservative.
Throw yourself in an oven, kike.
>Like that stupid fucking video of that TYT gay jew “totally not a liberal anymore” Dave Rubin interviewing the black “former” leftist and the tranny about who’s the better conservative.
I have no idea what you are talking about, but I honestly don't care.
As long as normal people see what's happening in places like Paris.
Why muslims and africans in Europe need to be kicked out or killed.
>it worked for Italy
>all of that debt
>being fucked by the EU
>thinking that made Britain do the brexit that hasn’t happened
Salvini is based but that is totally wrong
As long as it makes the EU more and more unstable it'll work.
The EU has to die, it's a cancer that has brought no positives whatsoever and filled Europe with sandniggers.
>I am a hypocrite
At least you’re self aware
My brand has just become the Centre thanks to the pull of you and your ilk sweetie
Of course, if I was a hypocrite with no self awareness I would be a leftist.
I'm sure a jewish slut who paraded her ass working for a jewish businessman and has pictures with a poo looking boyfriend is the one we should follow, magapede friend! I'm so fucking tired of this onions right shit, but that's on me for expecting anything valuable out of a Yea Forums/reddit mashup movement.
Meanwhile, here in Germany there are manuals being distributed about how blonde couples who braid their daughter's hair should be seen as evil nazis, and you don't see the "alt media" doing anything about it. On the contrary, they support people like the AfD and the Front Nationél, who like Israel and say muslims and niggers can be europeans as long as they come in legally.
About her documentary per se, this is a cheap shot at getting some legitimacy from a subject which is already widely discussed in online right wing circles, which is and will likely remain her audience, making her "glorious effort" futile. I would say that if she was worth a damn she would have a family and promote the idea, but I'd rather a degenerate jew with the balls to call herself european doesn't do so.
And this board is a shithole, I only come here out of addiction.
your anger at islamic terrorism will be sublimated into more wars for israel in the middle east, meanwhile they'll keep importing more and more people with no demand for assimilation (a hate crime to say so), that way when the debt bomb finally explodes it will be 100 different groups against 100 other groups while the people actually responsible go live in their ethnostate that you spent nearly half the national debt to create
Sorry, but you haven't been relevant for 200 years.
The only way the UK could be useful again is if it was invaded by the US.
>I have no idea what you are talking about
This abortion of a show youtu.be
Which is why the USA must be destroyed.
Without the US, Israel dies.
Fortunately, the USA will collapse within our lifetimes due to spic immigration.
Besides, the US had it coming, they commited the biggest betrayal against the west.
Of course no one is arguing against it. The EU was always going to fail because they forgot that countries fighting eachother for 1000 years weren’t going to go with the “we’re all European and the same” while they are essentially run by Brussels and Germoney. It’s a shittier more Marxist 4th Reich. There’s a reason Merkel wants an EU army.
after the roman empire was destroyed for many of the same reasons/tactics, people kept living their lives. ride the tiger i guess
But they did lose all their power, the power that Israel relies on.
After that shithole collapses and it turns into yet another subcontinent of favelas, they can go die in whatever way they want.
Identitarians on either side of the divide are cancerous cunts.
You have the dykes and trannies and their allies and then you have the rural retards who pretend they're white on the other.
Wall them all off I say.
Especially you faggot.
True. I guess principles are dead.
israel is already shopping for a new debt golem. brazil is eager, china isn't impossible.
They aren't, they are simply not useful.
>Without the US, Israel dies.
Israel will go to Russia and China, they already have.
>to Russia
I don't think so, Russia is poor.
Things that have no use die.
wow, what an enlightened position! I'm impressed.
Then let them die, what matters is winning, and if I have to kick my enemy while it's in the floor so bei t.
the global central bank will rake in the fees!
reminder that you can't meme and nothing you say is true?
They already have. Israel has a lot of trade with both Russia and China. Bolsheviks were largely jews. Mao tse tung himself had a Jewish higher up in the party as a consultant.
Well, lets hope for WWIII.
Even if it has to be sparked out of nowhere.
I'm sure it can be done.
>it’s the spics’ fault!
Kys fagit
Hey do you I don’t have to face your face (or what’s left of it) looking back at me in the mirror.
Mods are actually poltards. Proof? Shitty off topic pol threads like these are allowed to proliferate on the film and television board while trope discussion threads get deleted. Also they leave BLACKED posts up for hours.
Stop acting like poltards are persecuted underdogs on this site. You faggots act exactly like liberals do and lack the same self awareness as they do. I can't wait for trump to get blown out in 2020 so you losers will finally have your last seethe and finally fuck off.
ww3 would be terrible. we only worry about "hearts and minds" when we aren't fighting our cousins in europe.
It is, but we should thank them for it.
USA is cultural poison and the source of modern leftism and feminism.
>ww3 would be terrible
The future that awaits humanity if things continue passively would be way worse.
hopefully, he almost went to jail for being "anti immigrant"
>regularly fucks black guys
None of those things are objectively bad, you’re just a seething white lonely loser
I think you mean Jews user
just bioweapon my shit up
Is that a Happy meal watch?
Stop projecting
Nice defmation, you literal kike
>mods are actually poltards
>muh pol are just like libcucks
>trump will lose in 2020
You're fucking stupid
>None of those things are objectively bad
What a surprise, the liberals expose themselves, just like it was said here >you’re just a seething white lonely loser
And you sound like an American in denial of the cancer that you've become.
You are a bigger threat to Europe than the Soviet Union ever was.
butthurt leftistists.
Yeah it's almost like your gay nigger shit can't survive in the wild huh.
>libcuck so BTFO it resorts to racism
you mean a bunch of virgins and larpers on the internet?
I miss her so much bros
Why did she have to quit
I’m not white
I’m not a Jew either. Keep blaming your failures in life on other people, loser
I’m going to blow a load in my white gf tonight and think about how much of an angry cuck faggot you are, Kyle
Depends on whether they are millennials or not.
We all know the incel phenomenon only happens within millennial subhumans.
Prove theyre just on the internet.
Russians are bigger manipulative criminals than Jews and the Chinese are more soulless. Jews can only prosper when suckling the lifeblood out of a pure and noble host.
>((((((I’m not a Jew))))))
My failures?
I started seeing why America is a cancer and all of it's population are objectively lesser beings precisely when I started succeeding at life.
Sorry, but not everyone is unlucky enough to have amerifat namesakes.
>I’m not white
So? Youre a loser and projecting it on others. You live in a "white" country and use all our technology, have some respect you ungrateful monkey, otherwise dont be surprised when you get booted out.
Stop pretending to be a nigger ape on the internet. It's embarrassing.
I think their lack of impact on real-world politics proves that
Come on Tyrone, we all know the way your kind swings.
I wouldn't want to live in the english caliphate
*fucks 300 lb inbred half mexican trailer trash*
Niggers are fucking based to bh
Imagine thinking that every worthwhile invention is “white”. Imagine thinking that western countries are “white”
A literal Jew helped create the TCP and IP, so it looks like you anti-semites should fuck off from the internet for good
But that applies to all forms of millennial "activism".
It's why millennial retards can only affect whether a videogame or a movie has black people or not.
What are you talking about? They campaigned to have migrant boats stop entering europe and campaigned to havethe borders closed, thats what is happening now. The right wing parties in europe are also growing. You have no fucking idea what youre talking about. Why are you posting you clued out fucking moron?
Sounds like the American's feelings are butthurt.
Be careful not to get a heart attack and remember your insuline pop.
Not an argument
So, no source?
>waahhh wahhh muh racism and antisemetism
Literally sjw tier. Whites invented everything and have the best countries. Rage more, stupid jew nigger, your culture couldnt even invent the wheel and would still be stuck in prehistoric times if it werent for europeans.
You are American, you are incapable of arguing, you only exist to be mocked.
I enjoy Lauren's thotty posts more than what comes out of her mouth.
Why don't you just imagine using rhetoric that doesn't immediately make you sound like a teenage girl? Fucking sjw piece of human garbage
>hugged an indian dude in high school
>"race traitor"
This is what jewish character assassination looks like. Dilate your fuck wound, tranny shill.
the absolute fucking state
Because she realizes she’s put herself in a corner and wants to work for a big corporation making documentaries “with high production value” and not having to actually work hard.
Good goy, keep falling for le US vs Europe jew ploy.
posts about the ethnic makeup of actors, producers, much less that of people not directly involved or referenced in the documentary, does not count as discussing the documentary.
how would you know what had been referenced in the documentary?
try watching it first
I've watched it. Did you?
Besides, why wouldn't whatever attributes the people involved have not be a legitimate point of discussion, especially in the context of a documentary that revolves around people's attributes and their incompatibility with others?
Sounds to me like a completely arbitrary rule designed solely to censor unpopular opinions.
you are free to discuss it on /pol/, all rules here are arbitrary but not enforced on a whim, if you disagree then leave
>Did you?
you know I ain't watched this gay-ass tradthot shit
Because it's propaganda with no artistic or intellectual value whatsoever.
/pol/ is full of sheep with little to no taste in film.
That aside, why do you care so much what's being discussed in a single thread doomed to disappear soon anyway? It's like you have a personal stake in the subject matter.
What’s it like being a mod? 100+ posts were deleted. This thread got shoah’d hard.
That’s because he does. It’s weird. We start telling the truth and a shitload of posts get wiped away. Something is fishy.
How is it propaganda if literally everything in it is true?
Get your head checked.
Yeah, imagine being that guy.
>thread gets nuked because /pol/tards are in an autistic frenzy
>hurr we tell the truth the censored it bros
>thread gets nuked the second real discussion comes in and facts about jews and commies are revealed
>100+ posts get shoah’d
If they were really being autistic let the posts stay so we can laugh at them all
You sure?
>facts about jews and commies are revealed
it was literally a shitfest with people sperging out about white identarianism and whiteknighting tradthots
Sounds like fun! If you don't like it, maybe reddit is more your style
The trad thot thing was literally up for like an hour before people starting talking about jews then all those posts got deleted
it was decent for a kek but don't try to pass off rampant shitposting as exposing da joos
see it's literally shit flinging
The holocaust didn't happen.
prove it
Some of those posts should be deleted (the sjw ones) but deleting the redpilled ones is autistic.
Man the left really, really cant meme at all can they?
Okay: sneed. There, now you have to accept it.
No the majority of it is talking about jews with some southern posts in the beginning. Then it got deleted. It’s funny once you start talking about jews it’s over.
keep /pol/ in /pol/ is a site rule and it's fucking stupid to claim only the posts representing the other side should be deleted
It's the libtards' fault for trying to invade. Like I said: reddit.
It literally pandered to migrants too much. The black women in ireland were just offensive on the face of it but the show fawned over them.
>"traditional" girl
>no husband
>no children
When will men learn that women will never give up their rights? You need to take them by force.
t. (((sjw)))
>hijack a thread and derail it into being about jews
geez I wonder why it all got deleted
Literally never happens.
pretty gay opinion
>implying the site wasn't founded by an anime tranny
just admit you want an echo chamber or keep your autism to your containment board
I want to make white babies with her
>is a site rule
It's not (anymore), which is why you haven't been banned yet. go check the rules, its not there anymore.
Except he's just calling for a fair topic to be kept here as would be just, not that people can't criticize the documentary, opposite of an echo chamber. What are you even trying to argue??
Imagine sitting down to make that picture
jesus fucking christ i can't believe they actually removed it
and people say it's (((sjws))) that are invading
>posting about hating the jews on a tv and film board is a fair topic
i hate you pol faggots so fucking much
>hurr durr censorship is good when I disagree with something
Me on the right
It was a 7/10. People forget that lauren is a civ nat girl, there's a huge side to this stuff she refuses to cover and it means the documentary is a bit boring. It shows the migrants have it bad and also make it bad, which everyone knows. It doesn't really cover the large political aims of those funding and promoting mass migration nor the extent to which the non whites will cause damage in white nations.
It would be a surprisingly balanced documentary if BBC or someone put it out but is too lenient and surface level for someone political like her.
If it's vaguely related to a series or films then it's fair game. Perhaps you should pretend to actually have principles and take down sneed and cia posting first. This thread is 100% on topic to a documentary.
>a Marvel Cuckmics thread with no autism died because words were posted!!! Those /pol/tards must pay!!
Yeah pol isn't invading, which is why they removed the rule.
Crossboarders are welcome in all boards.
wow /pol/acks brigading threads is so based praise kek Yea Forumsros
stay in your fucking containment board you incels
have sex
There is no containment board apart from /mlp/, according to the rules of this site.
They like to sell that old hactivist Yea Forums was anti-racist and thus they are maintaining the character. It's total fabrication and any archive will show which direction invasion has been in. You wouldn't have people posting about kikeflix shit like the OA in the past.
What's Lauren Simonsen feet smells like?
>hurr durr muh /pol/
Seriously you’re such a S E E T H I N G semite it’s hilarious
Have sex
>/pol/ tards who believe in people staying within their borders are literally invading where they don’t belong
>Yea Forums leftist trannies who believe in open borders reeeing autistically about cross-board visitors
Truly a world of hypocrisy
this documentary was garbage, as is usual with alt-right garbage.
>this whole post
Absolutely Assmad
Ezra Levant
That commie faggot is cringing everyone to death for sure, but you damn /pol/ autist goblins are no better. SJWs and R T_D fags should have their cocks chopped off and jammed into their asses
Stop sitting on the fence faggot
You're in the alt-right's den right now, when the feds come to take the alt-right, you will be among us. To them you're no different.
And yes, they will find CP on your hardrive.
NGO figures literally orchestrating migrant access was good tv, infuriating. Less good was the lauren southern server farm HQ and the hunt for migrants leaving turkey.
Either way i decided to actually pay some btc as it was one of the first balanced documentaries on a pertinent topic in years. I hope she makes more.
>everyone should be a tranny!
Is this what you're advocating, you commie fuck?
Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....
Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….
Blatant, poor quality false flag you moron.
oh you were merely pretending, that's good then.
A simplified version but correct. It’s more or less being against censorship and deleting 100+ posts due to naming the jew and talking against commies who were also coincidentally for censorship.
based and redpilled
He was only pretending to be a girl while being a boy the whole time!
That fat Jewish fuck I bet he lick her feet all day
Lauren southern isnt alt right. Also, you didnt even watch it. Why do you post here if anti-pc content offends you?
Ghost Hunters
incels need to have sex. now.
This is the truth they don’t want you to know about
>so BTFO you have to samefag yourself using old pol memes
The left cant meme
I wish the truth was shorter so I could read it.
I want to have sex with her
Right after the trannies dilate
Go back to r3ddit with your cringe sjw buzzwords
Just read the last half of the posts
>posting about hating the jews on a tv and film board is a fair topic
It is.
>Jews make the media
>media sucks
>Jews suck
>no one could possibly agree with that user, must be the same person
reminder that /pol/ fags are among the most low iq people on the planet.
>believing in borders for nations is the same as following unwritten rules on Yea Forums
Kill yourselves redditors
sex, have it.
>reminder that /pol/ fags are among the most low iq people on the planet
Prove it, samefagging pedophile freak
>unwritten rules
here's an unwritten rule:
left cant meme
data miner and ku$hner employee must be moderating right now
I'd rather make you redditor dykes rage more rn to bh
Patrick Little 2020
>projecting this hard
Have sex and dilate tranny
Why? Because people are talking about a documentary film that upsets you? Cry more, unfuckable sjw virgin
100% sure this is discord betas talking back and forward with each other off topic in order to get the thread deleted as off topic. No actual posts about the documentary get responses.
It was shit, that first scene of her talking to the camera was filmed like a porn intro. The "refugee" (they're not) "crisis" (they're not) has been going on for over half a decade now, if you're european and need a canadian e-celeb to tell you anything about it then I have no hope for you.
If you want to spread any relevant documentary spread undrcover mosque 1 & 2, + a similar scandinavian one the title of which I sadly forget.
Most people/infidels seem to believe islam is just like christianity but with muhammad instead of jesus, ramadan and different holidays. It clearly is not.
This. Whatever you do never talk about jews on Yea Forums
>literally no argument
>Prove it
all the /pol/ posts in this thread, included your own
>pedophile freak
most pedophiles are right-wing
also, have sex incel.
Literally me
Was gonna watch it tonight
>if you're european and need a canadian e-celeb to tell you anything about it then I have no hope for you.
>needing Canadians to help with anything while their shit country crumbles thanks to Trudeau
Based post.
It was trying to be very entry level and "fair", she's not some hard right brown basher, she's a civ nat 20 year old girl.
I agree it didn't say anything we haven't known for years but it just wasn't designed for us as such.
S E E T H I N G. You should save hex
>People forget that lauren is a civ nat girl, there's a huge side to this stuff she refuses to cover and it means the documentary is a bit boring.
>Muh racism wasn't represented
I agree, fellow JIDFer. I'm glad this is a safe space for Jews! The holocaust definitely happened!
>all the /pol/ posts in this thread, included your own
R3ddit schizo thinks shitposts indicate IQ levels. You havent proven anything. Try again, commie virgin.
>most pedophiles are right-wing
Prove it, youre the one who posted a little girl.
Also dont call others virgins when you have photos of women saved on your pc which you autistically spam and when you cry about people being politially incorrect on fucking Yea Forums
>that first scene of her talking to the camera was filmed like a porn intro
So it's kino then. I'm definitely watching it now.
it did happen. you’d know this if you had sex.
I fucked your mom last night and she said youve reeked of rotting meat since your surgery, tranny freak.
>crying about anti-pc speech on Yea Forums
Le top le kek m'dude
sweetie, please, for the love of God, have sex.
Most gays are pedophiles. Gays make up the most amount of pedophiles. Gays are libtards. Therefore, most pedophiles are libtards.
I'd say race is an important aspect to it, i mean even the left agree race is a fundamental social issue. However i also mean the political orchestrating of the movement, beyond some NGOs. The media attempt to misrepresent and hide it. The crimes and terror of the non whites when they arrive.
There is a lot to cover but she just went for a look at the immigrant journey. Fine but not deep.
>jewish faggot literally posting gay jewish propaganda
Cant make this stuff up
No it was'nt. Lauren isnt some great orator, she's not even a female Brian Cox. She's that sort of pretty girl at the bar you listen to because of her looks and your hope of something more later on.
Well obviously it did. That's the whole narrative! Why would I, a fellow JIDF agent like you, claim the holocaust didn't happen? What would happen to our precious Israel then??
memes shouldnt take 5min to read you fucking retard. leftist confirmed.
This post reeks of a leftist attempt at pretending to be right. Im certain this whole back and forth is a group spamming the thread.
>so BTFO "she" has to resort to repeating r3ddit catchphrases instead of admitting she lost
*ting ting*
It's not. Gays are pedos, it's just obvious. That's just one of the reasons why we have to get rid of them, or ship them all off to Israel.
It was one of the better documentaries of recent years, not a hard thing to do but still worth a background watch.
They smell like oranges ans cheese.
>leftist shills steal yet another meme
The left cant meme
But the cinematography!
Not to me. Any mass migration is bad, also between outwardly somewhat similar racial groups with cultures that differ.
The EU aims to dilute/destroy national coherence to establish a EU superstate, the orchestrated massmigration from africa and the middle east is just part of that.
literally all of the rights memes were stole from leftist media
Why are politically active right wing women so much hotter than those on the left?
>literally all of the rights memes were stole from leftist media
You should keep telling yourself that to help yourself cope, redditor.
>Cant make this stuff up
wouldn’t need to if you had sex
Sure i don't disagree. However it is an element to pushing millions of browns across europe that's different to just swapping whites around. It's not the only topic to discuss but is an important one.
Fuck that's hot
You look like a manchild lol
They change themselves to improve, as opposed to libtards who want to change everyone's perception of them through threats and violence instead of improving themselves. Libtards are always fat, ugly, lazy, and hedonistic and their entire ideology is trying to force people to allow them to be so.
Daily reminder.
Take care Lauren
>tranny thinks fucking man ass is sex
Have vaginal sex
0: normal
1-6: degenerate
What is this, jew?
Hey, not bad!
I wish that sand was my face
Looks like some sort of music video Lauren made with her family for a film class.
You're right in that these other racial groups are then propped up by NGOs and brainwashed into believing that they with all their equal and as "refugees" (they're not) and "excluded (they're not) minorities" in some cases even preferential treatment, are victims of the evil white racist(we're not) natives and as such are an even better weapon against nations than crosseuropean migrants who outeardly look somewhat similar to natives.
everything is propaganda if you use his definition.
he's just made this one goes against his beliefs.
stole from the matrix, a extremely liberal movie made my literal trannies
stolen from a liberal cartoonist
If you were capable of doing actual research, you’d see at least 30% of alt-right memes are taken from leftist sources. those are just the two biggest examples.
not that guy but isn't white men having sex the opposite of what you wish for?
also, at least mix it up a little to make your attempts at insulting anonymous people on the internet more effective or at least entertaining.
Because youre a degenerate left wing pervert who watches too much porn and has never had any sexual encounters with females
>redditor doesnt understand how memes work
>still only gives 2 examples
>literally makes a number up on the spot
>thinks pepe is an "alt-right" meme
Go back to buzzfeed you absolute fucking moron.
is hand holding a sexual encounter
Her hand holding your dick might be..
The meme wasnt stolen from the matrix, they are adopting it for memetic purposes. and pepe isnt even alt right you fucking imbecile. 30%? Where the fuck did upu get that number, dumbass?
what a gross looking bimbo
someone post her sister before i turn gay
I can’t wait for the day when all right wingers and hanged.
>implying youre not a leftist faggot
Kek don't you mean himbo?
A false equivalence and amusing irony - yes, hypocrisy - not so much.
>modern, slick poster
>dynamic sans font, gravitas-bearing caps
>dramatic scene re-enactment
>and, for some reason, her huge fucking ass
For fuck's sake
i don't understand why this board still attracts tranny sociopaths.
it isnt stolen, its a reference, how dumb and literal can you be?
and /pol/ actually improved pepe
i guess you stole the english language too!
sorry bro TLCM
The tolerant empathic left everybody!!!
>sjw shill literally seething
Youre out of touch and on the wrong side of history. Probably due to your low IQ and narcistic schizophrenia
We can't see/hear their halfassed attempts at deception here, only read their words. Makes sense honestly.
Lmfao at this subhuman assblasted tranny getting 3 letter words mixed up
You really are mentally ill
wait? oh so u cant do it for yourself? :..(
you salty vagina
t. r the donald
Theycwant to colonize Yea Forums since pol's prevalence in the 2016 election
tl;dr left can’t meme anyhow.
>ITT: /pol/acks having a meltdown that people don’t like their nazi queen or her low iq documentary.
I hate to say this, but please have sex.
>calling others r3ddit when you cant even sign off posts correctly
Fuck off schizo tranny
but why Yea Forums?
the majority of this board usually dislikes most thing trannies are even into. even on Yea Forums they're btfo and go away pretty quickly. the ones here are almost like bots that short circuit because their world view can't be imposed on everyone.
>still seething
Isn't it just out of frame and mostly her stance that makes the couple of visible inches seem to suggest big ass to thirsty incels?
Wouldnt even have noticed if you hadnt whined about it
>.2 shekels have been deposited in your account
Why would a not-woman/not-man turn to escapism? Gee, I wonder..
Takes away from the seriousness of the subject matter, but is the right choice for the target audience. You want them to click for the hot blonde chick and keep watching to get to the red shorts or whatever she's wearing and get some information while at it. Most people are NPCs, remember.
>unfuckable tranny virgin telling others to have sex
Thanks for the laugh, delusional crossdressing faggot
>hurr durr yo momma jokes
A gay nigger faggot! Who would’ve thought!
no, i get that, but the ones here are different. just look at this thread dude, they're autistic with this shit.
lmao every time a trannie says "you are from r/thedonald how embarassing lol" like do you even have eyes? you chopped your dick and wear dresses, you literally paid someone to turn you into a freak
Sounds like you're just touchy because you have a fat ass
>I hate to say this, but please have sex.
>being this mad that user fucked your mom
I did too, shes a real whore. She was whining about her faggot son who wears dresses tho xD
>how to trigger pol
The holocaust didn't happen.
why can't incel nazis respect borders? many such cases
Of course they are, manny trannies actually don't suffer from gender dysforia but are in fact literal autistic autogynophiles.
>anime faggot
Every fucking time
This entire thread is pol verbally assraping one or two redditor queers, newfag
>/pol/phobe discriminating against the board of peace
Someone ban this bigot! Hate speech!
>why can't incel nazis respect borders?
>muh border and muh immigrants
>why can't incel nazis respect borders? many such cases
I'm a man(male)
Your shitty pic is right about antifa.
Gotta love how leftists are so stupid that theyve adopted Trump's twitter quips popularized by pol
This, its fucking offensive
>223 replies
>66 posters
>80% of the posts are trannies REEEEEEEEing about irreverent shit while 10% are people wanting to talk about the documentary and the rest are some /pol/ack shit here and there
>/pol/ boogeyman
looks like somebody gotta go DILATE
yea yea okay timmy you fucking homo this bottle blonde jew made your pee pee really hard i get it now fuck off and blow your brains out
Jokes on you cunt, we have the same mom and she was crying about you. Also you’re out of the will, also you’re a necrophiliac because our mom is dead. Dilate some more bro, I mean “sis”.
churchil was a nigger
Shouldn't be hard to lose that back slab then, fatso
Churchill was just a rethorically gifted sockpuppet to financiers. Gee, wonder who they were.
Im jewish
You dont pass
Don’t forget
>having to delete 100 posts because muh joos were talked about
>yea yea okay timmy you fucking homo this bottle blonde jew made your pee pee really hard i get it now fuck off and blow your brains out
>I’m jewish
No shit. Well you were adopted so that makes sense. Can’t have our goybucks going to one of (((them)))
Kek, did have to up pants size two times the past years due to glutes and quads not fitting anymore as a result of increased excercise. (I took up high speed long distance cycling)
Stop projecting buddy.
Why do you guys hate transgender folks so much? We are just as capable as you are, and we just want equal rights.
because trump's tweets are funny. everyone knows that. Its just that the right has confused a senile old man who ragetweets during his 5am dump with a legitimate political movement.
Go back to r3ddit, faggot.
Are you capable of sustainig your relative health without daily foreign hormones?
>unironically taking what women say seriously EVER
grab the keltec faggot
trannies are dogs
not human people
>b-but his tweets
Lel nice projection. You fucking jews are the ones obsessing kver his shitposts 24/7, the right doesnt give a fuck and just laughs as you retards get mad about them. Total projection, tranny.
>posts jewish media articles
Under trump the white birth rate has surpassed that of non-whites for the first time in years...oy vey!!!!!
reminder no one cares and they deserve it for being cucks
>trannies and reddit newfags ruin a thread about a documentary with their autistic shitslinging no one asked for
>get btfo and driven out by /pol/
>but /pol/ is the bad guy
Can we stop with the cringe as fuck back and forth between the have-sex trolls and the retards that keep feeding them?
Anyway, the documentary, while not going as close as the one set in south africa, is in my opinion a good conversation starter for the "normal" crowd that always only hears one side of the story and perpetuates their ego-feeding false compassion towards the self-called refugees by bringing the whole thing to the MAIN point - the problem is that the poor souls that being the trek for a better life are just a means to earn a fuckload of money for -someone-. They're miserable, they're dangerous AND in danger and many have regrets ever leaving their homeland, and for good reason, as many times demonstrated in various talks and social experiments.
>see thread about interesting non-partisan documentary i recently saw
>instead of discussion its a bunch of /pol/tards destroying low-hanging lgbt schizos from r*ddit
Come on guys...
thats because of leftie "men"
But when whites try to not be cucks they are shamed and/or put in jail
they're not refugees. i don't know why you guys still fall for that. 50% of them aren't even from those areas and the rest of them are adult men of fighting age that pretty much just decided to ditch home and their families.
nobody cares
The south africa one was pretty great if only because right about all mainstream media tend to either fully ignore or severly downplay and outright lie abou the plaasmoorde/attacks on boers, and th explicit racism of ANC politicians/officials.
It also didnt contain pornshoot hq monologues.
The guy going on about my supposed fat ass for whatever reason sure seemed to.
That's probably the cutest pic I've seen of that mutt.
>non-partisan documentary
Is there anyone on here, youtube or ebaums unfamiliar with Southern's political stance? She wrote a very partisan book on this very issue for Christ's sake.
>being realistic and wanting an open dialogue about the border and immigration situation is very partisan
we've reached peak Yea Forums here.
>the poor souls that being the trek
They literally spend tens of thousands in the hopes of exploiting social safety nets set up by westerners for their own weak/sickly/needy whom now many times find themselves left out, empty handed, literally discriminated against.
I would almost go so far as to say that if shipping them back isnt an option they should be shot at the border or put into labor camps to earn a ticket to whatever hellhole will take them.
If so she sould've colaborated with a liberal youtuber so that both could make their case or left the whole documentary to some truly objective journalist which she herself in no way is.
>self-called refugees
Read more closely, user. It's completely obvious to everyone with a brain that most of these people aren't actual refugees and / or victims of war or oppression and are just larping for money and opportunities that are promised them by coyotes and recruiters. And it's a real shame too. Their own country needs their strength and every dollar they own to stay in the country and they just gtfo. I understand that some of them just want a better life themselves and send some money to their relatives in their desert holes, but damn are they arrogant and selfish... My own family migrated to germany too (from a hard to live in desert shithole as well), but we have german ancestors and waited for 8 years for an actual official invitation before moving. Most of all, the first thing we did was learn the language and integrate as fast as we could - it's what everyone would do, right? Well...
>the poor souls that being ON the trek* (i should get some sleep)
and yes, I agree and get to see it in action
>youre the one who posted a little girl.
Is this nigger serious
make their case for what? what is the other side of her issue?
and let me guess, who's the objective journalist?
cool spy watch lauren
Lauren Southern made many videos and even wrote a book in opposition of massmigration, she many times rightfully called it orchestrated. Even if she did actually attempt to make a nonpartisan documentary no sane person regardless of personal views coald ever forget these facts.
The truest of redpills
Why would she make the Farmlands kino, if she was a shill?
no one cares about a coal burning dugin shill faggot
I wonder what could drive Lauren to abandon the Internet, when this is the type of slander that got spammed all the time.
isn't lauren southern literally a criminal for attempting to murder immigrants in italy?
(((Mods))) and (((tranny jannies))) are criminals for deleting so many posts because of butthurt.
imgur Yea ForumsKrpi82s
shes pregnant
>trannies and reddit faggots get so BTFO by /pol/ spergs that jannies had to clean up after them
you literally couldn't write shit like this.
Go get a job
Are you asking about her video on youtube with Stefan youtu.be
Anyway, here's the her documentary, for the lazy:
t.believes everything john oliver says
That’s every eceleb after 2016 user. They’re nothing but intellectual sluts for money and opportunists that realized that leftism was on the way out so they started making “feminism is cancer amiright?? Donate to my patreon pls” vids. They are all phonies.
Lmao she got fat
she sure did
Wow. Even my non oriented post got deleted. Wtf guys? Prune this thread if you genuinely don't want it to stay here, but stop trying to heavily censor it.
she is literally on video footage doing just that and completely unedited and i'm pretty sure trying to murder people is against the law in italian waters
sounds like kino, got a link and timestamp for me?
Literally 4 times user. They deleted shit 4 times over. Just end the thread at this point.
>attempting to murder immigrants
ive seen the video, that doesnt happen
are they not trying to sink the boats or otherwise disorient them in order to prevent them from entering italy?
>prevent them from entering italy?
yes, they are illegals. why are u defending them? she has more balls than the 99%of italians
>yell your opinion out in the water while sailing past a boat full of criminals
aw shit sounds like a psycho murderer to me too, call the news
Daily reminder that Lauren Southern is a Zionist Jew that's bankrolled by Neocons.
you can't murder people no matter their status in [country]. i'm sorry, but it's not legal. are you serious?
they arent trying to murder anyone, its a huge cruise full of illegal aliens oh BUT lauren southern is a criminal :(
those illegal aliens shouldnt be bothered, we need more of them amirite?
she looks like she fucks black guys and her supporters really like that
report her to the authorities, you have video evidence
lol lauren risking her life for italy and this frightened vagina whining about it behind his keyboard
>lauren risking her life for italy
in what universe
dont forget Southern grandparents were jewish and not-holocosted
kosher sandwich
That Dave Rubin guy isn't a girl, though.
How do these blatantly ignorant people get an audience? Are all alt incels really that stupid? Like, unironically retarded? Please someone explain this to me.
they are fleeing from a war american (and nato) imperialism started and profits from. are you serious? whether they are from [country] or not murdering other human beings is illegal. that's a pretty universal rule.
i'm not frightened by anything that lauren southern does. i'm slightly bothered that retards will defend murder of refugees from behind a keyboard and that blonde, attractive retards will gather a following of pathetic, involuntarily celibate retards that are looking for a cause to rally behind because they blame things which are not at fault instead of what really is (protip: it isn't the juden, go a wee bit higher) with such disgusting and vitriolic figureheads that incite violence.
oh well. it's good that this fringe group can only hold up tiki torches and get milkshakes thrown at them but the liberals (not american definition but capitalist cuckolds i.e. american "democrats" and american "republicans" and anyone that supports them or capitalism in general) in charge are actually supporting genocide and destabilisation in the name of profit.
oh well!
reality: lauren preventing the entrance of hundreds of illegals (extremely risky but also very brave)
your mind: lauren in a little boat trying to murder hundreds of men (shitskins) n a huge cruise :(
>thinking lauren southern stopped anyone
>thinking they were at any risk
>not realizing this is just a dumb pr stunt to get those sweet sweet donations
Imagine being 12
Probably the one where preventing a boat full of africans making landfall in italy counts as attempted murder...
I never said it was attempted murder. That was some other user. But actually believing this has any impact on the immigration wave is so fucking dumb.
>they are fleeing from a war american (and nato) imperialism started
so they are syrians, all of them, how do you know? they are illegal aliens theres no info about them
you naive faggot, u must live in a suburbia,
in real life people take advantage from these situations
take a look at sweden, england, italy, lots of somalians, pakis etc, you are defending illegal aliens, they have no right to do this, you may feel warm and progressive but the average migrant is taking advantage from people like you,
i know this from experience
nono she was trying to murder hundreds of illegal men on video
probably not, thats really sad and infuriating,
>illegal aliens, they have no right to do this
Applying for asylum is actually a right they have.
you're an idiot, they let the nigs speak because everyone knew they were lying. you missed the part about refugees being coached on how to craft a story that hits every checkbox on the asylum claimant list?
they let them hang themselves for the world to see
>you're an idiot
Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
>jews/zionists start shit in Middle East
>cause a refugee crisis
>fighting age males flood into Europe and start shit
>right wing European groups arise to kick out migrants
>deus vult!
>muh 4th crusade
>these groups are rabidly pro-Zionist
>happy to give Jews a free hand in creating Greater Israel, or directly helping them with military intervention
Jews are so fucking tricky. Breitbart was formed in Jerusalem after all.
Props to Lauren Southern for telling Rebel Media to get fucked though.
No one smart posts on Yea Forums, and certainly not on Yea Forums.
Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault
It's never about just this documentary. It's a stealth /pol/ thread
she looks like she fucks black guys and her supporters really like that
I don't believe it.
if they are from the place that can claim it.
But they are just illegals, it's like you guys read only what you want to read.
nigger dick plowed that pristine white pussy,
the discussion about the documentary got selectively ((corrected)).
look for the imgur ID ITT
To be fair that's the whitest nigger I have ever seen
>tfw you will never be an average looking girl with internet access
Imagine actually making money off lonely NEETs
Almost as predatory as Bernies presidential campaigns.
Mr president is that you?
>if they are from the place that can claim it
I don't think you understand how these things work.
Yea Forums is full of incels and a strong successful young woman triggers them
>that filename
based and sarcasmpilled
i do and you don't
No you don't. They have every right to seek asylum just like a Swede can seek asylum in Denmark if he so wishes.