Why the FUCK are we not on mars yet?

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Need mo money fo dem programs

>yfw you realise you are the antagonist in your life

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It was just a fantasy. Who cares? lol

It's a dead planet, going there is suicide.

havent you seen ghosts of mars?

it takes seven months to get to mars and once you get there you are going to be too weak from muscle deterioration in zero G to be able to do much. Then there is all the extra radiation you are going to be exposed to.

No you idiot. According to John Carter you turn into a super human.

Because your eyes will explode

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Total Recall, Conan The Barbarian and Predator are the holy trinity of Arnie films.

NIGGER, did you not see that movie "Life"

I did that same thing earlier in my car. I think the only difference is the place I did it infront of and the type of liquor. I immediately thought of this scene afterwards and realized I have a serious problem.


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Why the sneed are we not on chuck’s yet


there is nothing there

John Carter didn't go through space, he was astrally projected. So he didn't experience any muscle deterioration

T. Martian nigger

The muscle deterioration problem is by far the easiest of all the problems of going to Mars. Mars has 38% of Earth's gravity. You don't have to keep them fit, you just have to keep them from going skeleton mode, and that's easily doable. If you’ve got the money you could even build a centrifuge to slowly lower them from Earth G to Martian G as they make the journey, so they’d arrive already acclimatised (and not atrophied.)

The greater problem is radiation shielding. It's not complicated to solve, it’s just expensive, and that means it’s an impossible task for today’s impoverished space agencies.

The answer to OP’s question is that the government decided they wanted to play geo-politics in the middle east rather than fund science. The military industrial complex, and the oil companies – who bribed the government to practically outlaw nuclear power, which is the only alternative to oil – have been bleeding America dry. Almost every single spare tax dollar goes to them in one form or another, while investment in the future of the country gets pennies. They're even willing to sacrifice the lives of soldiers to maintain this sick system.

They build a a space wall and made earth pay for it.

Because Mars is a shithole. There's no oxygen to breathe, no plants or animals to eat, and most of the planet is colder than Antarctica.

There's no reason anyone would want to live there.

Why would we want that gay ugly planet with no oxygen when we already have our beautiful earth? Don't tell me you're one of those edgy faggots that sees retarded people saying or doing something retarded, and you respond by saying you no longer want to live on this planet.

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programs to feed and educate niggers are holding us back.

>The answer to OP’s question is that the government decided they wanted to play geo-politics in the middle east rather than fund science. The military industrial complex, and the oil companies – who bribed the government to practically outlaw nuclear power, which is the only alternative to oil – have been bleeding America dry. Almost every single spare tax dollar goes to them in one form or another, while investment in the future of the country gets pennies. They're even willing to sacrifice the lives of soldiers to maintain this sick system.
More is spent on welfare than military, but they are both a giant drain anyway.

It's about goddamn time

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>why the FUCK are we not on mars yet?
unironically blacks and arabs

You can't go to Mars, rdt retards. The astronauts admitted it themselves, it would require genetic modification to make people immune to radiation.

You're a retard.

Because science.

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>Why would we want that gay ugly planet with no oxygen when we already have our beautiful earth?
Because it's there

I Fucking Love Science!

we're too busy babysitting 3rd world countries who haven't discovered the wheel or how indoor plumbing works.

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With current technology the space race is purely a tool of ideology and geopolitics, once the USSR collapsed there was no advicary with which to use it on so it was mostly ignored.
Now that china is a superpower and russia is rising again we have a chance of space becoming a thing again, but it will for the time being remain a way to score propaganda points as it has no real use.

Also total recall was really good

We wasted all the money giving retards welfare.

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There's nothing useful on mars and keeping people alive there indefinitely would be enormously complicated and expensive