>doesn't beat ken jennings
>ruins the comfiness of the game forever by introducing his autistic style.
FUCK this guy
Doesn't beat ken jennings
Did he finally lose?
Not yet, but he will and everyone will keep using his stupid style.
he loses tomorrow
The computer even used that method. Only stupid people don't like it
Are you sure, he’s been tweeting in a very bragging way
>optimal play and intended play diverge drastically
Indicates the game itself is poorly designed. Expect a rule change in the future.
It's crazy how there is nothing in the news about him losing. Does the media seriously not know when all of us do?
why didnt he just bet everything?
make players go in order of difficulty
never end a round short; it's a tv show, just edit things to make it fit
stop interviewing players
I don't watch jeopardy, how'd he change how it's played? Gameshow has been on for decades wouldn't someone have figured out the best tactic before him?
it doesn't matter the show will die with Trebek
He's so cute, I hope he starts an Instagram and posts nudes soon
Nobody cares about jeopardy until some a beautiful mind nigga comes a long
Bruh, Jeopardy and wheel will roll for decades.
>ruins the comfiness of the game forever by introducing his autistic style.
Even if he didn't beat Ken he's still the greatest of all time.
what is the 'style' that is hated so much. you pick a category and a value, how do you autistic up that system?
Start with the hard questions instead of going from smallest to biggest, after amassing a lead trawl for daily doubles in order to multiply your lead while depriving opponents of the ability to do the same since daily doubles are finite, after amassing a large enough lead essentially stop playing because you can bet $0 in the final and be uncatchable. It basically means the actual competition is over long before the game and program are.
people are so used to going down a category that when someone doesn't do it they freak the fuck out
how is that an innovation? why didnt people just start doing that years ago?
They know, but if they start saying it early they’ll get sued
Trebek is the show's third host you dumb zoomer.
>all these faggots who don't watch jeopardy
he is literally not the first person to hop around the board looking for the daily double.
Did people not use this strategy before?
they literally have. there was an asian kid who did it a few years back and old people chimped out because he was "ruining the game"
Gentleman's agreement. Do they know this, though?
Stumbled upon it yesterday.
Assumed but not actually existing rule, and because it makes for better television since (usually) the game is more even towards the end and there's an opportunity for every contestant to win in Final Jeopardy. This other way of playing the game means the winner is decided in the first few minutes and then everyone has to play out the rest of the decided game as a formality.
did you even watch? he frequently bet enough money in the daily double to lose
oh shit
Jesus Christ, finally. I'm so sick of seeing his fucking teeth everywhere.
>took this long for someone to find out jeopardys system
Between this and Alex dying they ought to retire it
It’s considered bad form I guess
Jeopardy was designed and intended for contestants to pick the lower value (easier) questions first so the audience at home could theoretically play along. And then move down the category until either contestants fail to answer, or the category is finished at the highest dollar questions. This is so home audiences can answer the trivia with the contestants and offers more than being a simple spectator.
Holzhauer starts at the bottom, and rarely sticks to the same category. His strategy is to accumulate a lot of money early by going toward the high value questions first, doing this accomplishes a couple things, one is he racks up a lot of money fast, and his unpredictable changes from category to category make it difficult for other contestants to properly prepare for the next coming question, thus keeping the buzzer speed advantage to himself. Additionally, after acquiring a high dollar total, he hunts for the daily double and often times bets true dailies, which means his total take home winnings far exceeds anyone else in history, since he is effectively doubling his already very high earnings.
Jeopardy won't make changes to the game though, Holzhauer's strategy is creating high ratings and the show's viewership as high as his winnings.
That's how I played Jeopardy on the NES. If the other contestants have a chance to buzz in first or swoop in if he gets them wrong. You telling me this asshole has super human reaction times and knows the correct question for every answer?
Contestants are actually advised before the show starts to do it this method, it makes the game more spectator friendly as viewers can "play along".
But, its not a hard written rule, and just because its advised doesn't mean its required.
so how much did they pay him to lose
media would face massive legal issues if they reported on it early.
>has superhuman reactions
Jumping around the board means that other contestants can't anticipate the topic as they normally do (and he, as the selecting player can) and he retains an edge for hitting the buzzer first.
People have searched for DDs and jumped around, but I don’t remember anyone specifically building a bankroll like him. Also I think people often neglect: by coryat score and accuracy across the board, he’s the GOAT. His strategy just made him win money 2-3x as fast
He knows a fuckton of trivia, and there are actually books and websites dedicated to nothing but past Jeopardy trivia questions, to which top contestants usually study and learn to have an edge in the competition, Holzhauer is no exception, he's ridiculously smart.
He is gambling with the buzzer against his knowledge, and its worth hitting the buzzer as fast as possible and spend those couple seconds after the guess is his to reflect on the question and answer it. He has like a 80-90% successful answer rate.
James > Ken
There, I said it.
Fun fact: I've been thinking of wishing Emma Boettcher congratulations on Facebook and I've had an empty chat window with her open since yesterday. She just deactivated her account.
Sounds like someone he raped in Jeopardy thats just bittet
>that autistic high five
Goodbye James you fuck
Lol, this bitch thinks that people will remember her. Nobody remembers the guy that beat Ken, no one will remember her.
She deleted her Twitter too. Probably already got incels raging at her
>for legal reasons
>basically implies she beat him
alex is going to beat her like he is cancer
really? the various news orgs did not sign NDAs
In the end, Holzhauer won. Jeopardy is dead. Bury it.
>"talking about it more"
Well you obviously wouldn't want to talk about it if you lost, eh?
What a dumb fucking bitch lol
more like the lawyers told her to shut it down before they sue her ass
Jeopardy fans are boomers with adult children.
Never. Not til 3 mil baby. Fuck the gas.
Noooooooooooooo I thought you guys were just memeing
He's what went wrong with online gaming. Meta strats are cancer
>account has one post and it's to level this accusation
>the highest rated response expresses their belief and support. that user's most recent post was bout counteracting the effects of an IUD with antidepressants
this is the kind of shit that undermines serious accusations
i didn't really like him at first......but now that he's going away................I.......I-I think I'm really going to miss him...
>i never mentioned this but now that this guy is rich i feel like I'll mention it now
>people try using his technique
>lose everything immediately cause they dont know shit
who the fuck cares
How sharp will their ratings drop come Tuesday?
oh god not a fucking woman
>blocks your path
will literally lose the next game
massive faggot
James could beat Ken both mentally and physically
Reminder that Ken Jennings tithed 10% of his winnings like the good Christian he is.
That godless heathen James is probably going to gamble away his winnings.
Based Ken, the GOAT
It's actually like 95-96%
Anyone who has followed the stats and records knows that.
James is already rich from his gambling. He's donating most of the money.
Go suck a fat one.
People were retarded for not starting with the higher value first.
>the guy that beat Ken
Funny you say that because it was a woman that beat him.
People with actual friends often use social media to communicate with them and not to harass women and minorities
What a bunch of losers!
>james is sweeping the 1000s and 800s
>someone else finally gets a word in edgewise
they could only keep this charade up for so long
In a cosmic sort of way, yes.
My Dad has been watching Jeopardy for about 30 years. He says there's been other contestants who have done the bottom up approach but they are often short lived, since it also requires high answer accuracy, otherwise it's wasted money.
Jeopardy will be alright, and unless they allow people to reappear, outside of special tournaments, non professional gambler types will revert to playing things safely.
I mean, it isn’t against the rules so it isn’t stupid.
>look up al time highest earning game show contestants
>all men
wew, what did the patriarchy mean by this?
There's other tricks.
Like rather than waiting to hear Trebek finish speaking the answer, you read it (since it's quicker), then focus on pressing the button when he finishes the last word. Then use the time allotted to you to think out the question.
Ken v James v Brad when?
It seems like someone got to him for him to wager such a low amount like that...
As shitty as this would be to some. There should be a fucking rule that if you don't immediately report a rape or sexual assault, you forfeit the right to do it later.
this hurts my heart
What will happen first, him losing or Alex Trebek dying from his cancer?
Alex is getting better and James loses tomorrow.
>James loses tomorrow
the clip of him losing is in this thread
I've seen no evidence James loses tomorrow.
I've a leaked video of him losing to some Emma bitch, but it never shows dates or James' total running score.
maybe they should do a better job at randomizing the daily doubles.
>Alex is getting better
>in the final stages of an extremely terminal cancer
the guy is losing tomorrow and I can't guarantee Alex survives through then
>losing to a girl
What is this Quiz Show?
Is James the jew in this story?
it only shows his total running score at the beginning of the episode and after he wins. and why would the date be on the screen?
jeopardy! always has the date on the screen to avoid reruns
When Ken lost, Alex explicitly stated what he was going home with.
There'd obviously be some mention of James falling short of Ken's record or sommmething along those lines. Lol, they'd never just end the show on the audience without mentioning that.
The video we saw is obviously cropped (as a troll-job)
He choked, forgot to add a single digit
>I've seen no evidence of James losing except for that video evidence of James losing
still would have lost by a dollar
Or make them harder. I’m no James but I swear I can answer 3 out of 5 of the DD questions.
>implying it wasn't Arthur Chu that ruined modern Jeopardy
That god-damned chink and his bounce style basically set the tone for everyone else
This. If you're answering correctly 95-97% of the time like James supposedly is, and your buzzer reflexes are trained and sharp, then you'll win Jeopardy. The strategy is cool and all, but this guy would be kicking everyone's ass all day with or without it just because he beats everybody at buzzing in and he gets almost everything right. People talk about his way of playing like it's some hack that's letting him win, when it's really just seasoning.
That category about dates is also his weakness. Made him wager less than he used to when he got the DD.
Rigged from the start.
>that trannyfag
Unironically have sex
I told her she's a fucking queer and to watch her back. No one beats James. He obviously threw the match because he didn't want the fame just the cash. That's unacceptable. I've been watching him every night san teacher tourney.
You may think this is unimportant but I'm furious. Jeopardy isn't a game that should be stricken by controversy! Many of us count on it every weekday after our jobs or after dinner. Do you know the conflict I feel write now! I may write a letter of criticism to the show itself
This. As a watcher since the early 80s when I was a wee lad, I'm officially done. This entire loss is fishy. James was on track to make $5 million, minimum
Did someone smuggle a thumb drive out of the studio in their anus? How did this leak?
unironically try to have children
Prerecorded full episode; some user uploaded it on mega yesterday and I watched it.
>Everyone laughing at him while he leaves with 2,000,000
He bragged too much and went down like a chump
but the company ABC might still sue
why did he bet so little?
does that thing have a penis or not?
He's a brainlet.
>doesn't understand that if the media confirms his loss before the show there will lawsuits out of the ass
Even if he bet it all he still would have lost since both of them had the right answer. In the case where he was right and she wasn't he calculated that she may bet the farm. However, her bet even if she had lost would not have been enough to make him the winner. She had him by 1 dollar
And those people are still fucking faggots.
This. But in a month people will still remember James and not this bitch that I still can't remember her name.
She was ahead of him so she betted enough that any number he betted was a loss if she got it right. Meanwhile he betted low to be safe in case she fudged it. His Fate was out of his hands.