Any films about the life or philosophy of Schopenhauer?
Any films about the life or philosophy of Schopenhauer?
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>but to pay them honor is ridiculous beyond measure and demeans us even in their eyes
How can one man be so right?
reminder he was the biggest incel of his time
reddit nigger
basted and schopenpilled
He's not wrong though
>Man can easily create in one year more than 100 children, if available an equal number of women, while a woman, even with an equal number of men could not always give birth that a child in the year.
checkmate womanoids
This nigga invented the NEG. His are atomic level
incel ≠ volcel
literally all respected philosophers throughout history have hated women and jews including the jewish ones
that's what they want you to think
idk where this meme comes from, schopy was a notorious pervert who was constantly fucking hookers and servant girls. I guess you could make fun of him for not being a "real man" and only fucking women who were obligated to do so, but then again, that was just part of his redpill
>could not always give birth that a child in the year.
to any and all who quote schopenhauer
you likely do not know or understand his philosophical arguments for pessimism, the reworking of Kant's thing-in-itself to form an immanent metaphysics, the concept of the will or the possibility of overcoming it. i would just like to alert you to the absolute blindness of your standpoint and you play at comprehension like an ape.
Have sex
Nietzche didn't. He was pretty weird about Jews really, especially with their logic and laws. Can't recall anyone but Heidegger mentioning Jews much, but Heidegger was a Nazi. Also
>everyone I dislike is a Nazi
Fuck off libshill
carl schmitt, what did you take literally 1 philosophy course bud?
No Heidegger was a literal member of the Nazi party during the 1930's you retard who can only spam basedjack memes instead of taking 3 seconds to even fucking Google shit.
Wtf? Dude was literally nazi, look it up.
>Actually taking philosophy courses
Just find some books and read on your own faggot.
enjoy never actually understanding anything, might as well just read the wikipedia article for all the good it will do you
doesn't matter, the great thing about his shitposts on women is that they can't be mangled for your sophist purposes, it's pretty clear that he just thought women were retarded. this was a common sentiment before 1970 bro. actually it's still the majority sentiment but we gotta pretend it aint because that's fly in the media and the media's ideals are decided by faggy, some say jewish, men, but men they remain, not people with vaginas anyway. they are injecting women but it's taking a bit. weird suicide cult, whatever. we're not fully woman'd yet though, so until the kikes completely just explode all civility and reason by putting cunts in charge, it can be said that we live in a world where basically most people consider women to be fucking retarded and the stealth ideological war is normal men fighting against whacky men who are trying to put women that they know are fucking retarded in charge so that they can blow everything up with a crazy kamikaze bomb. now it gets weird when you factor how much genitals really mean, but that's why
*unsheathes katana*
you gotta read weininger
>tfw you have zero argument and you're clearly an idiot so you resort to calling everyone a soiboi
>Needing someone to hold your hand the entire time youre reading a philosophy book, many of which go out of their way to explain their concepts and repeat them
I'm sorry that you're such a retard that you need someone to explain everything to you, and I'm doubly sorry if you're an amerimutt who has to pay for it as well
typical nigger needs to be spoonfed.
Have sex
knew you'd cope with something like that, high school drop out who read the apology one time and thinks he's now a philosophy expert. philosophy is one of the ONLY disciplines where you actually need some guidance to be any good at all
literally, LITERALLY all of the greats studied under someone else, because you actually need to talk with someone in order to verify that your ideas aren't completely retarded bullshit
maybe leave your NEETcave and talk to a few knowledgeable people before you come on the internet and embarrass yourself
keep crying little nigger
>Listening to the Virgin Schophauer
>Not the Chad Hegel
>In 1820, Schopenhauer was awarded permission to lecture at the University of Berlin. He deliberately, and impudently, scheduled his lectures during the same hour as those of G.W.F. Hegel, who was the most distinguished member of the faculty. Only a handful of students attended Schopenhauer’s lectures while over 200 students attended the lectures of Hegel. Although he remained on the list of lecturers for many years in Berlin, no one showed any further interest in attending his lectures, which only fueled his contempt for academic philosophy.
lol ur retarded m8, if I want to talk about philosophy I'd talk to my family and friends, not some kike that I have to pay to listen to
No a shitton of the greats never met the people they learned from, shit schopenhauer never met Kant, and I'm pretty sure that the half of the Renaissance never met Plato either. Also you aren't one of the greats you pretentious faggot
>everyone only cares about capeshit while the kino gets ignored
a Yea Forums tale as old as time
Well that settles it. Women are subhuman and women's suffrage was the greatest mistake in humanity's history.
Nah Schopenhauer's just a loser all around
compared to you, the chad Yea Forums poster whose writings will still be considered in 2119
It wasnt voluntary, he tried and failed several times to court a few women
At least I'm not paying alimony to a whore I didn't even marry.
>Yea Forums hates this
Imagine being such a beta you can't make thots submit to you
If you have ever made out with a girl or had sex once you have accomplished what Schopenhauer could not over a lifetime
Convince me not to do ASU online and get a BA in Philosophy Yea Forums
26, need a degree to get somewhere in this shit life and I recently rediscovered my love for philosophy and reading
>Never married, never had kids, lived and died alone, his only company was a poodle, influenced other incel philosophers like Nietzsche, and was an angry pessimist
Yup he just needed to have sex
like I already said, schopenhauer fucked and sucked, he seeded and feeded, this is a stupid meme. here:
>Schopenhauer was also captivated by the beautiful Karoline Jagemann, mistress of Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, and he wrote to her his only known love poem.[53] Despite his later celebration of asceticism and negative views of sexuality, Schopenhauer occasionally had sexual affairs, usually with women of lower social status, such as servants, actresses, and sometimes even paid prostitutes.[54] In a letter to his friend Anthime he claims that such affairs continued even in his mature age and admits that he had two out-of-wedlock daughters (born in 1819 and 1836), both of whom died in infancy.[55] In their youthful correspondence Arthur and Anthime were somewhat boastful and competitive about their sexual exploits—but Schopenhauer seemed aware that women usually didn't find him very charming or physically attractive, and his desires often remained unfulfilled.[56]
schopenhauer was not good with the high society ladies he wanted to shack up with but in his time this did not mean you were a virgin-walker. he
>had sex
quite a bit. don't try to /his/ me Yea Forums.
dumb, go STEM or for fuck's sake any other practical degree, being poor will not lead to your intellectual gains. nobody you like was poor. besides, all the good analytic philosophers are STEM pros anyway
Im too dumb for STEM dude. What other degrees are practical? Philo and Psych are the only things that interest me
get a computer science degree, even pajeets can get one
>but Schopenhauer seemed aware that women usually didn't find him very charming or physically attractive, and his desires often remained unfulfilled.[56]
I'm too drunk and don't care about finding the chart but philosophy is not an easy meme degree, IQ stats show it's up there with maths/physics on average for postgrads. Top tier philosophy students either join the university racket or work at starbucks. Stop selling yourself short, and blah blah blah fuck you, you know the inspirational deal by now. Don't listen to me, I'm a poster on an anime image board. You are not too dumb for STEM though, come on, fuck off, I'm tired of hearing this, quit being fat and lazy.
incel nigger
>Writes love letters to a literal whore/mistress
>Still can't fuck her
>Yeah bro I totally fuck chicks, I had two kids
>No I can't show you, uh they both died, so you can't see them
Kek, Everytime I hear about his personal life he gets shit on more.
CIT 2 year degrees/certificates at any community college, you already spend most of your day in front of a computer so you'll be ahead of the curve
Yes he did.
For thoise interested, Schopenhauer has a whole section in Essays and Aphorisms produced by Penguin books, with blow after blow against women. He uses his genius to get at the heart of gender and erupts hard truths left and right. It's amazing.
>Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex: for it is with this drive that all its beauty is bound up. More fittingly than the fair sex, women could be called the unaesthetic sex. Neither for music, nor poetry, nor the plastic arts do they possess any real feeling or receptivity: if they affect to do so, it is merely mimicry in service of their effort to please. This comes from the fact that they are incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything whatever, and the reason for this is, I think, as follows. Man strives in everything for a direct domination over things, either by comprehending or by subduing them. But woman is everywhere and always relegated to a merely indirect domination, which is achieved by means of man, who is consequently the only thing she has to dominate directly. Thus it lies in the nature of women to regard everything simply as a means of capturing a man, and their interest in anything else is only simulated, is no more than a detour, i.e. amounts to coquetry and mimicry. One has only to observe how they behave in the theatre or at operas and concerts, e.g. the childish unconcern with which they go on chattering away during the most beautiful parts of the greatest masterpieces. If it is true the Greeks refused to allow women into the theatre, they did the right thing: at least one would have been able to hear what was going on. They are sexus sequior, the inferior second sex in every respect: one should be indulgent towards their weaknesses, but to pay them honour is ridiculous beyond measure and demeans us even in their eyes.
I am also not interested in a STEM degree if that changes anything to you. I do not want to have to go past a 4 year undergraduate degree and I love philo and see it is one of the highest paying undergraduates in a the humanities bracket. I am working on not being fat and lazy though user! What are you drinking tonight?
Whats a good way to see if Information Technology is for me? Any experience there user?
Never got the feeling he hated or liked them in gay science or thus spoke zarathustra, especially considering he used them as an example of people heavily reliant on logic rather than emotion, which he wasn't a fan of. Pretty sure he had the same complaints about Jews that he had about christianity for the most part and was meh about them for the rest.
Any counter examples you can post user?
i dont know ask yourself that question you fucking retard
*sips tea*
umm sweaty, the greatest science fiction film of all time was made by TWO women!!1!
is a reddit term
He was based and blackpilled
>In our early youth we sit before the life that lies ahead of us like children sitting before the curtain in a theatre, in happy and tense anticipation of whatever is going to appear. Luckily we do not know what really will appear. For to him who does know, children can sometimes seem like innocent delinquents, sentenced not to death but to life, who have not yet discovered what their punishment will consist of. Nonetheless, everyone desires to achieve old age, that is to say a condition in which one can say: ‘Today it is bad, and day by day it will get worse – until at last the worst of all arrives.’
>IF the immediate and direct purpose of our life is not suffering then our existence is the most ill-adapted to its purpose in the world: for it is absurd to suppose that the endless affliction of which the world is everywhere full, and which arises out of the need and distress pertaining essentially to life, should be purposeless and purely accidental. Each individual misfortune, to be sure, seems an exceptional occurrence; but misfortune in general is the rule.
>History shows us the life of nations and finds nothing to narrate but wars and tumults; the peaceful years appear only as occasional brief pauses and interludes. In just the same way the life of the individual is a constant struggle, and not merely a metaphorical one against want or boredom, but also an actual struggle against other people. He discovers adversaries everywhere, lives in continual conflict and dies with sword in hand.
>If you imagine, in so far as it is approximately possible, the sum total of distress, pain and suffering of every kind which the sun shines upon in its course, you will have to admit it would have been much better if the sun had been able to call up the phenomenon of life as little on the earth as on the moon; and if, here as there, the surface were still in a crystalline condition.
>quoting this schopenhauer when its clearly some of the most retarded shit he said instead of his dope depression core quotes
you guys are philosophy plebs
there are maybe like 3 people max ITT who actually read his works. all this other shit is just using him for shitposting. his horrible relationship with his mother was the sole reason for his autistic screeching about women and he relaxed his views later when he got older.
Read Studies In Pessimism as a depressed 19 year old who just wanted to die. 26 and reading it again now and while I still find comfort in melancholy I am genuinely happier now. Still end up agreeing with a lot of what he has to say. Also I got really fucking drunk one time and sent that same quote with a picture of some god awful double tuna sandwich from Subway™ to my best friends as a joke. Really made sense in the context
Blackpill is for those too weak for reality and too much of a pussy to kill themselves, so instead all they do is bitch and moan
I prefer to take the Weinenger pill instead
no, observing that life is miserable, absurd, and meaningless does not imply one ought to commit suicide, though that's an option. More than anything, it implies that we have no affirmative duty to continue living and that if we have any obligation at all, it may be to not create further life unnecessarily. so pessimism may imply an anti-natalism, but once we are already alive and have interests, even interests to suffer, then imposition of death is not an obligation to ourselves or others.
You are an awful drunk
>Philosophers can’t into logistics
Yup, checks out
>Life is miserable, absurd, and meaningless
>If you imagine, in so far as it is approximately possible, the sum total of distress, pain and suffering of every kind which the sun shines upon in its course, you will have to admit it would have been much better if the sun had been able to call up the phenomenon of life as little on the earth as on the moon; and if, here as there, the surface were still in a crystalline condition.
this shit is what I don't get about the paranoia over nazis and commies. we teach people ideas waaay more dangerous than that some believe in mere racial superiority or equity on the far left. There are people literally advocating for the end of all life.
You never have such thoughts?
imagine being put into a panic over a super fringe idea like anti-natalism lmao. schopenhauer himself did not advocate ending life by the way fyi.
>super fringe
>abortion is just a fringe thing
seriously doubt the even .0001% of all abortions done worldwide are done because the woman is a fierce anti-natalist. most are done due to simple irresponsibility.
>imagine being
You fuckers need new words.