>sweltering and humid Georgia and Virginia heat
>characters sweating profusely
>they all still wear multiple layers of shirts, jackets, hoodies, vests etc
Sweltering and humid Georgia and Virginia heat
i havent watched the show in 5 years
why is that lesbian cop in the middle the only recognizable character left?
how did she get so fat if everyone is starving to death and running for their lives?
Is Rick still alive or has he been replaced with a transgender sheboon yet
Dude are you me? My thoughts exactly.
>they all still wear multiple layers of shirts, jackets, hoodies, vests etc
practical reasons for this, kind of like why firefighters wear heavy layers despite literally rushing into burning buildings, for protection, not comfort.
this is my fetish yes
>protection, not comfort.
>swarm of zombies surrounds me
>glad I've got my Jean jacket on
imagine how bad their feet and armpits must stink haha
>i havent watched the show in 5 years
>why is that lesbian cop in the middle the only recognizable character left?
new characters have been added in the show in a span of 5 years? what the hell? unheard of
Yeah, zombies may be able to tear through flesh and bone, but a cotton shirt is just too strong for them.
I wear a flannel when I'm working outside in Virginia during the summer. It's not that much worse than wearing a t shirt but it's much better than being attacked by these nigger tiger mosquitos
Have you ever been bitten? 2 good layers can completely negate any punctures from human teeth, or at the very least give you enough reaction time to get the Walker off you.
have you ever tried biting through jean? not easy, especially not easy for the occasional rotting body
protection aginst what zombies? then why have your sleeves pulled up like the dumb chick is doing?
And for clarification I'm not saying these people have good layers on except for the chick and the Asian guy behind here, in a thick coat and what looks like some sort of armor
You’re retarded. The zombies literally ripped a tiger apart last season. A cotton shirt isn’t going to do shit.
covering yourself with layers of clothes actually protects you from heat and dehydration.
How do people survive in suits in hot states?
Footfags need to be sent to the gulags.
In very dry climates? Yes. See the Tuareg or Arabs.
In humid climates like the one this show takes place in? No. It kills you. See every Pacific Island or South American culture.
She's dead bro they took off her qt head and defiled her body
>Tara's milkers
Sit in an air conditioned office all day
I am completely repulsed by this and at the same wanting to drink that stream of sweat. The footfags have fucked with my head
does anybody wear a codpiece? im thinking about getting one for protection and style
>sweltering and humid Georgia and Virgina heat
>not wearing full plate
fucking kek
imagene de smellz
Still alive
Why are they dressed like men? You can tell they wish they had a penis
protection from general abrasion and lacerations
from moving in the environment
Been there. It's even worse when you get to take em off then have to put em back on and now they're cool and slimy.
They just wanted to desexualize them with clothes that cover their female parts. In this day and age being feminine is a capital sin. But why are you watching this show, are you a fag?
Plus if they’re sleeping on the ground, moving through brush, don’t want to get sunburned all to hell
Anyone whose ever actually done mild yard work or hiking would know this. Walking through the woods in short sleeves sucks
Do you complain when westerns do it?
Protection from the sun you dumb faggot.
Those arrows with that bow?
Well shes useless.
These writers are fuckin useless larpin nerds.
no Fear the Walking Dead thread? season 5 started tonight
Walkers aren't humans you idiot. Despite being decaying corpses they exhibit greater strength and biting potential. Unless one of those two good layers is chain or equivalent, it ain't protecting shit.
>protection from the sun
>no caps or sunglasses
Really makes you think..
she actually has a 100% hit rate you fucking bigot
>why is that lesbian cop in the middle the only recognizable character left?
Because this show is for lesbian women now
She dead.
>still watching this lefty propaganda show after season 3
you guys are freaks
Those aren't an exotic hardwood with a high spine and especially with those natural nocks, the string from a compound would often split the arrow.
I've been to tournaments with goons dumb enough to try it and the result was a slightly better version of this.
Reminder that only when this show got mediocre, GOT became popular. You shall thank us
This. Outside is death. People wear shorts to funerals in Florida
>t. Accounting
Do southerners really wear anything but shorts and shirts all year round? How the fuck do you cope with the horrid humidity and heat ?
An opened button up shirt over a t shirt with it’s sleeves rolled up offers no more protection at over just the t shirt but it makes you considerably warmer.
The real reason they wear so many clothes in TWD is because it looks more interesting than everyone wearing tees and wife beaters
Hm. Never even occurred to me that this could happen. The More You Know, I guess.
This image is so powerful. The future is FEMALE.
Don't care.
Stopped watching this show when it turned into a steaming pile of shit in Season 6.
>2 giant fucking titties
>discuss about practicality
god damn this place is gay as hell
>Getting fat when your in a zombie apocalypse with a shortage of food
Fucking trash show haha
chapparal and the high plains can get cold as fuck
Why are you bringing real world logic into this? how would a rattling skeleton with rotting flesh hanging from it be able to bite trough human skin
The actress got pregnant and they couldn’t fire her for that, so they just kept the fat version of her.
The image doesn't seem to match what you're describing.
She bullies the other women out of their food rations.
loose fitting long sleeves and legs and some sweating are still preferable to sunburn and being eaten alive by mosquitos and other biting insects. and maybe zombies? i dont know what show this is but the way they're equipped makes it look like a generic zombie shlocker.
That's pretty hot. Maybe she's a dom in bed
Shit-tier face but top-tier milkers
>people in this thread literally defending a black trench coat in a Georgia summer
I have legitimately no idea who ANY of these characters are. The titcow in the middle is only even vaguely familiar.
>live in texas
>only ever wear jeans
I guess I just got used to the heat and humidity over the years. I never get sweaty or hot below my waist.