I've defended these against criticism and argued that they're far better than Disney Wars when people shit on them...

I've defended these against criticism and argued that they're far better than Disney Wars when people shit on them these last few years, but I'm watching them for the first time in about a decade because I just decided to get the Blu Rays (currently about half way through Episode 2) and Jesus Christ are they fucking terrible. The directing, the cinematography, the VFX (CGI and practical), the acting, the editing.....It's all such unbelievable fucking trash. It's like something you'd see on MST3K, just laughably bad.
Everything CGI unironically looks like a PS2 cutscene. Even the Darth Maul duel at the end of Episode 1 which everybody praises was bland as fuck with terrible editing.
And don't even get me started on Rapey Anakin in Episode 2. I've physically cringed multiple times already, it's fucking painful how bad the dialogue is for everyone but it's the worst for him. George Lucas is an absolute retard and it's some sort of miracle that the original trilogy turned out as good as they did.

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I liked ‘em enough.

Go back. The prequels are the only good Star Wars films.

You must literally have brain damage if you think that. They are objectively bad from a technical standpoint in virtually every way.

V>III>IV>I>VI>II>All of the fucking sequels

Whoever thinks that teddy bears beating the empire is better compared to gungans beating droids is a braindead piece of shit.

I don't care about the emotional scene that played out between Luke and Vader in VI. The nail in the coffin was already buried by the time Tatooine was done because nobody knew what the hell they were doing.

Also, it's not Lucas' fault, but Gary Kurtz being skewed over by Lucas that that was the case.

>Whoever thinks that teddy bears beating the empire is better compared to gungans beating droids is a braindead piece of shit.
Both battles are retarded, but the Gungan battle is easier to sit through because Jar Jar is the only retard, whereas every single Ewok is a retard. Plus the Ewoks win which is just the dumbest shit ever and the Gungans get their asses kicked like they should.

Its a shame, because they could have been good with some editing and improved writing. Lucas' ego was too big unfortunately.

go back

The prequels are kino, the originals are schlock shit and the sequels aren’t even worth talking about.

Just lmao if you compare prequels to ps2 cutscenes. Shut the fuck up

>it's the worst for him
>From my point of evil, the Jedi are evil!

That might actually be the worst line in film history.

VI is great because of the first act. I don’t even care that it’s pretty unimportant to the story and only acts as character development for Luke, the Janna scenes are pure kino. Both in his palace and at the Sarlacc Pit. I love III but VI is still definitely a better film on a technical level.
V >>> IV > VI > III >>>> II > I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VII = VIII


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Jabba* lel

VI over I but otherwise agreed

Fucking thank you. I cannot believe how many autistic zoomers put any prequel (99% of the time it's episode 3) over any original (99% of the time it's RotJ)
Say what you will about the Ewoks, everything else about that film is fantastic. Whereas Episode 3 is like the completely opposite, most of the film is trash but it has like one good scene (the Darth Plagius monologue)

It's fine if you don't like them, but personally, I revisited The Phantom Menace and I found myself quite amazed by a few things. The acting for Sheev and Anakin was spot on, the fight choreography was great, most of the CG holds up great, the score was absolutely fantastic.

>I love III but VI is still definitely a better film on a technical level.

Attached: Star.Wars.Episode.VI.Return.of.the.Jedi.1983.Despecialized.Edition.v2.5.720p.x265.10bit.AC3.5.1-3xO. (1276x536, 1.49M)

you're right it's more like a DOS era FMV game with actors composited very poorly onto primitive cgi, and it is absolutely hilarious to see it in a feature film


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People who don’t like the prequels don’t get what the films are, more Shakespearian/space opera/politics rather than the rebels facing space nazis.
Ironically they love GOT politicking and drama but don’t like that in star wars.

>more Shakespearian/space opera/politics
Here's a simple question. Why did the Separatists want to separate and why did the Republic not want to let them go?
You can't say that it's actually about "space opera/politics" when it doesn't even establish the most basic things

Did you somehow not notice
>Lando being in complete darkness in a well-lit hangar
>backdrop is just a painting imposed on a greenscreen

>Why did the Separatists want to separate
Because the Republic was so corrupt that it couldn't even help one of its member worlds when it was invaded by a corporation, which also has representation in the senate.
>why did the Republic not want to let them go?
Because they were afraid of a war breaking out, hence all the talk of the Military Creation Act.

Attached: latest[1].png (1800x2400, 3.59M)

>Because the Republic was so corrupt that it couldn't even help one of its member worlds when it was invaded by a corporation, which also has representation in the senate.
So the answer is to join with the evil corporation that did the invading?

The Separatist movement was already well under way before the Trade Federation committed resources to the Confederacy's military. That was why representatives from them, the Commerce Guild, the Banking Clan, the Techno Union, and the Corporate Alliance were on Geonosis in Attack of the Clones, after all. To finalize their support for the Separatist cause.

Lando is just black

>I've defended these

You read that on the back of an action figure box? Because it sure wasn't in the movie

The film was written to be intentionally campy.
It's a cop investigates conspiracy, love story, and the start of a galaxy spanning war.
>CGI looks bad
Yea, it's from 2002, what dyou expect? But that tech (which started primitive) allowed us to have movies like Avatar - have some respect for the work that was done.
>Darth Maul fight was bad
It was great and it has actual character writing within the fight, don't even try.
>Teen Anakin is awful at flirting
He's been forced into the monk life and has zero experience with girls and has a bunch of raging male hormones telling him to fuck anything that moves. and he gets zero help/insight from the jedi on how to not be like this
Watch their scenes again and listen to WHAT they are talking about and you might understand why they fall in love

This thread is gonna give me cancer if I don't get out soon

nice bait, have a (you)

yes it was. i know dialogue is hard to listen to when you're choking on the RLM members

Fucking this, anyone who disagrees is a complete retard.

If you honestly think that this is a better shot than this on a technical level, you're literally too fucking stupid to argue with.

It's universally accepted that the prequels are shit. Only contrarians and zoomers disagree.

is there any blu ray edition of star wars that actually uses the original posters as cover art?

You're saying that the Separatists were already pretty much a thing and then the Trade Federation jumped in there at the end. But everything we see in the movie puts the Trade Federation as the core of the Separatists.
Even if what you're saying is true, why would the Separatists allow the TF in at all? They formed in response to the Republics inability to stop them. So let them into your new Republic as the fucking army? Does that sound safe?

The reason for all this is because the Separatists were just generic bad guys for the Jedi to attack. And Lucas had the balls to put "There are heroes on both sides".

>>CGI looks bad
>Yea, it's from 2002, what dyou expect?
The Fifth Element is a great comparison because they both have very similar scenes in terms of environment (futuristic city full of hovering cars)
It came out 5 years earlier (1997) and looks a hundred times better. Your cope is fucking embarrassing.



d-did you watch the movie?

not really a cope but i see your point. my point was that the technology for what they were specifically doing with cgi in the prequels was the foundation material that built up to great cgi and then degraded to the shitty cgi we all loathe today

Did you?
There is no scene that explains why the Separatists want to separate. And that's basic fucking shit.
All we see is a bunch of ethnic stereotype aliens swear to be evil with Count Dooku.

>But everything we see in the movie puts the Trade Federation as the core of the Separatists.
Except we hear about worlds seceding from the start of the movie. The opening crawl, in fact.
>There is unrest in the Galactic Senate. Several thousand solar systems have declared their intentions to leave the Republic.
>This separatist movement, under the leadership of the mysterious Count Dooku, has made it difficult for the limited number of Jedi Knights to maintain peace and order in the galaxy.

And when we see Nute Gunray on Geonosis, he says that he won't sign any treaty until Amidala has been killed. And what does the treaty entail? Well, listen to what Wat Tambor/Rosie the Robot said.
>The Techno Union WHOOOPWHEEEOOOOOP is at your disposal, Count.

>Even if what you're saying is true, why would the Separatists allow the TF in at all?
Because they've already proven themselves too much for the Republic to handle? Because they're offering to form the backbone of your military, so you don't have to send your sons out to die fighting for your independence?
>They formed in response to the Republics inability to stop them.
More in response to the Senate being so corrupt that they couldn't even formulate a response to a member world's invasion.

There is, actually, but it didn't make it into the final film.

>COUNT DOOKU: I don’t wish to make you to join our cause against your will, Senator, but you are a rational, honest representative of your people and I assume you want to do what’s in their best interest. Aren’t you fed up with the corruption, the bureaucrats, the hypocrisy of it all?.. Aren’t you? Be honest, Senator.
>PADMÉ: The ideals are still alive, Count, even if the institution is failing.
>COUNT DOOKU: You believe in the same ideals we believe in! The same ideals we are striving to make prominent.
>PADMÉ: If what you say is true, you should stay in the Republic and help Chancellor Palpatine put things right.
>COUNT DOOKU: The Chancellor means well, M’Lady, but he is incompetent. He has promised to cut the bureaucracy, but the bureaucrats are stronger than ever, no? Senator, the Republic cannot be fixed. It is time to start over. The democratic process in the Republic is a sham, a shell game played on the voters. It will not be long before the cult of greed, called the Republic, will lose even the pretext of democracy and freedom.

TLJ isnt just a near franchise killer, it might unironically be one of the worst movies made

See that would have been a good scene.
Also, what's Dooku's fucking problem?
>Yo the Republic is all a sham run by a Sith Lord
>joins forces with him

Different user
If it was not in the final film it’s tentative to include this as evidence of deeper lore and plot development. Still interesting to read.

>It will not be long before the cult of greed, called the Republic, will lose even the pretext of democracy and freedom.
Maybe a bit too on-the-nose there, Count.

Agreed, as terrible as the prequels are TLJ doesn't even compare. It's borderline unwatchable. I'd say TFA is actually more watchable than the prequels, though. The story is way worse but everything else is better.

It's ok not to like the Prequels AND Sequels however Prequels > Sequels

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Fucking this.

Based first act with Jabba is so fucking good.

Fuck you Rose! He could have had the perfect hero arc.

The first act was lame. Luke is suppose to be some great Jedi master now after training with yoda for x years and gets tricked and drawn out almost getting thrown into a snarlak pit. Like was that his plan to get captured? It’s just all too slapstick at that point

Not a miracle. Producers, writers, and his wife. He didnt have any constructive criticism during the prequels. If anyone disagreed with him, they'd say it when he was out of the room.

>I'd say TFA is actually more watchable than the prequels, though.
I disagree entirely because I fell asleep in the theater during TFA. Did not happen with the prequels.

I enjoyed TFA. There was plenty I didn't like about it, but overall it was a pretty fun movie to watch. The prequels are almost never fun to watch.