Baneposting died in our lifetime

Baneposting died in our lifetime

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For who?

sheevposting too

We got a hothead here

for you


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It's true though. Memeing has died off. I'm guessing those anons got old and tired of this shit. Zoomers are into new stuff they invented.

That's a big statement


>I shouldn't have cheated on Jen

show me its body

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He got on steroids for Batman (obviously, you can't just start gaining muscle at 40+)
It boosted his testostrone and sex drive and he couldn't help but fuck his nanny, who obviously was making advances towards him. Seriously it's not even fully Bens fault, if you're a high test male and you have some young hot sexy nany flirting with you and willingly to fuck that is just an incredibly difficult natural urge to fight.

Only the good memes die young

Bane died so Sneed could live

I've recently noticed that literally every Yea Forums meme is dead, and no new ones are popping up to take their place. this board is nothing but low quality baiting now. it's a truly sorry state of affairs.
I think it has something to do with how zoomers just see the internet as an extension of reality. they have no interest in building little niche places on the internet with in jokes etc. there is no concept of the internet and reality being separate reality spaces anymore. all people talk about here now is irl garbage. day by day the internet grows more like a digital nightmare.

For sneed.

What new stuff?

that's an interesting theory, there do seem to be fewer memes these days

they just wait for a explanation about said meme instead of lurking and trying to figure it out hence why all these origin of the meme channels are bigger than ever also since there waiting they don't try and contribute there own memes

There would be no eulogies for baneposting, no folders would be uploaded to filesharing sites, no people would crowd the boards on a saturday night to ask why Bane wore the mask, no children named after Bane or CIA, no one would ever pay twenty dollars to post a thread without completing a captcha. The meme would stop being posted, and baneposters would lament, but baneposting would only lie in the archives unremembered, the meme departing the television and film board before it could find a new generation of shitposters...




Yea Forums is one thing. Baneposting wouldn't last one day out in the skarch.

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Bane died so Sneed could live


yeah. you used to had to lurk Yea Forums for years before anything here made any sense. now you just come over from /pol/reddit spouting the meme of the month and you suddenly fit in here.
also Yea Forums as a whole is not creative anymore. the thing that really separated this place fromk everywhere else on the internet was the off the wall autism and how creatively anything went. now just like in the real world or on any other mainstream social media sites that autistic creativity is seen as "weird" and immediately shut down by the hordes who just want to constantly parrot their weaponized mass memes.
memes are no longer about how funny or creative they are but what social/ political power they have.
the internet used to be a window into another world no it's just a mirror of reality

It's back:
The president brought it back.

Chuck's Fuck and Suck

have sex

Real talk though. Sneedposting replacing baneposting is one of the worst fucking things that happened to this board. Fuck Sneedfags AND ESPECIALLY Chuckfags.

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For me? Its sneedposting.

The best part of the last April's Fools joke is that Yea Forums proved who's the king

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thank god, it was never funny

Why was he always so sad bros?

Attached: aquachad hypes up the team.webm (960x540, 1.3M)

>starts a baneposting thread
>nobody posts the aftermath of euro wings flight where media outlets interviewed Yea Forums and he was quoted as saying 'crashing this plane's, 'big guy's etc.
Sneedposting is based but what is it's real world value?
Remember the guy asked director nolan about what the intention behind 'for you' meant?
Baneposting put Yea Forums on the map like it or not.
Sneeders are truly standing on the shoulders of giants.

Long term depression, coming from his problem with booze and how it fucked up his life.

bring back circle posting

Took way to long.

t. sneedposter

Ben is a large man.

Good. It's a shit meme...belonged in the toilet with doge, wojack/frogposting, sneed, and those somewhat recent twitter tier trash memes involving NOBODY:

it doesn't come from here anymore. they're in youtube subs, on twitch, various discords and gaming communities. Yea Forums is officially a boomer site and has been since the election.

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lol guys look this place is named Snead hilaours!

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Look at all these fuckwits unironically posting about "my crush" and not hanging themselves

formerly alive

For you

So show me its body.

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Have sex.

Show me the body

false, bane and cunny will always be the soul of Yea Forums


How did he die? Tell us about BANE!

>I'm putting together a team

formerly alive

Bunch a boomers in this thread haha boom boom.