Twin Peaks

Just finished watching Twin Peaks for the first time. Got some questions.

What exactly was going on?
Who are half these people?
Did they write different scripts and glue it together to make eps?
Did there need to be a season 2?
Did the writers know what they even wanted to do?

Why is this series so fondly remembered?

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Other urls found in this thread:!few1UIyD!umVaPPR8UlxP1goJbRkU_O-rD7nUj1sLUNDPvgYnZMM!XbASGQZB!bI6WcPn6NDZi5-3oviK2haDdmdYLTKcYKNOxEiAa6eY

Not salty. Just confused.

>Why is this series so fondly remembered?

Hipster and art hoe credentials. They dickride everything made by Lynch.

It's a convoluted piece of shit. S1 was OK S2 is absolute waste of time boring garbage. People really do like shit even here (especially here?).

>Why is this series so fondly remembered?
There was absolutely nothing like it when it first aired. There's still nothing like it, really. The Return is the best thing to air on TV since The Sopranos.

>Did they write different scripts and glue it together to make eps?
>Did there need to be a season 2?
>Did the writers know what they even wanted to do?
IIRC, Frost and Lynch didn't want the killer to be revealed so early on. The reveal was ABC twisting their arm. A lot of season 2 is generally considered to be pointless and awful.
>Why is this series so fondly remembered?
For all its flaws, there's some genuinely great characters and moments. The fact that the absolute batshit insanity on the show aired on broadcast television makes it all the more sweet. Plus as said, liking it gives you hipster points to fuck girls like pic related.

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Just finished marathoning this thread for the first time. Got some questions.

What exactly was going on?
What are half of these questions?
Did there need to be a seemingly unrelated image of Twin Peaks attached to the OP?
Did the OP know what he even wanted to do?

Why is this thread so fondly remembered? Why does it already have 5 replies?

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twin peaks is based OP is coming off as a brainlet

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i just finished watching this series and it is honestly the best show ive watched

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its a bad show with 4 good episodes.

>What exactly was going on?
>What are half of these questions
>Did there need to be a seemingly unrelated image of Twin Peaks attached to the OP?
>Did the OP know what he even wanted to do?
IIRC, OP was just fishing for (You)'s but didn't want to let people know he liked Twin Peaks so early on. Being critical was just his way of establishing Yea Forums cred.
>Why is this thread so fondly remembered? Why does it already have 5 replies?
For all its flaws, there's some genuinely great user characters and moments. The fact that the absolute batshit insanity on this thread got posted makes it all the more sweet. Plus as said, posting it gives you user points to fuck girls like pic related.

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>remembering the greaser kid storyline in season 2 and all the other rotten horseshit they piled on

Real talk, I tried watching it, but just couldn't finish it. I loved some of the episodes in season 1, and the pilot is simply amazing, but holy shit season 2 is BAD. I can't bring myself to sit through it.

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Sexually abused girls and guys trying to bang sexually abused girls like twin peaks

This. I really wanted to like the show as a whole.

weird how people who like the show shit on season 2. I mean you're not liking the majority of the episodes now are you

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I felt the same way as you faggots, but I just powered through season 2. You're definitely right that there's a ton of pointless filler. The finale is amazing though. Then I watched FWWM. Holy fucking shit. That movie retroactively saves the entire show. I'm not even memeing.

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It's a wonderful series that truly captures the feeling of being in a dream that slowly turns into a nightmare.

Need Fire Walk With Me and Season 3 for the full experience.

Half of this show sucks and I like to think it always has
Even the final episode that everyone likes to dickride is by almost every standard poorly shot and doesn't achieve the intended effect due to the horrible setup
The Return is good enough to warrant wading through the garbage that is season 2 though

the episodes they like though are amazing and there is nothing like them

Pretty much everything from after the showdown with Leland to the final episode is a bunch of idiots trying to recreate Lynch with no direction on what to do, it's the result of corporate meddling. That said, I still find the Season 2 filler armageddon kind of fascinating, and part of the experience for the sucker punch that is the last episode of season 2.

based post

>What exactly was going on?
You'll have to be more specific.
>Who are half these people?
See above.
>Did they write different scripts and glue it together to make eps?
Are you saying that having multiple subplots was confusing to you? What shows have you been watching where there aren't different plots happening at the same time?
>Did there need to be a season 2?
Technically, no.
>Did the writers know what they even wanted to do?
Nope, because the studio meddled and fucked everything up so they ended up having multiple writers and directors who all essentially had different styles and visions.
>Why is this series so fondly remembered?
Because it was revolutionary and still stands as one of the greatest television series ever made.

Op here. Watched 5 mins of the Walk with me and called a quits at the bit where they are talking about the chick in the red dress.

Any point in actually watching it?

nah stick to video games

the movie is great i personally think its lynch's best

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OP there is no point you're too far gone

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Your OP plus this comment make it perfectly clear that you're an idiot, so you should probably stick to Marvel movies.

FWWM, Mulholland Drive and The Return are the perfect blend of accessibility and Eraserhead-tier weirdness

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>What exactly was going on?
>Who are half these people?
>Did they write different scripts and glue it together to make eps?

Jesus Christ you're a dumbass

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based and JUDYpilled

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It's a great movie, and sets up Season 3.

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mulholland drive is also really good. i really liked the return too but i can't decide if i like it more than the original. the original has "charm" to it that i've never seen in another show.

I refuse to believe you made it through the whole of Twin Peaks but couldn't make it 5 minutes into FWWM.

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Peaks is dumb user you need to accept that.

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Civil War plot was the best thing of Season 2
Prove me wrong

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It's really just a few subplots in season 2 that are bad. Nadine who thinks she's a teenager again but also has super strength for some reason, James with his deadtooth girlfriend, and Little Nicky. Everything else was decent to good, but season 1 and the beginning of 2 being so fucking incredible made it seems worse in comparison.

the first 8 or 9 episodes of season 2 are the best stretch of the original series imo


It's not. I'm not saying it's some intellectual masterpiece, or that you need to be a genius to understand it. The average person will have no trouble comprehending the show and appreciating it, which is why you have to be a literal retard not to.

>Did there need to be a season 2?

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Based and Dixiepilled

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Hello, user.

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These are good posts

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Haha! David Lunch! This meme always gives me a good laugh, even though I don't fully understand it.

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These threads (and Twin Peaks itself, obviously) always make me crave donuts so fucking bad.

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The show is a metaphor for the Kali Yuga, known as the age of suffering and the current age we live. David Lynch is heavy into Eastern philosophy, Cooper is an enlightened Buddhist and even mentions the Golden Age. The other dimensional version of themselves are themselves before they reincarnated on the Kali Yuga, Buddhists were said to live thousands of years during the Golden Age. The fact no one picks up on these metaphors is just representative of inept viewers who likely don't read. I'm so tired of seeing these same threads and this is the first time I'm commenting and prolly last. It really doesn't take a genius of you understand David Lynch and transcendentalism.

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>David Lynch is heavy into Eastern philosophy
He's really not, though.
t. listened to his audiobook

Is it about entering the Kali Yuga? Did we enter the Kali Yuga when the atomic bomb went off and Bob was created?

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Watch the show. Everyone is suffering. I don't know when the Kali Yuga started, but I know that's what it's about.
>he wasn't
Wow one Google search and you'd know he talks about eastern religion and meditation constantly

Did you watch Fire Walk With Me? Or S3? And Lynch and Frost were pissed about how season 2 turned out they were forced by ABC to show who murdered her early into S2.

Talking about meditation is not the same as talking about Eastern Religion. Give me one citation of him directly discussing Buddhism.
Transcendental Meditation isn't Buddhism, it's a Hollywood cult.

>Everyone is suffering
So the Garmonbozia is associated with the Kali Yuga

tv tricked me into watching this steaming pile of shit too. You fuckin degenerates
I can do this all day dude it's not my fault you're a brainlet and never caught on

Garmonbozia is literally suffering

These anons get it. I'm not just talking bullshit here guys. It's a show about Buddhism, unironically

based Kali Yugioh poster

>we're currently in a time of suffering that will last hundreds of thousands of years
>but oh wait we're actually entering a period right now where there is the potential for peace
wow what a coincidence that it's happening in our lifetimes

Dude I don't necessarily believe in it, but this is for sure what he was trying to get across in this show, their doppelgangers are the ones advising them in the visions because they're older versions of themselves before reincarnating into the age of suffering

>it's not my fault you're a brainlet and never caught on
You're calling me a brainlet for never having seen this one specific clip from this one specific podcast interview David Lynch did?
I've seen several other interviews he's done throughout the years and he's never once mentioned Buddhism. You can go ahead and pat yourself on the back for being right that he's discussed it, just be aware that you very likely have autism.

Yeah but I don't see you actually breaking down the show in any way that makes sense, we have this thread constantly and no one has a tangible theory so maybe do some research before busting my balls next time

Lynch and Frost are good but season four they should bring in some fresh blood. Maybe add Heat and Slaughter to the mix.

You cringelords are what give Lynchfags a bad name. Fuck off with your Reddit eastern religion "it's all about buddhism" bullshit. Nobody fucking cares except you spergs.

I meant they had a falling out about S2 but S3 they came back together but Frost had little involvement with the movie.

>I listened to one audiobook
>I know everything about David Lynch
You got btfo, please continue seething and shitting up this thread because you can't let go of your retardation and condescension

lmao reddit is for atheists who think religion is for unenlightened plebeians who don't understand Science™

You claimed Lynch talks about eastern religion constantly. I have seen many of his interviews, and he never mentioned eastern religion, so I asked you to provide a citation. That is not "busting your balls", it's asking you to provide evidence for a claim I had no reason to believe at the time.
Also, you clearly don't know the definition of the word "tangible" so you probably shouldn't be using it.

Keep seething edgelord, you were proven wrong and you're too pathetic to own up to it

I can't stop thinking about Sheryl Lee's smile bros.........

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Do everyone a favor and stop embarrassing yourself bud

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Jesus Christ....
I guess it's my own fault for trying to have a rational conversation with someone who's so very clearly autistic

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There really is something about it

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I literally said one Google search and instead of doing it you shit talk me and call me autistic. There's nothing rational about being a contrarian douchebag

BOB is still one of the most unsettling things I have ever seen in any medium.

marry me

Holy shit you're literally too fucking stupid to talk to.

ok user!

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You've added nothing to the discussion in the first place except to dismiss things you know nothing about. Go post more Sneed shit and wojak memes on Yea Forums

>Civil War plot was the best thing of Season 2
Prove me wrong
I can't. It keeps me in despite some of the other garbage airing in the same episodes.

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He literally talks about it non fucking stop and spreads its to fight drug addiction and depression or something. He has his actors meditate on their characters and try to project archetypes.

All this shit about plots not making sense and characters being annoying as people is pretty slow take. Its about the same thing as everything else he does: the small town american dream interpreted through his weird esoteric religion

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i love you sheryl

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Im in episode 2, can you swear to me that nothing bad happens to shelly?

I love you too, user!

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You can spot the plebs by their reaction to season 2.

This is accurate. The return is just 18 hours of pure kino

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Somebody needs to make an edit of season two to simply removed the shitty plotlines.

Whoever wrote the James subplot deserves pain

I've never seen twin peaks, head about it a lot, is it worth watching ?

who was the long planned romance? Audrey?

That user got so absolutely btfo that he literally abandoned the thread to go cry I think boys

based user, ill still watch every chapter to not let down my lyinchbros

Yes, that's why they pair her with Billy Zane

no one cares about your autism

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Yea you shouldn't skip them, but s2ep11 is so fucking bad I was ready to flip tf out so I watched everything in 2x speed which is managable

Why did Nadine get so much screen time?

Imagine being btfo by like five separate anons and still calling someone else autistic because you dont know dick about David Lynch

You're the only person itt actually arguing your point and you still don't get it

Don't worry user, the transformers movies and ABC family will still be there for you when you need them.

dude I'm another user, relax. no one cares so shut up
cause she's best girl

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man I would fuck every single girl on twin peaks so har dfuck sniff their buttholes too just thinking about it makes me horny
yes even Nadine
lynch has such good taste in women fuuuck

Oh I'm sure user that's why you immediately call me an autist when I call you out lmfao but you just agree with that guy amirite

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Would unironically sniff Audrey's braps all day desu

>mfw I realize this is now a comfy Sheryl thread

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young audrey was best girl I've ever seen on tv
I would spend the rest of my life with my face buried in her ass
I hate that faggot Jack so much

I called you an autist cause you and that user shitted up a comfy twin peaks thread with your autism. now fuck off

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>Op asks what show is about
>I give a solid answer opposed to posting screencaps and nothing else
>I'm shitting up the thread
Have sex

Based lunchposter

holy shit please shut the fuck up already you fucking sperglord

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>Have sex

literally kys

this show is fucked since norma died

who is nexted?

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Keep seething retard

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fuck dude...... she has a smile worth waking up for

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>watch the show
how about you know we actually talk about the show, seeing as we have all watched it..

They should have stopped while they were ahead with the pilot

>I love you sheriff

I think video games would be more your speed OP. If you can't understand Twin Peaks and couldn't make it through one of Lynch's most accessible films, you're probably sub-90IQ and would be more at home with something like Metal Gear or Rockstar Games.

Probably Big Ed

I didn't like The Return. I loved the soap-opera with some weird shit sometimes, but they went full weird on the new season

James is by far the worst character

He's essentially devoid of personality apart from having a boner for pretty much every girl in twin peaks

Could any of you, fellow gentleman, post a MEGA with PDFs of the Twin Peaks books, please?

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>walk in
>jazz this thread TF up

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>Did the writers know what they even wanted to do?
Revolutionise television.!few1UIyD!umVaPPR8UlxP1goJbRkU_O-rD7nUj1sLUNDPvgYnZMM!XbASGQZB!bI6WcPn6NDZi5-3oviK2haDdmdYLTKcYKNOxEiAa6eY

i don't know about this chart. the windom earle stuff is probably more cringe than anything in episodes 10-16, outside of the james subplot.

>nerds still haven't figured anything out twenty-five years later

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And what's your theory, user?

He's a terrible character, but so is Donna. That's why they were so perfect for each other.

Pure kino

Your kind aren't welcome here

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Fucking thank you. Windom Earle is literally the worst part of season 2. Worse than James's bullshit, worse than Super Nadine, worse than JJ Wheeler. And what makes it even worse is how many people unironically love it.

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Figured what out? What questions are still unanswered?

not him but here u go

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tl;dr the FBI works in sex trafficking to defend freedom, perpetuates evil in the name of good, and Hollywood is a reflection of it in microcosm.

The rest is a commentary on the folly of man through a syncretic reading of Buddhism/Daoism, things have opposites, good and bad balance, join Lynches meditation group instead of joining Scientology cause the cops will let them rape you as long as the pay taxes.

Impressive, nice

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fucking idiot

There's something there

>What exactly was going on?
We live inside a dream.

>Why is this series so fondly remembered?
Atmosphere and the mystery.

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earle was based

ur a faggot

post more pics like this please

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Another angle of the Palmer living room
RIP Maddy

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Season 2 has some of the best and most wholesome moments.

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All I have are screenshots
not very high quality

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I fucking love these

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Big if true

>Nope, because the studio meddled and fucked everything up so they ended up having multiple writers and directors who all essentially had different styles and visions.

Given how weird Twin Peaks as a concept is, I can’t really blame the studio not exactly knowing what the fuck to do with it. And the whole “not solving the murder” idea from Lynch wasn’t going to work the way he wanted because by far Cooper and his investigation was what made me watch the first two seasons.
>Because it was revolutionary and still stands as one of the greatest television series ever made

I can agree with revolutionary, but I just don’t get why people hold the show in such high regard given that it’s such a mixed bag. Lynch’s episodes failed to make half the cast as endearing as Cooper, and then the ones not done by him struggled even more.

>mfw I knew a girl that dressed exactly like this back in high school

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Fire Walk With Me is ass. And if you want accessible try fucking The Elephant Man or Blue Velvet you stupid fuck

>Fire Walk With Me is ass.

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I'm glad you enjoy them

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>Mr. Jeffries, the shit is coming out my ass!

Hi I'm new here

Why could you not watch more than 5 minutes of it? Are you mentally deficient?

Threadly reminder that Season 2 is actually great, and Lynch was behind most of it.
He was on the set the entire time, so of course he had a hand. He has never once denied working on the show, even during the dip. He doesn't need to be director to contribute.

Civil War Ben Horne was the peak of his character. Windom Earle was amazing, if nothing else for the big rugpull when BOB basically says "that's not how any of this works" both to the character and the concept of the character.
Only thing that was iffy was James out of town, and even that was made relevant by The Return.

why is half of this bait and the other half isnt

where can i find the third season for free?

>Why is this series so fondly remembered?
its good
its comfy, got comfy music, got likeable and hateable characters, mystery, le quirky dialogue etc
its just odd, but also good. better than 99% of shows that have aired since it