
Is Make-Up a dying art in Hollywood?

Seeing those comparisons of RoboCop and the new Cyborg and the old and new Terminators made me realize that we don't see as much actual make-up as we used to. CGI is sometime necessary for flashy explosions and set designs, but it's almost always a bad choice to substitute it for make-up.
Does anyone have any good examples of good make-up?

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grinch looking motherfucka

Make-up is usually a better choice than CGI, especially for genres like horror.

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That really depends on the quality.
The Gremlins fool nobody.

And why aren't the teeth centred? This looks so lazy.

John Carpenter's the Thing vs The Thing 2011 prequel is the only comparison you need to see the sheer difference

Everything is a dying art because Hollywood has turned into an uncreative bland money obsessed shit machine.

stop motion, puppets and matte paintings are gone. thank god. they were just okay and never really good with only some exceptions like star wars, and even there a lot of the matte paintings are absolute crap.

They're goblins. They're supposed to be deformed freaks.

CGI also depends on quality. Look at the new Spiderman movies and how shitty the CGI looks. The gremlins are a miracle in comparison.

Honestly bad stop motion/puppets/matte paintings look better than bad CGI. And at least something like a puppet has presence in a scene, even when CGI looks good you can just feel that it isn't really there with the actors.

>even when CGI looks good you can just feel that it isn't really there with the actors.
Guarantee you don't notice half of the time CGI is used in film

Obviously true for the background CGI, but something like a monster is better handled with a puppet.


I'm so sick of those super-hero flicks where you constantly have the actors standing in a line staring at something that isn't there.

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Also shots of them running towards something in a line. Not even the cheesiest 1950's Westerns were this damned hokey.

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No it is not. Never.

You could make that point for Jurassic Park, the T-Rex was amazing because he was literally real. The rain did a lot of the work though and the darkness.
Same with the Alien in Alien. Notice how it always looks great when it is dark, but whenever you really see it, it looks completely like crap?

Same with CGI. And you need to be fair when comparing good and bad cgi/puppets/make up. Budget makes a difference.

But a matte painting can't ever be as good as a good CGI backdrop or a mix of CGI and real location(Villa Balbianello as Naboo scenery. They just added the domed roof in CGI, thus it looks stunning) because a matte painting doesn't move. It is never alive, never 3D. CGI mends that.

Compare Rogue One CGI with CGI from Episode 1 or matte paintings from Jedi and you will notice that Rogue One is just so much better than either of them.

Posting more LOTR make-up.

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That's cgi tho

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muh bad CGI that I can't even differentiate from make up

case closed.

I can understand confusing it in that picture but when you see it in motion it's pretty obviously CGI.

It all comes down to quality. Look at this garbage that came out 15 years later. There is no substitute for hard work and dedication.

Attached: Cyborg.jpg (780x439, 40K)

LOTR also overwhelmingly relies on practical effects for make-up. The mouth of Sauron and Gollum are probably the only non-monster examples of CGI in the whole trilogy.

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No it isn't. Stop larping.

yeah. Look at Uncharted games or The Force Unleashed and compare them to contemporary games like GTA V or Assassin's Creed in the respective years.

I could bombard you with bad practical effects as well.

...except it is.
Don't get me wrong, it still looks great, it's just obviously cgi.

video game graphics would look like shit in a live action. they work because everything is computer generated. mixing the two media looks shit nearly 90% of the time. also your hot reference is from video games? go read a fucking book you dirt clod brained reject.

>being this retarded

I wanted to highlight that even contemporary video games have drastic differences in the quality of their CGI, not just movies. It depends on the studio and the effort they put in.

Just try, really try, to be of average intellect at times. At least when you want to articulate yourself with me. I beg you.

Only if you try, really try not to sound like you suck nigger dicks like it is a 9 to 5 job.

yeah why didn't that goblin have braces


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>we don't see as much actual make-up as we used to
Yeah, it's like that movie Vice which won the academy award for makeup doesn't exist. No but seriously, makeup is still used quite a lot. At the top of my head I can think of the new Suspiria, Hellboy, Captain Marvel, all recent and which all use makeup extensively. I think the problem is that makeup effects take far too much time, and they're kind of inflexible from a post perspective (easier and cheaper to change something with CGI) which is why you're seeing more CGI in place of these traditional effects, but that doesn't mean it's dead.

>Captain Marvel
It all went to her toes for that one scene.

>says cgi is better for monsters in most cases
>proceeds to list scenery and landscapes as examples
What did you mean by this?

Only to extend the teeth/jaw, and using the makeup work to do so

Shut up. I took a film class in community college.

Stop paying to see them.

it's kinda a meme at this point but the lotr orcs still hold up really well

is there actually a foot scene

>paying to see cape-shit

Don't even worry.

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Just a shot of toes touching a button I think. I don't remember much of that shitty movie. Glad I just watched a camrip.

Every person I ever knew growing up who was into "horror practical fx and makeup" was an insufferable cunt. People probably just don't want to work with people like that, and don't ave to thanks to CGI.

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andy serkis is a cunt

Will we ever get a better Dracula movie?

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mix of both make-up and cgi. Cgi used to make the mouth bigger.

The old man makeup for Ali (and Dorff) in True Detective S3 was bretty gud

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Thank you. Everything in LOTR that you think is pure CGI is actually just digitally manipulated practical effects. Even the Balrog is a digitally scanned real-life model.

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BTW at 8:00