What went so right bros?
Other urls found in this thread:
>godzilla's victory theme while other monsters are bowing to him
>seamlessly segues to DUN, DUN DUN DUN DUN
Did they actually use this in the movie?
Played over the end credits.
any camrips out?
yeeee to the i k e s
reddit: the song. serj can't sing, he never could.
Shouldn't this image have some asshole human standing in front of them, shouting his daughter's name?
In 5 second intervals, following 30 seconds of pointless human bullshit.
King Gidora's heads looked like SyFi Channel original movie quality.
This. If it kept the original BOC vocals it would be killer but it sounds like a retard saying the lines.
Which you could barely hear over everything else
Sound was disappointing during all the action scenes, everything was just maxed out
When will bear release the instrumental?
Would actually like to hear it like this
ruins it with the goofy accent
This. Absolute Kino. Will be remembered as one of the best in the franchise in the years to come.
>$4 box office
The state of kaijokes
Anyone got a link to a cam?
Everything. Fuck the Disney shills.
my issues
>cut 30 minutes of human shit and add about 10 minutes more monsters, this movie does not need to be over 2 hours
>mothra disappears half the movie, we're only told in exposition she helps godzilla so the ending doesn't feel earned, give mothra more to do
>rodan has no scenes with godzilla, they need some interaction like trying to win him back over
not even talking expensive action scenes, all the posturing and non-verbal stuff the japanese films do gives them personality
>All the monsters bow
>One of them speaks: "Don Corleone"
>Roll credits
What did they mean by this?
Godzilla going full Nuclear was awesome. His attack reminded me of the GameCube game I played when I was younger.
u mad?
Monarch is the most incompetent organization.
why did she have to die, bros?
Because Ghidorah is a dick
We’d like to make an announcement
Rodan was an asshole and I loved it.
When GvK drops next year people will be swearing up and down that they were among the few who liked KotM all the way back in 2019, just like they're doing now with Godzilla 2014.
i totally thought they were going to do that in the 2014 movie honestly
This will never not annoy me. Plus
>Giant monsters are a tired franchise. When will Hollywood stop with this shit, but superheroes are fine
The redesigns where great I especially loved Gidorah and his retarded little brother left head in this.
The impending Mechagodzilla vs Mecha King Gidorah fight is going to be outstanding.
I really hope they go full retard with these guys and make Mechagodzillas crew a team of 5 people in different colored jumpsuits if they end up going the earthmade route.
movies get better when you can time skip
>they killed the MVP of the movie
Ghidorah was so fucking awesome, but for some reason the consensus is "whatever when does he fight Kong"
that fucking jobber monkey. people pick name recognition over anything
>The IMPENDING Mechagodzilla vs Mecha King Gidorah fight is going to be outstanding.
dont worry he will deffinetly come back
why was mothra so awesome in this movie?
it's all set up. Post credit scene is a setup for Mecha King Gidorah and Mechagodzilla is hinted at in newspaper clippings of Monarch developing a large mechanical weapon.
Seems pretty obvious to me they steal the plans or origional build for Mehca Godzilla and retrofit to Mecha Gidorah and then they launch a new and finished Mehca Godzilla to deal with it. That and we've never had the two mechas fight in a movie and things are lining up. Not confirmed, but pieces are in motion and they'd be stupid not to.
The end credit scene also has the terrorist guy buying one of Gidorah's heads from a fisherman.
Can someone please confirm if dance will be in GvK or not, and I wanna source
Anyone else get a boner when she got eaten?
Don't count him out yet. Has superb regenerating abilities+coming back as Mecha Gidorah.
I really wanted to like this movie, but it was just kinda mediocre. Another tired family drama human plot, a second movie full of really annoying cuts away from monster fighting, a runtime that was a bit too long, and they spent way too long on the ORCA macguffin given how stupid it was conceptually. The ra ra airforce scenes were stupid given that every one had them physically running into the monsters.
Ghidrorah and Mothra were great, but Rodan didn't need to show up if he was going to do nothing but get fucked by Mothra. The inclusion of so many monsters is going to make the shift back to only two for Kong v Godzilla a bit of a letdown.
>oxygen destroyer was used against Godzilla and Ghidorah
Guess who's coming back?
>Giant monsters are a tired franchise
Well, KOTM underperforms, so they're not exactly wrong about that.
Anyone catch some of the monster codenames in that scene where they are flashing on screen early on? Also why no anguirus?
>Destroy All Monsters is Destoroyah killing all of the kaiju
>The inclusion of so many monsters is going to make the shift back to only two for Kong v Godzilla a bit of a letdown.
Talking about the OC monsters? I'm sure Rodan and Mothra(Jr) will have some more screentime in GvK.
Yes, but how many are pumped out every 3 months like superheroes?
Where do they get their funding anyway?
>ra ra
stopped reading there
>spy planes against King Gidorah
nigga wat
video game lets play superchats and patron bux
The US government, it's a civilian agency like the CIA or NSA
or the IRA? except those are ENDORSED by the government
Mammoth-thing is Behemoth and the spider is Scylla, I don't think there was a name for the monster that was sleeping in that German forest.
I watched it today. Some shots were kino. Some cheesy stuff like nonexistent security and convenient pollution/war stock footage playing on monitors, though.
Honestly i prefer for this universe to end on GvK, it's better to do that than to go on for too long, plus with Godzilla probably underperforming i doubt they are going to renew the licence considering Toho also wants to make a reboot
I saw it today with my son and there was maybe 8 other people in the theater...Yea it was a Sunday afternoon but still :(
You guys remember that part where Godzilla said he was God's judgement again the wicked and then proceeded to crush that gay club with all the attendees inside?
It felt a little out of place, not sure what they were going with there.
wuts going on here?
>Mecha-King Gidorah is possible
>Mecha-Godzilla is possible
>Destroyah is possible
>Gigan/Space Godzilla are possible
This film setup a whole lot of possible shit for the next film after Godzilla vs Kong. Also they should change the name of the Argo to Gotengo in the next film.
Fairly certain the wife had all of that stuff pre-planned for her dumb speech.
4 monsterverse films are all that was needed. America finally made a good and honest Godzilla movie, with a muthafuckn King Kong rematch, and it’s all we’ve wanted. Even if this flops, I’m still very satisfied
Why do these retards make the monsters so huge than add little dot helicopters and ships all around like it means fuck all and does anything other than looking stupid as fuck.
If they cut out all of the human shit, this would've been a better movie. That's how awful the humans in this movie were.
>massive godzilla fan
>pic related is all my godzilla crap
>finally get to see the movie today
>have to leave right when mothra hatches because I feel a seizure coming on
can I get an F
aside from quips my biggest gripes where how at the drop of a hat everyone can pull up 10 stock photos to support whatever story they're telling or how characters talk and then something happens instantly and conveniently as soon as they're done with talking. No cuts to something else which would have been fine. It got annoying.
also rodan you back stabbing cowardly starscreen nigger. Fucking faggot ass bird. I love you.
F. So sorry, man
>We'll fight with him
>They fire some missiles that knock it down a little, otherwise all the humans do is get decimated and die en mass
Pretty par the course, but still.
It's bizarre that I find her cute despite not being a looker.
You getting this user.
Reminder that Dougherty literally said in an interview, regarding the post credit scene:
>"Think about the flies that have been pecking at his severed head, how will they be effected?"
Rodan had one of the best scenes in the entire movie though. Easelly his best portrayal yet.
size of scale and also it happens literally every godzilla movie.
I'm more confused as to why they kept jerking off the clumsy piece of shit known as the osprey.
>he didn't watch the after credits scene
Nah, The Argo works so much better - especially with the names of all the OC Titans
You dont deserve all that stuff you weak piece of shit
>next film after Godzilla vs Kong.
It's an international coalition, like the UN or something.
Don't worry, they'll bring the best character and mutant soldiers back next time.
it was Angirus. Right??
>fly monster in the same vein as Megaguirus
[infinite horrified screaming]
you will never get one so stop asking
Fucking Based Sword Mario
as much as I wanted to finish to see big G BTFO ghidorah, ambulance bills are expensive
In Kong we see them on the verge of being shut down by the US government because the government thinks they aren't necessary. The whole plot is that they're on a mission to explore the island before the Soviets can (though Monarch just wants to document Kong), so it's clearly a US agency.
Because she was pure. While the other kaiju are back stabbing traitors Mothra stayed true to Godzilla and sacrificed herself to help him win. Rodan is a bitch.
people will complain ps2 cutscene otherwise
Not bad.
Honey, do you sufffer from seizures?
Why that guy in charge anyway? Woulda made more sense if it cut to black powerful female soldier lady saying "we finna bouta dab on dem kaiju ass niggas, talhmbout" or something
How long until we start to see psyonics?
Did you at least get reimbursed and offered a free screening for a second time
I watched this movie without watching the first one, how was it?
They'll get around to doing one after the Godzilla Kong rematch.
Can you imagine the relief Godzilla felt when Ghidorah was finally dead after thousands(?) years of fighting him?
>unironically listening to SOAD
>whole base full of people killed
>quick they may be in trouble!
>no attempt to communicate via radio to warn and assess condition
Embarrassing desu
It was a good fix after 10 years of nothing since Final Wars. First act was awesome, second was boring, third was good. Good welcome-back, but still blue balled at parts
They started out as a US government agency but grew into a multinational organization.
They get funding from member states, one of which being the US. Notice how their senate hearing isn't a court martial or a criminal proceeding. They're not even threatening to have their funding rescinded, they're mostly just arguing the case of why they aren't murdering the monsters. Notice how their ships all have their own livery, not US military standard colors.
soad doesn't exist anymore, sweetie
This shit was so awesome. I haven’t stopped smiling about it all day.
They deal with Toho only allows them to make three godzilla movies. Kong standalone doesn't count, but Godzilla v Kong will be the last one and Toho has already said they won't extend the deal since they are making Zilla movies.
Who else feels they should have done a modern version of this, showing the destruction of D.C instead of aftermath?
Cool, guess I'll give it a watch.
feels like a waste, but at least I got to see Gidorah on the silver screen. That was unreal.
sally hawkins' character sells feet pics on patreon
They did that off screen. They spoke to survivors of the Mothra base, but they left no survivors in the Monster Zero base, so there was nobody to talk to.
It really pisses me off how this movie is flopping, and after GvK next year, they're probably won't be a Godzilla film of this scale for years. Sure, Toho itself might make some kino movies of their own in the future, but I really wanted these big budget Hollywood adaptations to take off, but it doesn't look like that'll be the case. Critics can't enjoy a Godzilla movie unless it's got really complex Human characters and less monster fights or whatever it is they're complaining about, and general audiences probably don't give a fuck about Godzilla to start with.
But of course everyone and their mom's eager to lap up more comic book movies year after year after year and these movies just keep making more money, so they're not gonna stop making them.
>What went so right bros?
>25% of movie is monsters
>75% of movie is a boring plot and terrible human characters
Not much.
Wtf was that part where soldiers were snatching other soldiers thru the plastic sheets like raptors in JP? Doesn't even make sense
>Actually rating this schlock 9 or 10
Jesus Christ.
Go watch it another time buddy, don't miss this opportunity
>near the end where it holds on the dunkin doughnuts shop or at the start where it holds on the daughters earbuds
this blatant advertising shit is obnoxious
Imagine listening to any of its members
it's a good kaiju film. Do you watch Kung Fury and expect a serious drama? Do you say Citizen Kane falls flat for not having enough humor? A movie is good if it succeeds at what it set out to do
8 is the highest I would go. I'm surprised people actually think this movie deserves a 10/10, even with all of the references and clear respect to the franchise that went into this movie.
The rumor is it was *supposed* to be Angirus but Toho refused them the rights to the character at the last minute, so they just cut all the bits that showed him as *obviously* Angrius but kept the bits that were more generic
>general audiences probably don't give a fuck about Godzilla to start with.
Audience scores are doing pretty well, better than the other movies it seems. Also, Japan seems to like it so far.
Not to mention they said if KOTM doesn't sell ganbusters they would be done with the franchise once Zilla vs Kong releases.
Marvel was the end of good fun movies. Now everything has to be a billion dollar movie and it’s absurd.
Plastic shit was a decontamination tunnel, the other soldiers cut a hole in it because fuck contamination when shit's about to blow, and they set a trap.
solution: throw a disney logo on the opening scrolls, slap a logo on godzillas chest and have him crust a trump building and then have a character comment on how his distruction is justified.
boom, instant box office billion and critic/ normie approval.
There was already an uncomfortable amount of quipping and awkward dialogue as is. That fortune cookie thing was pain.
Still how do u snatch a soldier like that? Niggas is heavy
I watch a movie to be shown good story. There are many ways to achieve this. Action, humor, drama or whatever. It all comes done to the the writing, and the writing in KOTM is garbage-tier. So no it failed, miserably.
Forgot about that, and the mispronounciation of Ghidorah’s name
They'll negotiate a few years down the line and likely get the opportunity to do another set of films or continue this series.
The time for releasing this film was bad. The line-up of films right now is really bloated.
Double up motherfucker.
That scene would have been fine if they cut before the fortune cookie line. Honestly I think Ken Watanabe rewrote the script so his character would an hero just to get out of doing another one of these. I enjoyed this movie but every scene with a human was awful.
In my head cannon it's bc the bad guys were all white and the good guys were all black
>25% of movie is monsters
>75% of movie is a boring plot and terrible human characters
So it's a Godzilla movie?
I dunno, I thought the fortune cookie one was cute. Like awww, he's trying to make a joke. It's his only attempt at actual levity in the movie so it comes across as feeling more genuine than the contant quipping Stanton does.
This. I remember being so bored when I was a kid watching the original movie. Must have been 90% human crap
This movie was LITERALLY a modern day superhero flick with a kaiju skin thrown over it. You monster lovers need to get over yourselves, your taste is just as crap as your average Marvel/DC faggot.
When did she get eaten? Was it during Boston?
It's like people forget this. But I guess it doesn't help that Legendary films can be up to 40-50 minutes longer than your average Toho film.
Did the bad guy from Billy Madison really want to have kids? He is prettry old
You don't get it. This is KAIJUkino, not CAPEkino. Completely different.
t.has never seen a single godzilla movie pre-2004
Curious what Japans feedback has been so far
This movie has made many realize just how bad the Godzilla franchise truly is in reality.
>i can only appreciate a single aspect of movies as art
>that aspect is so bland it doesn't even require audio or visuals
based and retardpilled
In Antarctica
The antarctic scene. She saves Mark from the helicopter then gets smushed in front of him. She screams, then you see Serizawa drop to his knees. In a subsequent scene you see him looking at her profile after it's been updated to say Deceased.
During Gonorrhea's ice escape, after she helped Kyle Chandler out of the helicopter.
Almost universally positive, with the worst I've seen calling it "okay"
Some user in a previous thread said that Japanese fans consider it Heisei-tier. Also irked by the constant camera changes, but in general, do say it’s good. I hope the higher ups at Toho think the same
>tfw the only time my audience clapped was for the Haruo Nakajima tribute in he credits
as it should be
>Flopzilla, King of Flopsters
You Don't deserve all that
>>sticking to his Guns.
If by any chance you were actually for real my condolences, no godzilla fan should suffer that fate. Jelly of your collection
I love Godzilla, but I will never pretend that outside a few it's a 6-7/10 series as a whole. That being said, I will always have a soft spot for this franchise. I'm interested in what you all think the franchise deserves as a whole?
every single Jap I know on social media is praising it, many of them admit to crying in the theater, one guy I know has seen it five times already and three were on the same day
good. i don't want Hollywood to continue having it. they keep adding family drama and retarded plots. fuck them.
*pretend it's great outside a few, it's a 6-7/10 series*
>This movie was LITERALLY a modern day superhero flick with a kaiju skin thrown over it.
Other way around, boyo. Superhero movies ripped off Godzilla
Godzilla has been doing this exact kind of thing since the 1960s. Godzilla literally invented the Cinematic Universe concept
U know alot of japs?
>implying the other films didn’t have this
His profile says he already has kids.
Godzilla's my Pro Wrestling.
it's good to hear that the love letter wasn't unnoticed by senpai
Its a storytelling medium, brainlet. Writing is what ties every other aspect of film together. Without it, everything else falls apart. You just have an incoherent mess of visuals.
You can still enjoy it sure, but to rate a movie a 9 or 10 despite abhorrent writing is a joke.
>all of those Japanese people talking about how cute the kaiju were
>Its a storytelling medium
you've already outed yourself as a retard, no need to further lower the average IQ of the thread
the stupid plots i can ignore but did the older films shoved in family drama?
You have to understand something about the Japanese
They believe, I don't think incorrectly, what makes their monsters unique from the rest of the world is that they can be both scary and cute, generally, that way of adding pathos or more dimensions, whereas America and so on just makes monsters that are simply scary and violent. I think that in part accounts for the reception they have given KOM amongst all the other stuff too obviously.
I had tears in my eyes when the Ifukube main theme played during the revival scene, no homo.
This movie has the best Ghidorah, Rodan and Mothra of the whole Godzilla franchise.
related, but I'm glad they only played Gidorahs trademark chirp sound effect one time. It's too cute and sounds too much like a high pitched cheetah or something.
how is it any worse than the dogshit espionage garbage from Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster, where it was even more fucking divorced from the monsters even being in the movie? You could split the two plots and neither would be affected.
Thanks. Unfortunately I am for real but I'll just have to try and see it again or wait for blu ray worst case scenario.
Fuck I forgot this movie. When Godzilla comes back supercharged is some good corny fun. I appreciate the reminder! Also the robot is silly as fuck. Good stuff.
they're all pretty cute
especially the cute insect kaiju mothra
What tribute? I didn't catch it.
Yeah, This movie clearly took cues from Marvel, bud. I dont think you really understood what that poster meant.
I've never talked to a Japanese person who doesn't strongly dislike American adaptations of Godzilla, something seen as a uniquely Japanese concept (Godzilla, in his original incarnation, being a metaphor for the atomic bombing of Japan).
The last time I was in the cinema in Tokyo (I go often), someone stood up during the advertisement of the new American Godzilla and loudly exclaimed his disgust for Americans making Godzilla films (and he was quite a young man too, so it's not just the case that older people who remember the first film dislike the idea).
They really seem to like it. I saw someone earlier commenting on how he cried when Mothra opened her wings after coming out of that cocoon.
A few of them did. Most of them did involve government agencies, implausible bases/vehicles, incompetent bureaucracies, and at least one guy wanting to save the monsters while someone else attempted to control/destroy them, so in that, this movie was dead-on
Several did yeah.
It's hard. Now thinking about it I've been a fan my whole life, even if a young one generation wise. Watching VHSs with my old friends and growing up around that kind of Japanese media. Nostalgia will trip people out I guess. But that's apart of the appeal. Something like Shin Godzilla feels like a great modern approach. Something like KOTM feels like an awesome summer blockbuster approach. 1954 is a classic undeniable. All the movies with fun side character fights. It's as if the series is a wrestling ppv. Obviously like Godzilla vs who? Like these mega fights. Imo it's a 10/10 franchise it has so much to offer. From a societal critique, horror, huge battles, humor, fun fucking around, child like nature, etc etc. But if we look at it from a strictly movie perspective. Without idolizing moments of the films, then yeah it's prob not great as a whole with that restriction. Maybe a 5/10 to 6/10 for most if that depends on taste at that point. But a franchise as big as Godzilla shouldn't be restricted like that. We must compare to others. So let's say Star Wars with it's entirety so far. Would you really claim it's a complete 10/10 now unless you have been a fan? Do people just enjoy the lore through comics, or was it the toys, the cartoons? I mean shit it's literally too up in the air for anyone to make a clear line of shit, good, or godlike because it's all of that.
I have a little over 1800 followers and 74.4% are Japanese, not comprehensive obviously but they are all either Godzilla lovers or general special effects fans, I am bombarded with this stuff everyday and have my ear to the ground
I swear I heard a distorted version of it everything Ghidorah was on screen.
Oh, I know. The common interpretation of Legendary Godzilla as a tired old man amuses me.
God bless the Japanese and their humanization of monsters.
did he put the rising sun bandanna around his head and dive into the screen too while he was at it?
Not him, but I'd be getting it if I didn't have the first release Ghidorah. Love my bro but it takes up hella space, no room for two.
>movie is getting trashed by nearly every critic I see, even on youtube
>fans seems to love it
Bros... I'm scared we wont get any more monsterverse stuff after kong. This movie doesn't deserve this
Godzilla looked legit cute during some scenes in KOTM. Mothra obviously so, and even Ghidorah sometimes looked a bit dog-liked in a way that made him surprisingly cute as well. I only didn't get any cuteness effect from Rodan.
>call legendary Godzilla a tired old man
>make anime Godzilla a tired old man
MMD of taking the train to Morganville when
He didn't no, but I talk to Japanese people on a daily basis (I live in Japan) and my impression is that most people echo his sentiments.
Perhaps young people feel differently, I've most discussed Godzilla with middle aged people.
Dougherty being the only non JP/Toho director to make a Godzilla film that actually understands the importance of the classic themes is baffling, I don't even think Wingard is going to use the themes, I haven't heard anything about it.
It's because its an organization meant to "understand" the monsters rather then destroy them so they can't be proactive like G-Force or the EDF.
Like even though G-Force tech rarely worked (I think Mecha G was the best success) they tried their hardest to take Godzilla out so they were constantly working on something while Monarch spends most of its time watching Godzilla
I think I have a better version of that, hang on.
then i stand corrected and will promptly shut up about it.
>something seen as a uniquely Japanese concept
pffft hahaha
At the end when he has to bow to Godzilla he makes a very cartoon like face
I couldn't wait for the psychotic mom to die after the recited the villain reasoning from Kingsmen. And then for some reason people where sad to see her die when she was statistically far worse than Hitler at that point. She's probably just glad she didn't have to stand trial and answer for what she did.
All my friends hated it, and so did I. My one friend literally fell asleep and only woke up after Rodan came on screen.
underage zoomers can't sit still for an hour? did you all forget to take your ADHD meds?
I love this retarded backstabbing bird so much.
shit movie.
also godzillas "oh FUCK" face right before ghidorah goes super saiyan.
>My one friend literally fell asleep
gain consciousness are you a fucking animal?
Huh, in retrospect it wasn't really better, just smaller and with the jpg artifacts slightly less noticeable.
Are 26 year-olds zoomers? I really don't know anymore.
Reminder that her daughter had a clear opportunity to leave with he Dad at the arctic base, but stuck with Mom's scheme even though the body count was double-digit at that point.
Not gonna lie if she lived and they tried to do a happy ending I would have taken a full 2 points off the score.
But she died. Probably popped like a frog in a microwave from all the heat Godzilla gave off.
At the end credits (right before Charles Dance buys Ghidorah's head clip) pic related is shown accompanied with "Haruo Nakajima 1929-2017"
he will maybe return in the future but not in Godzillaa vs. K.K.
>two black guys high as fuck in front of me
>"Yooooo this niggas goen freeza final form, but our boy got fukken super sayian!"
It pissed me off how none of the good guys called her out on her plan involving killing billions of people when she skyped them
I need a kaiju version of Starship Troopers starring the EDF as the human element. Pacific Rim almost got the feel right during some parts but I want a full movie of this shit
I really doubt we'll get both mechas in the new movies. The most I expect is them either just do mecha ghidorah or skip ahead to mechagodzilla by combining them.
>head 1 used by tywin to make desghidorah
>head 2 and 3 are used to make mecha-king ghidorah
>2 merge into giant six headed ghidorah hybrid that ends the world
The dad said that though.
Biblical. I like it.
I don't remember that
Her husband and the Chink-waifu were about to call her on her shit when she hung up on them.
did you fall asleep nigger, they all fucking called her crazy
>starring matthew broderick
Are you literally brain damaged? When she sends the message to them on the Argo every character points out how fucking nuts her plan is and how she is gambling with billions of lives with shit she can't even understand.
>5$ budget
Confirmed flop
well yeah, I mean they did sell out they're reunion tour with people coming from all over the planet, widely recognized as one of the few metal bands to come out universally liked from teh nu-metal period, even Rick Rubin describing them as one of the best bands he worked with, so yeah, people unironically listen to them
Was Godzilla smiling in that scene where he was walking in with the ships next to him? I certainly hope not and he was just gritting his teeth or something.
Well yea they didn't agree with her but no one pointed out how she was literally h itker times 100 like any normal person would have. They were just like "whoa this seems unlike you"
>Methuselah/Anguirus -- Munich mountain thing
>Scylla/Kumonga -- Arizona spider thing
>Mokele-Mbembe/Titanosaurus (?) -- Sudan, only shown in the novel
>Behemoth -- Rio mammoth thing
>MUTO/Megaguirus (?) -- A female MUTO, might become a MUTO Prime in the future.
>Leviathan/Loch Ness Monster
>Kraken/Oodako (?) -- Only shown in the novel.
>Margygr -- Killed by Godzilla. Only shown in the novel.
Yeah this may sound weird but I felt it was marginally better handled then the Thanos plot was since Emma and Thanos have similar motivations but one is human and was given a proper reason for being wrong while the other had infinite power and everyone just said he was morally wrong
Yea they said gambling, when they should have literally said murdering
Her daughter did call her a monster though.
It's funnier because anime Godzilla is canonically the youngest Godzilla
>Girl just escapes the evil base with the device by walking out the door
>Waltzes off to the stadium and none of the soldiers notice apparently
Well okay.
>go go gogeta
>go go godzilla
>feat. Serj Tankian
Not on the Skype call
The chanting is a bit too much, but I like how the theme has a more heroic vibe to it to go with Burgerzilla's benevolence towards humans.
If I were kidnapped by a group of terrorists with the power the unleash giant monsters on earth, I'd simply walk out from the back door
THNAK YOU. Plus why did no one stop her at evac from walking into the announcer booth?
Would’ve been nice if dance sent out some of his guys to cause a scene at the evac, while some others were looking for Millie, and for all to be btfo by a pissed off Ghidorah
I would imagine the Fenway Park goons had bigger things on their mind than some kid going into the broadcast room to shitpost with the PA system
PS2 quality shit.
>given a proper reason for being wrong
fuck no, she was worse
post more cute legendary goji art
Also had a tribute to Yoshimitsu Banno. No picture was included, so I think people kind of missed it. His Godzilla stuff might not have been the greatest, but he certainly made some interesting stuff and is worthy of being recognized.
If you wanna be technical it makes more sense for that to be the way to talk her down from going threw with it.
She knows that million probably billions will die she has convinced herself that the greater good is worth the evil at that point (The exception being her daughters safety and feelings towards her due to the loss of her son) so rather then make an appeal to morality it makes more sense to convince her that the plan itself is stupid on grounds of probably not working out the way she thinks it will
she was right, they just didn't know Ghidorah was Space Satan and would kill everything for giggles
Name one thing better than Moth pussy.
I've seen it twice already how the fuck did i miss the after credits scene twice. Read up on it. So that means We get Left head bullied Ghidora spawn
fuck, i had to piss so i missed a few minutes.
guess I'll have to wait a few months
I think the placeholder name was "Methuselah", but it sure as hell looked like Anguirus.
Wait what
Can somebody post the Godzilla spoilers without context image?
>Humans all gotta die if they're not lucky enough to make it to the shelters. They're scum.
>Oh no they're all waking up slightly quicker than expected and this one is from space suddenly the plan is now evil maybe?
So then he's not coming back, as the Monsterverse will likely end after GvK.
And that's still a fucking pittance. If she had any brains or sanity then she would've tried to find the nearest blunt object and bash her brains in during the hallway confrontation. Likewise, Monarch or any other force should have just shot her the exact second they saw her. Her body count is at least nine fucking digits. Everyone who knew what she did should have been quite literally gunning for her.
no, she wasn't.
ask a fisherman in peru about el nino
how the fuck am I supposed to sit down with that jacket?
I guess, but if some soccer mom told me she wanted to murder 99%of humanity I would think somone in a room full of people would have called her out on being the worst mass murder in history, especially since they all knew her personally and we assume that would be against her established morality. Maybe they all knew she was really really pro choice or something and so we're not super surprised, I dunno I just feel like someone should have stated the obvious. Like the black soldier lady couldn't have said "you fo real jus finna dab on all dem ppl??"
Once Ghidorah was taken out everyone started chilling the fuck out and fixing climate change.
She was really about to end his shit and it was glorious, Toho should take notes on that.
> don't have the rights
Big yikes from me bro
i think it was more like a worldwide terraforming plot, not explicitly wiping people out
Okay here me out
>Monsterverse movie taking place in the mid 1800s in Maine
>A father's wife and one of her cows are abducted by aliens one night in an experiment on Earthlings
>The woman and the cow are both pregnant
>The aliens wish to alter the DNA of both fetuses using the G-Cells and are successful
>The woman and cow are both returned to Earth as the aliens state they wish to observe from afar
>Cut to a little wile later your hear a baby's cry
>"Congratulations Mrs. Bunyan, it's a boy!"
>The mother asks the father "How does Paul sound?"
>The father agrees
>waaah the tropes the tropes
Mike Dougherty’s biggest films always had them
>Trick or Treat poking jabs at Halloween
>Krampus making callbacks to the “two opposite families”, the Tim burton claymations with Grandma’s flashback, kid wants the true meaning of christmas
Maybe Godzilla vs Kong will be a buddy cop monster movie where Godzilla has to fight a big baddie and Kong is the comedy relief who constantly monkeys around.
You forgot biolante
(Hey paul)
normal radiation will basically just straight up melt you, but monster radiation makes plants grow and even makes cheetahs and pandas fuck
>everyone goes out while Godzilla is shooting off excess radiation while also heavily irradiated from taking a nuke to the face point blank
Otherwise 9/10 movie.
TY, He was my favorite jobber/bro, but I still have the image of him getting his jaw ripped the fuck off still sticks with me to this day. Fuck MechaZilla and Fuck SpaceMonkeyMen
To be fair everyone on the sub is going to have cáncer within a year
The armed forces in this movie are highly incompetent. Monarch had literally zero guards in the china base, and the one in antartica was full of jobbers. I thought this shit was limited to the Monarch, but then they cut to the girl escaping and I finally knew how Godzilla was able to make humanity its bitch.
Fuck Kong, when will we get Godzilla vs Big Man Japan?
Anyone else cry when Mothra died? Yea, he may be a faggot and all that, you can talk all the shit you want, but he still killed Rodan.
Mothra's a girl. She's even credited in the credits as herself.
Plus Rodan was alive at the end, sucking Godzilla's cock
the fuck movie did you watch?
One thing is certain. Summer cinema is back, boys! :cool:
Just saw this, the fights looked cool and was genuinely sad when godzilla was defeated. Time to watch the 1954 film.
I teared up when Japman died.
He really didn't need to strike a pose like that. He could have been a tad more humble.
>Goodbye, old friend.
incredibly based
I heard Bostonians are flocking to watch the movie because their city gets to be wrecked?
>Didn't see King Ghidorah's body destroyed
>two japanese characters are the only good characters
Really made me think...
>did absolutely nothing in 2014
>literally a minute of dialogue
what was her purpose?
look cute
Everyone forgets biollante and it makes me mad
If you just ate your millennia old enemy and won a world wide tournament to become president, while getting to destroy a large part of Massachusetts, you'd be pretty smug too.
Fuck Godzilla vs Kong: Dawn of Kaiju. What the fuck is a gorilla gonna do against a walking thermonuclear reactor?
When are we getting the real crossover event movie Godzilla vs Gamera?
>People sitting next to me laughing about watching Boston get destroyed
Checks out.
I didn’t like the movie, but I hope you go back and finish it user
god I wish that were me
>What the fuck is a gorilla gonna do against a walking thermonuclear reactor?
Mecha-Kong piloted by Kong.
Wish Mothra-chan was able to show off a little more, all she did was get rekt and power up her husband.
The vocals ruin it. Should of had Devin Townsend sing it.
moth-chan a cute
>1954 movie
>Serizawa sacrifices himself to kill Godzilla
>Serizawa sacrifices himself to save Godzilla
like poetry
When is it going to be his turn?
Not bad
>Ghidorah's mere presence creates a hurricane
>Godzilla fets a multi mega ton nuke dropped on him to power up
>Burning Godzilla pulsing vaporizes Ghidorah's wings
Kong better pray Godzilla doesn't go burning even then its one sided.
>tfw no Masers were fired
Who got it worse in this movie? Boston or Mexico?
This is what i hate about gvk. Kong is Just a big gorila and to my Best knowledge not radioactive at all unlike the other titans. How can he stand a chance?
Cool how it has drastically more 8+ scores than the other two
I got a boner when Godzilla was gulping down Ghidorah
I was disappointed it ended with that blast, I guarantee that was added in post instead of letting us have our monster vore
muh opposing thumbs, muh trees
Well in the OG version Kong has lightning powers, its weird
Supposedly this is because it was supposed to be Godzilla vs Frankenstein or something
Watch despite Godzilla getting dropped from space a reentry speed Kong is gonna throw a rock at him.
You got your vore on the monarch lady. Calm your tits degenerate.