Is Guardians of the Galaxy II skippable?
Is Guardians of the Galaxy II skippable?
are you a glutton for capeshit that can't turn down a movie you aren't sold on watching?
i liked it but they're all skippable
It's the best film in the MCU, so I don't know why you'd want to skip it.
GotG are like the only semi-palatable hero flicks
Guardians of the Galaxy are the only Marvel movies worth watching and you want to skip them?
I swear Disneygoys are not humans
deenS is the dutch name for the danish language
Just wach Sneeds Feed and Seed,the rest is skippable
Guardians of the galaxy movies were the worst ones you insufferable faggot
>dance off
Wow haha what funny he challenge bad man to dancy dance weeeee
all capeshit should be skipped
Most sneedable movie of the SFSFC cinematic universe.
>dance off
It's a distraction, they shoot the villain while the dance off is distracting him
Is Chuckians of the Feed and Seed II sneedable?
if you can skip it then is skippable, i skipped it, nothing happened
Hahaha i dont know who that guy is but he looks like he's made of CHEESE
Why do sneedposters even hate simspons REACTION images?
All marvel capeshit is skippable tranny faggot
Yeah, but it's fun. Upper 33 percentile of marvel movies I'd say. Not as good as the first but it still has some of the magic
I love them. I depend on them. Besides, the people who post them know what they're doing.
Bullshit, it’s barely watchable. The first one is fine by capeshit standards, but two is trash
> The incredible Hulk
> Captain America: The First Avenger
> Thor
> Thor 2
> Ant Man
> GOTG 2
> Black Panther
> Ant Man and the Wasp
> Captain Marvel
> Doctor Strange
sneed is the best CFS movie
Not yet
Wait for it
Almost there
(Formerly no)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Formerly Sneedians of the Star System
You're aware goy means non-jew?
>starting the thread with a simpsons image
Yeah you fucked up OP
>When the tomacco hits
Every marvel movie since they all end good guys win.
All of the comic book movies are.
I have seen Iron man, the first adventures movie, Infinity war, and both GotG movies. At no point was I confused at what was going on.
Is Guardians of Guatemala II sneedable?
Denmark is an Old English word which means "land of the Dane." 'Mearc' which became 'mark' was essentially a demarcation of territory, and exists today in things like Lord of the Rings, like Rohan's "Riddermark." Not that any of this is related to that epic farmer meme lol
>dude sentimental moment undercut with a shitty joke lmao
It's fucking trash compared to the first GOTG, which is the second best capeshit MCU behind iron man
>Dr. Sneed
Can't skip the best, user.