Men vs Women survivor island kino
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Surprising absolutely no one.
u wot?
>On a very small island
>Spend several days getting from one beach to another
Just walk along the edges if you're that fucked, jesus christ.
KP is turning into a fat mommy
Women are so inferior lmao. They are a complete joke.
>women are just as strong and capable as men
>fail at everything
This. Any plan is better than no plan
>women aren't good at things they weren't evolutionary selected for
wow big shock, its almost as if there is an entire different gender whos job it is to do all the 'survivor' type stuff
ps, this is exactly equivalent to saying 'omfg men can't birth children from their own bodies? why r they so bad at life lmao"
>this is exactly equivalent to saying 'omfg men can't birth children from their own bodies? why r they so bad at life lmao"
this is literally the opposite of that, these women are literally bad at being alive without men, where as men in this situation are fine.
>these women are literally bad at being alive without men
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it's almost as if the two different genders evolved to do different things, wow what a shock
Really? Are you really shocked? Wow?
What's really funny is that giving birth is the only thing you could come up with that women are 'good' at, in your defense of women
is this the one where the women start crying because they see a snake meanwhile the men have caught and killed a fucking crocodile?
now now, let's remember that we're all saying the same thing and it's those proponents of indiscriminate equality that are disagreeing.
When will women just accept that their spot in society is to reproduce children to keep everything moving? It’s a vital part of the world, why do they constantly need fulfillment falling short of men in literally everything
>it's almost as if
go back
Does anyone have any clips or compilations of what the men were doing? I've only ever seen the women side of this show.
yeah they build huts, fish, track and kill a boar with a knife. The doctor butchered it.
Idunno if it's the same series but the one I saw had the same situation of men on one island and women on other. The men built/discovered all essentials (shelter, fresh water, food, fire) and even some convienence items while the women struggled. They then swapped half the men and women over and the dudes that went to the womens side were all "where the fuck is your shelter/essentials?" and the women that went to the men's side just sunbathed lol.
Just found a clip with the pig hunt. But everything else just seems to be promotional clips and interviews.
Was the gap of success really that big between the men's and women's groups? From those OP videos it seemed like the women just had failure after failure for like an entire week.
Bear Grylls The Island
>*cries* my hands are pruning up
>*cries* I've let everyone down
How dare you suggest women aren't wonderful snowflake queens who can do no wrong. They don't need any men and can do everything men do but better.
>Was the gap of success really that big between the men's and women's groups?
Yes. The women ate shit the entire time and never got it together. Had it been an actual survival situation they would have all died slow, agonizing deaths from starvation or dehydration.
Does anyone have the video of the guys island?
Found a full episode of the men
so what wrong about this picture?
nothing, she's fucking perfect for breeding.
I like that belly fat that she has going on and she looks good with short hair. Really want to nut in her right here. Thanks for reading.
"If you get something that's worth our while then maybe come back and we can consider trading"
>five seconds later
"Ugh I hate how the guys are always like "What can you offer to us in exchange?" it's like I'm wet, I'm tired and I want to heat in their fire for like a minute, it's so tiresome"
How are women so fucking stupid? I'm seriously fucking amazed by this.
the island season 2 is all on youtube
Most everyone knows women depend on men to survive, and would not last long on their own. We just play along because modern men are cucked, and too afraid to upset women.
have sex
I bet it would have been really easy to convince these girls to fuck you. Must have been nice to be a caveman
toastie roastie
>thinks you have to "convince" girls to fuck you
You must either be very young, or very stupid about girls.
You have to get them to a place where they won't scream for help and will allow it to happen. Call it what you want.
build civilization
w*man seething lmao.
build hut
The fuck are you talking about?
What, are you that ugly or creepy as fuck?
Hire a hooker then. Geeze.
>You have to get them to a place where they won't scream for help
I can honestly say I have never had to worry about any such thing.
Mind blown.
do I have to use baby talk to explain this elementary concept to you
a place mentally you complete knob
>reality tv show is completely real!!!!
fuck you guys are retarded if you think this entire thing wasnt planned and scripted for views
Holy shit, absolutly with no chance of recovery Nuked. Obly thing a roastie can is throw around with pussy lmao
Damn, bro. You are one weird dude.
I'm a simple man.
I see a thread with boobs and I click.
why are men so based lads
sounds comfy
because you're one of them
kek, the men's island is pretty chill and they all become good friends
when is the new season?
Didn't they mostly stop showing the women's island a few episodes in and just focused on the men's island and the women just went home?
>2 days to go in a circle
jeez how fucking big is the island?
these things are always fake clickbait
I read a theory recently that the story in Genesis about Eve eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and coercing Adam to do the same, is really an allegory of how women seduced men into building civilization, i.e. settled agriculture. Men were perfectly happy and content with the hunter gatherer lifestyle, in which they hunted freely during the days, and brought the meat home with them. Women have always been gatherers, staying nearer to home. When they saw the greater comforts afforded to them by settled agricultural societies, they quickly refused to mate with hunting men, forcing men to build houses and such things for their approval. The archaeological record is fairly clear that this resulted disastrously in terms of general health and fitness, with average height and bone density plummeting, though population numbers increased.
tl;dr roasties ruined humanity
Killing a wild boar with a knife is pretty impressive. Those fuckers are mean as hell and will fuck you up.
it's clear that the women had a total wipeout a few episodes in that required intervention so that was just boring the rest of the time. they couldn't even boil nearly the amount of water they needed much less feed themselves.
I hate how this show treats women so unfairly
Do woman just have no sense of urgency in life or death situations? I understand they were in no danger in this show but what happens if they really did get stuck on an island alone. Would they just all die from lack of water after a few days?
It's funny that if we look at other animal families such as Lions the female is the hunter and provider.
They just expect a guy to take care of those worries for them
Fuck off schizo painter.
But in this scenario if they are stuck on a dessert island in real life with no males. How would it play out? Surely they must have some form of survival instincts
>would rather have nigger hunter-gatherer lifestyle than have the Internet that allows him to complain about roasties
Yeah, sure, man.
Their plan was to get the producers of the show to come in and help them, which they ultimately do.
>How would it play out?
They die, probably from drinking stagnant water without boiling it and shitting their guts out until dehydration takes them.
Even in situations like that they still think someone else will show just to everything for them.
Naked and Afraid does this better, especially in that episode where there's like 2 or 3 girls with one guy and they got mad because he wanted them to actually do shit but they refused
Yes but my point is regarding if this actually happened so there is a form of urgency. There is no urgency on the show as they know they can leave at any time
>REEEEEE why didn't you put the women with the men so that the men can have the women survive REEEEEEE SEXIST
Literally would just be die, their survival instinct would be finding a male to protect them.
Female survival instinct is to find a male.
>In a recent interview, Grylls said that “it’s fantastic to be able to blow some of these gender stereotypes out of the water and for everyday, regular women to show their strengths”. But by putting the women on a different island from the men, the programme has created a rift that need never have been there.
Aaaay. Sexist if he does. Sexist if he doesn't. They're not happy either way.
>positive reinforcement
>team work
>constantly working
>focusing on essentials for survival
>minimal complaining aside from fucking weather and i hate you god
pretty based
>put women in they're just as good as survival as men are
>REEEEE why didn't you get the girls with the boys and why are the women flashing skin are they sex objects you're making them look bad REEEEEEE
snake: exists
The one short haired blonde, who is probably a lesbian, seems pretty cool.
Imagine being surrounded by these inept morons and having to do a ton of work both physically and mentally.
The only way they can be satisfied is if Bear Grylls manipulates footage to make every girl turn out to be Lara Croft or something while they're actually staying in hotels behind the scenes. The only way feminism is perpetuated is if they lie.
Reality is sexist.
There are some episodes on that show where the woman is actually the better one at surviving.
>What's really funny is that giving birth is the only thing you could come up with that women are 'good' at, in your defense of women
Birthing Children, cooking and keeping the house tidy. Apart from that they are incompetent.
The interesting thing about this is that some of the women handle it pretty well but they spend all their energy babysitting the others and don't get anything done. The weaker women don't see any problem with this and just expect to be carried by the group.
Men on the other hand are more competitive and so there's more peer pressure from the group for weaker members to keep up. If your friends have called you out on every pussy thing you've done in your whole life you'll know how to suppress your fear and do things that are hard or uncomfortable because your social status absolutely depends on it. The women don't seem to have this ability at all.
>she needs a rest
she hasn't done anything!
link em up homeslice
>all the bottles we chopped open got swept away
>fresh new bottles slung everywhere
and you know if you let her sit there once
she'd milk it out
and expect it again and again in the future
until she's basically moved in
and if you stop feeding her, somehow you're the bad guy
Achieve something.
wow cool stuff, where’d you read that one?
Holy shit. The studies are all based on questionnaires given to psych students, and only a few hundred at that.
>Social """"" Sciences" """"""" amirite?
>cooking and keeping the house tidy
I see you havent met the average zoomer thot.
there is a lot to be said for the idea that the complex societies spawned by agriculture is one of the main evils the bible warned of. it's perpetuated by cain and able as well- agriculture vs. husbandry. good post user
Yes, but the bigger, stronger males protect the hunters and the pride.
Form and Sense, by Wolfgang Paalen. It's an art theory book, oddly enough.
everything you enjoy about society is a cope to deal with the fact it exists and you're it's prisoner in the first place. imagine yourself free from the deterioration and neuroses it's caused you. imagine an existence where sound itself is music and nature itself is the true art. pure, unfiltered existence, with a biology and mind free to maximize your ability to survive and realize truth without the clutter of our endless word symbols, trite niceties and useless ambitions. it almost sounds like heaven.
>there is a lot to be said for the idea that the complex societies spawned by agriculture is one of the main evils the bible warned of
An organized religion like Judaism could only exist in a agricultural society with writing. I don't think a religious book would advocate against the kind of society that created it. Religion is used to reinforce the existing order.
I hadn't made that connection, you're absolutely right about the Cain and Abel story having a similar lesson.
>experienced survivalist vs social welfare fatso
the word was only necessary due to our fall to civilization in the first place. the common thinking goes that before this, God dwelt directly among us, earth being an extension of heaven. once cut off from God and true understanding by the pursuit of the material, the written word became necessary. since we've based our entire understanding on word symbols, we needed word symbols that reflected the intentions of God.
I like that people like you are here user.
Who cares, the bible is a work of fiction and therefore has no educational value.
ditto- and i appreciate it friend. i wouldn't know how to string these little thoughts together if it wasn't for this strange but beautiful den of autism though.
what a load of bollocks
it has educational value because it informs a lot of language and culture and stuff
It's literature, brainlet
He's right. The story of Abel and Cain is merely a justification of early Hebrew way of life - nomadic pastoralism. It was Cain and his descendants that created civilization, first city, music, art, metallurgy and so on.
It's just a dumb tale made up by violent nomadic Iron Age Semite tribes after they encountered civilized settled societies.
>what a load of bollocks
it isn't though. i'm not asking you to take up the christian faith, but you claim that the bible wouldn't decry the civilization that created it. from the perspective of the people who put it together though, that's an absurdity. civilization is a small thing to our god. it does not endorse the society of man whatsoever, and in fact sees it as flawed at it's core. and the seed of that is when we, out of existential fear, huddled together to create safeguards against an existence we previously were in complete harmony with. many of us see human society as an act of rebellion in many regards.
Women should only be left alive for breeding purposes.
White Sharia NOW.
why do they never make the women look good tho then
yet another load of bollocks
Dismissing mythology is true fedora-tier
>Women spend almost the whole first day just talking to each other on the beach they spawned on
>Spend the next day looking for food but screaming crying and running away from any moving thing
>Get lost in the jungle for like a week
>None of the adult full grown women know how to make a fire or how to get fresh water
>Spend a whole day playing at the beach like its a waterpark
>Remember they are lost
>Cry some more
>Finally find their way back
>Celebrate by spending the rest of the day at the beach again
>Try to make fire again
>Are literally blowing on sticks without rubbing them
This is like....single digit IQ stuff......This....This is scripted right? What happens after this?
why do you say that? keeping in mind i am not asking you to accept the bible as a literal truth, and am only explaining the motivations and worldview of people belonging to the faith
why does women acting like children surprise you?
there's a bit of creative editing going on
>be a dude
>completely average in everything
>emotional dysfunction renders you detached from others
>unworthy of being loved and incapable of loving, including yourself
>unable to get pussy
>no true calling
>fleeting escapes seem more hollow each day
>since you're unable to find your niche, you settle for being told what your niche is
>develop a faux connection to nature and what is perceived as natural
>because you're a simpleton, you interpret it as "the state things should be in"
>as a result you're convinced people should live in caves again and shit in the woods
>but it doesn't end here
>at the same time, you're fascinated with seemingly strong leaders, clear social structures and easy to follow moral principles - all fed to you by holy books and militaristic authority figures
>everything has order, everyone has a place - even you
>best thing is: now you have a simple view of the world with easy solutions and guidelines to follow for quick gratification
>other people shoulder that scary thinking for you
>your mind is at ease while you prove to the rest of the world they were rightfully shunning you
When do they start wearing less clothing
Nice psych minor, roastie
Because there's no way a fully grown adult male or female would act in such a manner.
That's what i'm thinking. There's gotta be some hidden narrative going on.
I grew up spoiled and i am now out of shape, also live in the city. I get sick easy. But I deal with heat really well, would complain less than 90% of the women in that group. I am also a pretty good navigator without compass. Im sure I would be a low value dude on a team, but I could make myself useful. Worst case I could be the asshole who keeps the fire lit.
I have actually been camping before I dont know if any of the women in the group had done that.
Please tell me your joking
How do they not fuck on this show. My dick would be hard right from the get go
What an absolute smooth brain.
>It revealed that among men who engaged more in sexual activity, the more positive their attitude towards sex, the larger their bias towards women. A greater interest in and liking of sex may promote automatic preference for the out-group of women among men, although both women and men with sexual experience expressed greater liking for the opposite gender.[5]
Sp basically if you are a woman hater, have sex
Even if you’re an atheist like I am , the Bible is objectively a compendium of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources that gives insight into the politics and culture of the Levant. Yes there’s lots of myths and erroneous accounts, but those can show how the Hebrews and early Christians understood the world.
if it was scripted then the women would have built a thriving commie utopia while turning the men into cucked gay sissies. Sure their was some outside intervention to make sure they didn't die but for the most part their success and failure was their own and the men sure did succeed.
sounds cool user, also
Yeah until a bear mauls you and the only thing you have is some weird planet to realize the pain, not like that matters since you will just die of infections within a few days, if you survived the bear mauling to begin with
>he said with his laptop on his lap, sipping a chilled soda in his air conditioned room
When are the producers gonna give us men vs women without the scripted editing nonsense? It's only rational that women would do better than men and the QWeenz slay the patriarchy
It's wrong to blame women, lack of testosterone during growth impairs their body and brain development.
Obvious answer. Have 3 islands. One dudes, one girls, one mixed. That’ll solve it for all a week or too before someone complains about trans being left out.
It wasn't scripted, but there was very obvious intervention in the last few episodes especially. Most notably the 'sleeping' boar they let slip the first time, the 'hunters' cans of beans lying around, and they even admitted to giving them another set of bows to make fire with because they broke theirs. That was the reason for >>Are literally blowing on sticks without rubbing them
by the way, they cut out the part where they were rubbing them with regular sticks because they broke their Bear Grylls™ firestarting bows.
They also delivered fresh water after someone on the show collapsed from dehydration, I can't remember if that was still in the show or not, and also left a fishing net for them to find on the later episodes that they wrote off as coming off a fishing boat that just so happened to have fish and stingrays without stingers in it.
Christ I'm amazed they didn't have them find a fully functioning mansion with a hot tub and claim it was built by hand.
Are you guys watched naked and afraid xl? That red head in the girl team is hot as fuck although how did she chop her hand... doesn't seem that good
Excellent bait
I watched the one linked in this thread
and it wasn't as bad as expected
are they worth the while?
Yeah you don't need religion to understand scientific facts. In fact, scientific facts are better without religion.
>They also delivered fresh water after someone on the show collapsed from dehydration, I can't remember if that was still in the show or not,
It was in the show, I remember it because it was the same season their medical guy outright said if they didn't go get the other fucking can and use it to make water, they would be taken off the island. For context, they caught the """""Sleeping"""" boar and killed it, and for some fucking reason got it in their heads if they put it in their water can and buried it, it would keep the meat fresh "Like a refrigerator", their words not mine. It obviously didn't work and got rancid, so they tossed the whole damn can away, but then they didn't have enough water, someone collapsed, and then they found the can and rinsed it once and somehow this cleared out all of the rancid meat, she outright said she couldn't even smell it. The first half of the show was amazing in an of itself with them getting lost but the second half was goddamn amazing and I highly recommend watching it, I watched the first few with the guys and found myself pretty bored with it but the girls island is non-stop hilarity all the way through/
link it up, my man
If you've never watched it I thought the first season of xl was pretty good, don't remember much of the other ones. It's mostly just for fun seeing the drama and who on the normal version made it on the xl version. The current one has a really pretty redhead.
i think that was the same group where the women boiled one of the cans with the top screwed on & then scolded herself with the steam
Eve was baited by the snake into having sex with Adam. When God discovered they had sex they were expelled from paradise.
>This research found that while both women and men have more favorable views of women, women's in-group biases were 4.5 times stronger[5] than those of men. And only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem, revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic preference for their own gender.
Rage increasing
Find love.
so basically women are sexist and men aren't
eve's one and only purpose was to fuck Adam
And men turn into drooling retards around women and will gladly throw other men under the bus for female attention.
Every episode is on youtube, if i recall right they're the odd numbered episodes except one in the middle which switched with the guys in a weird bait and switch, I guess to test viewership or something? But yeah just watch it all the way through, I'm seriously leaving out an absolute shit ton of events in there that will blow your mind. user wasn't lying when he said there's a scripted element to the show, but someone must've been really salty about having to write in all these successes for the women because they're really blatant. I do not know who the fuck thought we would buy that two piglets would be both wandering around an island with no mother AND they would be completely people friendly enough to walk up to them, but I can only assume some really annoyed producer just halfassed it in annoyance after his editors complained about all the footage we didn't see. People friendly piglets user, and there's so much more!
I don't recall seeing that but there was a LOT in there, so if its in this season I believe it, but until I see it I won't add it to the other stuff. There's plenty.
>It was the first episode of 'girls ruins everything'
Based and redpilled.
>>Birthing Children, cooking and keeping the house tidy. Apart from that they are incompetent.
women are competent at making omega males compete for them and given them an easy life and easy job: raising kids
>we would buy that two piglets would be both wandering around an island with no mother AND they would be completely people friendly enough to walk up to them
That can’t be real
well I guess that's my night accounted for
Haha imagine if there was no intervention and we got to see what the women would do when they realized no health was coming. That they made their bed and now had to lie in it, rather than someone else swooping in to fix their bed for them.
You also have to have the gay editions
I'd love to be in a lesbian island
real lesbians =/= anime/porn lesbians
I hope any male that does this dies a horrible death
So why the hell do women want to be able to undertake male dominated roles then?
Exactly, so women should fucking stick to their role of cooking, cleaning and shitting out kids and not soldiering, science, politics and law enforcement.
have you seen modern women, most of the are pretty and most of them are at least bi
so no, porn lesbians are just like real ones
>most of modern women are pretty
lol nigga whut
just go out, once in a while
only reason women are not openly lesbian is because they antagonize each other
I go out all the time and all I see are make up caked thots with shrill California accents who seem to want to emulate the Kardashians? Dont tell me you think women who do their eyeliner like chicas looks good user...
social credit
In the middle east and islamic world the the forbidden "fruit" is often depicted as wheat
no it's not
>U.S. marine
>social welfare fatso
Pick one.
>girl enters chubby
>in days, ends up beach body ready
Maybe I should try this roughing it outdoors diet...
Every survivor thread is insecure virgins convincing themselves they could get "females" if they carried home a deer carcass to the tribe once in a while. Its anprim power fantasies, nothing more, you cant convince me otherwise
see /fit/ for the constant fast threads
if she wont spread her legs for fresh venison then she isn't worth it
Nah, that doesn't sound too far-fetched.
But they literally could thats the thing. Even your dyke ass would start gushing at the sight of an incel walking up with freshly slain meat. You know it and you hate yourself all the more because of it.
Give birth skank.
My dyke ass would never choose to live like a fucking cave man just because I dont fit into society so unless your pwecious societal collapse comes soon Im good thanks. But When the bombs go off, save a spot around the campfire for me I guess lmao, maybe I can show you sad larpers how to skin an animal without crying or throwing up
Comment section is a fucking treat.
they're the same thing
build civilisation
stay mad dyke. Give birth.
Men didn't evolve to do many of the jobs they do today. Stockbroking for example.
>I can show you sad larpers how to skin an animal
No one wants to see your disgusting pussy.
Just as a disclaimer, I am 100% male you know. And I guarantee I have more real life experience of this wonderful lifestyle youre planning out for
Ask yourselves why our Chad Tribe would accept whiny incels in the first place, watching Bear Grylls isnt a useful skill you know
What would have happened to women if having a womb wasn't exclusive to them?
Seriously they are so weak and useless in every facet of life that i can't possibly think of a reason anyone would ever select to have daughters.
pattern recognition, risk/reward, being aggressive & dominating = success. Stockbroking isn't built into our dna sure but it does play into typical human male behavior
Women don't need to be useful for you, they are useful to themselves.
>I am 100% male you know.
Yeah I totally believe that.
>Dyke damage control
Also yes they do need to be useful me, theyll do whatever the fuck we as men demand because you are cunts.
If you cant raise a daughter to be useful to society its your failure as a father. Just like how all your fathers failed and now youre here
t. Tourist, and Im pretty content with that
if women are useless, then why do men want to provide for them ?
You asking for a dickpic or something? Yearning for going back 10000 years in evolution isnt a requirement for the Y chromosome you know
did you not see this?:
their only value is their hole, giving them shit spreads their legs
>Ask yourselves why our Chad Tribe would accept whiny incels in the first place
You can't have a whole tribe of Chads. They'd end up battle for AlphaChad status which would only end in ruin for everyone.
>Just letting you know Im a guy aswell
You keep telling yourself that, irl chads are just socially comperent athletic guys while you virginspergs repeatedly live up to every bad stereotype there is. Tell me again why would we need a guy like you
I'm saying there's no incentive to have daughters if bearing children isn't a women exclusive thing.
This already has happened in Asia. Where there's a sex imbalance due to the fact that people selected for sons because it's just far more utilitarian than to have daughters.
All the people saying this is scripted know this is a Channel 4 production right? If you think the BBC is left wing...
How come so many people fall for such obvious low q bait? Well done i guess
They dont but when the bombs drop we'll be the ones who'll take over. You watched the news latelty? Some of us arent even waiting, we;re just taking our AR-15s and shooting schools. You really think chads ability to throw a touch down pass will mean shit all when stalker comes through the door and shoots him between the eyes then steals his harem?
>men find a net buried in sand in the interior
well now I'm suspicious the showrunners were fudging things for BOTH teams
This is the reason I suspect channel 4 no longer have shows that criticise women. For example, there was a show recently about civilians doing the SAS basic selection, all attention was focused on four strong women bravely battling the elements and sexism to prove that women are just as strong and brave as men and should therefore be part of the SAS.
You're fundamentally misunderstanding tribal dynamics and Chadology. If you have multiple dominant Alpha type personalities they will battle for dominance. A true Chad is the most dominant of personalities and will not accept a lower rank position in the hierarchy than absolute leader, aka the alpha. What actually happens when you have concentrated Chads is the lesser Chads break off to either form their own tribes, or simply live solitary lives. While Chads need no one else to exist they're willing to accept them in a subservient capacity, the only singular rule for Chads is they need to occupy the highest rung in the social ladder.
I wrote my dissertation on the subject after spending years studying uncontacted Chads in the Amazon so I can answer any questions you might have on the subject.
she looks like she fucks black guys and watches interracial porn
oh wait...
its scripted in the sense that they drop extra food and supplies when they're doing really badly, i very much doubt that they're going off and sleeping in hotels every night. every survivor does come off the island looking like they've been living on an island for a month
You will never be stranded on an uninhabited island with a harem of women. Fucking them while you rule your small kingdom.
trash does wash up on beaches
And chads dont have guns? Please. Its just they dont use them for bring your toy to school day
>in the interior
My only question is what the tribe would need a typical larping Yea Forums poster for. Did amazonian chad tribes have jesters? Or fuckdolls? Slaves perhaps
if you work with women at all you'll realize they're definitely not equal
>be a woman
>be frightened of a dude you just invented who just wants to live alone in the woods
lol you really are a woman
Chads dont spend much of their spare time planning, preparing and waiting to go around executing people. They have nod sicipline and instead choose to spend their training time out doing drugs, fornicating and getting drunk. Incels, well more like high functioning volcels do things like stock ammo, go to the range, spend their money on plate carriers, cache weapons and ammo in the wilderness, go to the gym.
Maybe they should start bringing them to school for show and tell then. Like I said, being a the qaurter back wont make a difference when it matters. Chads dont know real suffering, theyll go to shit as fast as the women in this did when confronted with real hardship.
I can assure you I didn't spend six years in the Amazon Basin baiting trail cameras with kegs of Natty Ice and squat racks I got off craigslist to roleplay on a television and film board.
edges aren't in a vacuum, they could have obstacles too
It got me hard.
The best part of the show was the weight loss all the girls went through yet their tits all seemed to stay the same size. Pic related Jamie, was a fatty at the start and by the end was a walking breeder with her huge jubbly tits.
Hey man, I heard you like milkies
keep fantasizing, you could make into a book
>tfw want to see Godzilla but no one wants to go with me
Would it be that weird if I just went by myself?
ah yes the infamous brittish phenotype, anglos should have been nuked
Give birth roastie. No one cares about your opinions. Youre seething with hatred over the fact their are men you deem as less than who can openly say what they want and openly plan about harming your and forcibly breeding with you and you can stop them. Your entire gender rises and falls at the whim of Men.We can just turn around collectively and sart raping you all and you couldn't stop us.
The mods are literally deleting your comments because you are so shit. Now if youll excuse me I have to go restore western Christianity to Europe.
>wall if text: projection edition
The left literally can't meme
they've been copyright striked already kek.
i wonder what the guys who recorded the men and women talked among themselves when they occasionally got together
I didnt know you could restore western values by being a little crybaby faggot online. At least try to hide it when your sore spots get hit next time ok sweetheart?
I didnt know you could give birth while being a cunt online. Youre not even pretending to be a guy anymore, like doing so gives your stupid arguments any extra ammo. "Huur guys guess wut Im a guy and I dont hate women like you losers huur duur'.
the piglets had a mother, they spent several minutes talking about her when the piglets were first spotted
also, these are uninhabited islands - there's no reason for the piglets to be scared of humans
I changed my mind. We should send more brapcows out into the woods to make them more fuckable.
the weird thing is how they got split up from the mother
A wild juvenile animal would be cautious of any creature that isn't their parent and their parent would never allow a foreign creature near their offspring, even domesticated animals like dogs and cats are cautious of people they know around their young
I miss Tilly Kino.
Yeah there was some bullshit. At one point they acted like they found canned beans on the beach and later they found some totally not domesticated pigs that followed them around for few days until they were eaten.
the missing mother is suspicious but the naivety of the piglets is not
Based caveman
Women can't make a plan if the group doesn't unanimously agree to it.
Any good feetkino scenes in this show?
>had this been real
but it wasn't and the type of women to go on a reality tv show are not the type of women to fuck about in the wilderness irl nor is this TV SHOW indicative of how they would behave in an ACTUAL life or death scenario you inbred
>So why the hell do women want to be able to undertake male dominated roles then?
Because they've been told that to be "equal" to a man you have to do everything a man can do.
Should've caught the squirrel.
>the type of women to go on a reality tv show are not the type of women to fuck about in the wilderness irl
The men on the show don't fuck with the wilderness either, yet they did just fine.
Can someone PLEASE post the map that some user charted of the actual route they took on the island where they literally got lost for almost a week walking in a fucking circle?
He's not, there is an image some based user made a long time ago don't know if anyone saved.
>the men on the SHOW
wow you're telling me men who went on a TV SHOW broadcast to MILLIONS felt the need to play into their masculinity while the women who don't have the same culture of the male gender were just fine not slaughtering an animal for no reason because 1) they didn't have to and 2)they didn't have the same societal pressure and 3)are dumb fuck attention whores who wanted to go on tv for the sake of it and not actually pretend to be in a life or death wilderness scenario
i'm not saying the women in this tv show didn't fail or that their failure wasn't their fault, i'm saying to use this as an example that women are le weak and would die is ridiculous for obvious reasons, it's like me saying all women are scientists because of that one girl who made the black hole pic or whatever
It's strange to me that you're desperate to enforce this stereotype when you yourself probably wouldn't do too well in the jungle either considering you're shitposting on here about muh women
Your argument fails because you assume the black hole girl is a scientist.
India isn't a good example of a developed country.
Should we start copying dumb people?
>wow you're telling me men who went on a TV SHOW broadcast to MILLIONS felt the need to play into their masculinity
Ah yes, the women who went on the show totally didn't consider themselves as strong independent women who don't need no man and could do anything a man could do, but better
indeed, they are hysterical and dislike working in teams
maybe they did and maybe they didn't but do you think the majority of women who enjoy hiking and camping would go on a scripted tv show? also that mentality is not indicative of their survival skills just their perception of themselves, they very well could have known they have no experience in this situation and like you said, gone there anyway to flex on the men and failed, and so what if they did? still cant use it as an argument for all women dying in the jungle especially as there are women in papa new guinea right now who would murder you and feed you to their husband in a nice bed of leaves
its almost like culture x society > "gender"
I legit quit my job over at Lyft because the women there were so fucking insufferable. Was like a fucking Jr High every day. I had full benefits, retirement, and was making 60k a year, but none of that was worth the amount of bitches and cunts I'd have to deal with on a daily basis.
maybe you should actually watch the show
then you might have some idea what the fuck you're on about
> scripted tv show?
The only scripted part was them stepping in after the women were failing so hard so they didn't die, the show doesn't force conflict and drama for views, it only has 12 episodes, it's not like Survivor, that's it's shtick
>there are women in papa new guinea right now who would murder you and feed you to their husband
As an Australian who has been to PNG I can tell you're clueless
You can raise a girl as if she were a fucking elephant and she still will be limited by her body, just as we all are. She won't magically gain super strength and grow tusks. A female body is designed to bear children and it does its job perfectly. A male body is designed to do everything else. The moment a woman tries to compete with a man is the moment she turns into a fish out of water. I don't really understand how it can be new or surprising for anyone, even children know that a whale can't fly and an eagle can't swim and it doesn't make them less cool and unique.
So survival is natural to men and not to women? Thanks for clearing that up mate.
> culture x society > "gender"
Yes, but biology > culture and society.
the men group fucking got a croc
what the hell
you can dispense with the quotes around 'gender'
it's a real thing
not an argument
>it's not scripted even though the producers stepped in
nice logic
do you want me to use a different example of women in rural tribal communities then
you can choose one because I bet my comparison still holds up, being raised in the jungle as a women would make you more capable in that environment than a western man until said man has gained enough experience in which case, physically he might be marginally more physically capable but thats about it
this nerd genuinely thinks a western man could genuinely survive being dropped in the jungle on his own and a woman who was raised in a tribe wouldnt be able to cope on her own
and you actually compared culture to changing your physical form into that of another species, holy FUCK
another retard
also """"survival"""", its a tv show big guy, they werent """"surviving""" they were larping and the women chose not to larp
how are you using this as an example of the differences between gender, are you gonna use batman begins as evidence that all millionaires can fight crime?
Reminder never to take anything on a reality show too seriously as everything is highly edited and the producers cast the most retarded people they can to make for good viewing.
Yeah, those evil producers want to make women look bad! I bet they're all white males, those fuckers!
>women in rural tribal communities then you can choose one because I bet my comparison still holds up
It doesn't though because women in rural tribal communities play the role of a traditional woman, they don't go out and hunt, they stay in the village and look after the kids, prepare the food, cook the food, they are entirely dependent on the men to provide for them
Let me guess, the father is black?
I mean the women might not be as incompetent as they appear on the show
but the men group still did what they did
sex =/= gender
two very different concepts
>inb4 discord tranny
no, just someone who isn't woefully ignorant for the sake of it
so a tribal woman would never slaughter an animal despite women in rural communities all over the world will snap a chicken's neck and pluck it then cook it
and a tribal woman would never forage for berries and water if need be
and a tribal woman would never be just fine sleeping in a jungle (you know, where they actually live)
interesting hypothesis
You are limited by your body, tranny. And you will live with it or kill yourself. I personally suggest the second option.
>so a tribal woman would never slaughter an animal despite women in rural communities all over the world will snap a chicken's neck and pluck it then cook it
I said they prepare the food, chickens are also domesticated, women don't go out and hunt for food in rural tribal communities, men do
>and a tribal woman would never forage for berries and water if need be
They do, but that doesn't sustain the village, the animals they hunt is what keeps them alive
>and a tribal woman would never be just fine sleeping in a jungle
A tribal woman wouldn't know how to build a shelter, just like the women on the island
t. guy who isn't physically fit at all and thinks he would survive in the jungle because he's a man
lets agree that you'd die in the jungle as well then if thats the hill you want to die on unless youre a hypocrite
because you do realise your basic opinion is what the majority of the public wants to see right? It's why the Daily Mail is the most read paper in britain it's because it either outrages you with its blatant offensiveness or it engages you by confirming your worldview. It's the clickbait form of entertainment it's not a fucking scientific study
>not an argument
it's not supposed to be an argument, you pillock
it's clear you haven't actually watched it
you're guessing at everything
go and watch it and you won't have to guess so much
>sex =/= gender
nobody said they're the same thing
doesn't make gender not real
>a tribal woman would never think about building a shelter
>hunting animals
so a tribal woman would not hunt for food if all the men died or fare better at both hunting or surviving than a western woman because theyre both women
>killing domesticated animals
so because they kill domesticated animals they couldn't kill a wild animal if they caught one with the intention of eating it? interesting, you got a source here or are you being disingenuous because its easier to just blindly hate women?
not an argument
>sex =/= gender
yeah theyre not the same thing and both are real
a man who has femme hobbies,looks femme and identifies as a woman is a woman by gender because of those factors but his sex would be male
i'm glad you agree
So where did they get such a misogynist, weirdly sadistic audience that more than anything wants to see a group of grown up women behaving like children with Down syndrome?
>So where did they get such a misogynist, weirdly sadistic audience
English boomers?
>a tribal woman would never think about building a shelter
She could think about it, but she wouldn't be able to do it, the women on the island are shown how to build a shelter just as the men are, even with instructions and tools they can't build one, building things is intrinsically male, there's a reason most construction workers are men and why male babies show preference for tools over dolls
>so a tribal woman would not hunt for food if all the men died or fare better at both hunting or surviving than a western woman because theyre both women
She could try but she wouldn't know how to hunt, if women could hunt how come no society in history has there been one where women were the hunters and the men were foragers in the village?
>so because they kill domesticated animals they couldn't kill a wild animal if they caught one with the intention of eating it?
The problem would be catching the animal, be easier for them to kill and eat each other
>The island is opressing me
she looks like she fucks black guys and watches interracial porn
oh wait...
Everyone laugh at the AnPrim retard
>be easier for them to kill it unlike the western women
correct, because of their culture
glad you agree culture plays a big part along with experience
>muh women cant build
your claim that all women can't build a shelter using a tv show as evidence is ridiculous
>uhm sweety why are all women not hunters checkmate atheist
first of all cemented gender roles existed and exist in societies that havent reached the need to change them, we dont have coal miners here anymore so we can't define a man due to his job anymore because that man could be doing what was once a female job now i.e a nurse, is a male nurse a woman? Is a female miner a man? The female miner might be less suited to the job due to biology and the male nurse might not have as good bedside manner as say a woman who has her biological maternal instinct coming out in full force but because one traditionally has had one job doesn't mean both sexes can't fundamentally do the same job.
I agree with you that some jobs are better suited to different sexes, thats not what im arguing
to claim that a society having antiquated gender roles because its more efficient for them in the case of hunting (same reason they wouldn't bring a fat male with them to hunt) and that once again, they haven't seen these roles naturally change like we have due to war, industrial revolution, service jobs etc is proof that all women would die in a jungle is ridiculous and you know it ESPECIALLY when actual survival is a factor
>can we just get together and have a chat?
Didn't they try to boil water in the cantren with the lid on and it exploded so they had to stage them finding a usable one in the sea?
>not an argument
as I said, it's not supposed to be one
I'm trying to help you make arguments that aren't completely stupid
or do you enjoy fumbling in the dark?
>i'm glad you agree
you say this as if you think you've got one over on me
try harder sweetie
>be easier for them to kill it unlike the western women
Never said that
>your claim that all women can't build a shelter using a tv show as evidence is ridiculous
Good way to completely ignore the fact that most builders/construction workers/engineers are male and that studies show that male babies prefer tools over dolls, amazing how a male child naturally goes for something that later on in life is seen as a stereotypical male thing, almost like it's biologically driven
>first of all cemented gender roles existed and exist in societies that havent reached the need to change them,
Amazing how these "gender roles" are universal regardless of culture, amazing how in what is regarded as the least sexist societies(Nordic countries) women are more likely to do jobs that are associated with women, such as nursing, almost like it's a biological urge
>The gender-equality paradox is an unexpected finding that countries which promote gender equality tend to have less gender balance in fields such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) but also in medicine or nursing
from the fucking population of several million people who revel in cancel culture and want to see their biases played out by a bunch of good looking people on a reality tv show, like think about who women hate most of all other women. Of course they want to see other women fail
they put the water on to boil
and the bitch who went to open it got scalded on her shoulder and arm
the container was fine I think
It did happen in 1 but maybe not the one we're all talking about
Think its the one where men killed a fucking crocodile and ate it and the producers led the women to cute little domesticated piglets and they couldn't bring themselves to kill and eat them
the men side was entertaining
the women side was annoying
They would quickly die from starvation or disease, maybe even getting killed by a predator.
I didn't get one over on you, we literally agree on gender not being the same as sex
>not an argument
yeah I don't know why you keep bragging about saying something pointless but whatever
>never said that
ok do you disagree then? if so, why?
>uhm sweety stereotypes and BIOLOGY mean a woman could never use her brain to build a house in the jungle if she had to do to survive
how do you actually believe this
>uhm gender roles exist
yes, and? doesn't mean women cannot do the jobs men do, they choose not to do so on average either due to society or personal want which may, yes be driven by biology but does not invalidate my claim that a woman genuinely cannot due to the will of God construct a shelter if need be
I'm not arguing against biology i'm arguing against your premise that women can't survive in the wilderness due to your feels over reals argument
>muh paradox
weird how despite that we still have more women coding and making video games and doing other stereotypically male jobs because our society is changing and with it, gender roles
weird how an antiquated society in the jungle that needs to eat pigs and have a woman to raise the future of their country isn't having women make video games instead of doing so and the men aren't picking up fashion design
really makes you think
anyway lads gotta go to the barber, been fun seeing you all admit gender=/= sex and that biology in survival does matter but is more or less negligible because you fat fuckers would die as quick as the women on this show did despite being male
fucking roasties ruining everything
>uhm sweety stereotypes and BIOLOGY mean a woman could never use her brain to build a house in the jungle if she had to do to survive
Can you show me houses built in the jungle by women?
>they choose not to do so on average either due to society or personal want which may
Gender equality paradox shows the exact opposite, the only places when women choose not to do female orientated jobs are in third world countries where they go for any job they can, where as women in societies with equality go for roles naturally suited for women because they are free to pursue their innate biologically driven desire
>weird how despite that we still have more women coding and making video games and doing other stereotypically male jobs because our society is changing and with it, gender roles
That's because of economic pressure, just like how women in third world countries go for a job purely for economically reasons, some western women are now doing the same, just look at the cost of living in cities in the west, you need a high paying salary to live a middle class lifestyle
nobody's bragging but you, sweetheart
>one more woman has dropped out
>another is just lying there starving
>the producers tie up a pig for the girls to go get
>they accidentally let it loose
nah bro. just go.
if you are still worry just late night on a sun - wednesday
>tits growing with belly
>girl looking radiant
kinos for this blessed feel
also, more?
>That's because of economic pressure, just like how women in third world countries go for a job purely for economically reasons, some western women are now doing the same, just look at the cost of living in cities in the west, you need a high paying salary to live a middle class lifestyle
Also because of affirmative action and gender quotas women are being severely pressured into these jobs instead of just letting people choose naturally.
In Scandinavia where they removed all quotas the differences in women and men jobs actually increased, not decreased.
I'm not that user but that definition of gender is poorly defined and filled with inconsistencies. Females are largely feminine but there are also some outliers that possess masculine traits. Do those females become men all of a sudden? Are sissy males women?
Who they arbitrarily identify as has no bearing because you're defining gender by sexual dimorphisim.
there's interesting theories about human and primate cognition based on observing modern apes that suggest that technology is passed down the female line since females raise the young allowing the younger ones to mimic the behaviour, and they also have a better memory (stemming from increased social interaction) for behaviour. Males are more isolated and any discovery they make dies with them.
After reading everything I think I understand what you're on about.
You're saying the ability to survive in the wilderness is based entirely on culture, which may be a proponent of it but certainly not he entirety.
A tribal women would have more success in the wild than a non-tribal women, which is obvious when you have experience in something you perform better than those without.
But still:
tribal men > tribal women
regular men > regular women
So men are naturally better than women at survival, not because of some bullshit social construction or gender roles, but because it's been hardwired into our DNA from millions of years of evolution.
That's not to say a women couldn't do these things, but men, on average, are significantly better at it.
it's not. stop making up shit
>ten minutes later
>pig just lying there
>women talking themselves into it
>we can do this
>we're stronger than the pig
>are you committed?
It just goes to show the superiority of men is so blatantly obvious and common sense that even Indians get it.
But it isn't just India it's also china.
>that was the most intense thing ever
>stick breaks on way back to camp
>wash the sand off in the ocean
I'll give you the pill im swallowing at the moment to keep my hope alive....
>Dont worry about how easy women have it, or their obvliviousness too it.
It's just the way it is.
>Focus on self improvement, optimism, and creating and saving money
You'll have to grind for happiness
>You might never get the kind of love or life you want, but most likely you'll find something tolerable
basically to keep you from killing yourself over the next 50-60 years
life as an average man.
Women alone in the jungle have very little chance of long term survival, since they lack they athletic ability and hand eye coordination to hunt consistently. The only way they'd be able to get enough protein/iron/b12 is if they were able find a supply of fish or shellfish that they can harvest year round, otherwise they're going to either die of malnutrition or get to weak to keep gathering food and starve.
Feminist dogma doesn't fill stomach, sweety.
>basically to keep you from killing yourself over the next 50-60 years
fuck that my life has been shit since i was 8 and my savings run out this month. enjoy hell you miserable cucks, oblivion here i come
sad the website for the show apparently is gone
would be interested to see what they added to the island for the contestants
>According to Channel 4, an island that has the natural resources necessary for the men to survive a month was chosen. Additional yuca plants were planted in order to supplement the existing supply, extra animals indigenous to the islands such as caiman were also added, and a fresh water source was topped up before filming. The participants were given training about animals native to the island that are on the protected species list, and each received one day's survival training, including advice on how to catch and humanely kill caiman. The men were given machetes and knives, head torches, an initial one-day water supply, and an emergency medical kit. In addition, the participants had GPS spot trackers, and access to radio and satellite phone in case of an emergency.[14] The second series participants were given two days survival training.
The women were obviously being given extra food and water by the producers though. If you watch the original series, the guys were literally melting muscle and fat despite catching fish, crabs and an alligator at one point. Meanwhile, the women find no food for days and one group spends several days wandering all over the island in the scorching heat without catching anything or boiling any water, yet they exhibited absolutely no ill effects from starvation or dehydration.
>they exhibited absolutely no ill effects from starvation or dehydration
Other than maybe growing more and more retarded.
At some point they are already extremely dehydrated and instead of doing literally anything to ensure their survival they decide to take a fucking sunbath thus losing even more water.
You need to actually watch Survivor to know why that type of thing happens buddy. Every time a woman acts like a "man" or a man acts like a "woman" they immediately become targets and get voted out sooner or later.
Same thing happens when it comes to hunting for idols
I remember that group drinking turbid puddles at one point too. They weren't super bright.